Batman Returns or Superman Returns?


Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
I think this poll was made long ago, but to refresh the ideas and opinion, based on two films that do not share any similarity apart from the title :grin:

So, which film do you prefer?



I'm a batfan, so...:whatever:
That's a tough one. Both movies have a fantastic atmosphere and some great moments. SUPERMAN RETURNS clearly has bigger moments and better special effects, but RETURNS has some great ones, too circa 1991. I'm gonna give it to BATMAN RETURNS because of the sheer weird-comic book vibe and the great performances by everyone involved.
I'm a HUGE fan of Batman and of Tim Burton, and I happen to love BR, so my vote has to go to that.
Batman Returns by far. SR was terrible.
I´m not really a fan of Burton, but Batman Returns wins this easily.
Superman Returns. I like the first Burton Batman flick but Returns was just ok.
Batman Returns is my favorite superhero movie, and one of those movies I can watch a million times and it never gets old. It wins easily.
I don't think they are particularly comparable as i consider them to be films from different genres...

Bats is more of a gothic surreal reality superhero movie while superman returns is a hyper realistic take on a superhero movie. It'd be like comparing a cartoon to live action.
BR, easy, although I do agree with Rain on this one. :)
Superman Returns. Never understood the animosity towards it, it's a top five superhero movie for me.
I don't think they are particularly comparable as i consider them to be films from different genres...

Bats is more of a gothic surreal reality superhero movie while superman returns is a hyper realistic take on a superhero movie. It'd be like comparing a cartoon to live action.
you have money only for one dvd.
which one would you buy? batman returns or superman returns?
why make it so complicated? :hehe:
Batman returns was too Tim Burtonish for me. I was already sick of his style at the end of the first film. I prefer Batman Begins and Nolan's style without a doubt. But comparing it to Superman Returns...I'll take Supes.
Batman: The ludicrous army of penguins is only half as annoying as the overused blue and brown palette in Superma returns.
I wasn't a big fan of Superman returns but I hated Batman returns on all levels, so Superman.
I thought Superman Returns was superior on every level to Batman Returns however I realize some people were turned off because it was just upgraded rehash. Still it was good rehash. Batman Returns was a circus.
I thought Superman Returns was superior on every level to Batman Returns however I realize some people were turned off because it was just upgraded rehash. Still it was good rehash. Batman Returns was a circus.

But, to be fair, a good circus.
Batman Returns and Superman Returns are just far, far too different to compare IMO.
Superman Returns was abit boring to me. I don't know, I just didn't really like it. But that's my opinion..

So I'd have to say Batman Returns.
you have money only for one dvd.
which one would you buy? batman returns or superman returns?
why make it so complicated? :hehe:
When you look at it from this perspective, then quality of the films completely goes out of the window and other factors come into it...

batman returns has been shown alot recelently on television so i would end up buying superman returns (which is exactly what i did).

Whether i watch one or the other completely depends on what type of mood i am in and how i wished to be entertained.:cwink:

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