I've had no problems downloading it, sorry.
Just finished reading the script and thought it worked stronger than the Abram's Superman Lives script. Whilst there were fewer characters and very little mythology, there was more focus on Superman and the fact he was Kryptonian. There was less action than SL, and Supes did far less heroic acts.
Batman was written FAR better than Supes though (in fact, I could totally see Bale playing this role, but in 10 years time). The problem is that the 'villains' were criminally underused (if the film was 2 hours long, they wouldn't turn up until 50 minutes and 60 minutes respectively), and only had a grand total of 3 scenes each. On top of that, the 3 female roles were all underwritten (We don't see what makes Elizabeth so special that Bruce would kill for her, Barbara is from Batman Begins and in 3 scenes, and Lana is too perfect). As for another LL, she's not even seen in the film once.
The continuity in this script is crazier than any I've read in other scripts, TV shows, films, or comics. It may have been a stronger script, but a less than average film.