Best and Worst Director's Cuts


Not lactose, it's milk!
Oct 23, 2002
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What are some director's cuts that were either good or bad to you?
The only one I've watched was Daredevil's, and it made the movie 10x better.
I think the Ring 2 was better as a Directors Cut.
I don't know about anyone else, but I didn't like The Warriors Director's Cut. And BTW, I meant to put this in Misc. Films.
I think the Ring 2 was better as a Directors Cut.

But how much better? 'Cause the Ring 2 REALLY sucked!! The short film that fills in the gap between the first and second films would have been great if they had expanded that into a full-length feature.
I'll probably be in the minority in this one, but I'm not a fan of the director's cut of Blade Runner. I missed the voiceovers.
I don't think it was much better, but it did explain the story a bit better, & wasn't so fast. They slowed down alot of scenes. Like Aiden in the bathroom scene was much better. But no it isn't nearly as good as the first.
was the Fantastic Four extended edition considered a director's cut? The extended version was much better than the theatrical.
was the Fantastic Four extended edition considered a director's cut? The extended version was much better than the theatrical.

Yeah, I was going to name that one.
I liked the Aliens Director's cut and LOTR extended cuts alot better.

The Hellboy director's cut was terrible, added nothing but screen time.
I've never seen the LOTR extended cuts. Hell, I barely sat through the theatrical versions. That was mainly an issue with large sodas, though.
Superman II the Richard Donner cut. Better than the original, by far.
-Lord of the Rings Trilogy Extended Versions
-Terminator 2: Judgment Day
-Live Free or Die Hard (watch the unrated version, don't bother with the PG-13 version)

I regret buying the piece of crap Troy director's cut. They completely butchered the musical score (they even put in music from the "Planet of the Apes" remake) and the editing was shoddy.

Why is this in the Celebrities section?
I've never seen the LOTR extended cuts. Hell, I barely sat through the theatrical versions. That was mainly an issue with large sodas, though.

it makes getting through them easier because a lot of the humour is left in.
Example of worst director's cuts? I have just one name for you: Uwe Boll.
Alien 3 (although it's billed as a "producer's cut")
Okay... didn't realize that Extended was the same as Director's Cut. In that case, the Lord Of The Rings trilogy was WAY better Extended. In fact, I can't watch the theatrical versions anymore and gave them away. It's only part of the story.
-Lord of the Rings Trilogy Extended Versions
-Terminator 2: Judgment Day
-Live Free or Die Hard (watch the unrated version, don't bother with the PG-13 version)

I regret buying the piece of crap Troy director's cut. They completely butchered the musical score (they even put in music from the "Planet of the Apes" remake) and the editing was shoddy.

Why is this in the Celebrities section?
Troy sucked anyway.
the most recent (and final) cut of Superman. Yeah...that was just lame.
The director's cut of Kingdom of Heaven as seen ^^ is indeed amazing and proof positive that editing can make huge differences (as well as leaving in the whole ****ing story)..

As for some bad ones, well I wouldn't call them bad but I was honestly unimpressed by the extended cuts of LOTR. Only TTT benefited as a film from the extra scenes while FOTR and especially ROTK were too long, had no pacing or narrative flow and just kind of plodded through. They were kind of a warning that Jackson doesn't know when to cut something which became much more evident in the THEATRICAL CUT of King Kong. While that is a good movie, it is hampered by being about half an hour too long. Dear God, I'd hate to see the "extended director's cut" of that.
lethal weapon DC added a few extra intro scenes. Riggs's scene was badass
I hear "Blade Runner: The Final Cut" is good but haven't seen it yet.
Daredevil DC, I think if this had been the version to come out the movie would have been received a lot better.

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