Out of all the thousands of commentaries out there, which are amongst the very best, and which should be avoided at all costs?
My choices:-
(1) Bryan Singer on X1 and X2 - starts off a little nervous, but becomes both entertaining AND informative (you should hear his plans for X3 - oh well.....)
(2) Nick Meyer on Star Trek: Wrath of Khan - Here's the most successful writer / director of the film franchise starting a commentary by admitting his first response to directing the film was "Star Trek - that show with the guy with the ears?". Yet, listening to this commentary, you get an idea that this guy respected the series MORE than Rodenberry, Braga (and probably Abram's too).
(3) Shatner and Nimoy on Star Trek IV - Its Kirk and Spock on the funniest Trek movie - enough said!
(4) Joss Whedon on Angel / Buffy / Firefly - I don't need to comment on this anymore.....
(5) Bruce Campbell on Evil Dead (and as Elvis in Bubba Hotep) - again, no explanation necessary...
(6) Richard Donner and Tom Mancieweiz on Superman The Movie - Donner forgets half the stuff they did, half the stories they tell are already known, but when both act like 5 year olds when the Salkinds names come up, you've struck gold!!!!
(7) All Star Trek text commentaries - informative and easy to fast forward!
(1) The cast of Star Trek 3 - Nimoy or Bennett (the producer) alone were OK, but a cut and paste job of 5-6 people makes me give up.
(2) Tim Burton - the cure for insomnia.
(3) Ridley Scott - If Tim Burton doesn't work.
(4) Lucas and co. on the Star Wars DVDs - Cut and paste jobs - check. Droning voices - Check. 10 minutes of talk on effects and advances in CGI - check. 5 seconds of comments on plot/character in the WHOLE commentary at a moment you miss - Check.
(5) Bond, James Bond. See above.
My choices:-
(1) Bryan Singer on X1 and X2 - starts off a little nervous, but becomes both entertaining AND informative (you should hear his plans for X3 - oh well.....)
(2) Nick Meyer on Star Trek: Wrath of Khan - Here's the most successful writer / director of the film franchise starting a commentary by admitting his first response to directing the film was "Star Trek - that show with the guy with the ears?". Yet, listening to this commentary, you get an idea that this guy respected the series MORE than Rodenberry, Braga (and probably Abram's too).
(3) Shatner and Nimoy on Star Trek IV - Its Kirk and Spock on the funniest Trek movie - enough said!
(4) Joss Whedon on Angel / Buffy / Firefly - I don't need to comment on this anymore.....
(5) Bruce Campbell on Evil Dead (and as Elvis in Bubba Hotep) - again, no explanation necessary...
(6) Richard Donner and Tom Mancieweiz on Superman The Movie - Donner forgets half the stuff they did, half the stories they tell are already known, but when both act like 5 year olds when the Salkinds names come up, you've struck gold!!!!
(7) All Star Trek text commentaries - informative and easy to fast forward!
(1) The cast of Star Trek 3 - Nimoy or Bennett (the producer) alone were OK, but a cut and paste job of 5-6 people makes me give up.
(2) Tim Burton - the cure for insomnia.
(3) Ridley Scott - If Tim Burton doesn't work.
(4) Lucas and co. on the Star Wars DVDs - Cut and paste jobs - check. Droning voices - Check. 10 minutes of talk on effects and advances in CGI - check. 5 seconds of comments on plot/character in the WHOLE commentary at a moment you miss - Check.
(5) Bond, James Bond. See above.