Best Batman Score


Dec 28, 2006
Reaction score
So which score does everyone like best? The B89 score is classic and just invokes Batman after a few notes. But I think I like the score for Nolan's franchise better. Just hearing it in the teaser trailer gave me chills. It's seems more regal, and yet menacing.

But hey, the 60s Batman theme is good Leader! I mean, Batman!
Batman's best score was Viki Vale ;)
You forget the Batman forever theme.
Although the worst it deserves to be mentioned
I never really thought the BF theme was that different from the original B89 theme. Is there a place where I can hear it?
B89 easily, though that's not a knock on BB.
Elfman's score >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else.

Edit: BTW, I think Shirley Walker's Mask of the Phantasm score deserves an honorable mention.
I have all of the scores from each movie and I will say this:

Batman 89 was amazing. Every time I hear each score I can picture the scene in my head as well as do the dialogue with it. Danny Elfman outdid himself there.

Batman Returns is actualy ten times better than the original. I blare the opening sequence in my car when I listen to it all the time. Each theme for each character is very obvious with the waddle of the penguin's horn section to the screeching strings for Catwoman.

Batman Forever and B&R: Forever was okay but it isn't Elfman. B&R used the same exact score but it was slower (I dont think they even released a score CD for B&R).

Batman Begins is not really good. There were times that I was waiting for a big themed moment in the film and it never came. Only real goo parts with the score was the Ra's/Bruce fight in the beginning when everything was blowing up, monorail with Batman hanging on and the end with a hint of a theme for Batman. Zimmer said that Batman needed to earn the theme and that was why it wasnt in it. I had many moments in the car listening to the CD and had to turn up the volume because the score was so soft I couldn't hear it. I hear a definate theme in the first teaser and I hope it is more prevailant in the Dark Knight. At this time, I only own the first two scores both by Elfman.

So my grades are:

B89: A
BR: A+
B&R: F
BB: C-

IMO of course.
Elfman's score >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else.

Edit: BTW, I think Shirley Walker's Mask of the Phantasm score deserves an honorable mention.

Yes. I remember seeing it in theaters and it was really loud. It set the mood for every scene. Plus the Animated Series theme is also good. I think Elfman did that one too.
I have all of the scores from each movie and I will say this:

Batman 89 was amazing. Every time I hear each score I can picture the scene in my head as well as do the dialogue with it. Danny Elfman outdid himself there.

Batman Returns is actualy ten times better than the original. I blare the opening sequence in my car when I listen to it all the time. Each theme for each character is very obvious with the waddle of the penguin's horn section to the screeching strings for Catwoman.

Batman Forever and B&R: Forever was okay but it isn't Elfman. B&R used the same exact score but it was slower (I dont think they even released a score CD for B&R).

Batman Begins is not really good. There were times that I was waiting for a big themed moment in the film and it never came. Zimmer said that Batman needed to earn the theme and that was why it wasnt in it. I had many moments in the car listening to the CD and had to turn up the volume because the score was so soft I couldn't hear it. I hear a definate theme in the first teaser and I hope it is more prevailant in the Dark Knight.

So my grades are:

B89: A
BR: A+
B&R: F
BB: C-

IMO of course.

I couldn't agree more. Batman Returns' score is truly a masterpiece. IMO it's Elfman's finest work. I love that score so much, I was actually just listening to it on my iPod before I logged on. Just a masterpiece.
Yes. I remember seeing it in theaters and it was really loud. It set the mood for every scene. Plus the Animated Series theme is also good. I think Elfman did that one too.

The animated series' theme actually was a different version of Elfman's original '89 theme redone by Shirley Walker I believe.
The animated series' theme actually was a different version of Elfman's original '89 theme redone by Shirley Walker I believe.

Not saying I dont believe you but if you have a season of the animated series, check the credits. I remember seeing Elfman's name on it. Also check too. If course I could be wrong and it could say 'original score by: Danny Elfman' and Shirley's name somewhere else.
Begins... sorry, but I gotta go with Hans Zimmer on everything he does.
Elfman is still the most representative.

The BB score is very good IMO, but musically Batman is Elfman's (musical) score.
Elfman's Batman theme is The Batman Theme.
wtf, who could vote for Batman Begins as the best score? It didn't have that Big Punch, they even said it was incomplete. kids, i swear, kids.

Agreed. Zimmer said that Batman had to earn his theme because it was BEGINS...the newest trailer has the theme in it and it sounds good BUT it is not elfman's theme.
wtf, who could vote for Batman Begins as the best score? It didn't have that Big Punch, they even said it was incomplete. kids, i swear, kids.

Agreed. Zimmer said that Batman had to earn his theme because it was BEGINS...the newest trailer has the theme in it and it sounds good BUT it is not elfman's theme.

accidentally sent 2wice. ignore.
60's FTW!!

...anyways, I really love the BB score. Although I still wanna hear those opera-like background voices during the theme.
Batman Returns has a far better music score than batman 89.
Overall, While I like Begins score, prefer Elfman's score on returns.

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