I'm not sure what happened but I was happy with Favreau directing IM2. Maybe he was forced with all the Avengers stuff but IM2 was not the fun adventure the first was, not by far. Even the action was little and average. But I thought that maybe he would be given more freedom if he directed 3. Now I'll never know. But if every Marvel movie is going to be Avengers-oriented then I have lost my interest in anything Marvel.
Yeah, Faverau wanted 3yrs for IM2, to be able to deliver the movie he wanted to, Marvel refused and only allowed him 2, prob because they did not want it overcrowding with Cap and Thor the next year, and to keep the momentum going for Avengers.
and I agree with you about the action scenes, the grand prix scene was top quality, the rest were forgettable, Whiplash was hardly used at all in the finale, what we got from him was good, but too short.
and one thing I have never liked in superhero cartoons is when the hero fights robots, the Spider-slayers, the robots in the Secret Wars adaptation...so I was not very into the fight with the drones, if it had been choereographed well, I might have enjoyed a lot on an aesthetic level, if not dramatic, but as you say, it was just a bunch of constant shooting.
I'm not voting just yet, maybe Kick-Ass, but I have only seen SP once and gave it a 10/10, so I have to see it again, I've seen KA a few times.
edit: ok, i went for spvtw, it was more the more original movie, and i can't imagine my opinion of it will change, i don't need to see it again to know that, it was one of those film viewings that stays with you after filling you up with the goodness. KA was also v good, but in essence it was another just another sh movie, a good one though.
Haven't seen JH or TL.