Best non action scene?


Badass Cloud
Mar 5, 2003
Reaction score
There are some really good non-action scene's in this movie, from Betty's dream to David taking out baby Bruce's dummy. My personal favourite would have to be David's confession to Betty about what happened to Bruce's Mother. Really powerful scene IMO, the music, setting, acting, diologue, everything are just perfect.

What are your favourite non action scene's guys and gals?
I thought someone had done this thread before, but i couldnt find it Sava.
its buried in SHH hell :(
Like so many good threads, these message boards used to be a lot better than they are now IMO.
there were alot more people posting here back then
True, but they have left because the boards are not what they once were IMO. You can barely have an opinion here these days without someone jumping on you for it.
I also hate the anger in some of the users posts. But anyway I like the part where the hulk shrinks back to human form near the end.
Thats another good one Lexcorp, and i agree with all of your post
Thank you, there is another scene where the hulk has just escaped from the military after jumping away and he stops near a rock and gets all caught up in the beauty of his surroundings like he is remembering the human side of him or something. I liked that. My first post with my new sig. Awesome! :hulk:
Ha ha, good sig. Another good non action scene is when Betty finally meets here dad at the restaurant, just before the first Hulk out. Some good emotion in that scene IMO.
I guess you'd call this a non-action sequence, but the scene where young David Banner rushes out of the room to kill young Bruce is great. There is such rage and emotion in his face that it always gives me a chill.

And you gotta give credit for the brilliant casting of the young Thunderbolt Ross. When he's sitting in the ice cream shop and he arches his eyebrows, smiles and half-nods at young Betty, he IS a young Sam Elliott.
Well, the first one you mention is the first one i mentioned in this thread, LOL it happens when David is confessing to Betty about what happened to Bruce's mother, it is a long scene but still counts as one i think.

The second one i totally agree with you on, that guy just so is a young Sam Elliott its scary, and great casting.
the whole cast was spot on perfect IMO, Betty and Bruce's mother looked really alike and you could see why Hulk love's her.
Sava said:
the whole cast was spot on perfect IMO, Betty and Bruce's mother looked really alike and you could see why Hulk love's her.

:up: Totally agree Sava, was a big strongpoint of the movie.
i would have liked to see more scens of her, she was good
She was good, she made a very big impact on the story and had the acting chops to convince in every scene she was in.
Fav non-action scenes:

1. David Banner's Confession
2. David Banner's Freak Out (end of movie)
3. Betty and Bruce's dream within a dream.
Truth Revealed.

Every scene with baby/child Bruce (man, those kids' acting were amazing).

Gral. Ross threatening Bruce with that gigantic close-up.

The final Bruce/David talking.

The Talbot/Bruce/Betty convo with the splitted screen showing their glances at the end.
i'd also like to add that scene where Bruce as a child is watching his mother doing something in the garden and smile's at her ... :( the music in that scene was great :up:
the drama in that movie for 40 minutes almost made me forgot that i was watching a comic book based film!It was great!If the HULK didn't show up i would have thought i was watching shawshank redemption!hehehe...
anyways the action and drama have huge impacts they are as great taking out from one to another!wouldn't you guys agree?
I completely agree Hulkster, the first 40 mins do not seem like a comic book movie which is no bad thing IMO, it sets up the following story in a great way.
There are some really good non-action scene's in this movie, from Betty's dream to David taking out baby Bruce's dummy. My personal favourite would have to be David's confession to Betty about what happened to Bruce's Mother. Really powerful scene IMO, the music, setting, acting, diologue, everything are just perfect.

What are your favourite non action scene's guys and gals?

The DOG FIGHT and such.....:marv:

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