that point in Toy Story 3 where they are about to fall into an incinerator and they all give eachother basically the saddest look of all time and join hands.
Bruce Lee vs everyone is the first one I thought of.
Also the big final gunfight in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
This one's the first one i thought of when i saw this topicJAK®;20242789 said:Micheal Corleone getting ready to shoot Sollozzo and MacKluskey in the restaurant, with the train screeching in the background.
JAK®;20242789 said:Micheal Corleone getting ready to shoot Sollozzo and MacKluskey in the restaurant, with the train screeching in the background.
Honestly the first one that came to mind is when Anakin tells Mace what Palpatine is up to in Episode 3 and then there's that scene with the haunting music playing while Anakin is sitting there thinking about what to do. I've always loved that scene.
So? There's been a lot of great moments in film in the past 10 years. Lord of the Rings alone should belong to the same league as The Godfather, 2001, Gone With The Wind, etc. It's earned its spot in cinematic history. It doesn't mean that we haven't seen older films. Maybe we just find more memorable moments in the newer ones because they're fresher in our minds. Having said that...Seriously? Lord of the Rings, The Dark Knight, Tron: Legacy, Inception, Toy Story 3, The Departed? Do you all of you not have any movie knowledge beyond 5 years ago? This is a serious question and not meant to be insulting. It's astonishing how people really don't watch old movies. No wonder they're remade all the time, and then people complain. Well, maybe if people watched the old ones, Hollywood wouldn't bother remaking them.