Best Zombie Movie....Ever


Goddess in Residence
May 26, 2002
Reaction score
start up your best zombie impersonation!...aaarrrrrrrrghhh!!
Night of the Living Dead, but I also liked 28 days later :)
"Night Of The Living Dead" (original) crude,creepy and brilliant. One of the greatest horror films of all time
People are rating 28 Days higher that the original DotD?! Never thought I'd live to see the day. Pardon the pun. 28 isn't half the film Dawn is, if only because of it's completely butchered ending - pardon another pun.

28 was okay, but a genre classic it isn't. It dosn't even come close to touching the original "Night" either.
...also missing: DotD remake and Land of the Dead - a worthy entry on Romero's resume'.
I guess it isn't really fair that I voted in this poll. I've only seen "Shaun".

I love the British ;) :up:
Oh and 28 Days isn't a zombie movie, but the original ending did kick so much more ass.
logan_weapon_x said:
Oh and 28 Days isn't a zombie movie, but the original ending did kick so much more ass.
You mean when the chicken replaced Cillian Murphy:rolleyes:
NOFX said:
Oh Im sorry what was this original ending??

It went something like, Jim (Cillian's character) actually became infected and was left tied up where you see the monkeys at the start, and the ending scene was the girl and the woman escaping, as Jim is tied to the bed looking at all the violent images on the screens.
logan_weapon_x said:
It went something like, Jim (Cillian's character) actually became infected and was left tied up where you see the monkeys at the start, and the ending scene was the girl and the woman escaping, as Jim is tied to the bed looking at all the violent images on the screens.
I must have have saw a different ending than..........Because the one I saw Cillian died after he got into that car accident.....and he was replaced by a Chicken.:o
NOFX said:
I must have have saw a different ending than..........Because the one I saw Cillian died after he got into that car accident.....and he was replaced by a Chicken.:o

Nah you're thinking of the alternate ending for Batman Begins where Katie Holmes thinks he's a chicken and tries to roast him.
I'm partial to Return of the Living Dead myself :)
I cant believe you guys are debating how dead or undead a zombie is???:rolleyes:
ssj4 vegetto said:
New Dawn of the dead is the most realistic

HAHAHA your talkinga bout realistic with a movie about ZOMBIES, hahahaha you guys crack me :D
Night of the Creeps was kind of dumb. But it had the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in it. I think her name is Jill Whitlow!

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