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Bought/Thought "Can't think of a spiffy title" Edition for Nov 8th


May 22, 2005
Reaction score
Superman #657-Still trying to wrap my head around what's going on.Don't really understand Subjekt-17's place in the story now.Pacheco really stepped up his art this issue,so the lateness is pretty excuseable.The harsh textures in the future setting looked great.These gaze into the future stories are always fun but in this issue the art won out over the story.Hopefully 658 explains things a bit better and gives us a solid resolution.

Green Lantern #14-The hunt for Hal Jordan begins.Everyone from the Global Guardians to the Red Rockets to intergalactic bounty hunters are after this guy.We find out a bit more about what happened after Hal's plane crashed in the middle east and how they escaped.I liked seeing Hal kick some ass without the ring.The last page was a nice cliffhanger,but I can kind of see what's going to happen.[BLACKOUT]Abin's son probably won't have the willpower to wear and use the ring.[/BLACKOUT]Either way,this is shaping up to be a kickass arc.Can't wait to see Arrow,Arsenal and Alan Scott come in.

Teen Titans #40-Yet to be read.
Annihilation #4: [BLACKOUT] Drax survived, and heads out to kill Thanos. Meanwhile, Thanos learns via Moondragon's telepathy that Annihilus plans on destroying the universe, not just conquering it. Thanos only joined Annihilus to see what would happen during the war, but after learning of Annihilus's true intentions, attempts to disconnect Galactus from the world eating machine, as only his power signature will allow the disconnect to go through. But before Thanos can disconnect Galactus, Drax arrives, and despite Moondragon's efforts to prevent it, Drax kills Thanos, dooming the universe to extinction![/BLACKOUT] Wasn't really interested in many of the cosmic characters before Annihilation, but I think I'm going to have to pick up some of the spin-offs after it finishes.
Ncrawler333 said:
Annihilation #4: [blackout] Drax survived, and heads out to kill Thanos. Meanwhile, Thanos learns via Moondragon's telepathy that Annihilus plans on destroying the universe, not just conquering it. Thanos only joined Annihilus to see what would happen during the war, but after learning of Annihilus's true intentions, attempts to disconnect Galactus from the world eating machine, as only his power signature will allow the disconnect to go through. But before Thanos can disconnect Galactus, Drax arrives, and despite Moondragon's efforts to prevent it, Drax kills Thanos, dooming the universe to extinction![/blackout] Wasn't really interested in many of the cosmic characters before Annihilation, but I think I'm going to have to pick up some of the spin-offs after it finishes.

Holy ****! Surely not, I mean annihilitations in continuity. Just another way annihilation has been superior to civil war. When they [BLACKOUT]kill someone, it's someone[/BLACKOUT] who MATTERS!
What the ****, Annihilation 4 came out today?
Got a dozen or so books this week, but I've only read a couple so far:

Gen 13 - 2 - Honestly, I can't understand why everyone hates Gen 13, Gail Simone, and Talent Caldwell with such a fiery passion. I haven't read any other of Simone's books, and this is the first thing by Caldwell that I've actually bought, and while both have a few stumbles here and there, there's a good deal of tongue-in-cheek humor here. It reads as an Ultimate Gen 13, basically, revamping the original book, and I'm enjoying it.

Local - 7 - Didn't get this, ... last week, ... week before last? Anyways, as much as I like Local, it really wasn't worth the wait. The whole angry white kid that listens to nu-metal and rap, drinking Colt 45, etc. subculture never made any damn sense to me. Megan's the interesting character, and her trying to stay in touch with family was pretty intimate considering it'd never been mentioned before. It was a good way to round out a character without them even appearing.

The Super Naturals - 1 - Weird book. Humans are considered monsters, and monsters are considered normal. Lots of decent action and some really neat designs for some of the monsters, with a Savage Dragon cameo (kinda), even. Jay's mom looks like she'd fit right in with the cast of Gargoyles if she traded in the extra arms for some wings.

Ultimate X-Men - 76 - One of two Ultimate books I considered dropping, just because the writing sucked, although I think UFF's art is also near unbearable, but that's a different rant. The Wolverine/Cable angle is a stark contrast to 616, and I didn't like where it was going, but now we've got an aging Bishop, and Cable's got himself a little team assembled, though I only recognized Domino. Kirkman saved himself with this issue, we got some dialogue, we got some motivation, new characters, and some decent action. Let's hope he doesn't screw it up, ...

Teen Titans - 40 - I predicted Bombshell, just because I'd never heard of her before, and she seemed like a control freak, though I guess it doens't really matter, since I still don't know what the traitor actually did. Raven, who Johns still can't get a grasp on brings back Jericho, who he probably won't handle well, through burning a computer disc or something. Once again, don't really know why, and don't particularly care. I'd rather have focus on characters that he can handle pretty well, like Kid Devil, and to a lesser extent Robin, than bring in tons of new characters that will all have the same voice. But, with Titans East starting in a month or two, just the opposite is gonna happen. I'm gonna try and keep some faith, but I can't honestly say I'm excited about all this.

Edit: I just wrote three more reviews and the board crapped out on me, logged me out, and the second half of my post was lost. Since there's no way I'm going to write all that crap down again, I'll do it quick and dirty.

Batman - 658 - Decent enough, more interested what repercussions this might have down the road than the anticlimactic ending. Also, if Dini's next issue comes out before 659, why is 659 being touted as the return of the Joker?

Eternals - 5 - Not really interested in Druig, despite it all being written and drawn well. I'm more excited for Makarri and Sersi to power up and help take the sleeping Celestial back down.

CW: Young Avengers & Runaways - 4 - Chase, Speed, and Vision all got the best scenes, stepped up, and blew all the other members out of the water. Noh-varr's gonna be some serious trouble down the line, but I doubt it will be too soon.
X-men First Class #2 - Fun Read...kind of in the verin of the Marvel Age stuff.

Ultimate X-men #76 - Groan....the first 20 issues of UXM were sooooo good....I wish Millar never left the tittle.

Green Arrow #68 - Really good issue...nothing major happens..Ollie kicks ass. Thats about it.

Earths Mightiest Heroes #1 - Yet to Read

52 - #24 & #27 - I finaly tracked down #24 so I can read a month at once now.

New X-men - Yet to Read

Young Avengers/Runaways #4 - Yet to Read

X-men Civil War - - Yet to Read

Tales of the unexpected #2 - Yet to Read

Captain Americe Winter Soldier TPBs #1 & #2 - Yet to Read
Spoilers throughout...

Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #4: Despite having a short week, this was still clear standout among the rest. The build up promised a big action finale, and it really didn't disppoint. The free YA and Runaways storm The Cube to rescue their friends, and Zeb Wells really does some great stuff here. Nico learns to use Latin phrases for spells Noh-Varr returns to fight them and kick more butt in pretty cool ways, Molly risks herself to save Old Lace from him which(and a little help from Speed later) snaps Chase out of his funk of treating Molly pretty badly so far throughout this mini. Speaking of Chase, he doesn't just command OL to fight, but also gets in on the action himself when Vision awesomely merges with him and whallops Noh somethin good. Vic ends up saving the day even though he's injured, showing he also knows how to use his brains remembering how his and Vision's programs react crazily with each other and uses that against the arm still in Noh's chest to take him out. On the other end, Zeb also does great drama here, because the scenes with the Warden and the kidnapped kids were tense. Especially in the case with Wiccin, who has his powers negated with ear devices that won't let him hear his own voice, continually trying to cast spells to make the Warden stop when he goes to dissect Teddy. The art really helps when you can really see his dispair at not being able to do anything as his boyfriend is cut into. Karolina is also at near tears hearing Xavin is dead, but like we all saw coming, he makes an incredibly bad ass return from the dead to free the others and take on the Warden. That's one thing that has really stood out for me with Wells' writing in this mini. He has taken two characters that can be a bit polarizing in Xavin and Speed, and shown them sides that make them quite sympathetic and cool. Then we have that great ending with Noh-Varr. I'm slightly disappointed that he didn't join a team like I'd hoped, but it's left wide open for more to happen to him, and I really hope that the big wigs at Marvel pay attention to this and do something great with him in the future.

Ultimate X-Men #76: So, we get definite confirmation that Cable is indeed a future Wolverine. Eh, I still don't know how I feel about this. It seems like too much of a cop out, bigger than him making Scott's son since it's just relying on the biggest character they have to try and validate the reason behind including Cable at all. The saving grace of this issue is that it's full of action and a few answers, even though the art is a terrible fit for the title. It makes sense to have a whole bunch of future technology available to take out these characters, because to come back unprepared would have been stupid, and Cable even points that out when he forgets about Rogue and Iceman. I thought that maybe something interesting would happen with Bishop showing up with white hair and possibly being Storm's kid, but nope, he's just an old guy. Not really that interesting, and seems expendable. Maybe they'll do better with Ultimate Domino and whoever else was with her on that final page.

Wisdom #1: I loves me some Doctor Who and Wisdom is a great smart ass so I couldn't really pass up this mini. Despite some jumpy scenes that feel like we missed a few panels here and there, it doens't really fail to disappoint. Creatures from Otherworld are coming over into our world and killing people and stealing babies. Turns out, Oberon wants an ambassador between Otherworld and Earth, but he ends up kidnapping the son of an important political leader, so MI-13 is called in to bring the kid back. Wisdom assembles a rag tag group of specially enabled members, including a foul-mouthed fairy daughter of Oberon, a Skrull, and a clairsentient that Pete's clearly got the hots for. Well, this team goes into Otherworld, guns-ablazing to confront Oberon and there's plenty of pixie gore to be spared. Wisdom promises that's just the start unless he hands the kid back over to his parents, so Oberon thinks they can go about this another way, if his daughter is up to it, and, well, I'll just let Pete say it for me: "The things I do for England." It seems like this mini will be a bunch of singular supernatural tales, but with a slight underlying storyline which seems like the clairsentient's son seems to have some occultish powers where he imagines practically eviscerating Wisdom at the end, and he'll probably tie into the big finale of the mini. Still, I think I'm gonna stick around for this.
New X-Men #32: Whatever Happened To Wither?

In which we stop and remember the slaughtered supporting cast, as well as the slaughtered X-Men of yesteryear (prominent namedrops including Jean, Banshee, and Thunderbird I), and renew the commitment to Xavier's Dream. It's a lovely coda to the "Childhood's End" story arc that ran from issue 20 to issue 31, and also introduces a plot strand that had been left hanging since issue 22 (?), where Wither finds himself homeless and despondent after learning about the deaths of so many of his friends at the Institute. There are all kinds of little callbacks here, both to past X-Men history, and to previous issues of the Kyle/Yost run, my favourite being the silent presence of Ms. Marvel at the memorial service, after Emma accused her and the other Avengers of ignoring mutants and their issues. Guest art is from Mike Norton (lately of Runaways, and he delivers some wonderful, clean work.
It's got sorrow and remembrance, but there there's a bit of comedy, including a fun acknowledgement of an X-Men web reviewer's nitpick, a cameo appearance by X-Factor Investigations, and some hints at future story development.

And there's Selene the psychic vampire in her Black Queen ensemble.

Thumbs up.
A rather heavy week (more expensive than the "end of month wallet-buster" from 2 weeks ago, but overall a good week. Even the book I expected to be a "dud", ULTIMATE X-MEN #76, was an improvement over last month (although it was still the worst book of the week, IMO). INVINCIBLE #36 is late and will be coming in next week, but as the slowness of the title (as Kirkman has been writing at least 3+ books since he launched the title in Jan. 2003) allowed me a lot of time to catch up via the trades, I can be patient.

As always, I never put spoiler tags here because this is the B/T. Spoilers are expected and encouraged.


52 WEEK #27:
After last week's slow issue, this one kicks it into high gear a little with an interesting mystical adventure with Ralph Dibney and the "Helmet of Fate". Last time around, Felix Faust got a good summary and this week's was even better. Turns out Ralph's choosing the "mystic" to speak to this week, and he seeks out the Spectre, who claims he is "without a host". Didn't he bond to some guy during IC, which happened before 52? Not a DC buff, could be wrong. Anyway, he asks Spectre to resurrect Sue and will offer anything in exchange, now fully informed that magic always has a price now in the DCU (because ANYTHING light and fluffy is not "cool" anymore). Spectre brings him to the entrapped-but-alive Eclipso, who's inside Jean Loring, who killed Sue in this little comic called IDENTITY CRISIS. Spectre can't kill her without a host, so he gives Ralph his powers and orders HIM to do it in exchange for Sue. What follows is a rivetting sequence as Ralph brings her to the past, strips her of her insanity and is set to torture her forever by watching herself kill Sue, over and over. At the last second, Ralph can't bare to watch it himself and cuts it off, losing Spectre's bargain but set on going elsewhere. Back on Earth, Montoya trains with Richard Dragon as we learn that, just as some posters predicted some time ago, Question is grooming a replacement (as he is sick from cancer and doesn't have long to live; they allude it to his past smoking but it'd have been ironic if it was caused by all his years using trippy gases). DC seems to have this need to incessantly replace their characters and while "legacies" are fun I think sometimes they seriously overdo it and underestimate the strength of some characters. Question/Vic Sage is cool enough, a female version (who is, GASP, a lesbian; sorry, Dan will NEVER outlive that immortal line) really won't help any. I get to thinking that all DC can think to do to "revitlize" a character these days is to "give the costume to someone else", and then they repeat it. The final subplot involves Skeets taking out other time-travellers, slaughting Waverider last. Skeets alludes that time-ground is fertile now and that Booster Gold's armor was made from the skin of Waverider, a retcon that, sigh, suggests Skeets, a former comedy sidekick and tension deflater, was evil all along; a tactic DC has ALSO overkilled on over the past 3 years or so. I'm waiting for Tawny to come back and rape someone at this rate. But, a good issue of 52 that really needed some oomph after 1-2 slow issues. It was also the first to not feature an appearence by the Black Marvel Family in ages, which is good; I was starting to get tired of 'em. The Ralph bit was great and while I had issues with the Question and the "Skeets was Evil" ploy, they were well done.

BATMAN #658: Running a few weeks behind (at least), the first arc of the Morrison/Kubert Batman run ends. Although Morrison's "anti-grim" approach may be refreshing to Batman, I just haven't been feeling it, and felt sometimes he was making Batman out to be too "generic superhero" by taking away his angst. This final issue, however, is easily the best of the bunch and has a fairly decent climax. Batman rushes back to the cave to find Robin badly injured by Damien (and after THE OMEN, is there any more of a stock name for an "evil kid" character? Why not make his full name "Damien Lucifer McEvilstien" while we're at it!?), but then also having to contend with Talia Al Ghul's Ninja Bat-Men (still corny) taking a hostage to secure the rights to an island for tactical reasons. Batman once again pulls an answer from his rear by locating some substance on Damien's face that leads him to Talia, but first he swings by Kirk Lanstrom's pad for a peek at his Man-Bat serum so he can give the British military an anti-dote. He and Damien have some amusing exchanges about a rocket and Batman naturally foils Talia's plot, which is revealed at wanting Batman to "uncorrupt" her and be a family together. Batman doesn't bite it and an explosion leaves them for another time. A good finale and honestly better than ULTIMATE X-MEN has been for months now, but I'll probably drop it now anyway. And as for "why is Morrison getting billing for a RETURN OF THE JOKER story when Dini's will do it first"? Easy. Morrison has A-list namepower in comics, and Dini doesn't. That was simple.

Comics Dread Bought & Read but lacks the time to comment on now:





Bought, but haven't read: MARVEL LEGACY: THE 1980'S
Titans was awesome.I've been enjoying this title since OYL.Definitely in my top 5.Great balance of superheroics,team bickering,drama and fantastic Daniels art.I'm just hoping that #41 comes out before years end.
Dread said:
And as for "why is Morrison getting billing for a RETURN OF THE JOKER story when Dini's will do it first"? Easy. Morrison has A-list namepower in comics, and Dini doesn't. That was simple.

Y'know, I realized what a stupid question that was after I looked it back over. What I really want to know is, are Dini's stories considered canon, or random one-shots?
hippy fascist said:
Holy ****! Surely not, I mean annihilitations in continuity. Just another way annihilation has been superior to civil war. When they [BLACKOUT]kill someone, it's someone[/BLACKOUT] who MATTERS!

I'm not one to be all "Annihilation > CW" but this issue was just awesome. Why couldn't Drax have waited like 5 mins!? :cmad:
So how has Eternals been? I think I left off on issue 2 or 3.
hippy fascist said:
Holy ****! Surely not, I mean annihilitations in continuity. Just another way annihilation has been superior to civil war. When they [BLACKOUT]kill someone, it's someone[/BLACKOUT] who MATTERS!

Said person is on the cover for #6.:o
GNR4Life said:
Green Lantern #14-The hunt for Hal Jordan begins.Everyone from the Global Guardians to the Red Rockets to intergalactic bounty hunters are after this guy.We find out a bit more about what happened after Hal's plane crashed in the middle east and how they escaped.I liked seeing Hal kick some ass without the ring.The last page was a nice cliffhanger,but I can kind of see what's going to happen.[BLACKOUT]Abin's son probably won't have the willpower to wear and use the ring.[/BLACKOUT]Either way,this is shaping up to be a kickass arc.Can't wait to see Arrow,Arsenal and Alan Scott come in.

I thought his plane fell somehwere with snow.:huh:
Darthphere said:
I thought his plane fell somehwere with snow.:huh:

Hey I'm a noob to DC so I'm not sure whether
Abin's son
has appeared in the comics before.
Ultimate X-Men #76-It's cool but not a whole lot happens.
GNR4Life said:
Hey I'm a noob to DC so I'm not sure whether
Abin's son
has appeared in the comics before.

Is it [blackout]Amon Sur[/blackout]?

Because he appeared in Ben Raab's Green Lantern run he was [blackout]incharge of an intergalactic terrorist ring called the Black Circle. It was **** and he died at the end (well he was stabbed and got blown up but hey it's comics)[/blackout].
yenaled said:
Is it [blackout]Amon Sur[/blackout]?

Because he appeared in Ben Raab's Green Lantern run he was [blackout]incharge of an intergalactic terrorist ring called the Black Circle. It was **** and he died at the end (well he was stabbed and got blown up but hey it's comics)[/blackout].

No wonder I forgot.
New X-Men #32: Kevin has been isolating himself in an apartment building with an old woman, who is later revealed as dun dun dun Selene. Smart move, let's spoil everyone by slapping the twist on the cover. So, this issue was good, the carnage seems to be over, but this could just be the calm before the storm. The short cameo by Rahne and Jamie was nice. They make sure that Kevin is safe and sound, but I was left befuddled by the fact that they didn't seem to bother checking the old woman he has been bonding with of late. It slows down a bit, taking a long overdue breather from the past ridiculous arcs. Josh is back, hooray, and he's determined to gain control of the naughty alien symbiote. There is a killer on the loose, absorbed dead bodies are popping up everywhere. Everyone grieves for everyone. The mother of the Guthries visits. Santo is auditioning new members for the team, and he is as jolly as ever. They need to do more than just put him in two panels. Sooraya breaks down crying in front of Lucinda. That was probably my favourite part of the book, but as if there were a handful. I liked when Carol came to pay her respect at the memorial service. As someone previously said, it was a nice nod back to when Emma confronted her about how nobody was there for the mutants. I want to drop this, but my misanthropic personality says otherwise. I'm interested to see what Selene does next. Good job, writers, but I still hate you.

Y - The Last Man #51: This book is to die for. So, we get to learn about the secret origin of Toyota. She was employed by Allison's father when she broke into his lab fifteen years ago. Toyota and 355 fight and then eventually, 355 wins and loses after she stabbed her in the temple and then got stabbed in the stomach by Toyota in the process. Her fate is left ambiguous, until next month. It is then revealed that Allison's father was the reason Allison's daughter died at birth and that he injected Ampersand with a virus that was designed to destroy Allison's samples of her genetic double. Lastly... he's gone mad and seems to want to leave the world to the women by poisoning Yorick and then committing suicide. This guy needs therapy. Dr. Mann's explanation for the plague is a mind-fu*k, I had to read it two or three times to get it, but I got it. It was, as expected, a wild ride, with twists and revelations and cliffhangers. It answers many questions, but creates new questions. Like, how the hell is Beth going to join in the craziness before it ends? If I'm not mistaken, it's ending somewhere around the sixtieth issue. It's not getting any further away. Speaking of which, Yorick will probably kill himself come the end of the book. It's probably because of when Cayce told Yorick that the last man in the play commits suicide and let the women save themselves, but I feel like everything has been pointing toward that road so far. This doesn't look like it's getting anywhere near a happy ending, with Yorick galloping the girl of his dreams down the sunset and blue birds singing in a tree.

Civil War: Young Avengers & Runaways #4: This has been a great mini. It starts off with the Warden finishing torturing Teddy while Billy is desperately trying to stop him, but fails due to the ear devices that prevent Billy from hearing everything he says, as Karolina watches. The writing is fantastic. I liked the closeup shot of Karolina, it was different. The teams plan to search and rescue the prisoners. While doing so, they again bond together, particularly Speed and Molly. If they're not back together after this mini, I will throw a hissy fit and stab someone. So, we approach the battle as everyone is fighting everyone. Noh-Varr enters and attacks the raptor, then psychically hurting Chase. Molly takes a dive for the save, but Noh-Varr throws both her and the raptor into the air, which should pleasure her hate club, hooray. Xavin gets angry in the lab and is about to kill the Warden when Teddy interferes. Xavin, of course, eventually gives in, pouts and says a punchline that had me opening a thesaurus and slightly laughing later. Noh-Varr again attacks, Chase goes in an overprotective mode and then merges with Vision, fights, Victor gets close enough to electrocute Vision's torn arm inside Noh-Varr, he collapses, they fix him, Noh-Varr returns to normal and he's now his own boss. Everyone goes home happy, the end, except, well, for the Warden because of his becoming a sex slave. All in all, it's a satisfying ending to a satisfying mini. Joss, make this work :timgunn:, and by work, I mean put Noh-Varr in the Runaways roster, but honestly, I see him more of a YA.
And now it’s time for Twylight’s Comic Book Comments:

Teen Titans#40
Green Arrow #68
52 Week 27
The Amazing Spider-Girl #2

52 -

Am I the only one who saw:

The Origin of Black Canary

and had her heart skip?

I literally opened it up backwards and read the origin with a pensive and praying heart. And Bless them…they didn’t totally commit her off the founding JLA team. But they left it to horrible vague in my mind. Also the art was horrible that’s check mark number 10001 that proves they shaft Dinah.

I doubt they would have used that art work for Donna Troy…..oh wait…THEY DIDN’T! It’s so blatantly reminiscent of Dinah’s ‘dark days’ of the 80’s-90’s with her black hair and butch look that I almost vomited. Please people…WHY? Just WHY?!

But enough about my favorite character to grind DC on…the actual issue was one that’s noteworthy enough for me to write my own little ‘comments’ on.

Okay..it’s blatantly clear what they’re hinting at…or maybe I’m over reaching but here we go:

  • Skeet’s is made from Waverider’s skin/costume. *If it’s skin then...he’s like naked all down his front* :wow:
  • Reneé is going to be the new Question.
  • Question is going to go the way of Booster and Beetle, thus instigating Fan mass panic.
  • Ralph Dibney is an idiot and really kinda annoying now.

Teen Titans #40 -

So…howzabout those Teen Titans?

This issue rocked…I squealed at the end. Literally squealed with delight, excitement and anticipation.

I’d just reread the “Who is Donna Troy” TPB and I was SO missing Jericho and POW! Coincidence? Or just the DC Gods looking out for me?

Other than the spiritual energies of DC Comics, I personally can’t wait to see what they do with Miss Martian. To be honest she has possibly the coolest costume design ever. And at the chance of sounding like I play for the other team…it’s hot.

So diminutively sweet and innocence but at the same time…terribly..horrible..hot. Like…Kara Pre-Crisis. I swear..the skirts and off shoulder capes get me every time. And let this go on record. I’m ranking this as the second and only caped costume I’d actually wear if I was cosplaying.

The double cross at the end took my breathe away. But am I the only one who loathes those ‘Wonder Twins’? I really wish they would just go away..forever…

The art in this issue was…amazing, Raven never looked better and I prefer this look to her elongated alien face. I know..she's supposed to look 'demonish' and all but that just doesn't do anything for me. Although the splash of her looks like a copy of a Greg Land face...the mouth..the way the hair is tussled around, even the slant of the chin.

The cover was just as gorgeous and was spoken of in the comic book store with anticipation before the book was even opened for our reading. Us historical readers of Teen Titans had to explain the Irony to the upstarts as to the people in the background, but it made for fun conversation.

Green Arrow #68 -

Batman wannabe training comes to a very anticlimactic end after Ollie is very talkative to himself.


Moving on:

The Amazing Spider-Girl #2 -

I thought I’d give it a second chance. I’m not a ‘hardcore’ fan of this book and my LCB lady says you either love it or you hate it, one of the two extremes.

Sadly…I just don’t care…so…I guess I love it?

It’s a nice read. If I dropped it I wouldn’t feel empty, however if I didn’t pick it up, I’d be missing some of the light ease about it.
This issue moved the story ahead, Mary Jane caved in and Simone still looks eerily like the Spider-Man:Blue version of Gwen. *twilight zone music*
I don’t think I can pull the story apart, it speaks for it’s self but I can’t stop marveling at how absolutely drop-dead gorgeous they made May in this series. She’s so like MJ in the early years and I love how they’ve had her mature.

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