And now it’s time for Twylight’s Comic Book Comments:
Teen Titans#40
Green Arrow #68
52 Week 27
The Amazing Spider-Girl #2
52 -
Am I the
only one who saw:
The Origin of Black Canary
and had her heart skip?
I literally opened it up backwards and read the origin with a pensive and praying heart. And Bless them…they didn’t totally commit her off the founding JLA team. But they left it to horrible vague in my mind. Also the art was horrible that’s check mark number 10001 that proves they shaft Dinah.
I doubt they would have used that art work for Donna Troy…..oh wait…THEY DIDN’T! It’s so blatantly reminiscent of Dinah’s ‘dark days’ of the 80’s-90’s with her black hair and butch look that I almost vomited. Please people…WHY? Just WHY?!
But enough about my favorite character to grind DC on…the actual issue was one that’s noteworthy enough for me to write my own little ‘comments’ on.’s blatantly clear what they’re hinting at…or maybe I’m over reaching but here we go:
- Skeet’s is made from Waverider’s skin/costume. *If it’s skin then...he’s like naked all down his front*

- Reneé is going to be the new Question.
- Question is going to go the way of Booster and Beetle, thus instigating Fan mass panic.
- Ralph Dibney is an idiot and really kinda annoying now.
Teen Titans #40 -
So…howzabout those Teen Titans?
This issue rocked…I squealed at the end. Literally squealed with delight, excitement and anticipation.
I’d just reread the “Who is Donna Troy” TPB and I was SO missing Jericho and POW! Coincidence? Or just the DC Gods looking out for me?
Other than the spiritual energies of DC Comics, I personally can’t
wait to see what they do with Miss Martian. To be honest she has possibly
the coolest costume design ever. And at the chance of sounding like I play for the other team…it’s hot.
So diminutively sweet and innocence but at the same time… Like…Kara Pre-Crisis. I swear..the skirts and off shoulder capes get me every time. And let this go on record. I’m ranking this as the second and
only caped costume I’d actually wear if I was cosplaying.
The double cross at the end took my breathe away. But am I the
only one who loathes those ‘Wonder Twins’? I
really wish they would just go away..forever…
The art in this issue was…amazing, Raven never looked better and I prefer this look to her elongated alien face. I know..she's supposed to look 'demonish' and all but that just doesn't do anything for me. Although the splash of her looks like a copy of a Greg Land face...the mouth..the way the hair is tussled around, even the slant of the chin.
The cover was just as gorgeous and was spoken of in the comic book store with anticipation before the book was even opened for our reading. Us historical readers of Teen Titans had to explain the Irony to the upstarts as to the people in the background, but it made for fun conversation.
Green Arrow #68 -
Batman wannabe training comes to a very anticlimactic end after Ollie is very talkative to himself.
Moving on:
The Amazing Spider-Girl #2 -
I thought I’d give it a second chance. I’m not a ‘hardcore’ fan of this book and my LCB lady says you either love it or you hate it, one of the two extremes.
Sadly…I just don’t care…so…I guess I love it?
It’s a nice read. If I dropped it I wouldn’t feel empty, however if I didn’t pick it up, I’d be missing some of the light ease about it.
This issue moved the story ahead, Mary Jane caved in and Simone
still looks eerily like the Spider-Man:Blue version of Gwen. *twilight zone music*
I don’t think I can pull the story apart, it speaks for it’s self but I can’t stop marveling at how absolutely drop-dead gorgeous they made May in this series. She’s so like MJ in the early years and I love how they’ve had her mature.