Bought/Thought December 16th, 2009

Yeah, I've really missed Gambit since he was last fully with the team during... what... Milligan's run? So his being back here was a big draw for me, and now that they're dealing with his Death persona, I'm really interested.
I just hope they actually do something with it and not just string us along for kicks. :( :p
I imagine an army of second-rate MODOKs would be enough to set any idle tourists packing. It's really not a mystery why any fight in a populated area tends to look like it's taking place in an unpopulated area: people run away when s*** explodes nearby.

That I could understand..but, this is when the Avengers quinjet falls into the water, and you see the tourists around that big thing of water in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Even our little town is more crowded than that scene.
Out of all the things to complain about REBORN, and he chooses there being too few tourists in the background of a fight scene. :doh:

Anyway, apparently I am not the only crazy person frustrated about the REBORN editorial snafu. This is from THE BUY PILE via Comic Book Resources, the only review article series on any "official" comic website that doesn't just cheer-lead for Marvel/DC:
The Buy Pile said:
Speaking of deeply sad comics, "Captain America Reborn" #5 has already been rendered irrelevant based on last week's "Invincible Iron Man" and whichever Avengers issue happened. It's like a taped playoff game where somebody already told you the final score. Why even watch anymore?

They were actually harder on the issue itself than I was. By itself, it's a fine action chapter, no more and no less.
Am I the only one reading JMS's Brave & the Bold?
X-Force #22 - "X-Necrosha" continues, and this would really be a lot better with a different artist. Crain is just way too murky, he mutes the impact of the script, which is quite good, even if it has a few moments where, like Uncanny, it gets a bit buried under all the characters. Rahne's plot, which has been off in its own little place for like a year and a half now, has a reasonably big development, though what it means I couldn't tell you (the X-Men are seeing a lot of Hela these days). The bits with Selene and her circle are quite good (Crain's Selene is one of his better character designs; the stark contast between her white skin and her black attire stands out in his art a lot more than most of the rest of the cast).
Yeah, the art pretty much killed this for me. It was so dark and confused I could hardly follow it and since the story line isn't really grabbing me, I really began not to care. The only bits I found interesting were about Rhane since it had to do with character development and not some big fight I could hardly follow. Hope this gets better after Necrosha. :(
Captain America Reborn #5 - Just finished reading this, and I can't see why this justifies a 6th issue. This was an incredibly thin, quick read, half an issue's worth of story padded out with splash page after splash page. I'd have rather had an oversized finale here rather than this much-delayed story getting dragged out another month.
That's what I said, too. They could've easily cut some stuff and made this a normal-sized conclusion, but even if they wanted to add more, all they'd really need for a suitable payoff is like 5 more pages for a really good fight between the Skull and the two Caps. As it stands, the whole issue felt like it moved the plot forward about half a step and then ended rather unsatisfyingly just after the start of the climactic fight. It's like being interrupted mid-piss in the bathroom. You can go back and finish later, but it's never gonna feel quite as good as just sticking around to finish right then. :csad:
Am I the only one reading JMS's Brave & the Bold?

Nope, I'm getting it, too. Great book! I almost cancelled it; but, held off until I could read the first couple issues that Straczynski wrote. Glad I did, because it's some of the best issues you can get from DC. (Plus, it's a complete story in one great is that?) It's too bad this title lost so many readers after it's big debut issue. People really need to check it out again.
Yeah, I've been reading Brave & the Bold with JMS, and it's been great. Done-in-ones outside of ongoing continuity is really the best format for Straczynski, as this way we can enjoy is skilled writing and top-notch character work without worrying about him not finishing the story.
Out of all the things to complain about REBORN, and he chooses there being too few tourists in the background of a fight scene. :doh:

Nope, it's just one of the things I focused on with this issue. (Seriously...look at the freeway in the big 2-page spread...even late at night, the freeway going into Seattle is never that unbusy!) While I'm not one to get torn up about this story being extended to another issue...or Cap-Steve appearing in other books...I really didn't feel this issue was up to Brubaker's usual standard. It might possibly the biggest disappointment of an issue I read this week.
Nope, I'm getting it, too. Great book! I almost cancelled it; but, held off until I could read the first couple issues that Straczynski wrote. Glad I did, because it's some of the best issues you can get from DC. (Plus, it's a complete story in one great is that?) It's too bad this title lost so many readers after it's big debut issue. People really need to check it out again.
I'm going to pick up the Aquaman/Demon issue. More often than not, though, JMS is just using characters I couldn't care less about. Same reason I don't read Deadpool Team-Up regularly.
My favorite line was probably Guy's total outrage over the ring leaving Kyle. "He's earned this ring more than anyone!" F***in' right he has, Guy. :hehe:

Yeah, I don't know what that's about. I'm inclined to believe it's just Gleason, who tends to dirty stuff up in general as part of his style, but it wouldn't surprise me if Black Lanterns started showing up to attack Mogo at some point. Maybe it's seeking assistance from Oa and not coming to offer its own...

Mogo did get ripped up in the Sinestro War...maybe that's what we're seeing.
Oh, man...forgot to mention I loved the brief cameo (off-panel) of Deadpool in X-Factor #200. Way to go, Wade, hitting that fine piece of #$@!

The Unknown - The Devil Made Flesh #3: I'm liking this sequel to Waid's first series very much. It's about a detective, Catherine Allingham, who only has six months to live and wants to solve the greatest mystery of all, "What happens to us after we die?" This mini involves reincarnation, and this issue is the big reveal, where Catherine learns that although in different bodies, the same soul has been killed numerous times by another evil soul. The explanation is a bit confusing, especially since her partner from the first mini (who died in issue #1 of this sequel) is now inhabiting the body of a young boy...but, I find I just have to go with it.

Nomad #4: McKeever's mini ends...and, while I didn't find this final fight very exciting, it did have its moments. I loved seeing Nomad teamed up with the Young Avengers. Hopefully it isn't a single occurance, as I would love to see McKeever start up a Young Avengers series that includes this character. The ending was touching, too. Sure, this wasn't the greatest mini, but it was cute...and, much, much better than McKeever's work over at DC.

Cable #21: Ok, ENOUGH ALREADY!!! I'm so over this title, as we see month after friggin' month Bishop chasing Cable and Hope through time. Now, 2 years have passed...and, instead of being in a suspended animation, everyone has aged two more years. Hope is now a grown woman...but, Nate and Bishop really don't look like they've aged all that much. Somehow, now, Cable and Hope can go back in time..where, they arrive by issue's end in New Amsterdam in the year 1614. OH, and Hope finally has gained her mutant power.

It's just been going on for too long, and there are always just too many holes in this plot to make any of it believable. It got ok for a while, when we had the big crossover; but, then it went back to the same old, same old.

Vengeance Of The Moon Knight #4: The ending of last issue left me pretty excited about the upcoming issue; but, this one was only so-so. A bunch of inmates escape from a prison, who unbeknownst to Moon Knight is caused by a group led by The Hood and some of MK's old enemies, like Scarecrow and Bushman. It's a quick read, and feels like things will be a bit more exciting next issue as the battle rages on and the main baddies get into the fray.

Daredevil #503: I'm just not feeling it with Andy Diggle's Daredevil. Matt is not his usual DD self, and it feels like Diggle is making Daredevil conform to his story rather than making the story work with this character. Brubaker understood Daredevil, and all of his stories really reflected that. This instance, having Matt Murdock leading The Hand, seems forced, and DD's dialogue and actions seem very forced, this issue especially.

Black Panther #11: I like this's just not very fast moving. There is so much going on, as the reader follows each month in separate scenes the new Black Panther, Shuri, as she tries to track down the extremists, The Desturi," who want to return the country to its isolationist roots; the original Black Panther, T'Challa, who is secretly working behind the scenes amassing his Dora Milaje, to take on who he believes is the true enemy; Storm, who's trying to solve the mystery of the famine of Wakanda's crops; the Wakandan news, which is inciting the Wakandan people to riot; and, finally the bad guys, who are seeing their plans work to fruition.

Brave and the Bold #30: This is the best issue in this bunch of comics I'm reviewing. I don't really know that much about Doctor Fate, especially the older characters who used to carry on that mantle. But, Straczynski does such a good job at telling these "lost stories of Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow," it doesn't really matter. This team-up between Dr. Fate and Green Lantern is so nicely told, such a dedication to the memory of Kent Nelson, that it seriously deserves to be considered one of the best single issues of 2009. It will even have you thinking about an age old question...are we being of fate and destiny, or do we truly have free will?

Ms. Marvel #48: I'm really not sure about the direction of this comic. Carol Danvers is so different than we've known her before...she's become so detached, that she seems more like The Vision than her former self. This issue looks beautiful, and I'm interested in the story of why Mystique has been killing members of the Church Of Hala..but, like I said, I feel a bit of detachment from it, too. (It was cool to see Rick Mason again, though.)
Nope, it's just one of the things I focused on with this issue. (Seriously...look at the freeway in the big 2-page spread...even late at night, the freeway going into Seattle is never that unbusy!) While I'm not one to get torn up about this story being extended to another issue...or Cap-Steve appearing in other books...I really didn't feel this issue was up to Brubaker's usual standard. It might possibly the biggest disappointment of an issue I read this week.

If I had a nickel for every time some area in the heart of Manhattan was depicted as having only a handful of people there in a middle of a daylight fight, I'd be able to retire now. It's just one of those things to get used to.

Trust me, even at 4 a.m. in Manhattan, nearly every street will have a good dozen people around, especially in midtown. "City that never sleeps" and all. Not to mention how Daredevil can billy-club around, and so on.

REBORN's hardly perfect, I'm just amazed this is your biggest quibble.

TheCorpulent1 said:
That's what I said, too. They could've easily cut some stuff and made this a normal-sized conclusion, but even if they wanted to add more, all they'd really need for a suitable payoff is like 5 more pages for a really good fight between the Skull and the two Caps. As it stands, the whole issue felt like it moved the plot forward about half a step and then ended rather unsatisfyingly just after the start of the climactic fight. It's like being interrupted mid-piss in the bathroom. You can go back and finish later, but it's never gonna feel quite as good as just sticking around to finish right then.

Exactly. Instead, Marvel wanted another issue, at least 50% of the reason being sales, to keep having another Top 5 seller into Jan. 2010. Brubaker's a great writer, and this issue isn't bad, but if he only had 5 issues to finish and not 6, he could do it in 5.
:up::up:ASM #615 - GREAT ISSUE. Van Lente does a tremendous job balancing this story using many of Spidey's supporting cast including Carlie Cooper (who hasn't been seen in a while), JJJ, Robbie, Betty Brant, and Glory. The only ones not present are Harry and MJ (who hasn't been around much since she came back in Red Headed Stranger).

Spidey also does a lot of detective work showing off his experience as a crimefighter. This is the Spider-Man I always want to see. A seasoned superhero, not the guy that comes across as an amateur wet behind the ears kid when in an Avengers book. Pulido's art is fantastic too, this guy should have his own monthly comic. One small thing however, I didn't care for Spidey running around wearing winter gear. It came across kind of goofy in a serious story. He quickly lost everything when the fight started with Sandman.

This is my book of the week even with Reborn out. That's only because Reborn has been good every month and this IMO has been the best issue of ASM since the title moved past the 600 mark. And speaking of Reborn....

Captain America Reborn #5 - Finally came out and should have been the last issue with WWWTS coming out next week. I really don't see why this mini was extended to begin with in the first place. All issue 6 is going to be is 5 or 6 pages concluding the Steve vs Skull fight and then the Steve/Sharon reunion and Steve/Bucky reunion (the last time they were in the same room with each other Steve restored Bucky's memories with the Cosmic Cube). I don't see why any of the latter couldn't be pushed into WWWTS. The only real question left is what happens to the Skull. Does he get trapped in Steve's mind for a future story or driven out totally?

Reborn has been great even though someone totally screwed the pooch regarding scheduling. I'll be there for #6.

Astonishing X-Men #33 - What is it with the dead mutants theme lately? There's Necrosha and now Ellis' story of some unknown bad guy using dead mutant DNA to create weapons out of the Brood and Krakoa. What goes on at the editorial meetings? "Wow that's a great idea! I'm gonna do that too!" I'm not saying the story's bad or anything, it's ok. I just don't get it.

Thunderbolts #139 - I don't know much about Agents of Atlas but I liked this issue. They mop the floor with the Thunderbolts leading Scourge to question why Osborn sent them into a buzzsaw creating even more problems for the team. I'm curious as to where this team will end up post-SIEGE.

Deadpool MWAM #6 - Filler issue with Deadpool and Headpool heading towards the portal back to the Zombie-verse Headpool is from. As they go through Florida swamps AIM is hot on their trail to retrieve Headpool for their own evil purposes. I hope Dr. Betty comes back, she's part of a great dynamic with the 2 'pools. Love this book.
To be honest, I think a lot of editorial teams don't know what other offices are doing, and that is why we see so many repeated appearances, botched schedules and whatnot.

I mean, a few weeks ago it seemed Nightmare was in about 100 books (or about 3-4). Now we have Scarecrow showing up in two. I lament any poor Index peon who has to keep track of Iron Man appearances as of CIVIL WAR onward, or Osborn & the Dark Avengers this year.

I swear there was an X-Men story claiming that even dead mutants lost their X-Genes, so they couldn't become super-zombies. But the X-Office has been a mess since M-Day. It's the elephant in the room that can't be abolished because Joe Q is the boss.
I lament any poor Index peon who has to keep track of Iron Man appearances as of CIVIL WAR onward, or Osborn & the Dark Avengers this year.
Pff, I'd kill for that job. You would, too. :oldrazz:
Pff, I'd kill for that job. You would, too. :oldrazz:

Flipping through 1500 Iron Man appearances from 2006-2009 and trying to figure out which come before what? Good lord, no.

I'd rather write or review for a livin'. :p
Well, I'm going into library sciences, so research and organizing data is right up my alley. I'd still kill for that job. Hell, I do it anyway. Right now I'm trying to puzzle out what kind of sense Frigga makes in current continuity. :)
Fair enough. Granted, considering my hobby, I'd likely be happy if Marvel paid me $10 an hour to be a gofer. :p
Exactly. I'd choose to be reading comics anyway, so if I can do it in just about any context for my job, I'd be a happy camper.
I'm probably not "positive" enough to get hired. Least on SHH. My Examiner articles are more professional/not as pessimistic. :up:
More reviews!!!!

Deadpool-Merc With A Mouth #6: This feels like a storyline transitional issue, as we say goodbye to Doctor Betty and the Hydra guy, and Deadpool and Head go into a "hyper-dimensional taxi stand" for further adventures elsewhere. I'm sorry to see those two characters leave, and more sorry that this issue wasn't really very funny. I guess the writer blew his comical load in the first five issue, and the well went dry for this sixth issue. This one is a disappointment.

Dark Wolverine #81: Good issue! Daken wants some time to himself, and goes to get himself a cup of tea. Karla (Moonstone) decides to follow him, partly because Norman wants to know where he is and partly because she's kind of taken with him. There is a fantastic scene where Karla is flying by in her Ms. Marvel costume, and we see all the danger and violence she is passing by, but not even noticing. She is so completely entranced by Daken, that she's clueless to everything around her. We end up getting some backstory about Daken...and, Karla learns a bit more than she ever wanted to know about him.

While reading this issue, it made me think of the recent issue of Ms. Marvel, where Carla and Peter Parker finally go out on their date. This issue is a great bookend for that one, as the scenes are similiar, but the results completely different.

Underground #4: Some comics you have to give more than one issue to really enjoy. After reading issue #1 of Underground, I almost called my comic shop to cancel on this mini. I'm so glad I didn't, as this story got so much better by the next issue...and, that's continued with issues 3 and 4.

Going deeper into the cave system, the two park rangers have to take the more dangerous of two routes out; because, they still have the bad guys hot on their trail. This time, it's not the bad guys that are the danger, but the cave itself, as they must follow a watery path to escape. The art is very nice, especially the use of colors. When they show the outside, we see all the beauty of the rainbow; but, deep in the cave, we get the basic black, white and greys of being where no light can be seen, except the glare of their flashlights. When I talked to Jeff Parker about his book, he said things would get more and more intense as the story went along, and he's right. This is the best comic in this group that I'm reviewing.

Project Superpowers - Chapter Two #5: I really like this book, but it does really drag most of the time. We get a little bit of battlescenes with with the superheroes taking on a large group of Crusaders. But, you also have the numerous other plot points, like The Green Lama and others still mourning the death of The Mighty Samson, the superpowers still preparing to take on Zeus, the young group of sidekicks still getting more of the lost heroes from the Urn, and The Supremacy still planning on taking down the superheroes and taking back control of America. Each issue, we get little bits and pieces of each of those stories; it's really a comic that's better read in trade format.

The Last Resort #5: The final issue in this Zombie Genre comic. Who will survive the Zombie Resort and live to see the end? (I'm sure everyone can guess how this one's been seen so many times in horror movies. Even those who escape never really escape.) Not the best Zombie book I've read; but, it was alright. I did like seeing the yappie little dog get booted and thrown in the helecopter's blades at the end. Still, not a book I could really recommend. It would have been much better with a different artist.

Image United #1: I didn't realize this book came out almost a month ago. Luckily, my comic shop pulled it out of someone else's box and gave it to me. (I guess that person mustn't be picking up their stuff on time.) What can I say but SKIP IT, SKIP IT, SKIP IT!!!! Yes, it's like reliving those bad Image titles of the 90's. Extremely low on plot, but heavy on mindless action sequences with every hero in some kind of action pose. The big reveal is that Al Simmons is back as Omega Spawn (oh, man...does that sound as bad as I think it does), and it only had me thinking one thing..."It's been sooo long since I've picked up Spawn, that I had no idea there was a different verson now."

This is not only the worst issue in this series of reviewed comics, it's most likely the worst comic I've read all week. Wait...make that all month. Oh, really might be the worst I've read all year!!!! If you want to make Captain America Rebirth #5 seem like the best issue you've ever read, just read Image United first.

The Authority - The Lost Year #4: After my utter disappointment with the last issue, I can finally judge this title on the new footing. Ya see, it really seems that Grant Morrison had a general idea of what he was doing with this title when it first came out a few years ago; but, it was never finished. Now, while Grant's name is still on the cover, it's actually being written by Giffen. So, this story went off into left field when we discovered last issue that a parasitic lifeform has tapped into the collective subconscious of the entire human race...and, that it completely surrounds the earth. (It looks like a huge jellyfish in space, and the Earth is in its belly.) Things do improve this issue, as last issue was the set up for this new direction. (I guess it might not be a new direction...but, damn, it feels like a completely different story now.) This parasite has been attatched to this Earth Prime, and before The Authority can leave this universe and go back to their own, they must save everyone here. (I'm not even thinking about all the ways this story does not will drive me mad. Seriously, how does Earth's Scientist not notice we have been swallowed by a huge Jellyfish for all these years??!!??)

Ok, gotta rush this review to an end...I'm off work, and I hope you all have a great weekend!!!

Edit: I was going to read and review the first issue of The Complete Alice In Wonderland from Dynamite...but, realized my daughter will want me to read it to her. So, I'll say the art looks fantastic, and I've heard great things about it. Review to come later, and I'll let you know how my daughter likes it, too.

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