A good week from DC. I just came away feeling like I got a lot more from my DC reading than my Marvel. (And, I'm a Marvel boy at heart.)
The Good
Sweet Tooth #35
I wonder if this title is starting to wind down. We finally get the true origin of Sweet Tooth (mixed with a previous story, I have a clear picture of how everything came to be); and, I am not seeing this book going much longer. I could be wrong, though. I kind of hope I am, as it's Lemire's best work, by far.
Fairest #5
These Vertigo titles really start to pay off when you've stuck with them for a bunch of issues. Even though I own the first 12 issues of Fables, I have never really read much of that book. (I got those issues when I bought someone's comic collection about 7 years ago for a very low price. They were moving, and were desperate to get rid of them. I got something, like 19 long boxes, for $500.00.) When I signed up for Fairest, I didn't realize it was a spin-off book; but, now I'm glad I did. The first issue didn't sell me on the book. By issue #3, though, I was kind of hooked. Now, I cannot wait for the next issue. Good stuff, especially as the characters and storyline are fully explained, and we're mainly getting plot advancement now.
Before Watchmen: Ozymandias #1
I had no idea these series of books that serve as a prequel to Watchmen would be so damn good. I thought they'd be okay; but, every one is under my Good category. This has to even be one of the best issues I've read Len Wein write in quite a while. (Not my favorite writer, though. I met him at a comic con, and he's one who insisted that he make some money off of the fans. I think the first five signatures were free, then he charged $1.00 a signature after that. He even tried to convince one of the other writers who sat next to him to do that same thing. Glad they didn't.) This issue tells the first part of Ozymandias' origin. Even if you have never read Watchmen, these books are fantastic! In fact, I just want to read Watchmen all over again after I'm done with them all.
Earth 2 #3
Okay, I hated the first issue. But, then, the second issue grew on me. (It's one reason I stick with a book for about 4 issues. Sometimes they surprise you after a rather poor start.) Now, I'm hooked on this book. It's the best stuff I've read from Robinson in quite some time. In this, we get Green Lantern's origin; and, even though I find turning Alan Scott gay a bit of a media stunt, it works well enough in the confines of the book. (Seriously, though, gay relationships in DC books are so tame that you could put any gal in the boyfriend role and it wouldn't change a thing with the story. Too bad they couldn't take someone's sexual orientation and turn it into an actual storyline centered around it.)
Batman: Earth One HC Trade Vol. 1
I don't think I appreciated this book until I was finished with it. Johns makes enough changes to the Batman origin to show he fully embraced the Ultimate feel of the book. That's the reason it took me a while to like what I was reading. When I first read that Alfred wasn't really a butler ... or that Bruce Wayne's mom is actually an Arkham ... it made me laugh out loud. Later, I found this change worked well with the storyline; and, I enjoyed the book more as it went on. (I also liked how badly Batman botched that early adventure.) Good story, and the ending surprised me, too, regarding The Penguin.
It might be a bit pricey for some ($22.99); but, there is something enjoyable about getting a full storyline with one reading. (Plus, there is a big hint at the end to which villian will be featured next.) My only real complaint is that readers have to wait too long for a next installment (that is, if it follows the same timeline as Superman: Earth One, which the second volume finally comes out within the next two months, I believe).
Justice League International #11
I'm sorry to see this book being cancelled next issue. There are a whole lot of worse books DC is putting out that are still trudging along (and, they have to have worse numbers, right?); and, I still think this is the best of all the Justice League titles currently available. (Justice League Dark is good; but, none of their characters are very likeable.)
The Okay
World's Finest #3
I enjoyed this title; but, I felt that Levitz could have done more with the two characters. They end up being pretty generic versions of themselves;and, I wish they'd do more with them as actual characters. (Heck, it would be more believable if they would have made them gay than Alan Scott!) This is a title that I wish would push more boundaries; but, while I enjoy both of these characters, I'm not seeing any originality with them.
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe #1
Maybe my surprise at how well I enjoyed this first issue should have pushed it higher on my rankings; but, one issue is not enough to go on. I will say I do not have this book on my pull list, and only told my shop owner to stick it in my box at the last minute, just so I can see the first issue. Now, I'll have to grab the second to see if keeps my interest.
iZombie #27
Usually, I enjoy this book a lot more; but, it's been so bogged down with this current storyline that the simplicity of the book has been missing for some time. (I also get the feeling it might be ending next issue. I'll have to look that up, as the book has a finality feel to it.) If this book does continue, I hope that it gets away from having the characters in a big adventure and just focus on them as the interesting characters they are.
Yep, just took a look online. This book ends next issue. That's too bad. Roberson and Allred made a very interesting world. Here is what Roberson had to say about it: Aside from the Fairest arc I already committed to doing, iZombie will be the last time Ill ever write for DC, he said, following it later with I decided quite some time ago, but waited until after the cancellation of my book was announced to discuss it. The short version is, I dont agree with the way they treat other creators and their general business practices. ... My reasons for no longer wanting to be associated with DC dont stem from anything to do with my personal experiences there, but from watching the way that the company has treated and continues to treat other creators and their heirs, Roberson told CBR. The counter-suit against the Siegel estate and the announcement of the Watchmen prequels were the specific incidents that crystallized my feelings on the matter. Id like to make clear, though, that I have nothing but nice things to say about the editorial staff at Vertigo with whom Ive worked for the past few years.
Animal Man #11
It seems like I'm not the only person getting rather bored with the same storyline being played out month after month in Animal Man and Swamp Thing. This book could be placed higher; but, I find myself not getting that excited about this book any more. Plus, in this issue, we were suppose to see the new Buddy Baker; but, he really looks no different than his previous version. Come on, DC! You seriously have to stop all of these storylines that go on for 12 or more issues without any resolution. (It doesn't help that DC is trying to link so many of the titles together. If you like Animal Man, they make it known that you better be reading Swamp Thing ... and, a couple other comics, also ... if you want to get the full story.)
G.I. Combat #3
I was going to drop this book; but, it's higher on my list than I expected it to be. I actually have to see what happens next with The War That Time Forgot. (I'm not that invested in The Unknown Soldier, though.) I don't know why DC had to change the title of their war comic, though. I guess readers were dropping the previous one so fast, they must have felt they needed to grab new readers with the two new storylines.
Red Lantern #11
I usually like this title a bit more; but, it's being dragged out too long, too. (You get the feeling most of the Green Lantern storylines are just kind of lingering until the next Green Lantern event happens.) At least we finally get to see Abysmus at the end of this issue.
Detective Comics #11
I just didn't feel much about this storyline. It really pales in comparison to Snyder's Batman; and, the backup story kind of whimpered to a conclusion.
The Meh
Dial H #3
It's funny. When the second wave of the New 52 came out, this title was my favorite and Earth 2 was my least favorite, based on the first issues. Now, they've turned around in my opinion. I will probably cancel this book, as the main character isn't at all likeable; and, the various heroes he turns into are all rather lame.
Batwing #11
I feel like the only thing keeping this title afloat is the word "Bat" in the title. Otherwise, this character does zippo for me.
The Bad
Action Comics #11
I've complained about Morrison before; but, this is some of the worst Superman stories I've ever read. Each issue, I hope for something better; but, each issue, I feel this book gets worse and worse. Superman is even more characterless than he's ever been. And, his current storyline of killing off Clark Kent is rather laughable, especially since we know Clark is alive in his current adventures.
For me, DC should have either started all the comics over from scratch (which, would have been nice to see them end up like Johns' Batman: Earth One, with huge changes to what readers usually expected), or they should have just given us hints who things that happened before, but begin the books from the current timeline. It just doesn't work well having Justice League and Action Comics both taking place 5 years ago. It makes me feel like those stories really don't amount to much to what I'm reading in other titles. As they say, crap or get off the pot. These little nuggets they are shoving out aren't much of anything to take notice of.
Stormwatch #11
One of DC's worst books, period. They have too many characters, and they all feel wasted. Have you ever seen Martian Manhunter so under appreciated? Has the old Authority characters ever been this boring? (Well, actually, they have. Wildstorm books got pretty damn bad the past few years they were still putting them out.)
DC tries to make readers think this book is essential reading to other titles; but, I have yet to see what true impact it has anywhere. I find myself seriously struggling to get through each page. I took it off my pull list; but, I kept noticing in other books I enjoy that they'd reference the title as something important happening that I must look at. I think it's time to just not pick it up any longer.