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Bought/Thought November 18th, 2009 SPOILERS

Of Course Molecule man is more powerful than Thanos.

Thanos is basically an eternal (and evil(ish)) Batman, whose only real powers are based on tech and magic. Thanos is mostly dangerous from gadgetry and Prep time, with a bit of attitude. I know he's got base eternal strength etc..Thanos has been more powerful, if he whips a cosmic cube or an infinity gauntlet out of his pocket.

Molecule Man is one of the most physically powerful characters in the Marvel U on a given day, if his heads in it.

I thought the last couple pages of the DA issue prior were some of my fav of the year. That splash at the end with MM on the throne and Osborn naked was a real hoot.

I'll get my comics this wednesday and check out the new issue. I'm not surprised the issue is split. DA in general has its share of haters.I think the books got some faults, but I've been enjoying it.
Every person should read what they like... and every other person should shut up about what those other people read... it's as simple as that. Taste is taste and everyone's differant.

I mean, I can't stand the direction of Spider-Man since BND and want it to die a slow death in a fiery hell... but I don't go telling other people they have bad taste or taunt them for reading it (unless it's in obvious fun). If they enjoy it then wonderful, and we'll discuss our differances, but there's a limit to be drawn when it comes to insulting the people who read the comics.

Preach to me, JH! Bought/Thought would be boring if we all just agreed. I like to see why some people like books I don't. It's really neat that this week we have a few titles with mixed reaction, namely Punisher and Dark Avengers.

Of course, there are those who insist on sticking their heads in the sand when it comes to Spidey!!!! :p
Dark Avengers was okay. I just keep feeling bad for Sentry. :( He's either being blown up or disintegrated every issue. He's turning into the "You killed Kenny, you bastard!" tagline of "You blew up Sentry, you bastard!" :p
He's the most powerful person on Earth; but, he's got severe mental issues. (JH, remember, he almost won Contest Of Marvels Season 1! And, I DO believe he's more powerful than Thanos...it's just those darn mental issues!!!)

Oh I know how powerful he is, I just don't really have any emotional connection to him. I was mostly just disappointed because I liked seeing Mephisto at the end and was curious how that was going to play out... but it wasn't really Mephisto. I suspect if I read the issue over again I might like it more, though the two art styles will most likely still bug the crap out of me.

Preach to me, JH! Bought/Thought would be boring if we all just agreed. I like to see why some people like books I don't. It's really neat that this week we have a few titles with mixed reaction, namely Punisher and Dark Avengers.

Of course, there are those who insist on sticking their heads in the sand when it comes to Spidey!!!! :p

Yeah I'm the same. I like hearing differing opinions and hearing the debates on characters and stories and writers and such. But when people get personal then it's just rediculous. You and I have been on opposing ends of the Spidey argument since day one, but you're still one of my best hype buddies, and the same can be said I think about most of the pro-BNDers. I like all of them just fine. We get heated about the topic, but not each other, and that's the only reason I don't mind keeping up the conversation. Spidey sucks, but he's got some good fans out there, and while I'm miserable... I'm glad you guys like what's going on. I'll never begrudge a person enjoyment at any given title.

And for the record... I'd be sticking my head in the sand if I never gave it a chance no matter what... I've bought several issues and read them, and skimmed most that's come out since BND started... and usually they just reaffirm my hatred of the new direction. Heck, I just bought the Spider-Man: The List one shot this past week. And I bought one of the Ben Reilly issues before that. And the American Son arc. And some of the New Ways to Die arc as well. I WANT to like it... I just can't. It's too fake for me now.

But hey, even I'll loathingly admit to finding a few of the issues pretty good, despite the status quo. I'm sure there were one or two in there somewhere. Probably having something to do with the Shocker :)
Dark Avengers was okay. I just keep feeling bad for Sentry. :( He's either being blown up or disintegrated every issue. He's turning into the "You killed Kenny, you bastard!" tagline of "You blew up Sentry, you bastard!" :p

Yeah, thanks for making me giggle like a little girl and waking my wife.

And I'm suppressing another manly giggle as I read your quote again :)
I laughed at that, too! I didn't think the same thing when I read it; but, I did think, "Poor Sentry, he's getting punked out again."

JH, what did you think about Spidey-The List? Seeing what you've read from Spidey since BND, I think you've gotten some of the not-so-good reads...especially that last Ben Reily crap. But, I thought The List was pretty darn good. The Gauntlet was a good beginning, too. It made Spidey look like a real tool at the end, and made me sympathize with Electro.
God, The Sentry is so useless. When was the last time he had any significant impact? The end of WWH?
Is tomorrow already a new Bought/Thought day??!!?? I better get a few remaining reviews in while I can.

KOOKABURRA K #1: Ah, it had to happen. This is the first bad Soliel comic I've read. It has a good enough premise, although it's one that's been seen before. A mysterious blood-red cloud appears in space, destroying everything in it's path, including Earth. A lone set of survivors escape in hopes to exact revenge and find a way to take this deathcloud down.

I thought after the first 10 pages this might be a pretty good book; but, with so many characters and so much art jammed in per page, I couldn't keep track of who was who...and, you don't even get to know the characters before all this action starts. I care nothing for any of the them, as I'm not even really sure who they are.

Bad book...skip it.

Spider-Woman #3: Definitely the best title Bendis is currently putting out. It's very much Alias-like, and while not very fast paced, it's got me intrigued. In this issue, Madame Hydra forces Jessica into her flying car and explains that Hydra wants Spider-Woman to come back into their fold to help destroy the skrulls who have invaded their hive. (And, that's pretty much most of this book in a nutshell. Like I said, not a lot happens; but, Bendis does a really good job with that when he's at the top of his game.) I love Maleev's art, and his drawing of a skrull cowering at the end looked very haunting. Good stuff that more people should be reading. (Plus, shock of all shocks, this Bendis title only cost me $2.99!)

Wolverine Weapon X #7: Another good issue of Weapon X! I'm liking this current story so much more than the first storyarc. Logan is in a mental ward, where he does not remember who he is, and he's basically been turned into a sniveling coward. There is a great scene when two mobsters show up, only to learn this mental hospital isn't exactly as they remembered it before.

Vigilante #12: This series quickly comes to an end, as we learn the new Vigilante is the criminal brother of the original Vigilante. By issue's end, he winds up back in jail...which is a place he's all too familiar with. (I figure I'm not giving away much of a spoiler, as I doubt anyone else here has been reading this book.)

This wasn't a terrible series...it just wasn't terribly interesting. The best issues were when it crossed over with the Titans titles; but after gaining my interest again, it quickly went back to it's old ways. I was going to drop the title...but, then found out it only had one more issue to go; so, here I am at the end of the road. Rest In Piece, Vigilante...I'm sorry to say I don't think you will be missed.

Incredible Hulk #604: This wasn't a bad issue...but, I'm just not feeling any of the Hulk titles any more. Skaar is no Hulk...and, this version of Banner just feels wrong to me. Not to mention, we have ANOTHER old Hulk character turned into a gamma monster, The Harpy, by The Leader.
It's Margo, Rick's old wife.
Plus, seeing Rick (in Blue Hulk form) playing football with Korg, Dr. Kate, and Bruce Banner...it just made me shake my head in embarrassment. (Plus, Savage She-Hulk has never done anything for me.)

I'm missing the old days of one Hulk title...with the original Hulk as we know and love him. Not every classic Marvel character needs to have all these friggin' spin-off titles!!! Enough already!

Wolverine Origins #42: This was an alright issue, as Logan goes about recruiting help from various superpowered individuals in his hopes to eventually take down Romulus. I would still recommend the current storyline in Weapon X a whole lot more than this one. (I have a feeling by the time we finally get to see Romulus defeated, I'll be quite sick of him.)
Yeah, thanks for making me giggle like a little girl and waking my wife.

And I'm suppressing another manly giggle as I read your quote again :)
LOL, you're welcome. :p
Ah don't feel bad for Bob. All this is leading up to Void re-emerging. Which is a very good thing as far as I'm concerned.
JH, what did you think about Spidey-The List? Seeing what you've read from Spidey since BND, I think you've gotten some of the not-so-good reads...especially that last Ben Reily crap. But, I thought The List was pretty darn good. The Gauntlet was a good beginning, too. It made Spidey look like a real tool at the end, and made me sympathize with Electro.

It was written well (to be expected) but it wasn't new reader friendly at all. It was based on too much of what's gone on during BND so that anyone that may have dodged Spidey since OMD wouldn't get it. It didn't feel like it really tied-in with anything Dark Reign and I'm doubting much will come of it. If something does then great, but I'm not expecting it.

So yeah, it was good, but there wasn't much enjoyment there for me. If anything it just makes me more against the book beause it made me miss the character but this still isn't his book, you know?

And I skimmed the Gauntlet but I was in a hurry and couldn't really get much out of it. Didn't like the art at all though.
Batman Unseen #4: Things really pick up this issue, as Batman does what he does best: Detective work and fighting. After discovering the Invisible Man's latest victim, Batman follows the clues to this new, invisible menace's hideout, only to discover the Black Mask tied up in a chair. Unable to see his opponent, Batman goes down for the count, as the Black Mask tries to save his own hide. Great action issue, and I can't wait for the final issue to come next month.

Outsiders #24: While all these Blackest Night tie-ins are pretty predictable (old friends, enemies, and loved ones of the superheroes return to try and kill them), this one is a bit different at the beginning. Terra returns after seeing her in Blackest Night-Titans, and like the old Terra we know and love, is (probably) being very deceptive to the Outsiders and her brother, gaining their trust, only to (more than likely) stab them in the back next issue. Good issue, and one of the better Blackest Night issues I've read.

Spider-Man 1602 #1 & 2: Was anyone demanding more 1602 stories?? I know I wasn't, and going into these two issues, I was expecting the worst. Imagine my surprise that I'm actually enjoying what I'm reading!

Ok, the story is as follows: Peter Parquagh (The Spider) is living a life of peaceful happiness. He's in love with Virginia Dare, a shape-shifting daughter of the Governor...and, the only problem he faces is that Norman Osborne appears to be redeemed in the eyes of this new government in the New World. By issue #1's end, the real Norman Osborne is revealed, when he gives the Native Americans blankets exposed to English disease. But, (as was pretty expected) Peter's love gets shot by Osborne, where he is later ordered to stand trial in England. Virginia's father begs Peter to go on the May Flower, escorting Norman back to England, and making sure he receives his just punishment for his crimes.

Issue #2 takes place on the May Flower, where after 3 days of calm seas with no wind to help them sail, Norman casts doubt in the crew's mind that Peter is a Witchbreed, bringing a curse onto their ship. The seeds of unrest are planted...but, then, the unexpected arrival of the pirate, Wilson Fisk (The King's Pin), makes everyone work together for the greater good. (Naturally, there is a member of Fisk's pirates with a white bullseye on his head.)

Like I said, this is surprisingly good. Jeff Parker does a great job with the writing (I didn't look at who wrote this until now...and, OF COURSE, why am I not surprised he would do such a good job) and Rosanas' art works well, too. I'm telling ya, Jeff Parker is becoming one of my favorite writers.
Amazing Spider-Man #612 - A solid start to the Gauntlet. The writing was good, I liked the multiple POV style, but I wasn't a huge fan of the art - especially Electro's new design. Not horrible, but I'm just not feeling it. The back-up story by Kelly and Nimura is great, even if it's only six or seven pages.

Dark Reign: The List - Amazing Spider-Man: Another great Spidey issue from Dan Slott -- the man who should permanently fill in Guggenheim's spot -- with fun art. The back-up reprint by Bendis and Bagley is one I haven't read and I enjoyed it a lot. A definite pick-up.

Dark Avengers #11 - Coming from someone who isn't a Marvel purist, I liked the Molecule Man, or at least Bendis's twist on the character. It was great to see him screw around with everyone and that Victoria Hand is finally getting some screentime.

Supergod #1 - Not off to as great a start as No Hero, but I thoroughly enjoyed this issue. Hopefully we have another Avatar hit from Ellis.

Hellblazer #261 - After a so-so arc, Milligan hits the grounds running here with John Constantine finally heading to India to see if there still any way he can bring one of his friends back from the dead. The combination of Camuncoli's layouts, Landini's finishes and Milligans story make this an incredibly good issue that's worth a read.

Invincible #68
Azrael #2
Adventure Comics #4
Realm of Kings:Inhumans #1
Cowboy Ninja Viking #2
Air #15
Outsiders #24
Brave and the Bold #29
Thunderbolts #138
Nomad #3
Dark Avengers #11
Flash: Rebirth #5
X-Men: Legacy #229
Realm of Kings one-shot
Mighty Avengers #31


X-Men: Legacy – Hopped back on board this due to Acuna. Great art as usual. Story is o.k. (Bling…? They really have a character named Bling?)

Flash:Rebirth – This entire series has been “meh”.

RoK: Inhumans – It was good but the whole disregard for Silent War thing is still corny to me. Luna playing around with Maximus is just…weird.

Realm of Kings – Guess even DnA can’t knock them all out of the park…

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