Bought/Thought November 4th, 2009 --SPOILERS

It still could be done by making herc's wife using her magical charm abilty to make peter kiss her.So yeah it could be done.
Why would Aunt May set her son up on a date if he was married?
And also that Hebe wasn't looking to date, it was May's idea, and Peter who put the moves on her.

Sure, if you mangle the story enough, you might be able to tell it, but that's not telling the story in any realistic sense.
Meh. Pete could have still hit on her if he was married. I mean. It's still possible.
It'd make Pete a complete a**hole. But you're right, it is possible.

It's all just semantics, though. I firmly believe you could've told this story with a married Peter, just not with this exact series of events. Peter and Hercules could've fought over any number of misunderstandings that involve Hebe.
I can't believe peopel still resort to the old and still annmoying "these stories could have been told with a married Peter" blah blah blah ad nauseum...

Yes, any story can be told under any type of circumstance, but the bottom line is that Marvel Comics Inc., the proprietors of the character of Spider-Man, wanted him single, and has wanted that for a very long time, because in their opinion, girl troubles are a part of Peter's charm, and you can hardly have "girl troubles" when he's married... if people want to read about a married couple in the MU, then they should read the FF.

Just my two cents...

Meh. Pete could have still hit on her if he was married. I mean. It's still possible.
My drunk co-worker was hitting on me last night and he's married. :( Anything is possible.
I can't believe peopel still resort to the old and still annmoying "these stories could have been told with a married Peter" blah blah blah ad nauseum...

Yes, any story can be told under any type of circumstance, but the bottom line is that Marvel Comics Inc., the proprietors of the character of Spider-Man, wanted him single, and has wanted that for a very long time, because in their opinion, girl troubles are a part of Peter's charm, and you can hardly have "girl troubles" when he's married... if people want to read about a married couple in the MU, then they should read the FF.

Just my two cents...


I only brought it up because I read an interview with the writer and he claimed that "there is no way this story could be told with a married Spider-man".
So this is the 7th of their 9 planned arcs. Hmm. Arcs of IH usually range on average to 4-5 issues; there haven't been many that were six or more, actually (beyond "ASSAULT" of course, but I don't mind it here). Which means they'll need another 8-10 months more or less to wrap up their long term run on Herc, which would essentially bring the title to a third year. Hopefully it can last that long; I mean, the last ongoings for GHOST RIDER and MOON KNIGHT did, for heaven's sakes.
I think it can easily finish up the 9 arcs that Pak and Van Lente intended. Incredible Hercules' sales are a lot healthier than those of Ghost Rider, Moon Knight, and the Immortal Iron Fist.

That depends on the writer. For as many writers who want to believe that MJ is the love of Peter's life, just as many claim it was Gwen, and MJ was just "settling". Spidey's editorial board has been scared of him having a long term relationship through so many generations that while OMD still stings, we should honestly be impressed they actually kept him married for over 19 years. I mean this is considering after Gwen, Peter usually wasn't allowed to date a character steady for more than a Presidential term, if he was lucky. She had to be revealed as an alien, or crazy, or something.
Gwen is the love of Peter's life, but it certainly doesn't mean that MJ is just settling. I guess widowed people who get married again just settle. :awesome:

Again, the irony of Peter Parker encouraging ANYONE to settle down for the greater good of someone else is not lost on me in AONO #1. It's like Wolverine telling Cyclops he should marry Emma Frost already. :p
Doesn't Wolverine look down on the Cyclops/Emma Frost relationship?
Hey Moon Knight's last ongoing was ****ing great! So don't diss it! Or I'll...I'll...break into a rendition of Buddy Holly song!
Another batch of quickie thoughts:

Magog #3: I have to drop this title. It's very, very rare I enjoy these solo character spin-offs from any of the DC group team books (see, Cyborg, Raven, Terra, Power Girl, Wonder Girl...the list could just keep going on and on). This title is no different. One of my big pet peeves with many of DC's comics is the constant narration by the main character, droning on and on and on. This comic is an example of that, as there are as many narration boxes in this thing from Magog's constant ramblings as there is dialogue. 8 pages in, I was already bored with this issue. Gotta remember to tell my LCN that I can't take any more.

Superman - World Of Krypton #9: I really liked this title when it started out...but, it's been getting worse and worse each month. Much of this issue just felt like filler, while the reader waits for whatever the writers are going to do to resolve the New Krypton storyline. The Superman titles were getting better for a while with some top notch writers..but, it's getting back to the norm, I guess.

Warlord #8: I've always been a Warlord fan; and, this new series makes up for the terrible series that came before it a couple years ago. This issue ends a two-part story that kind of gives new readers a fill-in to who the Warlord is, and brings up a theme I've read a few times in comics: That a God or Goddess loses their powers when people fail to believe in them any longer. It's not a great story; but, I'm a Mike Grell fan, and it's good to see him back on the character he made famous.

War Machine #10: Finally got around to reading this issue from last week. Bleck! I haven't liked a single issue of this title, and am just waiting for it to be eventually cancelled. I really hate that Rhodey has been turned into Marvel's version of Cyborg.

Iron Man Armor Wars #4: This is a good comic for younger fans. It's very much like the Marvel Adventures comics. Nothing too spectacular, but it's a comic you can give to your kids to read if they like the Iron Man cartoon.

Dark Reign Young Avengers #5: I liked this comic, but it does make me miss the old Young Avengers series. It just seems like the Young Avengers have never gotten back to their old greatness. My complaints about this issue, though, would be that nothing gets resolved in the end. And, why in the heck would Norman just walk away from the Young Avengers in the end? And, why does The Sentry always seem to go from being superpowerful to getting his butt handed to him the next second? Finally, what was up with that last page???

Amazing Spider-Man #610: I am a rare Clone Saga fan; so, I was jacked when I heard about the Ben Reilly storyline. With this final issue, I walk away very disappointed. I was sooo hoping Ben would come back; but all we got was the very lame Dino-character and one of the worst appearances I've ever seen by Kaine. (Thank God Kaine is in the Spider-Girl comics...those writers do a good job with him.) This, to me, might be the worst story I've read since Brand New Day started those many issues ago.
Yeah, the Ben Reilly story was lame unto itself, but it's nice to see Marvel finally acknowledging some continuity from that era...

Well, it probably would've. I mean, the Flash's love for his wife led him back to her across dimensions. I imagine anyone's love for their spouse would at least make them a little bit more resistant to temptation, magical or otherwise, unless they're a cheating a**hole anyway.

So that's why you like Herc so much:awesome:
Nomad: Girl Without a World #1-2: I decided to pick this up because it was going to be a backup in Cap when it comes back, and plus I do like McKeever (read his entire Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane). I've just been trying to avoid most mini-series on account of the 3.99 price tags. But yeah, it was good, teen stuff that McKeever's known for. Didn't care for the art though.

Ultimate Comcs: Spider-Man #4: Gotta say, as far as teen super-hero books went this week, USM still won out. I loved that convo between Spidey and MJ and Gwen. Really funny when Peter thought MJ was seeing another hero. And I really like the new Mysterio. Plus, I dont care what everyone else thinks, Im digging the art. Sure its no Immonen but LaFuente does a great job with facial expressions and it fits the teen angst thing going on in this book.

Assault on New Olympus #1: Good funny stuff. I really like the way Van Lente writes Spidey, good with the humor. I'm wondering how the Olympus group/Mikabosho (or whatever) stuff will come to a head.

The Amazing Spider-Man #610: Meh, pretty lame story. I guess the point was to show that Ben couldn't be a killer cuz he's just like Peter. Except that never really a question for anyone who read the clone saga. So you know, pretty bleh.

Secret Six #15, Astonishing X-Men #32, Ultimate Comics: Armor Wars #2, Captain America: Reborn #4 were all good, probably in the reverse order I listed them.

Stumptown #1 was my favorite of the week. Oh man have I missed Rucka in his crime-fiction best. Really great start, and I like the Portland setting. Plus, nice art. Can't wait for the rest of the story. Thanks to Corpy for mentioning earlier, otherwise I wouldnt have noticed this.
I'm surprised no one else is talking about Stumptown. I would've thought there'd be others who were into Rucka's gritty crime stuff and would've checked out Stumptown.
Waiting for the collection; he generally reads better in that format.
I did start a thread on Stumptown but no-one liked it.
The comic or your thread? I mean, to be fair, your threads generally come off a bit derivative and stale.:awesome:
Oh, I also got Usagi Yojimbo: Yokai, the 25th anniversary GN for UY. I remember missing the Art of Usagi Yojimbo for the 20th anniversary, so I was excited about this.

Still haven't read it though:o
If Peter was married, Aunt May would not have "set him up" on a date with Hebe. Now, to be fair, Peter's narration seems to justify the theory that Hebe was effecting his "mortal" mind with her emotions and drawing him in more than he intended. Still, I imagine if you rewrote it with MJ still there, you could claim that May just wanted the couple to try to cheer Hebe up and maybe show her a good time. Hebe starts her melodrama and Peter is drawn to mack with her in front of a confused/furious MJ, and then Hercules shows up. Several pages would have had to have been rewritten, but it would've hardly been a deal breaker.

Still, ASSAULT ON NEW OLYMPUS #1 was fun enough that for once I wasn't reminded of ONE MORE DAY and infuriated, even when he made that "so long as I don't marry a red-head" crack; that is something that INVINCIBLE IRON MAN #7 failed to do, as that merely irritated me.

I think it can easily finish up the 9 arcs that Pak and Van Lente intended. Incredible Hercules' sales are a lot healthier than those of Ghost Rider, Moon Knight, and the Immortal Iron Fist.

Definitely better than IMMORTAL IRON FIST or IMMORTAL WEAPONS. GHOST RIDER and MOON KNIGHT's ongoings finished about where IH is now. To be honest, IH's regular sales have not been steady, although are still drifting downward. At the very least, a variant cover still can bump sales by 1-3% depending on how hot that variant is, which one can't say about every comic anymore.

It's certainly better than GR and MK, even if I am enjoying HEAVEN'S ON FIRE and the relaunch of MOON KNIGHT so seems to be better than the prior volume.

hippie_hunter said:
Gwen is the love of Peter's life, but it certainly doesn't mean that MJ is just settling. I guess widowed people who get married again just settle. :awesome:

See, I struggle with that rationale. Can't Peter have gotten a new love of his life, and why couldn't it have been MJ? I mean, to be fair, Gwen died around before Peter's life got super hectic. MJ was the one who had to deal with Venom, or the Clone crap, or no end of other insane stuff and she still kept coming back. It wasn't mentioned much, but she could even defend herself, taking down a stalker in the 80's. But, that's over.

hippie_hunter said:
Doesn't Wolverine look down on the Cyclops/Emma Frost relationship?

Yes, and aside for Whedon's blast scene in ASTONISHING X-MEN #1, Cyclops never calls him on his incredible hypocrisy.

"You're getting on MY case!? You've ****ed all of Asia! How many bastard children or clones of yours have menaced this house!? You clog our drain worse than Beast! Go have a cigar and let me pet the diamond lady." :cyclops:
Big Recommendation!!!

Just finished reading the previous week's release by Radical Comics, FVZA #1. Sure, there are too many damn Zombie and Vampire books, comics, movies, and tv shows; but, if it's done well, you easily forgive the people putting it out (i.e. Zombieland). This comic looks great (that's the case with most every Radical Comic book I've read), and the writing is just as nice. FVZA stands for Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency, a defunct agency that had been disbanded after President Kennedy supposedly succeeded in eliminating all Vampires and Zombies, leading the human population into a false sense of security. In truth, the Vampires kept things on the down low, until one decided he wanted Vampires to be recognized once again.

Radical has changed their format; where before they'd have 5 issues at 2.99, they are now giving the reader more content at 4.99 with 3-issue series. (But, beware...while the comic seems much thicker, a good portion is extra stuff advertising their upcoming stuff.) Still, a good comic is worth the extra cash, and this was that good.

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