Bought/Thought Thread: September 9th

So not a lot of SI: Inhumans talk.

What, people don't like the Inhumans?

...I'll grant there was a pronounced dearth of Lockjaw, as based on my personal calculation that anything Inhumans related should be like, 60% Lockjaw, 35% Medusa, 3.5% that guy who does weak points or whatevs, 1.5% everyone trying not to piss off Black Bolt.
Inhuman comics should be at least 60% Karnak, as far as I'm concerned. But SI: Inhumans was good. Nothing in it grabbed me enough to inspire me to write about it here; that's all. I did like that last page of the royal family essentially saying, "The rest of the Inhumans can fend for themselves. We need to pwn some Skrull ass until Black Bolt is free."

I read The Damned: Prodigal Sons #3 today. It was incredible. If you like '30s gangster stuff and supernatural stuff like demons, read the inevitable trade when it comes out. Do it. Srsly.
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So Black Bolt is being held captive by the Skrulls? I wanted to read the book, I really did. Raney's art kept me away. :(
It's fairly consistent, actually. I was surprised, but everyone's head has stayed mostly the same from panel to panel.
Haha, yeah, his figures seem to vary from page to page, sometimes from panel to panel.

Good to see someone else is enjoying The Damned, too. :up:
I'm only disappointed that I'll probably have to wait months or a year until the next mini-series. The ending to this one promised some interesting things for the future.
Isn't the next mini coming up soon? The theme is daughters, I think.
I haven't heard anything about it. But I admit, I don't read a lot of news from indie publishers.
I thought I read something when Prodigal Sons was being previewed that it was part one of a series about sons and daughters.
Hmm, I searched Google and found this:
THE PULSE: What other projects are you working on after this?

The most immediate book I’m working on is … wait for it … The Damned! I’m scripting the next mini-series, this one a companion piece to Prodigal Sons. It’s titled Daughter’s Danse, and it’s focused on one of the creepiest characters I’ve come up with in a long time. Three Days Dead was a noir mystery. Prodigal Sons was more of a pulp adventure. Daughter’s Danse turns the creepiness dial up way past 10.
No mention of when it's coming out, but I'm guessing it's going to involve Bruno's daughter. That chick creeped me out quite a bit in Prodigal Sons #3.

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