Box Office Possibility?


Sep 26, 2005
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What type of Box Office Potential does this movie have?

Personally - I don't know. What I do know is that I wanted to make the first thread here.
With almost no competition in August...$100 million opening weekend, Yo Joe!
It should reach $350 million easily. I would not be surprised if it reached $450 million.
it'll struggle to get 350 mill. 100 million opening weekend? this ain't spiderman nor x-men, at most 5o mill opening weekend....depending on the quality of the trailer.
G.I. Joe is very famous in America, so it could reach $300 million there. Internationally, I think it'll do well, if not a blockbuster. I'm one of those Brits who'll have to be left excited by the trailer.
It will do okay, it all depends on if people want to see a movie about oddly named soldiers fighting over the top terrorists.
200 will be a good call. I don't think it will quite do the 300+ that transformers did...
It's too far off to really call but as of right now, i can see it opening with about 60 million and topping out at about 180. That's right now. If they promote the heck out of it and it's actually entertaining(to general audiences and not just nerds as well), i can see it topping out at 220 or 230 or something. Basically, i'm expecting something similar to the x-men films in terms of performance.
The name alone will get asses in seats, both little kids and grown ass men(and some chicks who like the toys/comics.)
I highly doubt it cracks the $100 Million mark domestically. This looks like the most pathetic movie ever made, and there's so much competition.

And so far all the "hype" has been laughing at the pictures released.
Have no idea about what it could make, but my guess is very well.
Like Allred said, better idea when the trailer debuts
I'll have a better idea when the first full trailer debuts.

Yeah, right now as a GI JOE fan I'm very disappointed by many of the photos released in the last couple of weeks. Hopefully the trailer will change my mind.
I highly doubt it cracks the $100 Million mark domestically. This looks like the most pathetic movie ever made, and there's so much competition.

And so far all the "hype" has been laughing at the pictures released.

I have to agree with you on that,on Attack Of The Show (G4)--they were not too excited about it from the information they received.
Now,"Small Soliders" movie that came out many years ago was as close to a decent movie in that genre....if there is a genre for toy soldiers...I can see G.I.Joe live action movie doing like the above poster said..."Fantastic Four numbers..." on opening day...I rather them make a movie on "Johnny Quest"...honestly.....:im:
This will get some money just based on name recognition but not crazy cash since the production looks terrible. Nano-suits? Really? They must really not know the comic.
They'll probably do over $200mill - but NONE of it will be from me! So,e UN/International Force nonsense. No thank you! That ain't the GI Joe I know! That's some take a concept and thoroughly corrupt it in an attempt to not alienate the international market as the makers of the film believe the rest of the world hates America and wouldn't go see a movie about an American special forces group. It will do well, but it should NOT be called GI Joe.

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