Boycotting Cinco de Mayo?


My name is Stefan, sweet thang
Mar 8, 2004
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Don't know if anyone has caught it as of late, but there was an email being sent around by some guy who said he's boycotting it due to the recent immigration boycott. There's a few articles I've seen online about it also, but haven't heard too much about it as of yet. Anyone else heard of it or plan to not "celebrate" come this Friday due to it? Most of the people partying that day don't even know what the hell cinco de mayo really is about anyway, so go figure.
That's a good plan. (sarcasm.)

That's the equivilent of not celebrating St.Patricks day because of the sex abuse scandals in the church.
Thats the dumbest **** I've ever heard.

I always celebrate Cinco de Mayo and Diez y Seis.
It's ok though. **** Columbus day! Christopher Colombus was a ****ing thug! Atleast no immigrants are coming over and starting a genocide.
As for the meanings.

Cinco de mayo celebrates the turning point in the struggle to liberate Mexico from occupation under imperial France.

Diez y Seis(Sept.16th) is the Mexican day of Independence from Spain.
KingOfDreams said:
I'm white so I don't celebrate it anyway.

I'm white too but I suppose I've acculturated to the Hispanic influence.
Only Americans have parties on "Cinco de Mayo" which is kinda wierd, as it for us is kinda like your President's Day. Just a day we don't do anything and stay in home.

Wierd Americans
Corinthian™ said:
Only Americans have parties on "Cinco de Mayo" which is kinda wierd, as it for us is kinda like your President's Day. Just a day we don't do anything and stay in home.

Wierd Americans
Ireland recognizes it also. Atleast according to the beer commercials.
Corinthian said:
Only Americans have parties on "Cinco de Mayo" which is kinda wierd, as it for us is kinda like your President's Day. Just a day we don't do anything and stay in home.

Wierd Americans

The big holiday in Mexico is Diez y Seis. :D
Good luck with that boycott.
Mexicans don't actually "celebrate" Cinco de Mayo. The mexican army won a battle against France on that day, that's all. I guess that why americans like it, otherwise they would have french people north and south of the border.:p
If they want to boycott a real mexican holiday, try September 16 (Mexican Independence Day) or November 20 (Mexican Revolution Day), but for some reason those aren't so commercial and appealing for "gringos".
Corinthian™ said:
Only Americans have parties on "Cinco de Mayo" which is kinda wierd, as it for us is kinda like your President's Day. Just a day we don't do anything and stay in home.

Wierd Americans

What country are you from?

It's Cinco De Mayo in Spain and Mexico and many other areas, around the same time it's May Day in Germany, where they rampage the streets and get plastered. Here at my campus, it's called May Daze.
Speak of the devil, the email just appeared in my inbox. I pasted it below.


Its a Stinko Goodbye-O to the 2006 Cinco De Mayo

You've heard the news stories. Illegal Mexican Immigrants marching in the streets, demanding amnesty and attacking Americans who want to protect our country by sealing its borders. Tell them to go protest and wave their Mexican flags in their own country.

It's the Americans Turn to Protest ... BOYCOTT Cinco De Mayo...

It's one thing to come to this great country looking for better lives, its a whole other issue when these same ILLEGAL immigrants start waving their Mexican flags, demanding that we change our laws and ways to serve them.

There is plenty of time to distribute this e-mail to as many people as you can before May 5th.

This shall be our protest: A call to boycott this "Non-American" holiday that has infiltrated our border, and our cities and towns, along with the ILLEGAL ALIENS who brought it here. This is your chance to say, we don't want you here marching in our streets, and we don't want your holiday.

If you're angry at the growing problem of illegal immigration, if you've had enough of our government's lack of response, and if you are downright fed up with images of marching, protesting illegal Mexicans trying to run our country...then May 5th is your chance to do something.

On May 5th, do not go to restaurants, bars, night clubs, special events, parties or anything remotely associated with this "NON-AMERICAN holiday." On May 5th ... stay home with your family and friends.

Pass it on!
I'm probably the only Anglo in the entire country who celebrates Diez y Seis.
well, its a given. cinco de mayo IS stupid. ya know, they lost the war (or battle, whatever the hell it was) during the next few days. why do they even celebrate?
I think I'm going to wear Mexican flag t-shirt and go eat Mexican food just to spite these *******s. No better ****ing yet- I'm going to the local mercado they sell great tortas there.
Why should we boycott mayonaise?
terry78 said:
This shall be our protest: A call to boycott this "Non-American" holiday that has infiltrated our border, and our cities and towns, along with the ILLEGAL ALIENS who brought it here. This is your chance to say, we don't want you here marching in our streets, and we don't want your holiday.

This is too funny. I mean, St. Patrick's Day, Christmas, Easter, etc. aren't American holidays either and I bet if you brought that up the people who are organizing this protest wouldn't know what to say. The only truly American holidays are holidays like Presidents Day, MLK Day and Independence Day.
It celebrates France losing?

That is like celebrating crappy Rob Schneider happens all the time no matter what, so why celebrate it?

But hey, I will celebrate France losing sure.
yes, but the holidays you named, KOD are celebrated in almost every country SOMEWHERE and are not defined by borders. Cinco De Mayo is just about mexico
Admiral_N8 said:
It celebrates France losing?

That is like celebrating crappy Rob Schneider happens all the time no matter what, so why celebrate it?

But hey, I will celebrate France losing sure.

Got something personal against the whole state of France?
Who cares? I don't celebrate it anyway. I'm not hispanic.

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