C.Lee is gonna have a baby!!!

Danger Mouse

Kitchen Appliance
Dec 31, 1969
Reaction score
Yessirs, you heard it right here.

C.Lee's wife is about a month pregnant. Confirmed. In approximately 8 months, a new Lee will join this glorious Earth.

Lee, my heartiest congratulations to you, Carla and Ricky, old man. :up:

Do you still remember how to change them diapers?
C. Lee is too old, his baby making days are over.
I mean from this day foreward of course.
Nice to see his fish are still swimming.
The thread title reminded me of that horrible commercial where the Asian guy "Mr. Lee" is having a baby.
Danger Mouse said:
Yessirs, you heard it right here.

C.Lee's wife is about a month pregnant. Confirmed. In approximately 8 months, a new Lee will join this glorious Earth.

Lee, my heartiest congratulations to you, Carla and Ricky, old man. :up:

Do you still remember how to change them diapers?
Thanks DM....I knew you were dieing to make this.

Yes, I remember how to change diapers (changing dirty baby diapers is now one of the tasks you must perform to become a Navy SEAL)....it's like riding a bike, you never forget.
Congrats to you and the Missus, C. Lee. :up:

(I think this warrants a sticky, at least for a day or so. C, if you disagree, feel free to remove)
DOG LIPS said:
It's not mine, I swear. :o
That makes me very happy!
If its a boy name it Abaddon.Abaddon Lee.:o
I was gonna put the kitty up for ya but you got it already :D

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Any ideas for names yet?
C. Lee 2.0

Cool name don't ya think??
Congrats, Lee! You know if it's a girl, I think Natalie is a nice name. :D
C. Lee said:
Thanks DM....I knew you were dieing to make this.

Sadly his secret keeping skills are a little rusty. ;)

Congratulations. :)

I'm going to have an....Aunt or an Uncle! :eek: :p ;)

So....this leaves me with more time alone with DM. ;)
Congratulations to the old man! Glad to see he still has the old juices flowin ;)
I have nothing constructive or witty to say, but I'd like to extend congratulations :up:.

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