Damn you!!! You beat me to it! I just saw his Username in the "Users Browsing this forum" space. Is that really him?
Yeah, and I'm Dennis O'Neil....
I really really really doubt it. BTW Cats, love the new avatar.
You never know, MSJ still visits the Daredevil Movie Forums every now and then. He responded the other day to a Daredevil DVD Thread. Maybe Nolan's come to get suggestions from the Hypsters!!
Hopefully he'll get the "Don't Cast Kutcher" hint.
I wouldn't be surprised if he was one of the posters who posted against Kutcher.
hey, maybe he's here for input on rumours and new ideas
Originally posted by Jarbacca
hey, maybe he's here for input on rumours and new ideas
That would be great, but some of the posters might turn him off. *coughcoughspiderfreddiecoughcough*
Yeah...Christopher Nolan's gona use his real name as his username so he can get flooded with private messages and e-mails.
Hey Chris...

...lookin' for a good concept/storyboard artist??? Check out my gallery!!! hehe...

...but no, I'm serious....

One of the first rules of common sense for a movie director is not to make ur username your real name if you're involved in a comic book movie on a comic book movie message board.

BTW, what's Mark Steven Johnson's username?
why hasn't he posted yet?

i want to see if its him or not
It's probably not Nolan,just some one who has used his name as a screen name. Im sure he didnt think it would bring somthing like this,or did he??? but on the other hand it could be chris.
maybe it is chris and he just doesn't want to hide anything. although yes it could be someone just using his name

i guess we'll have to wait and see
wow, im amazed by the response to this. I think im gonna make my new name Avi Arad and go around posting in all the marvel movie forums.
But if you ask him he might say he is when he realy isn't Nolan.
I'm not saying he is nor am I saying that he isn't. What I am saying is that the little bastard hasn't posted :mad:
Originally posted by Catman
I'm not saying he is nor am I saying that he isn't. What I am saying is that the little bastard hasn't posted :mad:

Well,he might post,he might notpost,there are dozens of people who join the hype and never post. Lets just hope he is nolan so we can tell him what we expect. But if nolan did join im sure the hype would be all over it by now.
I highly doubt it's him. If anything, it's gonna be some ass-hole poser trying to get his jollies by being a troll.

Btw, MSJ's identity was confirmed by either the mods or staff in the Community Forum when he first started posting. Funny thing is if you read his first posts no one seemed to notice who they were talking to :).

I seriously doubt that Christ Nolan would use his real name in this forum. Then again, stranger things have happened.
still no post, eh

come on Chris nolan, post now, we all want to talk to you

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