Christopher Eccleston is playing Malekith

As much as I prefer Mikkelsen for the role, you can't go wrong with Eccleston. Now I'm slightly more excited for the sequel than I was before.
*dead with excitement*

My anticipation for this movie shot up 1,000%!!
If the fangirls can't have Loki again as the main villain I'm sure Dr. Who will suffice...
I bet there's a major Light Elf character, too
Big GI JOE fan? :oldrazz:

*cough, cough*

So he has a little blemish on his movie resume. Who doesn't?! ;)

I'm severely disappointed that this forum does not have a Doctor Who smiley. What gives, SHH?!?! amora and skurge after all.

So...does that mean we may get Kurse?

Not gunna lie, not too thrilled about the elves. Thor NEEDS another big physical threat, so we can really see his powers.

Malekith isn't it
Malekith being the main villain doesn't exclude Amora and Skruge just as Loki being the main villain didn't exclude Laufey or The Destroyer in the first movie.
Even though I'm sure people wanted to see the Executioner alongside the Enchantress in order to give Thor a adversary that could challenge his strength, just because we got Malekith instead, doesn't mean that we won't get Thor being pushed to his limits.

If my knowledge serves me correct, Malekith is also closely associated with "Kurse":


Kurse possesses a number of superhuman attributes as a result of his natural dark elf physiology and mystical augmentation. Kurse's main advantage against foes is his strength - while initially a close match for Thor, his strength was first increased to twice,[volume & issue needed] and then four times, that of Thor.[volume & issue needed] Courtesy of enchanted armor that was fused to his skin by the Beyonder, Kurse is now almost totally invulnerable but like all Dark Elves is vulnerable to the element iron. Kurse also has the ability to sense and track his opponents over distances as great as continents and can see through illusions and disguises. His armor is a living, sentient, and enchanted armor that allows Kurse to see everything around him.

Source: Wikipedia

Plus; from what I read, Malekith is also connected with "Surtur", as I read that he supposedly made a deal with Loki on behalf of the character. Just like how Iron Man 3 is set to have Tony go up against his archenemy Mandarin, we could have Thor 3 deal with Thor going up against Surtur, with Dark World being the precursor to that.
Malekith being the main villain doesn't exclude Amora and Skruge just as Loki being the main villain didn't exclude Laufey or The Destroyer in the first movie.

Don't know why people keep thinking this is an either-or villain/battle. Feige has already said it takes place in *multiple* worlds, and Malekith is just one of many villains Thor will likely run into. I fully believe this will be a grand tour of (at least part of) The Nine Realms, and a showcase of Thor's classic (non-terrestrial) villains.
Don't know why people keep thinking this is an either-or villain/battle. Feige has already said it takes place in *multiple* worlds, and Malekith is just one of many villains Thor will likely run into. I fully believe this will be a grand tour of (at least part of) The Nine Realms, and a showcase of Thor's classic (non-terrestrial) villains.

that would be awesome
I really don't know anything about Thor's villains but Malekith sounds interesting from the bit I read and Eccleston is good casting.
It'll definitely be a breath of fresh air to see a villain focused on that isn't Loki regarding

All of the other avengers, sans Hawkeye and BW, have been shown on screen to have battled other villains (primarily from their own rogues' gallery) before meeting Loki, but Loki is ever the only villain that we've seen Thor really have to deal with since he never really battled against Laufey.
And Marvel continues to cast fantastic actors for their roles. Eccleston is going to rock as Malekith.
Great casting, especially as it was somewhat last minute. :D
Atleast Christopher Eccleston will have better material to work with than his last fantasy movie The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising

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