Christopher Eccleston is playing Malekith

Except Malekith wouldn't be trying to seduce Thor, like Enchantress would.

I'm not sure why people think Thor touring the Nine Realms would work. You need time to establish worlds and the characters and their motivations. Having Thor skip around from one realm to another would make each trip too brief and ultimately uninteresting. I'd rather have them concentrate on only a main bad guy and maybe some henchmen/supporting characters. Develop them and make them interesting.

I know, I know what everyone else is saying. And that I don't remember who it was that said this, but he said Thor will probably be touring the 9 worlds and meeting some of his classic villians.

Based on the title of the movie (dark "WORLD"...not worlds) and based on the fact that fiege said they were using a big new villain, not villains, leads me to believe there will be but one "Thor villain", primarily and one, maybe two other worlds.

I want enchantress and executioner, I really do...I want to see other worlds, but I am sort of opening my eyes now, that is just wishful thinking.

There is nothing said about this movie that could lead me to think we will see some of the other worlds, and other villains as well. It's been basically the opposite. Until I hear anything else, there will be two primary worlds in this movie. Asgard, and where ever the elves are from. With maybe some other brief appearances of other worlds showing up.

Edit: I do think Kurse will be a major villian as well. Which I am okay with that then :D
So...what I get from this news is basically...Marvel actually knows what it is doing with their movies.

He plays Raymond Calitri. I love his accent in that movie .... and that scene where Cage goes to meet him and settle the debt so that Eccleston will let his brother go.

I'd post the YouTube video, but Eccleston uses the a-hole word.

Thanks, I had no idea what role he played before. And if you mates are all excited about Eccleston it seems to be a good choice.
He was injured when Loki stabbed him with those Asgardian weapons. Also, when he landed with the other Avengers in the street he stumbled against the car as if he were in pain.

True, but in the long run, it didn't seem to hamper his ability to kick ass and he was still able to lay the smackdown on Loki after getting stabbed.
when Thor was coming out I was expecting/hoping for something along the lines of Gladiator or Braveheart. But when you watch the movie you can tell it was made for kids.
Thanks, I had no idea what role he played before. And if you mates are all excited about Eccleston it seems to be a good choice.

Welcome. I suggest watching the movie because you'll get a good feel for what a good villain he can be.
I'll just leave this right here ;):
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There is nothing said about this movie that could lead me to think we will see some of the other worlds, and other villains as well. It's been basically the opposite. Until I hear anything else, there will be two primary worlds in this movie. Asgard, and where ever the elves are from. With maybe some other brief appearances of other worlds showing up.

The casting call for extras is basically PROOF that they're journeying to multiple worlds. The call is for people who can play with fire; for ugly and misshapen freaks of nature; heavily tattooed men and women; 18-50 year olds with military experience; and girls with hot bodies who are comfortable wearing bikinis on set.

*None* of that screams "Dark Elves," incidentally. However, it definitely seems to peg Fire Demons, Frost Giants, Rock Trolls, and possibly even Valkyries. Beyond the shadow of a doubt.

So I read that as either (a) the movie takes place in SEVERAL of the Nine Realms; or (b) the villain is powerful enough and charismatic enough to unite thousands of warring tribes from all over the Nine Realms into a single cohesive unit. I personally don't see Malekith being a Dark Elf Napoleon.

I'll just leave this right here ;):

Yeah, I loved that band in 1986. They made Whitesnake and Stryper look like a bunch of *****es. :oldrazz:
It kind of makes me think of Ted Danson in drag, but good attempt. :oldrazz:
What can I say? I love the 80's :cwink:! I based it entirely on the original comic book rendition of the character. It's a given that the hairstyle has to change for the movie. Straight and well-coiffed isn't going to cut it though, LOTR and HB2's elves already look like that.
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Sounds great though I hope he doesn't use the casket of ancient winters because i don't want to see a villain with same powers as the last one. Like IM and IM2
Love this pic. David Bowie would've killed as Malekith
Noooo!!! The screen can't handle that much Scottish charm in one movie between him and Tom's 50% Scottish lineage!! Be prepared to hear Tom speaking with a Scottish accent in the future from being around Eccleston.

P.S. I am going to resist making any Ninth Doctor comments. But he does have enough menace for the character I suppose. My favorite episode is Dalek and he's brilliant in that. I can see him as a three dimensional villain. This casting has me seriously excited.
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I'll just leave this right here ;):

That's too literal.

They're gonna dial it down a notch for the film. I doubt they keep the hair lookin' like something out of 80's hair metal cover band.

Nice work regardless.
True, but in the long run, it didn't seem to hamper his ability to kick ass and he was still able to lay the smackdown on Loki after getting stabbed.

Hell, he laid the smackdown on Loki with the blade in his side haha.

The casting call for extras is basically PROOF that they're journeying to multiple worlds. The call is for people who can play with fire; for ugly and misshapen freaks of nature; heavily tattooed men and women; 18-50 year olds with military experience; and girls with hot bodies who are comfortable wearing bikinis on set.

*None* of that screams "Dark Elves," incidentally. However, it definitely seems to peg Fire Demons, Frost Giants, Rock Trolls, and possibly even Valkyries. Beyond the shadow of a doubt.

So I read that as either (a) the movie takes place in SEVERAL of the Nine Realms; or (b) the villain is powerful enough and charismatic enough to unite thousands of warring tribes from all over the Nine Realms into a single cohesive unit. I personally don't see Malekith being a Dark Elf Napoleon.

Yeah, I loved that band in 1986. They made Whitesnake and Stryper look like a bunch of *****es. :oldrazz:

I stand corrected :D

That's too literal.

They're gonna dial it down a notch for the film. I doubt they keep the hair lookin' like something out of 80's hair metal cover band.

Nice work regardless.

Malekith the Accursed is a pretty admittedly badass name.
Agreed :up:

They're not really all that similar either, Malekith rarely ever performs energy blasts and magical shields.

For the most part he just uses artifacts like The Casket of Ancient Winters to attack his enemies or keep them at bay.

Yeah but even then, it didn't look like he was in a "world of trouble" it just looked like a minor annoyance to me.

Yeah, that's true. He did just look annoyed, especially after Loki escaped with those Aliens.
Powercosmic, you know that avatar you have with SLJ in a pink bob?

What if we saw that pink haircut in a trailer and he turned around and it was Malekith not Samuel L Jackson?
Powercosmic, you know that avatar you have with SLJ in a pink bob?

What if we saw that pink haircut in a trailer and he turned around and it was Malekith not Samuel L Jackson?

That's the Nicki Minaj version of Samuel L Jackson.
A little late to the fray, love the casting, nuff said :D

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