The Dark Knight Christopher Nolan fan address


Aug 25, 2006
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Hey, I was just wondering if anyone here knows Christopher Nolan's fan-address to send mail in to...

Possibly he can offer me some advice on how to make a Batman film.

I know there's a slim chance, but it's still possible.
Christopher Nolan doesn't even have an official website so i doubt you will be able to contact him with much ease...

I mean i have know idea, but i think the only way you could even hope to contact him is get through to his agent. Apart from that i'm all out of ideas:csad: sorry.
Hey, I was just wondering if anyone here knows Christopher Nolan's fan-address to send mail in to...

Possibly he can offer me some advice on how to make a Batman film.

I know there's a slim chance, but it's still possible.

The only way you can get in contact with Nolan is through his agent and then through his publicist. I was lucky enough to interview him for my senior thesis entitled "Identity Conflict in the films of Christopher Nolan".
I was lucky enough to interview him for my senior thesis entitled "Identity Conflict in the films of Christopher Nolan".

Cool, tell us a little bit about that?:woot: we all got to learn somewhere.
Nolan is a UCL alumnus, same as me, I've always wanted to see if he was registered as one. Might check now, actually.
Its impossible to get hold of most agents too. Only those who already know Nolan would have a chance of contacting him directly.
Christopher Nolan's Agent Contact -

Chris Nolan – Batman Begins

Company Agent Type Address Contact
Creative Artists Agency (CAA) Dan Aloni Talent Agent 2000 Avenue Of The StarsLos Angeles, CA 90067USA Phone: 424-288-2000
Tudor Management Group Manager
Directors Guild of America (DGA) Guild / Union / Association 7920 Sunset Blvd.Los Angeles, CA 90046USA Phone: 310-289-2000Fax: 310-289-2029

Sorry, copy and pasted from

But I wouldn't bother, they don't deal with any unsolicited projects, they'll just get real angry with you and say like don't tell us any details, 'cause technically if you say 'I'm gonna make a film about Two-Face' and then Batman 3 comes out with one of your ideas, you could sue them.

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