Classic Nintendo Games

Mr. Sinister05

Jan 3, 2005
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I've just recently got into playing classic NES games once again. Games like Mega Man, Spy Hunter, Mario Brothers, Double Dragon, Ninja Gaiden, Sky Captain, Track and Field (on the powerpad), Baseball Simulator, Tiny Toons, Tom and Jerry, Contra, Zelda, Yo-Noid, and Ninja Turtles are all games I have fond memories of. Some of these games can be pretty difficult yet they still manage to be fun based off of the gameplay and level of challenge that they present. Once I started playing through Mario 3, an idea suddenly occurred to me. Why not beat all those games that I couldn't beat 17 years ago?

So far within the past month I've actually managed to beat Double Dragon 1/2/3, Battletoads (with warps and extra life code), Ninja Gaiden 2, Star Wars, and Jackal.

With this topic in mind, does anyone here play these types of games every once in a while? If so, what ones do you remember playing the most? What ones were the hardest/easiest to beat and what were your favorites?
I recently started playing old video games alot more. To the point I even went out and bought a new pin connector for my NES (goodbye loose cartridges and blinking power light). A lady at work also just gave me a sega genesis and a bunch of games so I've been hitting that up alot lately too. The great thing is I work in a thrift store so games come through pretty often (though the best titles tend to sell before I get a chance to buy them at the end of my shift).
I play old games a lot, in fact, I'd probably call myself a vetro gamer. I'm lucky to have money, be 20, and have a huge back catalouge of consoles and games to collect.

I have an atari, all sega consoles, all nintendo consoles, playstation 1,2, xbox 360 and little other things.

The wii is perfect for this kinda stuff with the virtual console, but not enough stuff gets released and stuff, so it's a long wait for a good game some times.
I got Donkey Kong Country on the VC couple days ago. I really miss those types of games.
I've been buying all my favorite classics on the VC. So far I have all the ones I want that are currently available.

Just finished Actraiser about an hour ago and just started Star Tropics.
Ive been playing a lot of Final Fantasy 1,and Castlevania
Wow, pretty fun games that everyone's mentioning. Funny thing is out of all the old NES games that I remember playing, I don't think that I've ever played Castlevania and definitely not the early Final Fantasy games (only one I played was FF 7 for PC about 7 years ago). I'll have to try one of these next once I figure out how to beat a few games from an old NES stash that I've recently dug back into including Blaster Master and Xexyz.

Let me know if anyone's having any luck beating these older games. Some of them can be pretty tough.
Downloaded Castlevania a couple months ago to my Wii, I never beat that game as a kid, still having trouble with it now, just really happy for the save feature on the Wii, so I don't have to do it all in one sitting. Still working on getting past the Grim Reaper, just getting to the Grim Reaper is hard enough.

Recently got Ninja Gaiden on the original X-Box too, looking forward to unlocking the three originals on that game too, I know I never beat one and never played three, can't remember who far I got in two, but I'm pretty sure I beat that one.
Super Mario with the Duck Hunt :D Had a light gun and I'd always get mad when my older sister would try to hold it all close to the tv screen to get more points than me.

That and Super Mario 3, and some Ninja Turtles' games.
I used to do that too with the Light Gun.

Another thing I did,and I think everybody did,was use my hands on Track and Field.It was on the power pad:p
Super Mario with the Duck Hunt :D Had a light gun and I'd always get mad when my older sister would try to hold it all close to the tv screen to get more points than me.

That and Super Mario 3, and some Ninja Turtles' games.
hey guys, i love the classic NES games, and would love to play them again. i have an original NES system that i havent played in a while, but i remember its reliability being spotty. whats the best way to play these old games? i dont own a wii to do the VC thing. i've come across a few systems that play the old games (FC twin?), but they seem to have their own drawbacks as well. i wish nintendo had a handheld console where you could just buy the games online and download them to the console, like an ipod. that would be a dream.
I bought a VC twin and it seems to work well. Only one of my games don'g work well on it, but it eventually did.

Of course then I got ahold of an old Nintendo which requires the patented Nintendo jiggle to work, but it works well.
kirby's adventure is the best platformer the system had.
kirby's adventure is the best platformer the system had.
I got Donkey Kong Country on the VC couple days ago. I really miss those types of games.

I do two , I never played the third one though , so I;m thinking of downloading that. I also bought the classic controller and flew through
Super Mario 3 . I hate how the point system works though , damn the man.
Considering I have a section of my room devoted to my classic systems, yes, I still play them on a regular basis.

In fact the game I'm playing alot lately is Batman Returns for the SNES. One of the best beat em ups on the system.
Considering I have a section of my room devoted to my classic systems, yes, I still play them on a regular basis.

In fact the game I'm playing alot lately is Batman Returns for the SNES. One of the best beat em ups on the system.
Man I love that game. One of the best movie games out there and one of the earliest good DC ones
Slamming thugs into the windows or benches in the backround was one of the greatest additions to the game.

It makes you feel so awesome when you hear the sound of them crunching the benches. :p
just bought a snes today with micro machines and got nba jam coming next week,also got a mega drive and 64
love the old systems
Ninja Gaiden 2, Double Dragon 2, Zelda 2, Kickle Cubicle, Mega Man 2, SMB3, awww...I miss my childhood.

But it was the SNES (Genesis) era that I went ape-*^&@ crazy! Super Metroid, Zelda, SMW, various Square RPGs, Super Mario Kart, Super Bomberman, Rocket Knight Adventures, Donkey Kong Country, Mega Man X, I tell ya, games nowadays are great, but they don't have the eternal charm the oldies have.

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