CONTINUITY ERRORS: The Official Thread (Warning: Major Spoilers)

ProfeZZor X

Master of all that is ice
Jan 13, 2006
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After seeing the film three times in a row (literally), I was able to detect fourteen continuity errors and/or problems in the film. This is not a bashing, but a means to start a discussion on the things the editors and film makers should have caught, rather than the audience or fans. If you feel that this may be too ridiculous to read, or that I/we have too much time on my/our hands, please switch to another thread

Here are the errors:

1) WOLVERINE VS. SENTINEL - When Colossus fastball's Wolverine towards the Sentinel, we only hear one "snikt" slice in the background, then the Sentinel head falls to the ground.

2) BOBBY'S ICE SKATES - When Bobby ices up his shoes for the pond scene, it clearly shows that he does NOT have real ice skates and that he created blades out of ice. The very moment when he catches Kitty from falling, and grabs her, the skate blades are clearly made of metal, when the metal shimmers from the background light.

3) ROGUE'S HAIR CHANGE - After seeing Bobby and Kitty skating, Rogue stops at the front door and speaks to Logan about taking the cure. At first, on the right side of her head, there are two or three strands of hair that make up a kind of backwards "B", but after she finishes her conversation with Logan, they disappear.

4) WOLVERINE'S BEE - When Wolverine mourns the loss of Xavier at his memorial headstone, there is a small honey bee that flies on his left shoulder and crawls down into the crease of his armpit. When he rises, it's gone.

5) XAVIER'S TOMBSTONE - Xavier's tombstone reads "Father, Teacher, Leader". And although "father" is open to interpretation as a surrogate father, if taken literally, nothing was ever mentioned of him having a son.

6) COLOSSUS' TV - In theory, Peter has the normal strength of a person of his size and build when he is not metalled up. When Bobby goes looking for Rogue at her room and sees Peter in the hallway passing by, Peter is carrying what appears to be a 32" to 36" television with one arm.

7) MYSTIQUE AS A YOUNG GIRL - I can understand that Mystique can change her shape, but to reduce her size to a 11 year old girl is new to me. This takes place when she is captive on the moving caravan prison, when she taunts one of the guards.

8) STORM'S FINAL BATTLE HAIR - When speaking to Logan about "doing the right thing when the time comes", the back of her head shows her hair very choppy and shorter on the left side than the right. However, a second later when it cuts to the team walking to the X-Jet, the back of her hair is evenly feathered in the back.

9) GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE DROP - When Magneto lifts the bridge and transfers it to Alcatraz island, he obviously plops it right down from looks like a distance of 300 feet in the air. And with his mutant following standing right behind him, it should have been either an extremely uncomfortable landing for them, or some of them should have been severely injured or died. And, with the sheer weight and dimensions of the bridge, the laws of physics also should have toppled it on it's side and into the ocean, since there were no base/ground supports.

10) GOLDEN GATE NIGHT SHOT - What seems to be immediately right after Magneto drops the Golden Gate Bridge down on Alcatraz island, it suddenly becomes a night scene just as the final battle takes place.

11) X-JET STEALTH MODE - Just as Storm puts the X-Jet in stealth mode, it makes a semi-circle pass by and we see everything about the jet disappear, including the shape/outline of the jet and exhaust flame. But, when it lands on top of the Worthington lab shortly after, you see a transparent version of it, and the exhaust flames.

12) FIRE & ICE FIGHT - When Iceman and Pyro do their power standoff, we see large chunks of ice falling down in the center of where Iceman's ice blast meets Pyro's flame projections. There is a little steam rising, but theoretically, ice should not be so solidified at that range.

13) PHOENIX AFTERMATH - After the Phoenix threat has been neutralized by Wolverine, the thousands of megatons of water that splashes back down to the ground (from 4 thousand feet above) and onto 1/4th of the Golden Gate Bridge, should have wiped out everyone and everything on it... Including the hundred or so operating headlights on the cars sitting on the bridge that were still fully functional AFTER the water splashed down, even though most of the humans seemingly abandoned their vehicles when Magneto levitated it from it's original location. Whoever turned on all those car headlights remains a mystery.

14) WOLVERINE VS. MARROW-MAN - When Marrow-Man sheaths bones from his forearms, it's one long tendrill starting from his bicep and ending with a point coming out of his wrists. Assuming these are made of bone, how could each one have a sharp tip when he throws them at Wolverine. This takes place when Wolverine infultrates Magneto's forest sanctum to rescue Jean.

Now these aren't gripes by any means. And I like I said, I've verified ALL of this information by seeing the movie three times in a row, back to back. If you don't believe me, you're more than welcome to print this list out and bring it to the theatre with you. I also want to go on record as saying that this is probably the best of the three movies, in terms of action... Although it was rather short...

If you've also noticed anything out of place with this movie, feel free to add to the list.
I did wonder about No 7...

The only one that really stuck out, for me, was No.10, when the switch from day to night seemed far too quick. They should have darkened the sky gradually during the moving of the bridge...
What stops mystique from changing height? When she changes faces and bodies from adult to adult, she's physically changing the depth, and quite possibly, and probably, her physical mass/weight. What makes you think she can change depth of body, and weight... buyt not height? You're assuming her powers work on an X,Y axii and that they cannot work on the Z axis.
erm Number 10 for sure. Another thing...Logan's SHIRT!! Talk about Continuity error(s) ... lol. Had to roll my eyes at that. lol

X-maniac...I saw it twice. I felt it wasn't too rushed. And it wasn't too short either..though I wish it was longer.
It's been mentioned before that any "extreme changes" cause pain or she's unable to do it. So if she went from 5'6" to 4'11" I think that may give her issues.
AcidTWister said:
What stops mystique from changing height? When she changes faces and bodies from adult to adult, she's physically changing the depth, and quite possibly, and probably, her physical mass/weight. What makes you think she can change depth of body, and weight... buyt not height? You're assuming her powers work on an X,Y axii and that they cannot work on the Z axis.

I don't want to turn this into a "Mystique's powers" thread, but to change her proportions to be fatter or slightly taller is fine, but if she's reducing her height to that of a little girl, where could her additional bone mass disappear to?
I'll add one:

Jean's hair. Completely straight at Alkali lake and I'm pretty sure in the infirmary scene too. Then by the time she gets to her gaf, she's somehow managed to make it nice and curly.

I mean she's completely schizo, but after leaving Xavier's she decides that the next most important thing she could do (aside from killing people), is to curl the s*** out of her hair!

What a crock of s***
liamoversion2 said:
I'll add one:

Jean's hair. Completely straight at Alkali lake and I'm pretty sure in the infirmary scene too. Then by the time she gets to her gaf, she's somehow managed to make it nice and curly.

I mean she's completely schizo, but after leaving Xavier's she decides that the next most important thing she could do (aside from killing people), is to curl s*** out of her hair!

What a crock of s***

Because of a hairdo? Can i recommend some camomile tea, if not valium...
I wonder what movie u were watching, not u maniac. -sighs- I loved Jean's hair and I don't care if she used her own hair to choke herself....

um... :p
X-Maniac said:
Because of a hairdo? Can i recommend some camomile tea, if not valium...

lol... yeah I see what you mean I guess... I've had a little wine... so I did that in jest... but seriously, if you watch the movie again, she actually has very discernible curls in the scene at her house. It actually is completely ridiculous if you notice it and imo definitely constitutes a continuity error. I mean when did she have time to get her hair done? This is not how to make a movie!!! A character's hair cannot drastically change from one scene to the next! It's just like the daytime/night time GGB sequence. You just can't mess around with an audience like that. Unless it's guaranteed that they are children... and even then... well... did anyone else see Treasure Planet? don't get me started!
i wanna know why someone was paying so much attention to logan lol

but ya number 10 made me say HEY WAIT A MIN
Knives122 said:
4. It wasn't a bee it was a spider

Dude, I saw the movie THREE times already.... It was a Bee.
liamoversion2 said:
lol... yeah I see what you mean I guess... I've had a little wine... so I did that in jest... but seriously, if you watch the movie again, she actually has very discernible curls in the scene at her house. It actually is completely ridiculous if you notice it and imo definitely constitutes a continuity error. I mean when did she have time to get her hair done? This is not how to make a movie!!! A character's hair cannot drastically change from one scene to the next! It's just like the daytime/night time GGB sequence. You just can't mess around with an audience like that. Unless it's guaranteed that they are children... and even then... well... did anyone else see Treasure Planet? don't get me started!

Perhaps she telekinetically curled it!!!!

I was more wondering where she got that frock. I was rather hoping that there would be a scene where Magneto would give the outfit to her and say it once belonged to his daughter (as it did look very Scarlet Witch-like)
AcidTWister said:
What stops mystique from changing height? When she changes faces and bodies from adult to adult, she's physically changing the depth, and quite possibly, and probably, her physical mass/weight. What makes you think she can change depth of body, and weight... buyt not height? You're assuming her powers work on an X,Y axii and that they cannot work on the Z axis.

It's not changing hight, it's changing her mass.

Shifting around her mass, making herself thiner or thicker in soime areas, taking mass from others, works. However, she cannot just crfeate mass, or reduce her mass to that of a childs.

However, it did not really bother me. I was thinking more about how could the kids body reached all the restraints, but then later they showed that there were no feet restraints.

As for Pete carrying the TV, the guy is naturally HUGE, and likely very strong too. He's just a big guy, there's no reason he wouldn't be able to do that while not fully metalled up.

Doesn't Collosus have another power as well??? I seem to recall he had some kinda explosive force that he createdtoo when he was in metal form.
X-Maniac said:
Perhaps she telekinetically curled it!!!!

I was more wondering where she got that frock. I was rather hoping that there would be a scene where Magneto would give the outfit to her and say it once belonged to his daughter (as it did look very Scarlet Witch-like)

That would have been good... but the whole telekinetic forming of clothes would have been just fine too if they'd alluded to it! Even a ten second shot of Jean looking at her arm and having her sleeve lengthen or something. Would that have been so difficult?
gdw said:
It's not changing hight, it's changing her mass.

Shifting around her mass, making herself thiner or thicker in soime areas, taking mass from others, works. However, she cannot just crfeate mass, or reduce her mass to that of a childs.

Perhaps the additional mass was lumped together where it couldn't be seen!!!
Maybe she gave herself a hunchback or huge legs or something that we couldn't see!!!??
14.Marrow-man as you put it was Spike

and it was a spider
gdw said:
Doesn't Collosus have another power as well??? I seem to recall he had some kinda explosive force that he createdtoo when he was in metal form.

I believe he generates a kinetic field (or "Kirby crackle" as it's also called) when he metals up.
Knives122 said:
14.Marrow-man as you put it was Spike, and it was a spider

Spike, Marrow-Man, whatever... There was one long tendril coming out of his arm, but when he threw them at Wolverine, each one had a sharp tip.

Explain to me how the "spider" flew onto Logan's jacket?
I wondered why when Wolverine goes to kill Jean, why his mangy beard and hair stayed in tack while his flesh didn't... lol

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