People actually think this is good? I thought it was pretty subpar. And I'm not even talking about the parts with Forerunner.
Countdown to Adventure #1
Meh. Just...meh. DC tries to milk the success of 52's adventure trio in space and fails. The storyline is more average than outright bad and yet has none of the wit or charm of Morrison's depiction. It sounded like a gimmick from the outset and reads like a gimmick now.
Kory here is acting like a complete bimbo and quite frankly I'm glad that the Titans title proper is outright ignoring her little decision to not contact any of her friends to tell them that she's not, in fact, a corpse in space. The Rannians are all apparently complete fcktards who just stare and shrug when their new champion starts foaming at the mouth and punching people. By the way, who the hell thought this new guy, this..."Champ"...was a good idea? He's the most aggressively unlikeable substitute hero we've had since The Griffin and will probably be going through the exact same irritating story arc with Adam in Bart's place. Who the heck thought this was a good idea? Oh, yeah...Beechen. The man who thought Forerunner was the best thing since sliced hamster. He's rapidly becoming this year's Chuck Austen, folks.
EDIT: It's been pointed out to me that Beechen didn't create Forerunner. The dubious honor goes to Palmiotti and Gray. Man, I had such a good diatribe going, too.
Speaking of the Forerunner section of the story, I read three pages and then put the book back on the shelf. It doesn't even deserve enough of my time to dislike.
(4.1 out of 10)