Sequels Dan Harris currently penning SR sequel

Wow. Very good detective work. Nice find.
who cares i wanna see this one first to verfiy if ill see its sequal
Damn i was gonna post it lol. Still that's awesome news.
Great sign, i can't wait to read the Returns script, never mind the sequel.
Lightning54SC said:
who cares i wanna see this one first to verfiy if ill see its sequal
Dude, its Superman! You know you'll be there!:)
Weird that he's writing it without Daugherty. Maybe this is just a treatment for now and Daugherty will go over it soon?
Fatboy Roberts said:
Weird that he's writing it without Daugherty. Maybe this is just a treatment for now and Daugherty will go over it soon?

That may be the case. Its great to hear that hes working on a sequel already. Can't wait to find out whats in store next!:)
First they better focus on Superman Returns. But a good find, nonetheless.
Fatboy Roberts said:
Weird that he's writing it without Daugherty. Maybe this is just a treatment for now and Daugherty will go over it soon?

well from what i understand, they both write their own treatment, and then it to each other, and then edit each other's stuff, and then send it back and then edit, and then send it back, until bryan reads it last and has teh final word on it.
just because he's working on the script doesn't mean hes' doing it alone.

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