Dating sites...?


Mar 7, 2005
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My love life is...non existent, and dating sites to meet people as friends or more has been something that wasn't on my list, but was thought about, but only the free ones. Recently, I took a look at okcupid, and was shocked to see someone I knew on there. I never wanted to ask her about it, but it led to me to finally talk about these sites and ask if I should join one or more.

There's okcupid, is that a good site (even with someone I knew on there)? Are there others good or better than it, and that are free?

Let me know
okcupid is free, so thats a good thing. check it out!
Okcupid is alright, but the men outnumber the women.
I'd be inclined to say that with free sites, you get what you pay for.

I'm aware there are success stories, but I'd be more comfortable with pay sites.
I haven't had much success with either free or paid. :foreveralone:
I know Anita had success with a free site, but I'm Erz, in saying you get what you pay for. I met my fiancee on eHarmony.
I met my fiancee on
I met my fiancee when I followed her home.
Cool, I have never seen a bot talk to itself :D
I met my girlfriend on plenty of fish but consider myself lucky. I don't think it hurts to put yourself out there. You just have to go in with reasonable expectations. It could take months to find a decent girl if at all.
I've tried POF and Okcupid, but none of the people on there ever seemed interested enough in me to go out with me.

I got desperate and now I'm on, which isn't free. I've been on there for 3 months and I've gone out with 5 different people so far...Even with those 5, I still haven't gotten serious with anyone ( :( ), which is still more than what I can say with the people on the free sites.

The benefit of the sites that you pay for is that those people are probably a little more desperate and serious.. :p and you have less chances of running into a psycho than you would on a free site.
My love life is...non existent, and dating sites to meet people as friends or more has been something that wasn't on my list, but was thought about, but only the free ones. Recently, I took a look at okcupid, and was shocked to see someone I knew on there. I never wanted to ask her about it, but it led to me to finally talk about these sites and ask if I should join one or more.

There's okcupid, is that a good site (even with someone I knew on there)? Are there others good or better than it, and that are free?

Let me know

Maybe I missed it but why is you love life non existent and you must resort to dating sites?
I made an account on geek2geek. I rarely access my account and I wish I could change my username to something better, the one I picked is a stupid name in retrospect (it was something I thought was clever at the time, it's based on an inside joke I have with some friends).
I met my fiance on Plenty of Fish. We're both introverted hermits and I figured we wouldn't have found each other otherwise. :oldrazz: It took 3 years, I used it pretty casually, so if you have a lot of patience and a high tolerance for fishing through messages, I'd recommend a free site.

My fiance's friend met his wife on Eharmony. They tested 100% compatible so they figured why not. :oldrazz: But it's extremely pricey, but they found each other pretty quickly. So yeah, the "fast/cheap/good, pick two" adage works here. :funny:
I feel like the reason why males outnumber females on dating sites is because they lack the initiative and/or are scared. I'm not saying that it's fair, but in the society we live in, the male is the one who is supposed to be aggressive and seek out the female. If you lack confidence and think you can't get out there and get anyone, you defeated yourself. I'm not condemning dating sites, don't get me wrong. That's just probably the reason why males outnumber females on these sites.
I do think online dating makes it "easier" for people to meet other people.

I mean how is a guy suppose to get "out there" if they are out of school, working 40 hours a week, and most of his friends are already attached?

Yes he can start joining social clubs, activities to meet people but dating sites do seem to cut the hassle.
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I feel like the reason why males outnumber females on dating sites is because they lack the initiative and/or are scared. I'm not saying that it's fair, but in the society we live in, the male is the one who is supposed to be aggressive and seek out the female. If you lack confidence and think you can't get out there and get anyone, you defeated yourself. I'm not condemning dating sites, don't get me wrong. That's just probably the reason why males outnumber females on these sites.
It's not that they're necessarily scared--it's just that most find it easier to know who's single and looking for someone online and a little bit about who they are as opposed to running up to a total stranger at a mall or a grocery store that you know nothing about.

At least the dating site takes a ton of the guesswork out of it where you already know things like:

A. Likes/Dislikes
B. Religion/Political views
C. Hobbies/Interests
D. Job/Income/Experience
E. Hometown
F. Has kids
I made a profile on POF.
Got a bunch of replies/meet ups, but nothing really came out of that.
One person was...TOO...i dunno, eager? One girl became pushy and angry when I didn't text her back, (I was at work)
Which was a HUGE warning sign.
One girl I really did like on there, I could tell, was just going through her "choices" and I felt that effort should go both ways.
So I stopped.
Obviously not a big deal because I hadn't even gotten a 'what's up' type contact since.
The irony?
I've met what seems to be the MOST PERFECT woman ever.
This girl's life has basically run parallel to mine and we both know what we should be treated like and treat eachother that way.
I met her at my new base here in MD.
We'd both make excuses just to go talk to eachother.
We'd both been hella attracted to eachother.
And now she's got orders to England.
I feel like I've met someone perfect (for me).
And I'm willing to try the long distance thing.
I feel as tho I've hijacked this thread....
Any hoo.
Yeah dating sites?
Hope it works for those that are trying it.
I do think online dating makes it "easier" for people to meet other people.

I mean how is a guy suppose to get "out there" if they are out of school, working 40 hours a week, and most of his friends are already attached?

Yes he can start joining social clubs, activities to meet people but dating sites do seem to cut the hassle.

It's not that they're necessarily scared--it's just that most find it easier to know who's single and looking for someone online and a little bit about who they are as opposed to running up to a total stranger at a mall or a grocery store that you know nothing about.

At least the dating site takes a ton of the guesswork out of it where you already know things like:

A. Likes/Dislikes
B. Religion/Political views
C. Hobbies/Interests
D. Job/Income/Experience
E. Hometown
F. Has kids

I understand all that. Those are great reasons and it applies for some dudes, but let's be real now. The vast majority of guys are going on dating sites for those reasons? I doubt it. I'll give the benefit of the doubt and say 50% are on there for those reasons.
I do think online dating makes it "easier" for people to meet other people.

I mean how is a guy suppose to get "out there" if they are out of school, working 40 hours a week, and most of his friends are already attached?

Yes he can start joining social clubs, activities to meet people but dating sites do seem to cut the hassle.
And joining social clubs and activities doesn't cut it when you're an introverted hermit. :funny:

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