DC's Illuminati

Maybe Jimmy Kimmel has a really nice personality. :)

Wait, isn't Jimmy Kimmel married?
He got divorced around season two or three of the Man Show. I miss that show. :(
TheCorpulent1 said:
Maybe Jimmy Kimmel has a really nice personality. :)

Wait, isn't Jimmy Kimmel married?

I think I heard him say that she was very very hairy down there.
Anubis said:
I think she was in Chasing Amy. I don't know. All those Kevin Smith movies tend to blend together for me.

Is it true she's dating Jimmy Kimmel? If it is I mean, wtf man!?!

yeah theyre dating, shes been on his talk show and the flirt with each other alot and they even mentioned they were dating.
If they mentioned it, it's one thing. But flirting means nothing. Sharon Stone flirted with Jon Stewart on The Daily Show a lot and pretty much every woman who goes on Conan's show flirts with him.

'Cause Conan's a pimp. :cool:

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