Did Noah spare Claude on purpose?


IKYN Guy Groupie
Aug 9, 2000
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I remember in Company Man he shot Claude and then told the Haitian to shoot him in the same place. Did Noah intentionally spare Claude or simply learn from his mistake? I mean, he seemed geniunely shocked to see Claude alive. It was never clearly stated, unless I missed something, so I figured I'd ask.
I think he wanted to kill him for the good of the company back then
I think he wanted to kill him for the good of the company back then
Yeah, I mean, you have to remember...that was back in a time when Bennet was still very loyal to the Company. His loyalty only started to shift when he recognized that Claire's life was at risk.
But its odd that he shot him in the same place he instructed the Haitian to shoot him. He knew he would survive the shot, afterall.
But its odd that he shot him in the same place he instructed the Haitian to shoot him. He knew he would survive the shot, afterall.

Well maybe he knows its a good place to shoot someone NOW and he wont die... because he ****ed his shot up on Claude
Either way he wanted him dead and thought he was and looked pretty surprised when he found out he wasnt
I highly doubt that HRG spared claude on purpose. He shot him like three times, I'm sure that he wanted to do some damage.
I think he did as he has shown to be a crack shot and at that range it would have been cake to put three in the heart but instead choose to shoot towards a shoulder?
I say he spared him on purpose at least IMO.
I think he meant to kill Claude, otherwise what was the point of tracking him down years later? When HRG saw Isaac's painting, which hinted at Claude still being alive, wouldn't HRG have been more inclined to leave Claude be if he had intentionally spared him years ago.

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