DiDio Announces "Legacies"

My only concern would be Len Wein as a writer. Legendary writer, but his recent stories are quite hit-or-miss.
Wein Explores DC's History in "Legacies"


"Legacies" is a ten-part miniseries, and my understanding is that the story is broken down generation by generation, from Golden Age to Silver Age and from Bronze Age to the Modern Age. Is this accurate?

I think "generations" is too broad a term for what I'm doing. While the first two issues are clearly set in the Golden Age, it gets more difficult to separate the ages as the series goes on. Suffice it to say that each arc ends with a pivotal moment in the history of the DCU.

Will these stories be revisionist in nature, or will you be delivering the histories of these legacy characters as they were originally introduced in DCU proper?

The best answer to that is probably yes to both. I'm making a few minor adjustments to some of the stories as I go, to keep things as much as possible consistent with most current continuity, but with the exception of certain obvious changes, much to the history should be familiar to the reader.

Flash and Green Lantern are without a doubt DC's top two superheroes that come to mind when you talk about "legacy" characters. Why do you think the passing of the mantle works so well within the Flashes and the Green Lanterns? Meaning, I don't think introducing a new Superman every 20 years would be quite so widely accepted. That said, I guess there's a new Batman in Gotham these days...

Interesting question. I guess, perhaps, it's the basic powers that make it so easy to move on to the next generation; super-speed and the power ring, that all remains consistent no matter who happens to be The Flash or Green Lantern at any given moment. It's something I'll be delving into a bit as the series goes on.

Coming out of "Blackest Night," will there be some new "rules" shaping and governing DCU, in terms of life and death and life beyond death? And does "Legacies" play a role in explaining what that is?

I've heard rumors to that effect, but "Legacies" is a story, not a rulebook. Whatever the rules become after "Blackest Night" will be left to other series to define.

Will "Legacies" tie into current DCU continuity or will it exist on its own timeline?

Basically, current continuity. That means characters like Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman don't appear until the dawn of the Silver Age. Part of the fun of this story is explaining what went on between the Golden and Silver Ages. I'm having a great time with that aspect.
Sounds good, although I'm a bit confused about how long it is. The first article says 7 issues, then the second says it's a 10-part mini-series and the Golden Age takes up 2 issues.
Dan DiDio talks about LEGACIES.


You know, ever since I started at DC Comics (nearly eight years ago for those of you keeping track), I’ve been asked when are we
going to do a new HISTORY OF THE DC UNIVERSE and a new WHO’S WHO? Over the years I’ve given varying responses to these questions (everything from “waiting to find the right talent” to “not ready to start revising history’); after all, the creative energy that Marv Wolfman and George Perez put into the original HISTORY was hard to top, and the amount of man hours it took to build a new WHO’S WHO was a little daunting. And truth be told, if we ever planned to take on these two monumental projects again, we wanted to make sure we rolled them out at a time we felt that the universe was no longer in flux and the history, as built, and the Who’s Who entries would stay relevant for as long as the original projects (some of the editors, myself included, can be seen still using the original Who’s Who as a reference guide). The last thing we’d want to do is to build these books and have them outdated before their final issues hit the shelves. Well, given the events of BLACKEST NIGHT (you didn’t really think I’d give away the ending, did you?), and the fact that we are approaching DC Comics’ 75th anniversary, I am very happy to announce that the time is now.

A new WHO’s WHO is currently in production with the first issue hitting the stores in May. Like the original series, this is a massiveundertaking: 18 issues, over 800 entries and featuring, literally, a thousand characters. Former DC Editor Bob Greenberger has returned to the fold (Bob worked on the original Who’s Who as well) and is taking on the incredible task of building this series so that it has the same lasting impact of the first one. As for the history of the DC Universe, well, we are coming at that a little differently. Rather than a prose piece, master storyteller Len Wein has crafted a detailed and weaving story of two families whose lives have been impacted by five generations of super-heroes.

DC LEGACIES tells the tale of the history of the DC Universe as experienced by the characters who live in it. Five generations, ten issues and fifteen of comics’ greatest artists will be telling a tale for the ages. And while you will be hearing more about this project as it gets closer, this Nation page just gives you a sample of the first-issue art of the incomparable team of Andy and Joe Kubert as they tackle the first generation and the age of the Mystery Men.
A little special comic book goodness to kick off 2010. Happy New Year, Nation!
To be continued…
So what are the 5 generations?

Jay Garrick --- Alan Scott
Barry Allen ---Hal Jordan --- Ollie Queen ---Bruce Wayne
Wally West --- Kyle Rayner -Roy/Conner ---Dick Grayson
Bart Allen-------------------Mia Dearden-- Tim Drake
Iris West(?)----------------- Lian Harper -- Damian Wayne

Well, the way things are going, I think the fifth generation is much more like the second one

Barry Allen --- Hal Jordan --- Ollie Queen --- Dick Grayson

You know the basics on the series: DCU: LEGACIES goes back to the roots of the DC Universe and tells the tale of ts heroes from the dawn of the masked men to more modern days. Written by industry veteran Len Wein and featuring the artistic talents of superstar artist Andy Kubert (inked by his legendary father, Joe Kubert) on the first issue, LEGACIES is a nod to the DCU’s rich and storied history presented to the modern reader.And while we mentioned that J.G. Jones was handling cover duties, we didn’t get to show the piece. That’s changed. Not much can top a new piece of J.G. Jones art.


On sale JUNE 16 * 2 of 10 * 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US
Written by LEN WEIN
1:25 Variant cover by J.H. WILLIAMS

The awe-inspiring history of the DC Universe rages on. In this second installment, the exploits of the mystery men and emerging heroes of the mid-century inspire the everyday populace to fight crime. Groups like the Justice Society of America encourage regular citizens to action: Meet the Newsboy Legion and more! Meanwhile, the Seven Soldiers of Victory join together against a seriously unusual enemy! Join writer Len Wein (SWAMP THING, Incredible Hulk), fan-favorite Andy Kubert (BATMAN, X-Men), his father, legendary artist Joe Kubert (SGT. ROCK) Scott Kolins, (FLASH) and J.H. Williams III (DETECTIVE COMICS, PROMETHEA) as they redefine the DCU's epic history in this 10-issue event!
Retailers please note: This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the Previews Order Form for more information.

DCU with LEGACIES #2 Preview



The awe-inspiring history of the DC Universe rages on. In this second installment, the exploits of the mystery men and emerging heroes of the mid-century inspire the everyday populace to fight crime. Groups like the Justice Society of America encourage regular citizens to action: Meet the Newsboy Legion and more! Meanwhile, the Seven Soldiers of Victory join together against a seriously unusual enemy! Join writer Len Wein (SWAMP THING, Incredible Hulk), fan-favorite Andy Kubert (BATMAN, X-Men), his father, legendary artist Joe Kubert (SGT. ROCK) Scott Kolins, (FLASH) and J.H. Williams III (DETECTIVE COMICS, PROMETHEA) as they redefine the DCU's epic history in this 10-issue event!

On Sale June 16, 2010
This series does not grab me

Not really a Golden Age fan
Really enjoyed the first issue even though it continues the facade that Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are not Golden Age characters...but I understand why although I don't agree with it. At least there's Earth-2 where things were as written originally.
A Wonder Woman existed in the Golden Age.

Hippolyta was the Golden Age Wonder Woman post-crisis
A Wonder Woman existed in the Golden Age.

Hippolyta was the Golden Age Wonder Woman post-crisis

I know, and I thought that was a good way to fix it for their Earth, but I meant the actual Moulton WW.
But this isn't an Earth-2 book, it's based on New Earth history so it would be awkward to have the Golden Age Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman.
Yeah, it would. The actual story as originally published is more or less retold in All-Star Squadron anyway.

That Kubert art is something else.
It's on top 70 sales so yeah.
Yeah, I don't care about that, I meant is anyone here reading it because I was curious what they actually thought. Disembodied statistics hold no interest for me.
I've been reading it, but I'm waiting for it all to be collected before I commit my moneys, because while there's nothing really bad in it, it's not really that interesting either. It'll probably read much better as a trade, but right now it just feels like MARVELS' runty cousin from that aunt that maybe smoked too much during pregnancy. With more exposition.
That's what I was thinking based on that preview. I decided to pass on it because, at this stage, I just don't even care about DC's continuity anymore. But that preview seems really, really talky and boring to me.
I'm getting this as well and I'm really enjoying it thus far. It's pretty cool that they're kind of going through the DCU history. I've only recently gotten hardcore into the DC Universe. I've mainly just been a Batman guy for the longest time. Then eventually got into Flash during the middle of the Geoff Johns run. Then 52 really got me very interested into the DCU. I started getting Booster Gold after that.

Then Blackest Night came around and it got me big time interested in the DCU. So, this series is kind of nice for someone like me who has only been getting into DC's legacy for the past five to six years.

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