🇺🇲 Discussion: Congress, The Senate, The House of Representatives - Part I

US News
I strongly suspect Hogan's anti-abortion stance is going to be a bigger issue than it would have been before.
I think the question comes down to if people will buy Hogan's newly found "choice" on abortion. Whether they do or not, the point is that if you've got maybe 9 states where Dems are vulnerable (one of those in WV is going to be lost) and 1 (or maybe two) where repubs are (less) vulnerable, who has senate control? In these situations, odds tend to work against you. It's possible that this could be a blue election where, as November rolls around, people just vote for Dems, but, as a recovering statistician, i hate playing against the odds. I freely admit, things could lean decidedly to the Dems, but it doesn't look promising to me.
Remember, things were looking at a "red wave" in 2022. Didn't quite turn out how pollsters were thinking. And we continue to see little small miracles. I mean, I'm not super confident in holding the Senate, but I think Hogan's issue with abortion is going to really, really sink him.
Remember, things were looking at a "red wave" in 2022. Didn't quite turn out how pollsters were thinking. And we continue to see little small miracles. I mean, I'm not super confident in holding the Senate, but I think Hogan's issue with abortion is going to really, really sink him.
Girl, I hope you're right......and it may be so, but taking OH, MT, NV, AZ, MI, PA, MD,....even WI scares me a little bit....

The first 3 are REALLY hold your breath races. Things have to fall just right to maintain senate control, but if that happens, everything else is a done deal.

That doesn't mean things are going to be hunky dory with the Dems in control, but I think inroads can be made with voting rights, choice, immigration, affordable education (inc debt relief), etc.
Uh.....I'm married to a Jewish person, but I don't only not love Nazis, I flat out don't like them and won't associate with them.
Pretty much all Republicans voted this down last time it was tried.

Pretty much all Republicans voted this down last time it was tried.

I'm sure they will again, too. :(
Pretty much all Republicans voted this down last time it was tried.

Probably keeping the issue in the public eye.

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