Does Anyone Have The Pics Of...


Jun 28, 2002
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the "ultimate" versions of the dc characters that wizard did a few years back? specifically superman, but all of them would be cool :o
thanks the green guy running the computer in that JLA shot supposed to be Martian Manhunter?
that's a pretty f**ked up martian manhunter...I also forgot how much I like the Flash redesign...the running suit aspect of it is awesome...
Wow, those Ultimate Teen Titans are crappy. Haven't seen those before.
I like Robin...and the guy who looks like Green Arrow...
Robin's one of the worst IMO. The Green Arrow is kinda cool though.
I was coming up with ideas for an Ultimate DCU (not having read the article), and I came up something for Teen Titans that was rather similar. Albiet, alot cooler. :o
Mee said:
Robin's one of the worst IMO. The Green Arrow is kinda cool though.

I like the mask...don't like the pants though, they don't fit the outfit...and seeing as they did Batman as more of an urban commando, they should have done the same for robin
Well, from what I read of the article, their idea was to have Ultimate Robin be completely unconnected to Ultimate Batman.
That leather jacket on Robin is pretty painful too. It's ten years of comic-fashion date. :o
Venom160 said:
you guys probably already seen these but I thought these looked awsome.

Ultimate Batman


Ultimate Superman


Ultimate Flash


Ultimate Green Lantern


Ultimate Wonder Woman


and Ultimate Teen Titans


Most of these are terrible. Particularly the Teen Titans:down
Is that like, gay 1985 Aquaman?
I can't even put it into words how much I hate those redesigns.
Well, I didn't draw these, but I requested them. They're my idea for what Ultimate Robin should look like:

I kind of like the Superman one, but I think I'd rather have the normal S.
The Batman and Green Lantern ones aren't very different from the ones they have now, but the WW and Teen Titans ones sucks (except Green Arrow).
The Question said:
Well, I didn't draw these, but I requested them. They're my idea for what Ultimate Robin should look like:


Haha! I drew one of those:D

Here's a better one, also by me:
Yeah. Not big on the short sleeves or the bat symbol (Ultimate Robin may be getting training from the guy, but he's still his own man. Or teen, I guess). But, otherwise, quite good.
I've been meaning to try some of your ideas Question, haven't found time yet, maybe someday.
now that basic design for an ultimate robin is great :o

and I still like Ultimate Superman there better than regular superman...I love the Kingdom Come S
The Joker said:
now that basic design for an ultimate robin is great :o

Is that sarcasm, or are you serious?

The Joker said:
and I still like Ultimate Superman there better than regular superman...I love the Kingdom Come S

I kind of like the Kingdom Come S aswell. My idea for an Ultimate Superman suit would be similar, but the boots would be blue and atatched to his suit, and his hands would be covered in blue.
The Question said:
Well, I didn't draw these, but I requested them. They're my idea for what Ultimate Robin should look like:

I like this. It looks like Nighthawk's.

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