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DTL Season 7-Week 2

DTL Commish

DTL Commisioner
Sep 23, 2007
Reaction score
The rules:
This thread will be in use for 5 days. Days 1-3 are strictly setup time for owners to post their battles, plead their cases, tell us their team’s strategies, breakdown the match ups, and do whatever else they can/want to do to try and convince you that their team would pull out a victory inside of 2 posts. Please, let the owners do this on their own with no help. Debating cannot begin until both owners post battles.

On Day 4, I will post and tell everyone that debating may begin. Each owner has one post to rebut their opponent's match, and another to correct any issues of their opponent's rebuttle. One 2 rebuttle posts are allowed for each opponent.

On Day 5, I will post and tell everyone that voting can begin. Any votes cast before I open voting will not count. Look over the matchups and read the strategies, and take into consideration how in-character each character is. Afterwards, use your best judgment to decide who you think has the best chance to win the match. (Note: The length of a writeup is at the discretion of the owner. Do not punish owners just for having a shorter writeup.)

To vote, rate each team's writeup and arguments between 1-10 (0 is reserved for non-writeups). The team you think will win should get the higher score (tie scores are not allowed). Remember to vote for all matches or your votes will not count! The teams with the highest point total at the end of the 7th day will get a W while the other will get an L. (Equal scores will result in a tie.)

The battleground for this week is: Savage Land (classic)

Heroes of the New Age
Replicant (DU) - Can absorb any weapon and use its power, has the power sets of Mirror Master, Dr Alchemy, Heat Wave, Weather Wizard and Captain Cold
Martian Manhunter (DU) - Telepathy, Shape Shifting, Super Speed, Flight, Heat Vision, Super Strength, Intangibility
Psylocke (telekinesis) (MM) - Telekinesis, Psychic Katana, Invisibility, Immunity to telepathy and all forms of mental, magical, and physical alteration.
Zauriel (DR) - Super Sonic Scream, Flaming Sword, Flight, Heightened Strength, Endurance, Durability, Master Swordsman, Heavenly Armour, Healing Factor
The Atom (Ray Palmer) (DR) - High Intelligence, Ability to shrink


The Odd Alliance
Onslaught (Magneto/Xavier) (MU)
Vulcan (MU)
New Son (MM)
Blink (MR)
The Ray (DR)

The Immortals
Xavier Juggernaut (MU)
Sodam Yat (Green Lantern) (DCU)
Balck Queen Selene (MM)
Death Wolverine (MR)
Midnighter (DCR)


Chaos & Order
Exodus (MU)
Shanzar (MU)
Blue Beetle (DM)
Boy Blue (DR)
Iron Spidey (MR)

Silver Surfer (MU)
Thor (MU)
Kang (MM)
Batman 1,000,000 (DR)
Gentleman Ghost (DR)


Cable (Burnt Offering)
Captian Marvel (Genis 2x)
Sentinel (Washington)
Dream Girl
NorthStar (AoH)
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Week 2:

Silver Surfer
Batman 1,000,000
Gentleman Ghost


Cable (Burnt Offering)
Captain Marvel(Genis 2x)
Sentinel (Lexington)
Dream Girl
Northstar (AoH)


As I learned this weekend, Ubers can't use their powers during prep-time.
but i'm cutting pre-battle.
lets be suffice to say that we all know cable has led many teams and has the ability to put teams together.
Everyone knows how to trust one another(including NorthStar. Northstar is mad. Not insane. he led a band of villians against the x-men and sentinels successfully), and knowing his place, Northstar listens to commands, though hes a killer.
Info: Cable and Captain Marvel know Silver Surfer, Thor and some on kang. DG knows the Name Batman, the bracket tells you hes pumped up. Its obvious what a ghost can do(but be ready for any attack).

The Jailbaits?.. i dunno, not my team.
Thier Info: they know my team


As the ubers get thier powers back, Cable shields everyone, they all hop into the sentinel, go invisible and take off. As planned, they can't find the Jailbaits, so Cable mind melds with Captain Marvel, Showing him how to configured the Sentinel to track cosmic energy, combinded with the extra effort thats put into it, they have an exact location of SS and Mjoirn. As they take off, Cable again instructs CM to create an energy field around the sentinel, boucing all waves off of it, rendering it invisible to detection...

SS senses them, but can't get a location. Closing in on the enemy, NS jumps out of the back of the Sentinel placing himself in the middle of the opposing team, just as the Jailbaits look, NS blinds them with a snap.
Cable Telekinetically Knocks Thor and SS out of the sky(as Cable and Marvel exit the Sentinel).
CM hits Kang with a stong emp as NS strips him of his cloths and beats him senseless in mid air.
Batman, presses a button unleashing his own blinding light(DG covering Lexingtons and her eyes) as he glides to the thicket bellow.
SS and Thor burst back into the sky, picking thier advisory and punching(Cable and CM sent in opposite directions).

Captain Marvel Vs. Silver Surfer

Recovering over a Volcano, CM draws in the heat, electrically charges it, focus' and shoots a pin sized beam, Scratching SS's indestructible skin.
SS starts draining CaptinMarvels Cosmic energy, Knowing he will try to over load the Surfer(giving him more energy than he can handle at once), but as CM does so, SS flails his arms backwards, releasing the energy, leaving the Captain in his human stat, floating in the air.
Presuming an easy finish, The Silver Surfer approaches slowly is Injured by an errupting blasts directly from the nega bands of a depowered CM.(Genis explains that the starie skin is only a side effect of his Power Cosmic around him, when the true power comes from the nega bands.).
Back in form, CM concentrates his powers down to the molecular lvl, trapping a single atom feet infront of the SS, splitting it, creating an explosion that stuns the SS sending him into the wilderness far away and seperating him from his board. At which point, CM creates a worm hole teleporting the board somewhere in space(though he knows it will eventually return)... CM then heads off to Cable assisstance...

Dream Girl, Lexington and NorthStar Vs. Thor and Gentleman Ghost

Thor swings his hammer, jolting him at the head of the Sentinel(having already seen Lexingtons answer, DG hits several buttons), eye blast, Net and hand. All temperary disturbances, but enough for NorthStar recover from the flash and catch Thor with a blind side upper-cut and several kicks(GG recovering now) to the nuts. NorthStar speeds off to the Sentinel as it blasts Thor to the Ground... ignoring GG while the hand reconnects.

As Dream Girl directs them to Cable, NorthStar ****ing RUN!

As the AnnoyingSilence finds each other moments later, invisible , dectect and undetect back up and head off towards SS. the Jailbaits regain radio. Again NS jumps out as they approach, but is this time suprised by a brunt hit to the back of the neck from SSs' returning surfboard(which also happened to lop off the sentinels LEFT hand), sweeping up the SS(who shoots all the limbs off Sentinel), and meets up with the rest of the team within seconds...
All the good that does him. CM while in starie skinned form is made of light and can teleport anywhere.
Replicating the results from the search with the sentinel, CM focus's in on the SS(drastically), teleports right next to him, creates a super strong forcefield, banging the nega bands, teleporting the two to the microverse(i think), leaving Rick Jones...

Rick STOP! I dunno Whats Goin ON! STOP! killing me won't kill him! STOP!!!(Batman just knocks'm out(which effectively knocks both the SS and CM out(because rick is now the one who has to hit the nega bands to switch))))

Cable telekinetically reattachs the Sentinels arm and creates and mind-link between the two(DG and Lexington) that might as well pushed both brains together(effectively making Lexington a precog). Cable enters the sentinel and they go invisible and take of towards the Jailbaits(Because with Cables' future experience with tech he had CM configure some systems).
W/o CM, the AnnoyingSilence now fall to detection by Batmans superior technology.
(Knowing each other is approaching)Cable dives into the Astral Plane, plucks out the Gentleman Ghost and puts him to sleep, Exits the machine just in time to Grab Thor and force him away from the others.

Sentinel/DG Vs. Batman 1,000,000

Try as Batman might, there is a precog in this suit of armor and with only a couple direct hits, blasts and a neurological paralizing net. Batman may have pulled more than his weight, but when his every move is only a rewind, hes easy pickins.

Cable Vs. Thor

Cable throws Thor to the ground, causing a car sized crater, throwing the surrounding trees on him.
Thor bursts out of the pile, but cannot get a bead on Cable.
Out of no where, the Sentinel blasts Thor, he reacts but is only stopped by a telekinetic force, grabbing the back of his head, smashing him into every tree around.(Cable enters the Invisible Sentinel)
This goes on until Thor is knocked out... You can defeat an uber telekinetic that you can't see...

AnnoyingSilence Wins
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Heroes Of The New Age (Owner: Nightwing)

Replicant (DU) - Can absorb any weapon and use its power, has the power sets of Mirror Master, Dr Alchemy, Heat Wave, Weather Wizard and Captain Cold
Martian Manhunter (DU) 1 - Telepathy, Shape Shifting, Super Speed, Flight, Heat Vision, Super Strength, Intangibility
Psylocke (telekinesis) (MM) - Telekinesis, Psychic Katana, Invisibility, Immunity to telepathy and all forms of mental, magical, and physical alteration.
Zauriel (DR) - Super Sonic Scream, Flaming Sword, Flight, Heightened Strength, Endurance, Durability, Master Swordsman, Heavenly Armour, Healing Factor
The Atom (Ray Palmer) (DR) - High Intelligence, Ability to shrink


The Odd Alliance (Owner: JewishHobbit)

Onslaught (MU)
Vulcan (MU)
New Son (MM)
The Ray (DR)
Blink (MR)


The Heroes look amongst the opponents images that are displayed before them.

Psylocke – ‘I can inform you of Onslaught. He will be our biggest foe’

Martian Manhunter – ‘The Ray is known to me. We may have an advantage over the fact that they aren’t fully knowledged on us.’

Psylocke – ‘I have limited knowledge of Blink. She’s a teleporter’

Atom and Replicant begin talks of plans amongst each other. They include J’onn and Psylocke. Zauriel preps himself with his flaming sword and armour.

Psylocke – ‘This battle is going to be tough. More so as we don’t know two of the team’

The team start to think strategically, knowing that jumping straight into the battle without a plan will seriously damage their chances.

And at this point HOTNA are ported to the Savage Land…

To Be Continued…
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Heroes Of The New Age (Owner: Nightwing)

Replicant (DU) - Can absorb any weapon and use its power, has the power sets of Mirror Master, Dr Alchemy, Heat Wave, Weather Wizard and Captain Cold
Martian Manhunter (DU) 1 - Telepathy, Shape Shifting, Super Speed, Flight, Heat Vision, Super Strength, Intangibility
Psylocke (telekinesis) (MM) - Telekinesis, Psychic Katana, Invisibility, Immunity to telepathy and all forms of mental, magical, and physical alteration.
Zauriel (DR) - Super Sonic Scream, Flaming Sword, Flight, Heightened Strength, Endurance, Durability, Master Swordsman, Heavenly Armour, Healing Factor
The Atom (Ray Palmer) (DR) - High Intelligence, Ability to shrink


The Odd Alliance (Owner: JewishHobbit)

Onslaught (MU)
Vulcan (MU)
New Son (MM)
The Ray (DR)
Blink (MR)


Instantly on landing in the Savage Land Martian Manhunter raises his mental block on all his team. Replicant covers the sky in clouds and brings down large hail stones the likes of which are rarely seen.

Psylocke – ‘Why the hail?’

Replicant – ‘I can use the reflective surfaces to move across the land. Whilst inside the portals I’m harder to detect.’

Replicant disappears into the nearest hail stone.

Zauriel takes to the skies, leaving J’onn Jonzz and Psylocke alone.

Psylocke – ‘Where is Ray?’

Martian Manhunter – He has shrunk to a level that not even my telepathy can find…he could be anywhere now.’

Psylocke moves across the savage land. Knowing her enemies are also shielded by a mental block she is on her guard. Raising her psychic katana it isn’t long before she is being charged down by Dr. Ray…

Psylocke vs. Dr. Ray

Dr. Ray stands before Psylocke. Onslaught having given Ray his knowledge on Psylocke knows she is without telepathy and can only rely on her TK and fighting skills. However, she can’t harm light…or so he thinks. He forms a light construct armour on his body and charges wielding his own light sword. Unsure of the full effects of her katana he haphazardly runs towards her expecting the blade to bounce off his armour. The blade slices through the armour and into his chest. His nerves are instantly shocked and disrupted. He falls unconscious.

Onslaught senses the cut in mental connection to Dr. Ray and begins his own attack. He stretches his magnetic ability across the land dragging all broken metal and structures from beneath the ground.

Replicant and Atom vs. Vulcan

Replicant jumps from a hail stone in front of Vulcan. Trying to get the drop on him he blasts him with radiation. Vulcan stands and absorbs the energy along with Atom.

Atom contacts Replicant through the mind connection being held by Martian Manhunter – ‘Interesting, his entire structure is designed to absorb energy, not much dissimilar to you Replicant’

Replicant – ‘Think you can take him down from the inside?’

Atom – ‘I can disrupt his mind to try and weaken him; this might leave him vulnerable to your attacks.’

Replicant – ‘Good, I have another plan. Hold him off as much as you can.’

Atom quickly makes his way towards the brain. He begins attacking the cerebellum and the premotor cortex. Vulcan finds himself unable to control his limbs or his move with the precision he needs. Replicant sees this as his time to strike and drags Vulcan into the reflective surface of a hail stone.

Vulcan is trapped in this separate dimension, however Atom finds himself stuck within Vulcan’s brain also taking him out of the fight.

Whilst this battle has been ensuing Zauriel finds himself locked in battle also.

New Son and Blink teleport above Zauriel and drag the angel hurling to the ground.

Zauriel and Psylocke vs. Blink and New Son

Zauriel lashes out at the two attackers. He finds as he swings Blink dodges with teleporting and he is hit back with a reverse of kinetic energy.

It doesn’t take long before Zauriel is being chased along the waste land by the Blinks teleport daggers,

Zauriel – ‘A little more than just a teleporter’

Zauriel decides to get himself some back up and heads towards Psylocke’s position as she has just finished off Ray. Blink fires a teleport dagger at Red Son and reemerges him between Zauriel and Psylocke and within a blink of an eye he absorbs Zauriel’s forward trajection and converts it towards Psylocke. She takes the full brunt in the face and it sends her slamming across the ground. Zauriel looks into the body movement of Red Son and sees a small similarity in movement from the Flash when he redirects his speed.

Zauriel – ‘Interesting’ He stops in front of Red Son who has now been joined by Blink. Both watch as Zauriel is just stood in front of them. Psylocke stands up after her initial impact. Blink turns to face the X-man whilst Red Son keeps his eyes fixed on Zauriel. Zauriel opens his mouth and releases a sonic scream. Red Son takes this brunt and falls to his knee. He begins a barrage of kinetic explosions using the sand on the ground. They aim towards Zauriel’s throat, however they cease right before his face as Red Son falls unconscious. Psylocke removes the katana from his skull. Blink has at this point teleported back to Onslaught.

Onslaught and Blink vs. Zauriel, Psylocke, Replicant and Martian Manhunter

Onslaught sits inside his metal cube waiting for the strike from his enemies. Having tried to battle through J’onn’s mental blocks he knows that he is going to have to take the physical approach. He is joined by Blink who vows to stand as a front line defence to the uber.

Manhunter is the first to arrive by phasing through the wall. As he does, Blink reacts and fires a teleport dagger towards him. It passes through the Martian and takes out the back wall. This leaves an opening for Replicant, Zauriel and Psylocke. Psylocke charges towards Blink and TK’s her across the cube into a wall. Zauriel and Replicant begin an assault of Replicant’s energy blasts and Zauriel’s sonic scream. This proves ineffective so they switch their strategy. Manhunter changes his form to a towering beast. He begins a barrage of blows on Onslaughts armour. Onslaught grapples with Manhunter whilst Zauriel and Psylocke attack his armour with their blades. Zauriel’s flaming sword slices through the armour, Psylocke raises her katana ready to strike the psionic energy beneath when she vanishes. Blink’s teleport daggers are flying towards the HOTNA. Zauriel takes to the skies to dodge, whilst Manhunter reverts to his former shape and turns intangible. Blink launches more daggers at the HOTNA. She takes aim at J’onn and releases only for the dagger to again phase through him and hit Onslaughts psionic state. He vanishes. Blink is shocked by her own act and loses concentration on Zauriel and Replicant who are advancing towards her. Replicant is hurling blasts of fire towards her and Zauriel is swooping from the sky. He grabs her and slams her hard into the cube wall. The impact causes the structure to lose its foundation and the whole construct falls on Blink.

HOTNA step out amid the dust and are ported away from Savage Land victorious.

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You know, that whole "no editing" rule is hard to enforce when you claim a space with the purpose of editing it later. And what's the point of claiming spaces anyway? Just post it when you're ready.

The Odd Alliance
Onslaught (MU)
Vulcan (MU)
New Son (MM)
The Ray (DR)
Blink (note: Scroll down for 616) (MR)


Heroes of the New Age
Martian Manhunter (DU)
Replicant (DU)
Psylocke (Telekinesis) (MM)
Zauriel (MR)
The Atom (Ray Palmer) (MR)


So the Odd Alliance appears. There could instantly be some strife due to Vulan's hatred of Xavier, but remember, he kinda moved beyond that at the end of Deadly Genesis due to all the bad things Xavier's had to face or do, and he's moved well into cosmic territory by now, so I don't see it as a problem. Onslaught will recognize Vulcan and I'd assume he'd recognize his brashness and such and so, offer to stand aside to allow Vulcan to lead (though sure to play his own game if necessary). New Son and Blink will already be with Onslaught and they will agree to work with Vulcan as long as it works to their benefit, and seeing that this is a war, Vulcan will likely embrace it so I don't really see any issues. The question though, is what would a hero like Ray do among these psychopaths? I think he'd be hesitant at first, but not knowing much about these people he won't necessarilly know how bad some of them can be. Now, since Onslaught can't use his powers during prep-time, he will come to Ray in his friendly Xavier persona (like in Fantastic Four 415 or so) and he will pursuade Ray that he is on his side and that, together, they need to learn what they can about their opponants. I see Ray being hesitant, but Xavier's never had a problem making people open up and soon I see Ray sharing what he knows. I'd imagine that in Ray's mind, he thinks it's he, Xavier, New Son, and Blink as a good unit and Vulcan as the renegade. He doesn't really know his team well though, and he'll likely be let down come the battle, but until then, Xavier can get what he needs from him.

So from Ray, Onslaught will learn all about Martian Manhunter, Zauriel, the Atom, and Replicant. He's been around long enough to easily know the three heroes (maybe a little less on Zauriel, but it should be enough), and I do believe that he and Replicant were in the same story with Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters right after Infinite Crisis. And that leaves Psylocke, who Xavier is very familiar with. Now, he will expect to prepare for Psylocke with telepathy and the crimson danw powers, instead of telekinesis, so that'll be a bit of a problem, but one easily fixed while in the field. He will share all of this with the rest of the team and they will then be able to prepare.

Now, while Onslaught can shield the team's minds from Martian Manhunter and (supposedly) Psylocke, the two telepaths could also shield their team from Onslaught, and so they feel that they are the two main threats. And so it will be tasked to Blink to dispose of Psylocke while Vulcan tackles Martian Manhunter. He claims he can take the alien on his own, but Onslaught plans on this not being the case and really only sees Vulcan as a distraction. His main purpose upon battling Martian Manhunter is to block the energies to the brain that controls his telepathy (it doesn't matter that it's an alien brain, as he isn't reading it, just feeling the energy and stopping it). Vulcan had once shut down Rachel Grey's telepathy in this way, even while she still had the Phoenix upgrade before losing it in Kingbreaker. Onslaught wonders if Vulcan can stop such power, but even if he can't, it should be enough for Onslaught to find his way inside to finish the job.

Other plans for Replicant, Zauriel, and Atom are made and soon they are ready for the next day's challenge. Ray sticks with Onslaught, in Xavier's guise, and they all prepare for the coming battle.

As for the HotNA, I don't forsee any problems of them working together. I don't know Replicant well enough to know if he'd cause a problem but even if he did, I don't see it lasting long. Most of this team know each other already, and Psylocke will fit in just fine. And so they begin their planning stage. Psylocke will recognize Onslaught as their biggest problem and explain him in detail. She'll have heard of Blink but has never met the girl. But from the time period this Psylocke comes from, Blink is dead and was very timid when she was alive, so she'll expect her to be just a timid teleporter and that's it. And that's if she even remembers or even knew anything about her. As for New Sun and Vulcan, both would be complete blanks, as both came around after this version of Psylocke. Ray would be an open book to everyone due to most knowing him.

Therefor, the team can plan for Ray, Onslaught, and Blink (tenatively), but two of the more powerful members, Vulcan and New Sun, are complete blanks... and that's dangerous for them. I'd imagine they'd have similar plans as the Odd Alliance, and that is to remove the telepath first so that they may then learn about Vulcan and New Sun through Martian Manhunter's telepathy. And they'd go from there on the unknowns. Until Onslaught is defeated, however, they would plan for distractionary measures to reach their first goal, as well as finding ways to get the unknowns to use their powers as to study them.

The Battle Begins

Now, the time for battle comes and all are inside of the Savage Land. After shielding everyone's minds, Onslaught performs a quick telepathic scan that tells him that there are not any other humans in the vacinity, which also tells him that their foes are being telepathically shielded by Martian Manhunter. Not being able to find them mentally, it falls to Ray and Blink to quickly begin covering the area, searching them out. Onslaught, Vulcan, and New Sun stay back for the time being.

HotNA begin their search with Zauriel taking to the skies to get an idea of the terrain. He mentally relays what he sees to the rest of the team through Martian Manhunter. His eyes will then spy a pink flash of light, and then another, and he will have found Blink. Not knowing that she is alone, Martian Manhunter calls for a distraction. Utilizing his and Psylocke's telepathy, they give a slight nudge and guide a pack of dinosaurs toward the apearing and reapparing lights, until there is a small stampeed. They following close behind carefully trying to remain unseen, but asside from one more flash, there is no one around to study. Zauriel sees one flash in the far distance and they make the assumption that this was Blink's fleeing back to camp, and so they feel they know where they are.

Blink vs Zauriel

Relaying that there was nothing but a stampeed, Vulcan recognizes the signs of herding beasts, as he's done so in the Shi'ar throneworld as show, and so they now know the general area of their opponants. Searching the area, a winged speck can be seen flying low and coming near and they know that they have been spotted.

Vulcan - "Blink, ground him!"

And just as quickly as it was stated, Blink is gone. Appearing above Zauriel, in the fraction of a second, she 'blinks' Zauriel's wings right off of him and then his armor as well. She vanishes as the angel falls, but then the angel is blinked away as well and HotNA is left shocked at the sudden attack that took all of two or three seconds. Back where the Odd Alliance are, Zauriel and Blink appear, Zauriel without his armor, a bloody stain where his wings once were. Recognizing his position he lets loose a sonic scream, blowing a few back but just as soon as he starts Blink blinks the angel to pieces, killing him without remorse. (she had done this once during the Necrosha: the Gathering one shot... so it's within character). You'll note that Ray was still scouting at this point and Blink's powers leave little mess for him to recognize. So for now, he does not know what just happened, though I'm sure he's figured out by Zauriel's scream that something's gone wrong.

Odd Alliance vs Heroes of the New Age

This was a quick removal of a scout and opponant, but something Vulcan's brash command did was 1) give away their location through Martian Manhunter's link to Zauriel and 2) reveal Blink fully to HotNA. Enranged, HotNA comes, their plan ready. Seeing himself better for the task of leadership, Onslaught quickly calls for Ray, who arrives, and sends him to find the others. He questions about Zauriel but Onslaught forces the issue of them finding their opponants if they are to save as many as possible. Ray does as he is told and in his lightening form quickly finds their location and returns. Upon seeing this Onslaught has Blink teleport everyone directly to them for the surprise attack. Having just witnessed Blink's powers, HotNA is a little more prepared than they should have been so a quick defeat isn't possible. Onslaught quickly unleashes a massive surge of telekinesis to unsteady them but it is met and matched by Psylocke, Replicant, and Martian Manhunter, and thus, their first strike is nullified.

Vulcan, seeing Martian Manhunter, attacks his foe, as Blink goes after Psylocke as planned. Having seen Blink's attack on Zauriel, and seeing her vanish now, Psylocke turns just as the pink light appears behind her and with a slash of her sword, Blink is left deeply wounded and removed from the playing field. However, with Blink's distraction and Vulcan's claiming Manhunter's attention, their telekinetic wave lessons and Onslaught easily increases and blows the rest of the HotNA team through the forest, against trees, etc. (note: while ubers can't attack regulars unless previously attacked, do note that Zauriel's scream and Psylocke's telekinesis block were attacks, thus, I feel give way for this assault, as vague as the assault is). With this opening salvo, the people begin to find their targets. Vulcan and Martian Manhunter take to the skies. Manhunter being essensial to the plan to take down Onslaught, the rest of the team is forced to find new strategy.

The Ray vs Psylocke

Replicant quickly assault Onslaught, and with Atom nowhere to be seen and Martian Manhunter busy, the Ray targets Psylocke. He flies to her quickly in his light form, and upon seeing him she dodges. She is quick, but not as quick as Ray, who turns into his energy form, allowing her kicks and sword to pass right through him. She then targets him again, but there is nothing there as she attacks it, a light illusion, and from behind he zaps her with a nonlethal force that simply renders her unconscious. She falls to the ground, and while she is an enemy, he is aware that she isn't a bad person, and so he picks her up and quickly runs off to hide her as to keep her from becoming hurt by the others who are obviously less inclined to care about a person's life.

New Son & Onslaught vs Replicant & the Atom

As this all takes place, New Sun has opted to stand back for a moment. All opponants are spoken for save the missing Atom, and since he cannot feel the kinetic flow of the little one's movements, he begins to survey all those around him. Vulcan and the Martian Manhunter are locked in battle covering the vastness of the Savage Land. He watches as the Ray drags Psylocke to safety, but having defeated her, New Sun allows him his nobility. This leaves only Replicant, who is now assaulting Onslaught with an inferno and a blizzard, attempting to freeze and fry the armor housing Charles Xavier, forcing it to explode. However, Onslaught's armor is mostly mental, and while he feels this assault, it takes more than contraction to destroy what his mind creates. Bolts of lightening reign down upon Onslaught and the mighty terror, without his mental powers is thrown to the ground wit a cry of agony, but just as quickly, he reaches up his hand and Replicant reaches for his own head, a surging pain of restriction surging through his neck. New Sun is aware that Onslaught is using his telekinesis to crush his foe, but then another cry of pain from Onslaught releases Replicant, though no cause for this sudden pain can be seen.

It is now that New Sun realizes the assault, and seeing the window of his need, he approaches at an amazing speed. Onslaught's mental powers ******ed, his armor begins to faulter, and upon seeing this moment of weekness, Replicant prepares his attack, but suddenly the world glows blue, and then a popping of his eyes fills his mind with rage and pain. A slight tingling of his body, similar to that of his eyes, is the last thing he remembers before the last of his outer skin destructs. The shock to his system knocks him the ground, and while his mind is filled with the pain and rage, his body can take no more and he finally succumbs to the pain. (Note: while he looks funky, I could'nt find anything in any bio saying Replicant wasn't still human, so I went with that. If he isn't human then I ask the reader to use your imagination on how New Sun could use his powers to kill him at this moment).

New Sun then turns to Onslaught, who is on his knees. Without his mental powers to find his assailant, due to Manhunter's blocking Atom's mind, the Atom had assault without prevention. He shrunk to such a size to find his way through the interesting, yet, intricate fabric of Onslaught's armor. While Onslaught had felt Replicant's assaults, his armor did protect him, and thus, is protected Atom as well. And as he finally made his way through the armor to the body of Xavier, he entered the man's ear and began whaling on his eardrumb. And now, he grows only a fraction of an inch, but enough to pop a few things, and thus, the tiniest of heroes fells the mightest mind. Xavier falls over, unconscious.

The Atom departs Xavier's ear, but as he begins to grow suddenly he stops, the kinetic energy necessary for the moment sucked dry, and suddenly a blue glow covers him. New Sun had felt the kinetic flow of his movemetn and knew the moment he had exited Xavier's ear. And now that slight blue hugh gives him away, and with a snap of his fingers, there's a slight pop of blue, ending the life of Ray Palmer.

New Sun - "And then there was one."

Vulcan vs. Martian Manhunter

The battle between these two has been drawn out. I chose to allow it to be seen by others instead of described because I felt it would be lengthy and tedious. Here's some things to keep in mind. First, Vulcan is able to cut off a person's telepathy by manipulating the energy of the brain, as seen in X-Men: Deadly Genesis. Being that Manhunter is alien and powerful, I didn't know whether or not he could do this fully as he did with Rachel Grey, so I had him doing it to cut him off, but not entirely. There were no mental assaults, or challenge to Onslaught keeping everyone's minds clear, but Manhunter was still able to shield his team. I'd imagine, however, that by trying to keep his team safe he distracted himself a bit. With the mental aspect taken care of, Manhunter also has his heat vision, but Vulcan, as an Omega Level energy manipulator, can manipulate this easily, firing it back into Manhunter's eyes and whatnot. The massive amounts of energy that Vulcan can use would hurt Manhunter, but his healing and shapeshift and form altering can protect him from much of that. And many other attacks on both sides can wound, but not take out the other.

So now comes the final moments. Onslaught is defeated, clearing up Manhunter's mind, but Manhunter's team is also defeated, leaving him alone. I'd imagine that he'd intensify his assault on Vulcan, if for no other reason than to try and find a moment to escape and collect himself, perhaps regroup with any surviving members of his team. Now, Vulcan is not one to ask for help, but being so evenly matched with this beast, a thought will come to mind. As he fights, he feels out and finds the energies of the Ray. Manipulating it beyond Ray's control, the Ray becomes the inwilling pawn of Vulcan, who is, if nothing else, a bully. Vulcan keeps Manhunter busy, keeping his telepathy at bay, and suddenly a yellow burst of heat and energy flies through the air, directed by Vulcan and flies right through Vulcan's head, round about the ears. This stuns and stops the alien, and in this moment of pause Vulcan unleashes a tramendous amount of energy, frying the Manhunter from mars to the very core of his being. His mind damaged, his body mangled, and his team defeated, the manhunter falls from the sky and thuds to the ground.

The Ray, now in control of hiimself again, rushes to Martian Manhunter's side, but he is gone. The rage in the hero's heart becomes overwhelming as he takes to the sky to assault the mutant who had taken advantage of him and who killed his friend, but it matters not. All vanish, the match finished.

Winner - The Odd Alliance
I apologise for I do not have much time to write out a big battle.

The Immortals are comprised for the second week of:

Xavier as the Juggernaut – he conquered his world and not only was he the most supreme physical ‘hero’ of that world he was also able to develop the greatest mind having linked with all the great minds in his universe such as Reed, Pym, Stark and Banner. He defeated all the other heroes having developed a gas which took away their suèper powers.

Sodom Yat as a Green Lantern – this guy is a Daxamite with superman like powers as well as having the powers of a powerful green lantern destined to become Ion.

Black Queen Selene – She is a psychic vampire that can enslave people with her mind, drain their life forces enhancing herself, as well as being able to disguise herself as others. She also can do magic.

Wolverine as Death – This is Wolverine with enhancements. He carries a sword which is able to use to channel immensely powerful energy bolts. He also has some sort of cloaking ability, which also shielded him from telepathy. Wolverine as Death was also able to tap into telepathic conversations and teleport.

Midnighter – He is the ultimate street level fighter with superhuman speed, strength, stamina, resilience as well as an ability to predict exactly how a battle will go before he throws the first punch.

They do face a powerful team that does pose problems notably where Shanzar and Exodus is concerned. The team devise a strategy based on the speed of Sodom Yat and Xavier's telepathic abilities.

Selene feels she can take on the blue beetle and the others will fight their respective opponents.

Xavier vs. Exodus

Exodus and Xavier go all out in a telepathic battle. but it is a stalemate. Exodus attempts top use his other powers but they do nothing to harm the Juggernaut.

Sodom Yat vs. Shanzar

Sodom at near the speed of light immediately siezes Shanzar and aware that Shanzar could try to steal his body. To avoid this he keeps a green shield up which affects spirirtsHe does not let up and before even a second passes, encases shanzar ina crystal formed with his powers that totally immobilizes and silences Shanzar as well as cutting him off with everything happening around him.

Sodom Yat & Xavier vs. Exodus

Sodom Yat zooms in to help and Exodus becomes overwhelmed eventually being put down.

To note: the battle with Shanzar took about 1.1 seconds as Sodom Yat has near Flash level speed.

Blue Beetle vs. Selene

This is a battle where blue beetle lacking the telepathic protection that Exodus might have given him (as Exodus would be in an all out battle with Xavier which would leave no room to help others) would be drainned over a period of time by Selene who would constantly change the way she looks.

Wolverine, Midnighter vs. Boy Blue, Iron Spidey

There is no clear winner here with Iron Spiedy being able to hold out even though Boy Blue cannot stand up against Midnighter. The point becomes moot as both Sodom and Xavier come to help their teammates (this would be before 1 hour is up).

Winner - The Immortals

Okay, I’m just going to get down to brass tacks here. My team knows each other relatively well. Thor and the Silver Surfer have worked with each other in the past. While both have undergone changes of late, they’ll be able to work together well. In fact, considering what has been happening to these two characters in recent times, I imagine they would get along very well indeed.

Wait, you say, what about Kang? One of Thor’s deadliest enemies, yes, but it’s not like Kang hasn’t worked with the Avenger before. Thor’s also quite familiar with the ‘forced to work with the enemy’ trope of comics, so he’ll accept the situation. Will they work well together? Not at all. Thor’s not taking any orders from Kang and vice versa. Is that going to matter in the battle? No, since their opponents aren’t exactly team players either.

From Kang we come to Gentleman Ghost. A villain yes, but one who has worked with teams before (he even led some). None of the others know him and none of them are Hawkman or a JSA’er. Gentleman Ghost is in these matters, an honourable sort of fellow and he’ll work with the team, even if he’s reluctant.

Batman 1,000,000 has worked with Kang before (last week) and he’ll be happy to have two more heroes on the team. There’s no really reason to think he’ll have any trouble working with this team, although it’s likely he won’t be fond of the Gentleman Ghost.

What about the other side? It’s a colossal mismatch. Cable is a leader and a loner rolled into one. Captain Marvel’s insane. Sentinel won’t want to work with mutants and is out of his depth. Northstar is best described as chaotic evil. Dream Girl must feel terribly alone in that team (especially after the harrowing experience of being melted into one form with Northstar last week).

Finally, let’s look at what the two teams will know of each other: Thor knows Captain Marvel and Northstar. Silver Surfer knows Cable and Captain Marvel. Kang will know Cable and Captain Marvel. Batman 1,000,000 might be familiar with Dream Girl.

Flipping the coin: Thor, Silver Surfer and Kang will be known to the team. Gentleman Ghost will be a mystery (the only DC’er is Dream Girl and she’s from the far-flung future) as will Batman 1,000,000. All Dream Girl will know about him is the name.

As has been noted, both teams are relatively disorganised, but my team will have the edge. The characters are more familiar with each other and none of them are certifiably insane. That will give them the edge when it comes to planning.

Now, how do I see the battle going? Silver Surfer is going to go straight for Cable, knowing he has bested the mutant telepath before. Cable might think he has a better chance in a rematch but he doesn’t know what the Surfer has been through: a power upgrade and an attitude adjustment. The Surfer that is silver will waste no time with Cable and pour it on.

Thor’s job is to head off Captain Marvel, who is likely to try and attack the Surfer (cosmics tend to go after one another in battles like this). It’ll be an energy battle, with lots of blasts and expletives flying around. Now, the God of Thunder should be able to match Genis-Vell in this capacity for a while, although I expect he would eventually be overpowered.

Fortunately, that’s when the Silver Surfer is done dismantling Cable. See this link to see how that might end up. Most of the area where the ubers will be fighting will be destroyed by the end of the battle, by the by. The power output of these guys is enormous.

Anyway, back to the Silver Surfer versus Captain Marvel. Thor will have worn down Genis-Vell a bit. Going by the last fight between Cable and the Surfer, the Surfer will be less tired. Still, it’ll be a tough battle. While the Captain now has experience to back up his power, the Surfer’s got diversity in the application of his powers. Also, as mentioned, the Surfer’s been empowered further by Galactus. A tough battle, but one that Captain Marvel will lose.

Moving on to the mediums: Kang versus Sentinel. I’m not usually one for generalisations, but this one goes to Kang ten times out of ten. The Conqueror is a technological expert, the Sentinel tech is laughably primitive to him. Kang will hardly need any time to find the weak spot and disable the armour and its pilot. If Sentinel even gets a shot off, Kang’s shields have shrugged off Thor’s hammer. Sentinel stands no chance.

In his fight with Dream Girl, Batman 1,000,000 won’t have the advantage of surprise. But he’s got fighting skill, an IQ of 1045 and enough knock-out gas pellets to take down this Legionairre. Even when it comes down to hand-to-hand combat, she doesn’t have what it takes to defeat this Batman, who has mastered the martial arts forms of his century. Precognition is all well and good when it comes to an average fighter, but the multitude of possibilities will overwhelm Dream Girl. See also her Wikipedia page. Oh, and Batman’s mildly telepathic. Dream Girl is out of her league.

Which brings us to Northstar versus Gentleman Ghost. Northstar’s fast but the Ghost’s dead. He can’t be touched. But the Ghost can touch Northstar. He’s invisible and incorporeal and just needs to wait for the right time to hit our mutant hero in the back. Because that’s how villains do.


Exodus finds himself in familiar territory in the Savage Land. He knows about it and what to expect.

The whole team should have little problem working together except Shanzar. But, without his powers during prep-time, he's not that much of a threat. Shanzar's also not idiot. And he'll tackle an obvious enemy. What he does after that might be worrisome.

So Shanzar's target would be Sodam Yat (who's GL powers they'd know about through Blue Beetle). Not only do Green Lanterns have difficulty with magic, but Daxamites (like Kryptonians) are weak to it. And Shanzar's powers give him the ability to compensate for the power and speed of Yat's attacks.

Exodus is the most logical choice to take on Xavier. His telepathy is even more powerful, and his other abilities are enough to battle with Juggernaut and hold his own.

If there are two unknowns, it's Midnighter and Seline. Although, it's likely Exodus would keep track of mutants as powerful as her and at least know some basics. The best choice to take on such unknowns are the Blue Beetle and Boy Blue.

In fact, this leads into something unique about this matchup: it almost doesn't matter who faces whom in the lower rankings.

Being the most powerful of the lower three, either Beetle or Blue can take on Selene. Jamie's scarab is infused with magical energy, and it can detect and counter magic. (In fact, it doesn't like magic all that much.) Blue...well, Blue knows magic very well, and has built numerous counters against it into the Witching Cloak.

This leaves the other unknown. But here, again, either Blue can do the job. The scarab can create scenerios and fight/adapt in ways that Midnighter just couldn't anticipate (Midnighter does not have precog, he just analyzes situations thoroughly). Similarly, Boy Blue is something Midnighter would have no experience with. And while Blue might not be a good enough fighter to defeat Midnighter, Midnighter isn't powerful enough to harm Blue, thereby making it a waiting game for Blue to get help.

This, of course, leaves Wolverine for Spidey. Now, while Spidey might not be familiar with this incarnation of Logan, he knows Logan very, very well. And he's had his own upgrade. A combination of Stark armor and spidey-sense will make sure Peter keeps his head attached to his body.
I have to go in a couple of hours and will not be back before Monday.

Regarding Wieg, I would just say a few things.

Beetle has no prtection against a psychic vampire and the mopre he fights her the more he will be drainned strengthening her.

Wolverine and Midnighter would be enough to hold off Boy Blue and Iron SPidey at least until the uber fight settles itself. One thing to note is that Wolverine's sword and claws would cut through Spidey's armour.
Odd Alliance vs Heroes of the New Age: REBUTTAL

Psylocke moves across the savage land. Knowing her enemies are also shielded by a mental block she is on her guard. Raising her psychic katana it isn’t long before she is being charged down by Dr. Ray…

Psylocke vs. Dr. Ray

Dr. Ray stands before Psylocke. Onslaught having given Ray his knowledge on Psylocke knows she is without telepathy and can only rely on her TK and fighting skills. However, she can’t harm light…or so he thinks. He forms a light construct armour on his body and charges wielding his own light sword. Unsure of the full effects of her katana he haphazardly runs towards her expecting the blade to bounce off his armour. The blade slices through the armour and into his chest. His nerves are instantly shocked and disrupted. He falls unconscious.

I have several problems with this section. The main thing is that Onslaught wouldn't know about Psylocke's TK limitations, as that came after his time, and he'd think her to have her mental powers. So the planning for this is all wrong. And the actual battle was too quick and easy. There's no reason that I can think of (either TK or telepathy) for Onslaught to believe Ray's light form would stop her katana. It doesn't make much sense to me. Ray, though a Regular, is one of the most powerful members of my arsenal and I think you removed him unbelievably much too early.

Replicant and Atom vs. Vulcan

Replicant jumps from a hail stone in front of Vulcan. Trying to get the drop on him he blasts him with radiation. Vulcan stands and absorbs the energy along with Atom.

Atom contacts Replicant through the mind connection being held by Martian Manhunter – ‘Interesting, his entire structure is designed to absorb energy, not much dissimilar to you Replicant’

Replicant – ‘Think you can take him down from the inside?’

Atom – ‘I can disrupt his mind to try and weaken him; this might leave him vulnerable to your attacks.’

Replicant – ‘Good, I have another plan. Hold him off as much as you can.’

Atom quickly makes his way towards the brain. He begins attacking the cerebellum and the premotor cortex. Vulcan finds himself unable to control his limbs or his move with the precision he needs. Replicant sees this as his time to strike and drags Vulcan into the reflective surface of a hail stone.

Vulcan is trapped in this separate dimension, however Atom finds himself stuck within Vulcan’s brain also taking him out of the fight.

Trapping Vulcan in the separate dimension is a good plan, but there's problems leading up to this. First off, notice that you don't have Vulcan do a single thing offensively during all this. He just kinda stands there and absorbs what Replicant dealt out. Chances are, he could have likely fried Relicant right then and there as soon as he appeared, and especially after having absorbed the blast Replicant dealt out.

My next question... and I'll admit to possibly being wrong here due to my lack in knowledge of the character, but would Atom really be able to tell what Vulcan can do once inside his gene structure? Keep in mind, Vulcan is a mutant, something that the DC universe is unfamiliar with, which means Atom would have to find the X-Gene quickly (something he doesn't know where to find or that it's even there) and then somehow tell what his specific mutation is based on that. Having never studied it, or knowing anything about it, I find it a stretch that he could learn about Vulcan like that.

And the third thing that bugs me here is Atom's paralizing Vulcan. Due to his energy manipulation, Vulcan has insane healing abilities. Blackbolt screamed at him point blank until he was a whithered husk and all but dead, and within moments he was alive, healing, and attacking again. He should be able to heal from little ant kicks to his brain quickly. Not only that, but as soon as he realized what was going on he would have fried Atom right there in his brain with some brain electricity or something.

These three things combined are my main issues with this match. The actual defeat is creative, and I even like it, but I highly doubt it would have gone as easily as it did... and I'll even wager to say that likely Vulcan would have taken out Replicant and Atom before he could even get that far.

Zauriel – ‘Interesting’ He stops in front of Red Son who has now been joined by Blink. Both watch as Zauriel is just stood in front of them. Psylocke stands up after her initial impact. Blink turns to face the X-man whilst Red Son keeps his eyes fixed on Zauriel. Zauriel opens his mouth and releases a sonic scream. Red Son takes this brunt and falls to his knee. He begins a barrage of kinetic explosions using the sand on the ground. They aim towards Zauriel’s throat, however they cease right before his face as Red Son falls unconscious. Psylocke removes the katana from his skull. Blink has at this point teleported back to Onslaught.

My main thing here is... how can Psylocke stand behind New Sun, still within the range of Zauriel's sonic scream (sound travels around things) and not be effected? And he's exploding the sand to get to Zauriel but he could have just as easily blew Zauriel's head up, or vocal cords, whatever, and ended it. Again, this is a decent strategy but an underplaying of New Sun's abilities.

Onslaught and Blink vs. Zauriel, Psylocke, Replicant and Martian Manhunter

Onslaught sits inside his metal cube waiting for the strike from his enemies. Having tried to battle through J’onn’s mental blocks he knows that he is going to have to take the physical approach. He is joined by Blink who vows to stand as a front line defence to the uber.

Manhunter is the first to arrive by phasing through the wall. As he does, Blink reacts and fires a teleport dagger towards him. It passes through the Martian and takes out the back wall. This leaves an opening for Replicant, Zauriel and Psylocke. Psylocke charges towards Blink and TK’s her across the cube into a wall. Zauriel and Replicant begin an assault of Replicant’s energy blasts and Zauriel’s sonic scream. This proves ineffective so they switch their strategy. Manhunter changes his form to a towering beast. He begins a barrage of blows on Onslaughts armour. Onslaught grapples with Manhunter whilst Zauriel and Psylocke attack his armour with their blades. Zauriel’s flaming sword slices through the armour, Psylocke raises her katana ready to strike the psionic energy beneath when she vanishes. Blink’s teleport daggers are flying towards the HOTNA. Zauriel takes to the skies to dodge, whilst Manhunter reverts to his former shape and turns intangible. Blink launches more daggers at the HOTNA. She takes aim at J’onn and releases only for the dagger to again phase through him and hit Onslaughts psionic state. He vanishes. Blink is shocked by her own act and loses concentration on Zauriel and Replicant who are advancing towards her. Replicant is hurling blasts of fire towards her and Zauriel is swooping from the sky. He grabs her and slams her hard into the cube wall. The impact causes the structure to lose its foundation and the whole construct falls on Blink.

HOTNA step out amid the dust and are ported away from SavageLand victorious.

I have one MAJOR problem here, and a few small ones. The first is that this whole battle, Onslaught's been dealing with Martian Manhunter's mind, trying to crack it. Thing is, I don't really see him just sitting around while the rest of his team is defeated. It wouldn't take long at all for him to see that they are close to even and then I'd see him switching tactics, going after MM directly, or helping an ally to help defeat other opponants to gain help against MM.

My MAJOR issue though is your missuse of Blink to take out Onslaught. Now, I don't particularly blame you for this, as it's an easy mistake... but I don't have the Exiles/AoA Blnk.... this is 616, and from her first appearance on through Necrosha, my blink doesn't use the throwing daggers. She can do the portal thing, or she touches. She wouldn't be throwing daggers around, and thus, Manhunter couldn't have tricked her into teleporting Onslaught away. And not only that, but Manhunter already did this trick once with her when he had her open he wall to let the others in. Yet, she'd fall for it twice?

I also have a problem with Blink taking the front lines and Onslaught standing back until attacked. He's the Uber and WAY more powerful than Blink. The better option would have been for him to take front lines and for her to come second. On this scenerio she wouldn't have mindlessly opened a doorway for the rest to enter. Manhunter's arrival wasn't the brightest, in that it created a scenerio where he became alone and cut off from his team against Onslaught and Blink together, who could have defeated him.

I could rant on about the final, but I'll stop there. My main issue with the write up is underusing my characters.

- Vulcan and Ray defeated without a single offensive blow or assault.

- Blink throws daggers (when she doesn't do that) mindlessly, hurting my team more than not. Even without the daggers, she's much more creative than that, and deadly.

- Onslaught sits back the entire battle and then only grapples with Manhunter, allowing others to attack him. He still has his telekinesis and magnetic powers to fall back on.

- New Sun uses his powers, but indirectly and not in ways that would actually benefit him in the match.

- Also... my two ubers, Vulcan and Onslaught, were never soundly defeated in your write up. They were both just removed from the board. Vulcan's was creative (though unbelievable I think), but Onslaught's was a bit lazy I felt, and doing that to both ubers I feel cheapened the whole battle.

While I may have underused Replicant in my write up, it was only one character and due to the fact that I'm not familiar with hiim or Flash's Rogues. I read up what I could and did what I was able. I feel that you underused or misused much more than I did. It was a decent write up, but I know you have it in you to have done better.

Winner - The Odd Alliance
I'll be honest with you JH. you're right...I did underplay your characters and that was purely due to the fact that all the information I got about them was from wikipedia. I havent read any comics with them in so I dont know their fighting styles, strengths weaknesses...anything so I went with what I did know and if that has downplayed your characters (which it has) then im sorry.

Im stuck in a little bubble where I know a little about a few characters based on what I have read...anything outside that is just a guess..

Ok so first point Psylocke taking out Ray so fast...yep I wholely agree it was probably cheap but I refer to my above statement...lack of knowledge means I improvise

Point 2 (theres gonna be a theme running with these explanations by the way) Atom and Rep taking out Vulcan so easily...

Again am limited by what i know about him so I apologise. I was actually gonna use this technique for taking out Onslaught but then I was stuck for Vulcan...Im not sure if Atom can see how someones insides work esp if their mutants but I guess we'll never really know I was just basing it on the fact that Ray is a very intelligent guy and would know what the inside of a regular human would look like and I guess energy absorption would make them look different...

As for him being taken out easily...again im limited as to what he can actually do...with him being energy based and psionic i couldnt really do the psionic part on a count of the stale mate onslaught and MM were creating with those powers and I wasnt sure how good his reactions were...sorry

New Son being underplayed - please see above excuse

Onslaught battle - Please see above excuse...

and thus concludes my lame a***d excuse for my write up :D

Sodom, and even veteran Lanterns, don't fight at light speed. It's very out of character. Especially on a planet. Yes, they may be fast, but not light speed. Also, no one on the opposing team should know anything about Shanzar, much less his ability to possess others. Plus, Shanzar can distract Yat by calling forth demons. And if Yat tries a flying direct attack, Shanzar can open a portal right in front of him before he has a chance to turn away.

Changing her looks won't help Selene. Jamie's scarab can detect magic and fight it. Even if she does start draining him, who knows how long that would take. The scarab has access to a lot of power, and can control Jamie's body if necessary.

Besides, Boy Blue could very well be the one to go against Selene seeing as how it would be magic on magic. And Jamie could do very well against either Midnighter or Wolverine. Really, as long as Spidey isn't going against Selene, the pairings of the lower rankings doesn't matter. Spidey can do well against Midnighter (spidey-sense, agility, and armor against predictive battle skills) or Wolverine (again, spidey-sense, agility, and armor against massive battle skills). And both Blues can do well against all three.

I will agree that Exodus and Xavier could wind up in a draw. Although, with his telekinesis could prove invaluable. We all know that once Jugs gets moving, nothing can stop him. But Exodus can teleport out of harms way, and he can use his tk to push Xavier in the direction he's charging. This could include pushing him off a cliff, into a mountain (and then toppling the mountain down on him, trapping him much the same way he was trapped when he got the crystal), or right out of the battlefield.

In fact, what could be interesting, is for Shanzar and Jamie to team up against Yat (Reach technology and Lanterns go way back as enemies). And I think that team up would win, meaning they could help Exodus take out Xavier. So even if it costs them Spidey and Boy Blue, the trio of Exodus, Shanzar, and Beetle could take out the lower three of the opposing side.
Nightwing you drive a hard argument. I'll have to take time to properly debate your masterful debating skills.


I"m glad you're playful with it though. In hindsight, I was worried I may have been too negative (as I was in a bad mood when I typed it due to some work stuff). I was going to change it but since you took it in stride like a man, I"ll leave it as is. You're a good man Charlie Brown.
Nightwing you drive a hard argument. I'll have to take time to properly debate your masterful debating skills.


I"m glad you're playful with it though. In hindsight, I was worried I may have been too negative (as I was in a bad mood when I typed it due to some work stuff). I was going to change it but since you took it in stride like a man, I"ll leave it as is. You're a good man Charlie Brown.

Well what can I say? Im a skilled political figured that can debate and hold me own in any a confrontational position...ha no no I cant. I'm only in it to enjoy the writing...if I win I win if I lose then so be it im not gonna start getting all p***y cos I dont get my way...although saying that I refuse to lose to a no show that would probably push me out of the DTL.
repeat: sorry bout this week guys, the flying pig took more out of me than i thought possible. 6days out and i'm still carrying 5 different injuries... it looks like i lucked out and hark didn't do anything
Last edited:
repeat: sorry bout this week guys, the flying pig took more out of me than i thought possible. 6days out and i'm still carrying 5 different injuries... it looks like i lucked out and hark didn't do anything
Sorry, AS, but if you look up, you'll see I did post a full write-up. Get better soon.
I'll vote tomorrow (as I just got home and am exhausted) but I don't know when. With church in the moring and Mother's Day stuff following for what could possibly be most the day, not sure.
Heroes of the New Age: 5
The Odd Alliance: 7

The Immortals: 5
Chaos & Order: 7

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