DTL Season 7-Week 3

DTL Commish

DTL Commisioner
Sep 23, 2007
Reaction score
The rules:
This thread will be in use for 5 days. Days 1-3 are strictly setup time for owners to post their battles, plead their cases, tell us their team’s strategies, breakdown the match ups, and do whatever else they can/want to do to try and convince you that their team would pull out a victory inside of 2 posts. Please, let the owners do this on their own with no help. Debating cannot begin until both owners post battles.

On Day 4, I will post and tell everyone that debating may begin. Each owner has one post to rebut their opponent's match, and another to correct any issues of their opponent's rebuttle. One 2 rebuttle posts are allowed for each opponent.

On Day 5, I will post and tell everyone that voting can begin. Any votes cast before I open voting will not count. Look over the matchups and read the strategies, and take into consideration how in-character each character is. Afterwards, use your best judgment to decide who you think has the best chance to win the match. (Note: The length of a writeup is at the discretion of the owner. Do not punish owners just for having a shorter writeup.)

To vote, rate each team's writeup and arguments between 1-10 (0 is reserved for non-writeups). The team you think will win should get the higher score (tie scores are not allowed). Remember to vote for all matches or your votes will not count! The teams with the highest point total at the end of the 7th day will get a W while the other will get an L. (Equal scores will result in a tie.)

The battleground for this week is: Dark Side of the Moon

Silver Surfer (MU)
Fernus the Burning (DU)
Kang (MM)
Batman 1,000,000 (DR)
Wasp (Hank Pym) (MR)


The Odd Alliance
Onslaught (MU)
Vulcan (MU)
New Son (MM)
The Ray (DR)
Blink (MR)

Captain Marvel (Genis 2x)
Dream Girl


The Immortals
Xavier Juggernaut (MU)
Sodam Yat (Green Lantern) (DCU)
Balck Queen Selene (MM)
Death Wolverine (MR)
Midnighter (DCR)

Chaos & Order
Wonder Woman (DU)
Shanzar (MU)
Blue Beetle (Jaime) (DM)
Deadshot (DR)
Iron Spidey (MR)


Heroes of the New Age
Zatanna (DU)
Martian Manhunter (DU)
Captain America (MR)
Zauriel (DR)
Batman (DR)
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Heroes Of The New Age (Owner: Nightwing)

Zatanna (DU) 1 – Skilled and powerful mage
Martian Manhunter (DU) 1 - Telepathy, Shape Shifting, Super Speed, Flight, Heat Vision, Super Strength, Intangibility
Captain America (MR) - All American Hero, Highly skilled in Martial Arts, Shield made from indestructible Adamantium Vibranium, Heightened Speed, Agility, Endurance, Strength and Durability due to the Super Soldier Serum
Zauriel (DR) - Super Sonic Scream, Flaming Sword, Flight, Heightened Strength, Endurance, Durability, Master Swordsman, Heavenly Armour, Healing Factor
Batman (DR) - High intelligence, Skilled Marital Artist, Utility Belt


Chaos & Order (Owner: Wiegeabo)

Wonder Woman (DU)
Shanzar (MU)
Blue Beetle (Jaime) (DM)
Deadshot (DR)
Iron Spidey (MR)


The HOTNA stand around waiting on the list of their opponents and thus it appears…

Wonder Woman
Blue Beetle (Jamie)
Iron Spidey

Instantly the strategy forms and the HOTNA see their victory.

Whilst talking amongst themselves the plan forms and they know the thoughts of the opponents…Their main target and biggest threat is BATMAN!!!

As they have been told their location of the battle they know both parties are going to have to rely on the mages to give them some protection from the conditions of space for the human combatants. And thus means that both teams will be protecting these in order to prevent any drop in the spell.

HOTNA have an advantage with this battle however as Zauriel and Martian Manhunter can move at great speed in the vacuum of space without the need for protection from Zatanna’s spells.

HOTNA are transported to the Dark Side of the Moon. Zatanna utters “noitcetorp cirehpsomta” The HOTNA find themselves being able to breath and function as though they are on earth. The laws of gravity apply and they feel confident about their forthcoming battle.

To Be Continued…
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Heroes Of The New Age (Owner: Nightwing)

Zatanna (DU) 1 – Skilled and powerful mage
Martian Manhunter (DU) 1 - Telepathy, Shape Shifting, Super Speed, Flight, Heat Vision, Super Strength, Intangibility
Captain America (MR) - All American Hero, Highly skilled in Martial Arts, Shield made from indestructible Adamantium Vibranium, Heightened Speed, Agility, Endurance, Strength and Durability due to the Super Soldier Serum
Zauriel (DR) - Super Sonic Scream, Flaming Sword, Flight, Heightened Strength, Endurance, Durability, Master Swordsman, Heavenly Armour, Healing Factor
Batman (DR) - High intelligence, Skilled Marital Artist, Utility Belt


Chaos & Order (Owner: Wiegeabo)

Wonder Woman (DU)
Shanzar (MU)
Blue Beetle (Jaime) (DM)
Deadshot (DR)
Iron Spidey (MR)


The plan is set and the HOTNA await for the attack of Chaos & Order.

Wonder Woman vs. Martian Manhunter

As expected Wonder Woman comes flying at a rapid speed straight for Zatanna. The plan is take out Zatanna and the spell drops taking out both Cap and Batman thus taking the key players in the battle. However, this has already been anticipated by HOTNA. Wonder Woman finds she is actually taking a swing for a shape shifting Martian Manhunter. (The plot that took place upon landing on the moon is MM changed shapes to Zatanna and vice versa throwing Wonder Woman off the scent.) MM phases just as Wonder Woman tries to make contact, and passes through. He solidifies and grabs her by the head. He blasts her with a powerful mind blast reducing her to an almost vegetated state.

Batman vs. Deadshot

Batman and Deadshot have faced off many times before and being in a place without gravity or an atmosphere makes both vigilantes projectiles useless (even if the characters maybe protected by the magic to allow gravity, it wouldn’t have any affect on the projectiles i.e. bullets and batarangs.) this puts Batman at an advantage in the hand to hand combat, both combatants trade blows however with Batman having a higher level of skill and fighting ability he takes down Deadshot within seconds.

Captain America vs. Blue Beetle

Batman has given Captain America tips on Blue Beetle and how to take him down.

Blue Beetles suit will only react when in danger, now to start the battle no doubt his suit will be on alert based on the circumstances in which he has been thrown. However with his suit never encountering Captain America this will give him an advantage as his suit wont be able to identify him. He starts by blasting at Cap with energy waves. Cap raises his shield in defence, dodging and ducking as he goes. He doesn’t advance on Blue Beetle and keeps his defensive stance. Jamie fires another wave whilst charging Cap with blades extended. The blades ricochet off the shield and again Cap doesn’t make a move other than somersault out of the way Blue Beetle. In a bold move Cap drops his shield and raises his arms. Jamie finds himself having a battle with his own suit as the suit doesn’t detect any danger from the Patriot before him. The scarab retracts the suit from Jamie and sets itself into Jamie’s spine. Although used to the pain somewhat he is crippled enough for Cap to make a swift attack. He picks up his shield steps forward a step and smashes the shield hard into Jamie’s head.

Zauriel, Captain America and Batman vs. Iron Spidey

Zauriel and Batman are both a mystery to Iron Spidey. He’s been told about them but he will have a job on contending with both and Cap. He knows Cap’s physical agility and fighting skill is almost unrivalled, Batman is possibly on a par and Zauriel has a list of skills to boot. One thing to add for all is Spidey’s web won’t work in the vacuum of space, Zauriel’s sonic scream can’t travel through a vacuum and Cap can’t launch his shield. Instead Spidey has to contend with battling off Cap and Batman who move at standard speed and Zauriel who can fly at incredible speeds. This along with his flame sword and healing factor make him difficult to take out (His flame sword is magically imbued and therefore will work in this atmosphere). So as the battle begins, Spidey gives Bruce and Steve a run for their money however, even with his Spidey sense and suit skills he still isn’t fast enough to out run all three. Before long he is overpowered and taken down.

HOTNA vs. Shanzar

This battle begins with Zatanna and Shanzar taking hits at each other whilst HOTNA disposes of the rest of Chaos & Order. Now Shanzar is a more effective and powerful mage and such Zatanna knows she is going to have to rely on the assistance of her team mates. This means she has to hold her own for as long as possible until the others can arrive. Her magic meets his. As she is battling him Zauriel comes swooping in with his flaming sword. Shanzar raises a shield, Zauriel slices through the shield and nicks Shanzar’s arm. Shanzar grasps his arm, he heals it and blasts Zauriel with a concussive blast. It sends him spinning, Batman and Cap arrive and attack with physical blows. They don’t strike as Shanzar has restored his shield after his attack from Zauriel. MM phases from the floor behind Shanzar. Zatanna ups her game to lower Shanzar’s mystical defenses whilst Zauriel regains his trajectory and flies back to the battle. MM phases his hand through Shanzar’s head trying to disrupt his mind. Whilst this is occurring the HOTNA are able to get through his defenses (with the help of Zauriel’s sword and Zatanna’s magic) and bring him down. It takes a lot out of HOTNA but they remain victorious.

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My line up's wrong up there. I changed it after that to:

Odd Alliance
Onslaught (MU)
Vulcan (MU)
New Son (MM)
The Ray (DR)
Blink (MR)
Captain Marvel (Genis 2x)
Dream Girl


The Immortals
Xavier Juggernaut
Sodam Yat (Green Lantern)
Balck Queen Selene
Death Wolverine

Captain Marvel Vs. Yat
captain is made of light, which is what the gl ring is based on(emotion and light). CM disappears and eventually overloads the ring, busting it. even if xavier was protecting yat mind, captain is able to manipulate the electric in yats brain, shuting him down()

Sersi vs x/j
they battle in every way until cm shows up and over powers x/j

after that, Mj, Ns and Dg can just die. CM and Sersi will make easy work of the rest

not even doin an actual write-up, you guys deemed it pointless. as long as i say my guy is stronger i should win...
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Ok so I know I'm at a disadvantage with my team not having a Med but with the combination that I have would work perfectly together. 4 members of the JLA and Cap combined are more compatible than Chaos & Order who have 3 Heroes and 2 Villains. Deadshot would instantly have an aim to take out Batman which makes him useless for C&O when the planning stages are made. He's a hired gun who doesnt take orders. Spidey, Wonder Woman and Blue Beetle would work well together however Shanzar thrown in would be a clash. Esp between the Ubers. The organisation would be shaky and certainly would make fighting as a unit difficult.

In terms of fighting skills HOTNA have the advantage with Zauriel, Batman and Cap. Cap and Batman are formidable opponents and Zauriel is a skilled swordsman and has a healing factor and super human strength to boot. Spidey may have precog but it isnt enough against HOTNA's 3 regs. Deadshot in this environment is also ineffective as his weapons are useless. In a hand to hand he doesnt match up to Batman. MM is a more powerful and skilled Uber than WW and with his abilities he has an upper hand. The only upper for C&O is in the mage department, Shanzar is more skilled than Zatanna but with him having to contend with the other 4 members of HOTNA as well he doesnt stand a chance. And this concludes how HOTNA is the more superior of teams in this battle.

The Odd Alliance
Onslaught (MU)
Vulcan (MU)
New Son (MM)
The Ray (DR)
Blink (note: Scroll down for 616) (MR)


Silver Surfer (MU)
Fernus the Burning (DU)
Kang (MM)
Batman 1,000,000 (DR)
Wasp (Hank Pym) (MR)


The Odd Alliance

The team comes together, familiar with one another as they had just fought together in the previous battle. The Ray will obviously be furious with Vulcan for having used him but there's really nothing he can do about it, and with Xavier's smoothing things over, things turn out okay. Now, there was some debate last round on whether Onslaught and Vulcan would work well together, but now lets remember that Onslaught (in this phase) was all about mutant supremacy. Having seen the power of Vulcan last round, he would come to respect Vulcan and would now offer to serve under Vulcan as an adviser. In this capacity I feel they would work well together. New Sun and Blink would also be right there with them (them both being mutants also makes it a great fit). Ray is still the outsider, but he's not powerful enough to do anything about it so he's there for the long haul.

Now, Ray would recognize Fernus and Batman (though there's something differant about the man). Having just taken on Martian Manhunter last round, Vulcan will be very knowledgable of most of Fernus's traits, but Ray will know the rest. Knowing Batman through Ray, and seeing this more hightech version, they'll get the idea of the character. Onslaught will be familiar with Hank Pym (having faced him during the Onslaught storyline) though not quite this version of him, but it'll be enough to play with. Kang is also well known so I'd imagine that he'd be no mystery to Onslaught, and possibly to New Sun as well, who is also a world travelor. They dont' know many fine details, but they know the broad strokes enough to be able to plan accordingly. An interesting thing to note, having just planned for Martian Manhunter and seeing how that plan turned out, they now have a basis to plan, and now Onslaught and Vulcan are more willing to work together to see their plan to furition. With Vulcan's leave, Onslaught begins the plan forming.

As for air, I dunno, Ray is fine without it it seems, especially in his energy form, and Vulcan doesn't need it. As for the rest, I wouldn't imagine it too difficult for Xavier or New Sun to find some means to provide air for those needed. It's an iffy thing I suppose, but the point of the DTL is the match and I hope the voters are willing to the fact that I don't have many techological means to provide air. I'm just assuming Xavier's vast resources should provide something for the Odd Alliance.


They will know Onslaught through Pym. Kang would likely know basics about Vulcan due to his knowledge of the Fault in Guardians of the Galaxy, which was created in part by Vulcan, but I dont' imagine he'd have detailed information on what he can do. Enough to plan for though. Now I'm having trouble figuring out Fernus due to crappy bios... if he is Martian Manhunter then he'd know Ray, but I've read also that he was a former being that inhabited Martian Mahunter's body, in which case he'd know nothing about Ray. New Son and Blink are both so unknown that they'd be mysteries to them unless Kang can somehow go through time to figure them out, but I don't think even that would help much. They're far too unknown and secret.

Now here's where Jailbait begins to fail in my opinion... Hank Pym... and Kang. These two are not going to work well together on the same team. Besides the fact that they are enemies, they're also both conceited. Yes, Hank's worked with villians in the past (even offering Loki a spot on the Mighty Avengers) and Kang has worked with heroes (such as the Guardians of the Galaxy), but these two would just bang heads WAY too much. Since realizing that he is the Scientist Supreme (even before), Hank's had a major chip on his shoulder, and being paired with a villain that could potentially be his equal would only lead to a headache. He worked with Amadeus Cho, who banged heads with him, but it was obvious that he was superior to Cho... this is not the case with Kang. Kang also, I see as not being willing to step down for an insignifant... Wasp... when he feels himself the superior thinker and strategist. There would almost certainly be a split among these two unless some form of mind control were to become known... which I doubt.

Now, add this feud to the non-teamworkability of Fernus and we have even more issues. Harlekin glossed over Fernus working with Kang in week 1, but I don't think it'd go that easily, and now you add Pym as a foil to Kang, and Fernus (who has no loyalty to these earth men) wouldn't really jump to help either one. Likely, he'd be on his own to do as he pleases, even against this team itself. He seems like a wild card who would feel all these earthlings useless. I'm not saying he'd go against the team and try to kill them, but he certainly isn't going to be their lacky. He's on his own here, and likely wouldn't even converse with Pym or Kang at this point. Now Batman 1,000,000 and the Silver Surfer would be a little more help in trying to keep the peace, though the Surfer is a bit more on edge of late, but in the end I don't really see any changes between Kang and Pym's issues. I could potentially see Surfer being standoffish to Fernus to try to keep him from killing the others, but still, no loyalties would be bought. It's understandable when a character or two could cause some problems (such as Ray on my team) but when those causing the problems are the two strategic leaders of the team, as well as one of the biggest guns available, that's when the problems cause matches.

So in the end, while Jailbait has the potential of being a fantastic strategic and powerful team, I don't see them working together at all!!!! And thus, all would be hindered due to it. Pym will have his plans and Kang would have his plans and Fernus would have his plans. I see Surfer and Batman working with Pym moreso than Kang, though I also see Kang pursuading Batman to work with him, and thus another split in the team, etc. I'm not going to deal with all of this in my write up to be fair to Harlekin, and I will attempt to use the team in a strong functioning formation to give them the benefit of the doubt, but I'd ask voters to consider what I've said about the team here before reading on, as it is very possible that the team would self-destruct before getting very far into the match anyway.

"A house divided cannot stand"

The Battle Begins

The two teams appear on the Blue area of the Moon and begin their match. Now, having faced Martian Manhunter in the previous round, Vulcan has grown familiar with him, and now this version of the character being quite corrupt and much more powerful, they had to come in with a quick plan. Fernus's telepathy would be rival to that of Onslaught's and so, unlike last time, Vulcan will willingly help try to remove Fernus quickly so that they may then move on to the unknowns and powerful members of Jailbait. Not being able to scan for minds due to Fernus's telepathy protecting his team's minds, and knowing that on the Moon there would be little other movement to be found, New Sun will reach out feeling for the kinetic energy of movement, his mind and sensations amplified by Onslaught himself (he did this with several mutants prior to the actual Onslaught storyline so I'd imagine it'd be easy enough for this feat). The rest of the team is ready for the prepared plan that Onslaught and Vulcan had come up with.

Jailbait stand ready, perhaps a bit hot tempered, as Pym holds a handheld sonar device that traces the landscape for movement, ultraviolet, sweat, pheramones, and several dozen other things to help locate their opponants. Hovering over his is the Silver Surfer, and Batman 1,000,000 stands at his side. Fernus and Kang stand a fair distance apart, allowing the Avenger a moment with his toy.

Both teams have quickly realized that telepathy is blocked on both sides. Batman crosses his arms and the movement is picked up by the New Sun, who tells this to Vulcan. New Sun's voice registers on Pym's gadget, and thus, both teams now know where each other are. Ray transforms into a living bolt of light and shoots toward Jailbait, but was a fraction of a second too late as Jailbate vanishes, teleported by Kang to their opponants. He curses and pushes forward, circling the moon and arriving at his team just as Jailbait appears, all covered in forcefields erected by Kang once more. As per the plan, Ray collides with the Silver Surfer (his light form phasing right through the forcefield, dragging him to the opposite side of the moon. There, Ray remains in his light form to protect his mind and to save his body from physical harm while becoming invisible and amplifying the light of the close proximity of the sun. Ray is no match for the Surfer, but the point of this was to remove him from the playingfield temporarilly so that Onslaught and Vulcan can deal with the Fernus first. Ray is the distraction.

Onslaught & Vulcan vs Fernus the Burning

As the battles begin, Vulcan flies directly at Fernus. He can feel the mental attacks but Onslaught protects him from them and soon Fernus attacks Vulcan full force. It's a deadly blow, but one that Vulcan takes and smiles. He then pulls the fire from Fernus's body and swirls it around above his head. Fernus takes advantage of this moment redirection and takes Vulcan by the throat, prepared to break it, but just as soon as he reaches out he feels a dullness in his brain. Vulcan has been shown in the past to be able to negate mental powers (such as with Rachel Grey, who was still in posession of a Phoenix shard at the time), and so now he will reach in with the mental energies and negate the telepathic powers of Fernus the Burning (or at least limit them enough for what comes next).

Immediately, Onslaught steps in and mentally pulls Fernus into the Astral Plane, a place both Onslaught and Fernus are familiar... but with Fernus's mind limited, Onslaught is all powerful. Mentally he rips Fernus from the mind of the Martian Manhunter, Fernus becoming lost in the Astral Plane, and just as quickly they return to the real world. The Martian Manhunter is dazed as Vulcan instantly pours Fernus's flames down upon the Martian, frying his form as Onslaught plays havoc with the Manhunter's mind with flames of mental torment. Quickly, the Manhunter falls. Vulcan and Onslaught then set out to relieve Ray of his battle with the Silver Surfer.

New Sun & Blink vs Batman 1,000,000, Kang, and Hank Pym

Knowing that Vulcan, Ray, and Onslaught would be busy with Fernus and the Surfer, New Sun and Blink were tasked an upward hill in facing numbers greater than their own. And so New Sun quickly charges the sand all around them to the breaking point, and then Blink and he vanish in a pink flash. Millions of particles of sands explode but it does nothing to Kang's shields. New Sun's plan is foiled, but expecting it, from a distance, he immediately feels the molecules of the nearest shield, that of Kang himself, and the shield begins to glow. Sensing this, Kang attempts to alter the shield but it is too late and the shield explodes, and Kang is blown back, pieces of clothing and equipment breaking and flying in the process. Blink sees this an vanishes. She appears over the startled Kang and touches his forehead. Kang quickly raises a gun and fireds and as yellow and pink mix both are shred to bits, Blink having blinked Kang to fractions of pieces and the gun blowing the upper half of blink accross the surface of the moon in a bloody mess.

New Sun is distracted by this when he feels a sting in his neck and electrical bars of energy suround him, removing any possibility of movement. Fortunately, however, he doesnt need to touch or move to fight. Feeling the kinetic energy of Hank Pym and having faced someone just like this in the previous round (the Atom) he quickly charges that energy surounding the small person and "POP" Hank Pym is evaporated into a red film.

A kick in the head drops New Sun to the ground but he quickly stands and grapples with Batman 1,000,000, who proves quite a match, but then New Sun realizes that something doesn't feel right about the kinetic energy around and through his body. Before he can realize this, however, a sudden mental blow, like a sucker punch (Onslaught obviously distracted by the Surfer as much as Fernus is distracted by the Ray), throws him off balance and a kick to his gut and a chop to his neck fells him. Batman stands before and behind him, a double having been created. Batman then does away with the double that New Sun had been grappling with and after looking over the rest, seeing them all defeated, departs to find others to battle.

Silver Surfer vs Ray

There isn't much to this match, and Onslaught would have known this, but Ray's safety was never his intent. The Ray removed the Silver Surfer from the playing field and their battle begins with Ray turning invisible and, powered by the proximity to the sun, he creates constructs of himself all over to the max of his abilities so that when the Surfer attempts to return to the others, he is assaulted. This does very little against the Surfer, as he attacks them and realizes them to be just energy. He then blows them all out of existance (with his control of energy and matter), and when this is done the Ray is upon him, hoping for a surprise attack, and basically decks the Surfer. The Surfer is hurdled back but again, very little is done. He fires off a small energy blast but the Ray goes light and it phases through him, and he attacks the Surfer, but the Surfer channels Ray's light and alters him back to his physical form, surprising Ray, and another quick blast knocks the hero out. The Surfer lies the man on the ground and then turns to return to the battle. This wasn't
much of a fight for the Surfer, but it delayed him long enough as Onslaught had planned it. And now as he returns, Fernus himself has been defeated, leaving Surfer to face Vulcan and Onslaught alone.

Silver Surfer & Batman 1,000,000 vs Onslaught & Vulcan

The Silver Surfer is quick to redouble upon Ray's defeat when he is assaulted by Vulcan, coming out of nowhere and hitting him like a train of fire and energy. Then, from nearby, Onslaught reaches into his mind. He cannot master the mind of the Surfer, but instead he pulls his consciousness from his body into the Astral Plane. Here they are free to battle, and the Silver Surfer is no slouch in this plain (as per the Silver Surfer mini, "In Thy Name".. which I just read). They battle and find themselves equals, for both are powerful in this place.

With the Surfer's body suddenly limp, Vulcan feels the amazing energy inside of the dormant form... that of the Power Cosmic. Now remember, Vulcan is a top of the line, Omega level mutant, energy manipulator. He was even able to draw out and manipulate magic as powerful as Adam Warlock's without batting an eye. Given the motionless body of the Silver Surfer and with no distraction, Vulcan has no problem finding and pulling as much as the Power Cosmic from the Surfer as he is able. Now, Vulcan has shown with D'Ken of the Shi'ar that he can manipulate the impulses of an alien brain the same as a human's, and so I see no problem in the idea of him finding the energy omited by the impulses in the brain, allowing it to live, think, and so forth. And so without the distraction of others, he should be able to find this and simply force it to cease forcing the Surfer to essentially become braindead and his body comatose. (Note: if switching off the Surfer's brain doesn't do it for you, remember that he's been knocked unconscious by powerful blasts before, and with his body weaker now due to Vulcan's taking much of the Power Cosmic, and Vulcan amped up, he should have enough firepower to take Surfer's body out... so there's an alternative for you).

Unseen by Vulcan, Batman 1,000,000 has rendered himself invisible. He had been teleporting throughout the moon in prearranged destinations attempting to find the others, but upon seeing Vulcan drop the Surfer's body he realizes tha the is the final member of his team. He stealthily makes his way to Vulcan, who is now drunk with the Power Cosmic. Thinking over all those he has seen defeated, he then activates a hologram of Onslaught. Vulcan turns and finds Onslaught approaching. He smiles, assuming the job is finished, but as he focuses on his ally, Batman 1,000,000 approaches from behind and with a few wellplaced blows, renders Vulcan's all too human nerves useless and Vulcan falls unconscious. The illusion of Onslaught vanishes as Batman kneels beside the Surfer.

Onslaught and the Surfer have been battling it out in the Astral Plain in such a battle that telepaths all over the world would be screaming in agony, but with the brain damage of the Surfer's body, he hesitates and receives an amazing mental blast from Onslaught. Realizing that their plan is finished, Onslaught departs the Mental Plain, leaving the Surfer's stranded psych witoutn a functioning body to return too, eliminating him from the battle altogether. He then approaches but quickly sees Vulcan unconscious and Batman kneeling over the Surfer's body. He has some type of wires hooked to the Surfer, attempting to rejuvinate him. Realizing the danger here, Onslaught quickly disassembles the bat's costume using his magnetic and telekinetic abilties, phasing the man right out of the disassembled armor. The man struggles but a mental suggestion renders him unconscious, thus defeating the last of Jailbait... Onslaught the only survivor of the Odd Alliance.

Winner - The Odd Alliance


“Oh, this isn’t good.” Hank Pym, also known as the Wasp, was standing before the holographic projections of what would soon be his opponents. Around him were his teammates: Fernus the Burning was standing to the side, looking out into space, smiling sinisterly, as he was wont to do. Kang and Batman were close by, conversing and sharing technology, while the Silver Surfer sat on his board and hovered above Pym.

“The Odd Alliance… it’s a suitable name,” the herald of Galactus said.

New Sun
The Ray

“Onslaught is bad news,” the Wasp continued. “Electromagnetic powers, telepathy, he can even warp reality.”
“How was he beaten before?” the Surfer asked.
“We gave him more energy than he could control. We had to sacrifice ourselves to do it.”

The Wasp turned to the others. They didn’t seem bothered by his words. He was the newcomer, Pym then realised. Even the Silver Surfer had already fought in this peculiar multiversal chess match in which nothing seemed impossible. Who was behind it, Pym wondered. The Beyonder? The Grandmaster? Or any of his Eternal brethren? Was it someone (or something) from the other universe? The Wasp didn’t know, but he was eager to find out.


Okay, let’s look at the two teams. As I noted, the Wasp is the only newcomer on my side. Of the team, he’s familiar with Kang and the Surfer and willing to work with both, albeit reluctantly when it comes to Kang. The others have fought alongside one another before, except the Surfer and the Burning. They might clash for a bit, but would otherwise be able to strike up some sort of partnership. Fernus is not some raving villain, he’s controlled, conniving.

Besides that, the distinction between good/evil is by now relatively irrelevant. This team needs to work together or lose and winning is important to all of them. On that front, I should note that the guys should be teaming up with each other now better than they did in the first two weeks. For example, after two matches Batman knows Kang is a man of honour and he would recognise him as somewhat of an equal. They would work well together.

Does the same hold true for their opponents? The Odd Alliance fields the same line-up as last week. Now, let me quote something important from that week:
JewishHobbit said:
He [the Ray, ed.] doesn't really know his team well though, and he'll likely be let down come the battle, but until then, Xavier can get what he needs from him.
And later from his battle (after Ray’s already seen his team’s homicidal tendencies come to bare):
JewishHobbit said:
The rage in the hero's heart becomes overwhelming as he takes to the sky to assault the mutant who had taken advantage of him and who killed his friend, but it matters not.

The Ray is the only good guy on a team full of bad guys. He’s seen the true colours of his team and he will not work with them. Either Onslaught needs to telepathically force him to do so or the Ray will be off doing his own thing. In fact, if he manages to keep Onslaught from influencing him, he’ll willingly join the Jailbait team. Even if it means losing. The Ray’s a hero.

And what about the others? Onslaught is out to rule the world. Vulcan is out to rule the universe. Instant clash. They’re both mutants, so they have common ground. Vulcan’s unpredictable though. A pompous, arrogant ‘king’. Oh, and Onslaught is part-Xavier. Vulcan hates Xavier. They’ll put aside their differences for the match, but they’re not going to work together.

Let’s turn now towards what the two teams will know of each other. The Odd Alliance is completely in the dark on my team, with exception of the Surfer and the Wasp, of which they will have minimal knowledge. They will learn more about Fernus (having fought the Martian Manhunter last week) as the battle is waged. On my end, the team will know Onslaught (and prepare for his most powerful), a little bit about Vulcan and everything about the Ray.

Okay, that’s out of the way. Let’s get ready to rumble…

Team battles are, as I’ve discussed before, made up of individual battles most of the times. When a team works well together, they can fight together. Neither of the two teams has spent more than a few days fighting together and as such, this kind of advanced teamwork would be rare. Now, the most logical match-ups to me are these: Fernus the Burning vs. Onslaught, the Silver Surfer vs. Vulcan, Kang the Conqueror vs. New Sun, Batman 1,000,000 vs. Blink and the Wasp vs. the Ray. I imagine the Odd Alliance would be inclined to a similar set-up.

1. Fernus the Burning vs. Onslaught

Thankfully, this isn’t the Onslaught the team will be expecting. This monstrosity has not yet absorbed X-Man and Franklin Richards into itself, so he’s essentially Professor Xavier with Magneto’s powers. Powerful, but certainly not unbeatable.

Now, let me just give a quick rundown on what Fernus is capable of: high-end telepathy and telekinesis, strength, speed and endurance on par with Superman, energy blasts from his eyes, phasing, turning invisible and shapeshifting, which also allows a significant degree of regeneration. He is the Martian Manhunter, but evil and unaffected by fire.

Physically then, we can already conclude that Fernus has the edge. Onslaught can pump up his power with telekinesis, but Fernus has built-in strength. Onslaught hurt the Juggernaut. Fernus took out the Justice League of America. Add up the vast array of other powers he has (Fernus is like a super Swiss knife) and it’s obvious that Onslaught can’t go toe to toe with him on this front.

What about telepathy? The Martian Manhunter is definitely on par with Xavier. Fernus the Burning is the Martian Manhunter. I imagine they would stalemate on this front, leaving them to duke it out on the physical plane. The only logical conclusion then, is that Fernus beats Onslaught, although it will be one hell of a battle.

2. The Silver Surfer vs. Vulcan

I’m going to be short on this one, but don’t take that as me underplaying Vulcan. This is going to be a tough battle, but the Silver Surfer has the edge on every front. He is, quite simply, the more powerful party here. His Power Cosmic exceeds Vulcan’s mutant energies (even with absorbing some of the Decimation energy) and is far more versatile. The Surfer can do what Vulcan can do, but better and the herald of Galactus is not one to play around. It won’t be a matter of seconds or even minutes, but the Surfer will overpower Vulcan.

3. Kang the Conqueror vs. New Sun

Kang the Conqueror will put up a good fight, but New Sun is faster than him and his powers are rather perfect to match Kang’s. He won’t be able to bust through the Conqueror’s forcefields, but he’ll be able to destroy Kang’s devices, leaving him powerless. It’ll take some time, since Kang’s got quite a few tricks up his sleeve, but New Sun will prevail.

4. Batman 1,000,000 vs. Blink

Blink’s fast, so Batman’s got that to contend with. He can teleport around as well, having planted a few boom tubes around the area, but not with the same efficiency. Blink will be brutal in her offence, so Bats needs to stay fast on his feet. Thing is, he can easily disguise himself from Blink’s eyes, by turning invisible. This gives him a momentary advantage.

Also, Batman 1,000,000 can use holographic projections to fool Blink. These will be key. For what Blink has in power, she lacks in experience and intelligence. Batman is the superior strategist, so he can stay out of Blink’s way for quite some time. As they go around the battlefield, Batman starts using projections of her own teammates. Once he’s got her standing still, Bats appears and takes her down either via a power inhibitor or with a quick punch.

For those doubting the technological side of that argument, I’m just going to say: Batman 1,000,000 + Kang the Conqueror + The Wasp. That’s the best technology across time.

After taking down Blink, Batman 1,000,000 will have to contend with New Sun.

5. The Wasp vs. the Ray

As I noted, the Ray will either be fighting against mind control or joining my team. With Onslaught facing Fernus head-on, mind control won’t be an issue (there’s no way he could keep that up while being assaulted by Fernus). Unfortunately, the Wasp won’t be able to keep the Ray at bay for very long. Pym’s good, but the Ray’s versatile powerset and potential for limitless energy, should give him the win here.

So where we at now? Onslaught is defeated by Fernus, but the Martian is nearly down. The Silver Surfer has brought Vulcan to his knees and will be in the process of recuperating. New Sun has taken down Kang. Batman’s defeated Blink. The Ray knocked out the Wasp.

While Fernus works on convincing Ray to join the other side, the Silver Surfer and Batman 1,000,000 will take on New Sun. Energywise, even though the Surfer will be slightly depleted, New Sun isn’t a match. He’ll be charging up about anything around the Surfer just to keep him busy. Meanwhile, Batman moves in closer.

Just then, Fernus has gotten the Ray to join the Jailbait team. Not sure on whether New Sun is that much of a bad guy, he won’t directly attack him, but he’ll stay out of the fight. Fernus’ telepathy slides off New Sun’s mind (Xavier always had trouble with Gambit’s mind, I figure New Sun, being a superversion of Gambit, should be rather mentally impervious).

With New Sun’s attention turned to the Surfer, it’s rather easy for Batman 1,000,000 to step in and knock him out with a well-placed blow.


Wonder Woman obviously knows the Manhunter, Zauriel, Batman, and Zatanna very well. And Spidey knows Captain America. So C&O has full information about their opponents. But this doesn't go in both directions. New Age doesn't know much, if anything, about Shanzar. So there's a huge advantage there.

Now, New Age's team should work well together, they're all heroes. Whereas C&O have two villains. Fortunately, Shanzar's not much of a threat without his uber powers. And he likes a challenge, and a mage as powerful as Zatanna is certainly a challenge. Deadshot's gonna want to look out for number one. And, ironically, he wants to die. And that's fine. The team can work with that, knowing that Deadshot likely won't be able to kill Zauriel, and Zauriel won't want to kill Deadshot.

The real tricky parts to the planning is how to deal with the Manhunter and Batman. Those two make a very dangerous team. Fortunately they don't have access to their normal JLA/Batcave tech, but they are master strategists. Fortunately, so is Wonder Woman. Plus, Jamie's scarab has access to all sorts of battleplans, and Spidey is no slouch when it comes to a fight.

So it's decided how the fights will break down. Obviously it will be Shanzar against Zatanna. If it wasn't, Shanzar would probably annihilate the Manhunter, and Zatanna could take care of Wonder Woman. Then it would be mage on mage anyway.

Since Deadline can't fly, going against Zauriel is going to be tricky, but not impossible. Sure Blue Beetle can fly, and would probably fair better against the angel, but it's more important that Jamie stick with Spidey against Captain America and Batman. What Deadshot does have is long-range weapons, and the skill and will to use them.

Speaking of Beetle and Spidey against Cap and Batman, that's going to be tough for both sides. Cap and Bats have huge amounts of fighting experience and training, and Batman has no problems hiding and laying in wait for his enemy (Cap tends to be a more straightforward fighter). Either could probably do well against Spidey, despite his Stark armor, because of their skills (I think Bats would fair better). But the Reach tech will make Jamie a force to be reckoned with in this fight.

So we'll have the ubers, possibly teaming up, taking each other on, with the mages pairing off. Deadshot taking on Zauriel (seriously, how can he pass up the opportunity to try and kill an angel?), and Spidey and Beetle teaming up to take on the duo of Batman and Captain America.

There's no telling how long the mage battle lasts. Might not even completely take place in the same plane of existence. The advantage falls to Shanzar who is very resistant to magic not of his universe. So those attacks Zatanna is able to land won't have a full effect on him, and her protection spells also won't be as effective in keeping her from harm.

Meanwhile, Cap and Bats will be sticking together to back each other up. Even though Batman tends to be a loner, he is smart enough to keep useful teammates around. And they'll be sticking to the shadows since Batman knows that Deadshot has likely taken up a sniper position somewhere, hoping to pick someone off. Which is why Zauriel is sent out into the skies to try and find the assassin, freeing up Beetle and Spidey to find Batman and Captain America.

While the mages fight, the battle between Wonder Woman And J'onn take them all over the city. Wonder Woman and the Manhunter have a long history, and know each other moves and tactics. And they will have to fight because Shanzar and Zatanna will make are opponents they can't risk engaging. Diana can wrap herself in (a part of) her lasso to protect her mind and fight off J'onn's mental attacks. His intangibility poses a problem, but he can't stay intangible forever since Diana can use her bracelets to deflect his laser vision. And if he doesn't get physical with her, it gives her the opportunity to help Shanzar. Also, shapeshifting to some massive creature won't help much either since Diana has defeated all manner of creature before.

While the ubers fight, Deadshot and Zauriel battle. By battle, I mean that Zuariel scours the city from the air for any sign of Deadshot. Meanwhile, Deadshot has found a good sniper's position during prep-time. One that gives him good coverage of the city, but that Batman won't immediately suspect him to be hiding within. It would also give him a number of good escape routes should things get nasty. This is going to turn into a waiting game. Zauriel has to remain in the air to make sure Deadshot can't join the fight against the others and put a bullet through Cap's or Batman's head. And Deadshot can take his time and wait to make his shot count.

On the ground, Cap takes point while Batman backs him up from the shadows. The problem is, both Spidey and Beetle have sensors which should give them Batman's location. So Spidey is free to engage Cap in a Civil War rematch. It's also possible that Jamie was able to use the scarab to upgrade Spidey's armor (under Pete's guidance since he is a scientific genius), and possibly with some Attilan tech as well, giving him another edge against Cap, seeing as how he's already fought him with the armor before. Now, this will either bring Batman out of hiding to help Cap, or Jamie will burst through the walls to surprise Batman (yes, Batman can be surprised, despite prep-time ;)). And while Batman may be a fighting genius, the scarab is highly adaptable and gives Jamie the ability to counter so many attacks.

With his armor, Spidey should be able to handle Cap, or at least hold him at bay. Jamie should be able to eventually beat Batman since he can adapt his armor against whatever is thrown at him. In fact, if things do start going badly for Blue and Spidey, they could always switch opponents. I really don't see how Cap can stop Jamie, and Batman won't have any of his usually well laid out plans to use against Spidey. Now, I wouldn't be surprised if either Blue or Spidey did fall, but I'd be very surprised if they both lost. (I'd guess Spidey would fall, in this case, and Blue would finish off whoever did it.)

Zauriel will probably eventually beat Deadshot. He's probably durable enough, and heal fast enough, to survive even a head shot. Although this would give Deadshot time to run from his position before Zauriel hunted him down. But, eventually, Zauriel will track Deadshot down, probably taking him out of the fight with a sonic cry. But this is going to take a good deal of time, and that's time the rest of the team uses to their advantage.

Once done with Cap and Bats, Blue and Spidey (or whichever of the two is still conscious) go and help Shanzar. Why? Because Zatanna's going to be too busy with Shanzar to have to worry about fighting others as well. So, either Blue zaps Zatanna with some kind of electric shock, or Spidey sneaks up (he's really good at that) and webs up Zatanna's mouth, taking away her ability to fight.

Once Zatanna is distracted/disabled, Shanzar straight out kills her. Of course, this pisses his teammates off, and they'd probably try to fight him and exact some justice. Which means he'd probably just wind up killing them too. This would obviously be a problem earlier in the fight, but shouldn't be right now.

If the Manhunter is still around, Shanzar can take care of him before getting around to Zauriel. (Shanzar would have kept the Manhunter busy with the demons he can call forth, or by surrounding him with flames.) If Wonder Woman is still around, she'll be taking care of Zauriel while Shanzar is killing off Zatanna and the rest of the team. And then she'll certainly have some harsh words for Shanzar once he comes over to help with Zauriel (assuming she needs it).

Chaos & Order win, even after taking some friendly fire.
My Line up is wrong

I had
Sodom Yat
Brainiac 417
Death Wolverine

which would have made it difficult for the other guys given they are all Marvel but fine I will go with the team you gave me.


Captain Marvel (Genis 2x)
Dream Girl

MY team is facing the above. Regarding the Ubers the battle is very difficult given the power base is not equivalent.

However, through Wolverine and Selene my team will know of all the charcaters inccluded above. Their team should have no knowledge of at least Midnighter and doubtful if they have any of Sodom as he is not present in the 31st century.

The battle will be one where Xavier will fight Captain Marvel using the knowledge he gleanned off others to manipulate Genis' mind to drive himself insane and commit suicide. Given his instabiolity this would not be difficult.

Sersi versus Sodom would be quite a battle. However, lets note that he is faster, stronger and has more abilities then she does. On top of that she has no knowledge of him whereas he will know from what he learnned from his teammates of her.

Mountjoy will attempt to absorb Death but he will not be able to locate him with his teleportation device. He may also attempt to absorb Selene but she can just drain him before he does even if she is able.

Midnighter should be able to take down Dream Girl who will predict his moves as he predicts her. However, he does ahave the advantage of having superhuman speed and strength.

Northstar would be an enigma and could probably avoid either Selene or Wolverine. However, it would be a stalemate as she could psychicly absorb his energies without having to touch him and Wolevrine has a cloaking and teleportation device which he would not be able penetrate.

It would take one of the ubers to finish their battles to come help. Sodom should be able to go even fatser then Northstar and defeat him with ease.
The Odd Alliance Vs Jailbait Rebuttal


Besides that, the distinction between good/evil is by now relatively irrelevant. This team needs to work together or lose and winning is important to all of them. On that front, I should note that the guys should be teaming up with each other now better than they did in the first two weeks. For example, after two matches Batman knows Kang is a man of honour and he would recognise him as somewhat of an equal. They would work well together

This I HIGHLY doubt. Hank Pym has known of Kang for years and wouldn't just side with the man for the sake of a random battle. Not only that but it wouldn't be difficult to see Fernus for what he is and with that Hank would be highly opposed to helping them at all. And as I said in my own write up, I'm still not convinced that Fernus would be willing to work well with Kang either. From my research it doesn't seem to fit his nature very well. Surfer and Pym know one another so they'd work well, but not with the other two. Batman's the only middle ground really, and even that's debatable.

The Ray is the only good guy on a team full of bad guys. He’s seen the true colours of his team and he will not work with them. Either Onslaught needs to telepathically force him to do so or the Ray will be off doing his own thing. In fact, if he manages to keep Onslaught from influencing him, he’ll willingly join the Jailbait team. Even if it means losing. The Ray’s a hero.

And what about the others? Onslaught is out to rule the world. Vulcan is out to rule the universe. Instant clash. They’re both mutants, so they have common ground. Vulcan’s unpredictable though. A pompous, arrogant ‘king’. Oh, and Onslaught is part-Xavier. Vulcan hates Xavier. They’ll put aside their differences for the match, but they’re not going to work together.

Yes, the Ray is the only good guy on the team, and yes, he's likely ticked over the end of the last match, but there isn't really anything he can do at this point. He can be mind controled, he can be bullied, he can fight alongside them to preserve his life and to save the lives of those of his opponants, and even teammates. But there isnt' much he can do to resist. Now, you say he'd maybe even join Jailbait (and your write up shows that he will) but think about it... who on Jailbait will he know? Fernus? He wont' leave the Odd Alliance for Fernus, who is just as bad or worse. He won't know Batman 1,000,000 I don't think (and there's been enough psycho's dressed as a bat for him to be hesitant), and he doesn't know Hank, Kang, or the Surfer. Why would he betray the devil he knows for the devil he doesn't know (and at least in one regard is worse)? He's a bit on his own here.

As for the rest of the Odd Alliance, Onslaught was about world domination toward the end, not in the beginning. He was moreso about mutant domination in the beginning, which is my version, and having seen Vulcan in action he'd be cool with it. Now yes, there'd be some issues with Vulcan's hatred of Xavier, but in the end of Deadly Genesis he let go of his problems with Xavier because he knows that Xavier has suffered enough by his own hands. Xavier is smart enough to not stand in Vulcan's psycho path (after seeing it last match) and Vulcan isn't smart enough to level with Xavier's intellect. So Xavier standing in Vulcan's shadow playing a bit of puppet master while making Vulcan believe he's acting the role of the servant (Xavier serving Vulcan!!!) how can Vulcan not adore that?! They'd work together fine.

I think I make enough points to show that yes, there'd be issues with the Odd Alliance, particularly with Ray, but they'd work together better than Jailbait... who is split over leadership and power.

Let’s turn now towards what the two teams will know of each other. The Odd Alliance is completely in the dark on my team, with exception of the Surfer and the Wasp, of which they will have minimal knowledge. They will learn more about Fernus (having fought the Martian Manhunter last week) as the battle is waged. On my end, the team will know Onslaught (and prepare for his most powerful), a little bit about Vulcan and everything about the Ray.

They'd know about Fernus as Ray would know about Fernus. But the rest of this is fine. As I said in my own write up, Surfer's knowledge of Vulcan would be questionable, but possible.

Team battles are, as I’ve discussed before, made up of individual battles most of the times. When a team works well together, they can fight together. Neither of the two teams has spent more than a few days fighting together and as such, this kind of advanced teamwork would be rare. Now, the most logical match-ups to me are these: Fernus the Burning vs. Onslaught, the Silver Surfer vs. Vulcan, Kang the Conqueror vs. New Sun, Batman 1,000,000 vs. Blink and the Wasp vs. the Ray. I imagine the Odd Alliance would be inclined to a similar set-up.

Pairing people up one-on-one is cleaner but also less likely. The point of the five-on-five set up is to utilize the characters. And while neither of our teams are the most functioning, there's enough within them to promote team work. To not portray this is a betrayal to the teams, and as I've shown in my write up and above, the Odd Alliance would work together just fine for the most part. Even as I had Ray removed from the playing field for a time to allow the rest to work together. And it isn't like either team is function at Avengers/FF/X-Men spirt of the moment level of teamwork. They have time and knowledge of thier opponants to plan a few things. And in my team's case, teamwork AND firepower. Jailbait has the firepower, but due to the Pym/Kang/Fernus fueding problem I don't see any level of teamwork or planning going on among them.

1. Fernus the Burning vs. Onslaught

Thankfully, this isn’t the Onslaught the team will be expecting. This monstrosity has not yet absorbed X-Man and Franklin Richards into itself, so he’s essentially Professor Xavier with Magneto’s powers. Powerful, but certainly not unbeatable.

Now, let me just give a quick rundown on what Fernus is capable of: high-end telepathy and telekinesis, strength, speed and endurance on par with Superman, energy blasts from his eyes, phasing, turning invisible and shapeshifting, which also allows a significant degree of regeneration. He is the Martian Manhunter, but evil and unaffected by fire.

Physically then, we can already conclude that Fernus has the edge. Onslaught can pump up his power with telekinesis, but Fernus has built-in strength. Onslaught hurt the Juggernaut. Fernus took out the Justice League of America. Add up the vast array of other powers he has (Fernus is like a super Swiss knife) and it’s obvious that Onslaught can’t go toe to toe with him on this front.

What about telepathy? The Martian Manhunter is definitely on par with Xavier. Fernus the Burning is the Martian Manhunter. I imagine they would stalemate on this front, leaving them to duke it out on the physical plane. The only logical conclusion then, is that Fernus beats Onslaught, although it will be one hell of a battle.

This certainly would be one heck of a battle, and Fernus and Onslaught would hole their own. But I have two thoughts on this:

1) You brag on Fernus's level of power, but remember that my Onslaught fought the X-Men as a united front and defeated everyone of them. He then went on and defeated a grouping consisting of Bishop, Iceman, Hawkeye, Hank Pym, Wasp, Black Widow, Crystal (a fellow Uber mind you), Thing, Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, Nathaniel Richards, Lyja Lazerfist, and Scott Lang. Fighting a plethra of powers isn't something Onslaught's unfamiliar with. Yes, Fernus is powerful, and yes, he could potentially fight off Onslaught, but there's also everybit the possibility that Onslaught could drag Fernus from one end of the moon to the next.

2) Also remember that as Fernus and Onslaught battle, Onslaught can do something Fernus cannot. He can drain energy from Fernus, strengthening himself while weakening Fernus. Now Fernus will have protection from this being a powerful telepath, but as they battle to the extent they likely would, there will be times that he won't be able to just focus on his mind and any stray thought can be drained. This might take a while, but Onslaught can easily turn this to his advantage.

2. The Silver Surfer vs. Vulcan

I’m going to be short on this one, but don’t take that as me underplaying Vulcan. This is going to be a tough battle, but the Silver Surfer has the edge on every front. He is, quite simply, the more powerful party here. His Power Cosmic exceeds Vulcan’s mutant energies (even with absorbing some of the Decimation energy) and is far more versatile. The Surfer can do what Vulcan can do, but better and the herald of Galactus is not one to play around. It won’t be a matter of seconds or even minutes, but the Surfer will overpower Vulcan.

By no means does Surfer overpower Vulcan. You forget that Vulcan is an Omega Level energy wielder. Any energy the Surfer uses against him can be redirected and reused. In fact there's a very real possibility that Vulcan could drain Surfer of his Power Cosmic, or at least a great deal of it and then HE'D have that power that the Surfer supposedly has him overpowered with. And even if he cannot contain all of the Power Cosmic, he'd have no problem draining it and just disipating it so that the Surfer becomes weaker.

Honestly, in a one-on-one, this could go either way.

4. Batman 1,000,000 vs. Blink

Blink’s fast, so Batman’s got that to contend with. He can teleport around as well, having planted a few boom tubes around the area, but not with the same efficiency. Blink will be brutal in her offence, so Bats needs to stay fast on his feet. Thing is, he can easily disguise himself from Blink’s eyes, by turning invisible. This gives him a momentary advantage.

Also, Batman 1,000,000 can use holographic projections to fool Blink. These will be key. For what Blink has in power, she lacks in experience and intelligence. Batman is the superior strategist, so he can stay out of Blink’s way for quite some time. As they go around the battlefield, Batman starts using projections of her own teammates. Once he’s got her standing still, Bats appears and takes her down either via a power inhibitor or with a quick punch.

For those doubting the technological side of that argument, I’m just going to say: Batman 1,000,000 + Kang the Conqueror + The Wasp. That’s the best technology across time.

After taking down Blink, Batman 1,000,000 will have to contend with New Sun.

As for the technological deal, do you really think Hank Pym would share his technological genious with Kang the Conqueror? He's already created Ultron, why allow his intellect to do even worse by giving a known villain his tech?

As for the battle itself, it'd be interesting, but Blink is way faster than Batman's teleportation. She's called Blink for a reason... within the blink of an eye. If she see's Batman, she can teleport him. Yes, he can play with her a bit, but most likely she can teleport his costume right off of him, or most likely, just teleport him to pieces. He doesn't have the speed necessary to play around with his teleporting tube things, and to create doubles, etc. She'd have him torn to shreds well before that.

As I noted, the Ray will either be fighting against mind control or joining my team. With Onslaught facing Fernus head-on, mind control won’t be an issue (there’s no way he could keep that up while being assaulted by Fernus).

Actually, I think he probably could. He fought off and defeated the FF and all those heroes listed above while mentally shielding the entire battle from Franklin's mind and strategically toying with him in his little Charlie form. Franklin never knew a thing about the battle and fell right into the trap as soon as Onslaught finished up the battle. He should be able to keep Ray in thrall when fighting only one person.

So where we at now? Onslaught is defeated by Fernus, but the Martian is nearly down. The Silver Surfer has brought Vulcan to his knees and will be in the process of recuperating. New Sun has taken down Kang. Batman’s defeated Blink. The Ray knocked out the Wasp.

While Fernus works on convincing Ray to join the other side, the Silver Surfer and Batman 1,000,000 will take on New Sun. Energywise, even though the Surfer will be slightly depleted, New Sun isn’t a match. He’ll be charging up about anything around the Surfer just to keep him busy. Meanwhile, Batman moves in closer.

Just then, Fernus has gotten the Ray to join the Jailbait team. Not sure on whether New Sun is that much of a bad guy, he won’t directly attack him, but he’ll stay out of the fight. Fernus’ telepathy slides off New Sun’s mind (Xavier always had trouble with Gambit’s mind, I figure New Sun, being a superversion of Gambit, should be rather mentally impervious).

With New Sun’s attention turned to the Surfer, it’s rather easy for Batman 1,000,000 to step in and knock him out with a well-placed blow.

Some thoughts:

1) My deal with the no team thing. You pair them off one on one and defeat all my my most powerful members (and two of your weakest) and THEN do the team thing. Honestly, my team would work together better than that, as my write up shows, and your team would work together worst than shown in this section. In my opinion.

2) Ray would turn on the Odd Alliance at the whims of Fernus?! Fernus who is probably worse than those in my team and Ray knows this?! Again, what's the draw to have Ray join your team? And not only that, but New Sun and Ray have not actually had any issues, so why turn on people he knows to be bad, or doesn't know at all, against a person he has no beef with? So in the end, this should still be Ray and New Sun vs your team.

3) You have New Sun blowing up stuff, but no much. When up against the wall like this, why is he peddlefooting around? Seriously, blow up the people! It's not something he'd do while in control, but when it's kill or be killed in such an obvious fashion... make it happen! If Fernus and the Surfer are weakened as much as you depict them, then New Sun certainly has a shot at winning this. Add Ray to his side (as it should be) and they have a real good shot at it. And honestly, I could easily see Blink in this battle instead of Batman, and that would be a winner factor right there.

So all in all, it was a decent write up. I however, feel teamwork is paramount for the DTL and its battles, and my team could work well together, much better than Jailbait, and in the end that makes the biggest differance. The one-on-one's wouldn't playout as depicted and Jailbait's members would fall fairly easily in most aspects.

But all in all, good round. Best of luck Harl, may the best Odd Alliance win :)

Winner - The Odd Alliance
Ahura Mazda said:
The battle will be one where Xavier will fight Captain Marvel using the knowledge he gleanned off others to manipulate Genis' mind to drive himself insane and commit suicide. Given his instability this would not be difficult.
1. you have superman, remember
2. took a diety to drive him insane
3. and plz remember, just kuz your a telepath doesn't men you just break into minds(specially since cap is a cosmic lvl being who can manipulate any energy)
4. your wolv is pre-MJ
Ahura Mazda said:
Sersi versus Sodom would be quite a battle. However, lets note that he is faster, stronger and has more abilities then she does. On top of that she has no knowledge of him whereas he will know from what he learned from his teammates of her.
so, she won't notice the constructs coming straight from his ring(and yat is still a rookie lantern, your yat is from BEFORE the ion power). not counting that yat is not trained(and only in training in the corps). on top of that he doesn't have much experience with his natural abilities either

Ahura Mazda said:
Mountjoy will attempt to absorb Death but he will not be able to locate him with his teleportation device. He may also attempt to absorb Selene but she can just drain him before he does even if she is able.
lol, MJ has only one power and no weapons...NOT. basilisk field(reaction time reduced by half) and poison bolts from a multi firing crossbow

Ahura Mazda said:
Midnighter should be able to take down Dream Girl who will predict his moves as he predicts her. However, he does ahave the advantage of having superhuman speed and strength.
the two predictions are TOTALLY different. her predictions are actual happenings(shes extensively trained in martial arts and her powers(each legionaire being the champ of thier planet)), his are computer projected. and in a hand to hand combat against an unknown doesn't fair for a computer
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I'm just going to make a few remarks. According to the rules, we can only do a rebuttal once, but I won't have the opportunity to go terribly in depth.

-> The Ray doesn't know that Fernus is the Martian Manhunter. This was never publicized as far as I know, and the Ray wasn't around when Fernus fought the JLA. It's highly unlikely he'd know Fernus=Martian Manhunter. That is, until Fernus approaches him at the end of the match and gets him to join Jailbait.
-> This leadership conflict you describe isn't really an issue, because my team isn't that bent on being a team. They get out there and do their thing. I've never said differently and the team wouldn't do it differently. In the final stages, it's not unbelievable for the Surfer and Batman 1,000,000, both heroes, to work together.
-> Onslaught breaking Fernus' concentration? Unlikely. For one thing, Onslaught is going to have trouble with his Martian mind as it is. Secondly, Fernus matches his power, so Onslaught will have to pull out all the stops. He can't control the Ray at the same time. Physically, they're mismatched. Yes, Onslaught took down quite a few heroes, but they're all regulars and mediums. Crystal is the only exception and she's a pretty weak uber. Fernus took down the JLA. Quite a difference.
-> The Ray being able to take the Surfer anywhere is not plausible. He has neither the speed or the power. It's also unlikely he'd have the element of surprise.

Finally, I'd just like to state that JH has Batman 1,000,000 taking down about half of his own team. Add in the portrayal of my team by me and it's clear who the winner: Jailbait.

Good match, JH.

I've got to say, you have the Manhunter taking out Diana way too easily. She is an extremly skilled warrior, and has fought beside, and trained with J'onn for many years. He definitely won't be easy either, but he's not unbeatable. Her lasso protects her from telepathy and, in fact, telepathy doesn't really work on her anyway because Hestia granted her the power to see through illusions and trickery. She's also fast and smart enough to avoid a phased attack. Besides, if she brings fire to the fight, or just leads J'onn to a fire, he's screwed. While he has a pretty easy weakness to exploit, she does not.

With their history together, the last thing the team is going to do is pit Deadshot against Batman. Deadshot is of much better use as a long range equalizer, and a distraction for Zauriel who won't be able to leave a sniper out on the battlefied for fear of Deadshot getting a clean headshot on one of his teammates. And, as twisted as Deadshot is, he's not going to pass up the chance to kill an actual angel.

Jamie's abilities have developed to the point where he can override the suit and convince it that they're still in danger, even when the danger isn't obvious. And given the fact that, even if Cap surrendered, there are still unseen enemies out there to fight, the scarab won't so readily retract.

I'll admit, against a combo of Zauriel, Captain America, and Batman, Iron Spidey is going to lose. (Although, he has taken on multiple opponents before with some success.) But, I don't know why the team would split up in this way. Especially against the likes of Cap and Bats. The best strategy would be to stick together, that way they can back each other up. And, if the other side had split up, they'd improve the chances of overpowering them.

If the entire team was around to take on Shanzar, yeah, he'd go down. But I don't think it will come to that. The only members of Chaos & Order that are likely to fall are Deadshot and Beetle or Spidey (but not both). This means there are still allies to help Shanzar out. (Wonder Woman can keep the Manhunter busy for who knows how long, and even Deadshot is skilled enough in stealth to hide from Zauriel and keep him from helping his team).
As I mentioned to JH last week with certain characters I can only go off what I've read on the links/wikipedia so I acted out Blue Beetle like it stated. Deadshot showed to have a grudge against Batman which is why I played him like that.

And with MM and WW I personally believe in terms of speed and power MM has the upper hand...he has Superman level powers and telepathy...strong telepathy which would take down WW. Being able to see through illusions and trickery would probably mean she could see MM in his normal state and not as Zatanna but I dont think that protects her from Telepathy...and does the lasso have to be worn to protect her?

Also Deadshot wouldnt pose much of a problem for Zauriel if any...Zauriel can fly at great speeds and has heightened senses and perseption thanks to his link to the heavens. He would be able to find Deadshot very quickly and take him out without any real issue. Yes he may take a few bullets but with him having a rapid healing factor this won't prove too much of a problem.

Also I wrote your team as splitting up however even if they didnt I dont see Spidey and Blue Beetle being able to take on the likes of Zauriel, Cap and Batman combined. Yes Blue Beetle's suit maybe able to bring up details and preempt some of Batman and Zauriel's attacks but he wouldnt know anything about Caps abilities. And the same goes for Spidey with Bats and Zauriel. The same outcome wouldve happened regardless of how many were in the fight.

Like I wrote once WW is down then Shanzar would be vulnerable to a whole assault from HOTNA.

I may have had 3 regs and 2 ubers but in terms of fighting along side each other I've got 4 Justice League members and the leader of the Avengers vs 3 Heroes and 2 Villains. 1 Villain thinks he's above everyone and wouldnt be so keen to help out and another who is a hired gun who for all intensive purposes has a personal vendetta against Batman. He isnt going to listen to this team mates he'll take who he wants.. and with this lack of team cooperation C&O will struggle to hold their own against such a strong strategic team up.

Also it was my understanding that the whole fire trick thing didnt have an affect on MM anymore...
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My Line up is wrong

I had
Sodom Yat
Brainiac 417
Death Wolverine

which would have made it difficult for the other guys given they are all Marvel but fine I will go with the team you gave me.

1. you have superman, remember
2. took a diety to drive him insane
3. and plz remember, just kuz your a telepath doesn't men you just break into minds(specially since cap is a cosmic lvl being who can manipulate any energy)

This Xabvier has broken into almost every mind on the his planet and has the combinned intelligence of all the geniuses. He would be able to break into Genis'.

4. your wolv is pre-MJ

My mistake then but Selene would know of him.

so, she won't notice the constructs coming straight from his ring(and yat is still a rookie lantern, your yat is from BEFORE the ion power). not counting that yat is not trained(and only in training in the corps). on top of that he doesn't have much experience with his natural abilities either

Yat still has loads more power then her plus she would have no knowledge of him wheras Xavier would probably know of her. The Yat I have is before he got the Ion power which is true but he is atleast partially trainned. he just hasn't completed it.

lol, MJ has only one power and no weapons...NOT. basilisk field(reaction time reduced by half) and poison bolts from a multi firing crossbow

I realise that.

the two predictions are TOTALLY different. her predictions are actual happenings(shes extensively trained in martial arts and her powers(each legionaire being the champ of thier planet)), his are computer projected. and in a hand to hand combat against an unknown doesn't fair for a computer

I do understand she predicts ahead of him but still she cannot defeat him as he is stronger and faster and a more effective fighter. I do see it however with her trying to avoid hand to hand combat first.
Captain Marvel (Genis 2x)
Dream Girl


The Immortals
Xavier Juggernaut
Sodam Yat (Green Lantern)
Balck Queen Selene
Death Wolverine

Captain Marvel Vs. Yat
captain is made of light, which is what the gl ring is based on(emotion and light). CM disappears and eventually overloads the ring, busting it. even if xavier was protecting yat mind, captain is able to manipulate the electric in yats brain, shuting him down()

Sersi vs x/j
they battle in every way until cm shows up and over powers x/j

after that, Mj, Ns and Dg can just die. CM and Sersi will make easy work of the rest

not even doin an actual write-up, you guys deemed it pointless. as long as i say my guy is stronger i should win...

Just to make sure my first point is made here is the team you thought you were battling which is effectively the case.
I'm just going to make a few remarks. According to the rules, we can only do a rebuttal once, but I won't have the opportunity to go terribly in depth.

In case you're misreading it, you can rebute a rebute, though I'm pretty sure this is only for corrections and such. If you're just saying the same thing over and over again it's not really encouraged (as that's why limiting debates was decided to begin with).

If I'm wrong in this and it's only reserved for misquoting or false information that could harm a write up then I'll gladly take this post down.

-> The Ray doesn't know that Fernus is the Martian Manhunter. This was never publicized as far as I know, and the Ray wasn't around when Fernus fought the JLA. It's highly unlikely he'd know Fernus=Martian Manhunter. That is, until Fernus approaches him at the end of the match and gets him to join Jailbait.

Ah, I've never read the Fernus story and the Wiki never said it was kept secret so I had to assume it was known. But it seems like Fernus did enough damage that Ray, who is a pretty decent size character in the DC Universe would have at least heard about him. So there'd be decent preparation for his abilities nonetheless, though likely not as good if they'd known about his being Martian Manhunter. But chances are the moment they realize it the plan would result the same. The only question to the voters then is, do Onslaught and Vulcan have the ability to get the job done nonetheless, in one way or another? I'll leave that up to the voters.

-> Onslaught breaking Fernus' concentration? Unlikely. For one thing, Onslaught is going to have trouble with his Martian mind as it is. Secondly, Fernus matches his power, so Onslaught will have to pull out all the stops. He can't control the Ray at the same time. Physically, they're mismatched. Yes, Onslaught took down quite a few heroes, but they're all regulars and mediums. Crystal is the only exception and she's a pretty weak uber. Fernus took down the JLA. Quite a difference.

The point wasn't a question of power (JLA vs X-Men/Regulars) but Onslaught's ability to take on a multitude of powers at a time. Yes, they were mostly Regulars and Mediums, but when someone's coming at you like Crystal, and then someone like Storm, then the mind of Jean Grey, and the energy absorbtion powers of Bishop, and all the others, etc.... it was just showing that Onslaught can deal with Fernus's many powers. This was in regard to you weighing down Fernus having tons of powers. Onslaught can handle that.

Honestly though, I don't think it matters one way or the other. Both characters are immense and I don't think there's really any specific way to determine who'd go down in a one-on-one, which is why I favor the team approach. Easier to determine in that manor.

-> The Ray being able to take the Surfer anywhere is not plausible. He has neither the speed or the power. It's also unlikely he'd have the element of surprise.

He certainly has the speed in his light form, and the idea I had was that his speed caught Surfer off guard resulting in their battle later, which Ray is outmatched in from the get go. Ray was just a distractionary measure. I never pretended that he could actually match with the Surfer.

And food for thought, if this ends up not working and Surfer gets back before Fernus is defeated... Vulcan can quickly draw at least some (if not all) of the Power Cosmic from Surfer, making Surfer weaker and him stronger against Fernus, to better his chances until realizing that Fernus is Martian Manhunter. It all works out in the end.

And that's all. The rest were opinions that are left up to the Voters, so with this I close.

Winner - The Odd Alliance
The Immortals - 5
AnnoyingSilence - 1 (there is no write up, just a quick uber battle and the rest just 'died'... if you're going to play, then play. If a decent write up was given you likely would have had my vote this week. Your 'write up' was near the equivalent of a no show.)

Chaos & Order - 7
Heroes of the New Age - 6 (I actually liked your taking out Wonder Woman until you said MM put her in a near vegitative state... that was a bit too far and out of character since WW is his friend. The match was close enough for me, that that one thing is likely what lost it for you, otherwise you'd have one point above C&O)
I had to have WW down for definate as she was a big threat but thanks for the feedback...It helps for next time I use MM.

The Immortals - 5
AnnoyingSilence - 1

This one was a very tough one. If we could do tied results then it would be an even 7 for both but we can't so I must make my decision based on the line ups and the write ups to strengthen and on that note it goes more towards JailBait.

JailBait - 7
Odd Alliance - 6

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