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DTL Season 7-Week 6

DTL Commish

DTL Commisioner
Sep 23, 2007
Reaction score
The rules:
This thread will be in use for 5 days. Days 1-3 are strictly setup time for owners to post their battles, plead their cases, tell us their team’s strategies, breakdown the match ups, and do whatever else they can/want to do to try and convince you that their team would pull out a victory inside of 2 posts. Please, let the owners do this on their own with no help. Debating cannot begin until both owners post battles.

On Day 4, I will post and tell everyone that debating may begin. Each owner has one post to rebut their opponent's match, and another to correct any issues of their opponent's rebuttle. One 2 rebuttle posts are allowed for each opponent.

On Day 5, I will post and tell everyone that voting can begin. Any votes cast before I open voting will not count. Look over the matchups and read the strategies, and take into consideration how in-character each character is. Afterwards, use your best judgment to decide who you think has the best chance to win the match. (Note: The length of a writeup is at the discretion of the owner. Do not punish owners just for having a shorter writeup.)

To vote, rate each team's writeup and arguments between 1-10 (0 is reserved for non-writeups). The team you think will win should get the higher score (tie scores are not allowed). Remember to vote for all matches or your votes will not count! The teams with the highest point total at the end of the 7th day will get a W while the other will get an L. (Equal scores will result in a tie.)

The battleground for this week is: Atlantis (Marvel Universe)

Multiple Man


The Odd Alliance
Vulcan (MU)
Domina (MU)
Magneto (Fatal Attractions) (MM)
Proctor (MR)
Blink (MR)

Mordru (DU)
Fernus The Burning (DU)
Kang (MM)
Gentleman Ghost (DR)
White Wolf (MR)


Chaos & Order
Shanzar (MU)
Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) (DU)
Blue Beetle (DM)
Batman (Dick Grayson) (DR)
Iron Spidey (MR)

Heroes of the New Age
Martian Manhunter (DU)
Kilowog (DU)
Gorilla Grodd (DM)
Batman (DR)
Zauriel (DR)


The Ringers
Ion (Torchbearer) - Kyle Rayner (DU)
Supergirl - Kara Zor-El (DU)
Iron Man (Extremis) (MM)
Taskmaster (MR)
Arsenal (DR)
Last edited:
I posted a new line up before the deadline (I think)

It was here
It was late. But so was GL's. And I didn't get a pm to you all anyway. So you'll both be getting the chance to change lineups. GL has the option for one more change. I'll add yours soon.
Guys, you don't need to reserve places for your posts. Please put your writeups in new posts when you've finished them.
Yeah sorry...i did this before I read your post int eh discussion thread...my bad...
No problem. I did it a couple of matches back myself out of habit.
Heroes of the New Age
Martian Manhunter (DU)
Kilowog (DU)
Gorilla Grodd (DM)
Batman (DR)
Zauriel (DR)


The Ringers
Ion (Torchbearer) - Kyle Rayner (DU)
Supergirl - Kara Zor-El (DU)
Iron Man (MM)
Taskmaster (MR)
Arsenal (DR)


The team appears in a building that has the ability to support people that breathe air, so that both teams are able to plan accordingly. All five members of the Ringers are new to the team, and while Ion, Supergirl, and Arsenal know each other and know they'll be able to work well together; Taskmaster and Iron Man start getting ready to square off. Kyle steps between them, having met Iron Man back when he was Green Lantern, and persuades Tony to calm down. "Listen guys, it looks like you two don't neccesarily like each other, and thats cool, but we've been picked here to work together, and that's not gonna happen if you are ready to kill each other. I mean I don't really like that chump in the red and black, but I'll deal, you know." Kyle says with a wink at Arsenal.

Setting aside their squabble for now, the team sits down to prepare for the coming days battle. Kyle would know the whole team, having worked with J'onn, Bruce, and Zauriel in the JLA and Kilowag in the Green Lantern Corps. He would also know Grodd from his days in the JLA. He had never faced him personally, but through Wally and the other team members, he would know of him. Supergirl would know Batman and J'onn. Arsenal would know of all of them, and has faced Grodd, so his knowledge of the Gorilla's tactics would be a lot more in depth than Kyle's. Task Master would not know any of the other team, but Iron Man would know Batman and Martian Manhunter from when the Avengers met the JLA against Krona.

The other team, Batman and J'onn would know Iron Man, but to everyone else, Iron Man and Taskmaster would be unknowns.

Arsenal would take charge in planning, and after finding out about Taskmaster's ability to mimic moves, would put him against Batman. Kyle would take in the underwater battle field and offer to put each of his teammates in a forcefield against both the pressure and lack of air. He would also offer to occupy Kilowag and keep the other Green Lantern away from the rest of the team. Arsenal would direct Iron Man to help him take out Grodd right away to avoid the Gorilla's mind control powers on the rest of the team. Supergirl would be best fit to take on the Martian, leaving Zauriel for the clean up crew after a bit.

The team comes out of their building immersed in green force fields, except Iron Man who doesn't need the added protection from the Torchbearer. Taskmaster is searching for his opponent, when a batarang hits Arsenal in the back of the head. "I thought you were better than that Roy." Roy drops to his knees, holding the throbbing back of his head. That gave Taskmaster enough time to get the drop on Batman, unsuspecting of an equal tactical mind on the other team.

Batman v. Taskmaster

Taskmaster traced the batarang to where it had been thrown to find Batman hiding in the shadows. As he approaches Batman, he uses skills he picked up from watching Namor, to get the advantage over Batman under water. He uses his billy club to smack Batman's own green force field supplied by Kilowag, drawing his attention. Batman would fight well against Taskmaster, but Taskmaster's ability to adapt to Batman's own fighting style and his own ability to fight more tactically in the terrain would prove to be Bruce's downfall in this week of the matchups.

Ion v. Kilowag

Kilowag would take off right at Kyle, thinking the pride of the Corps on the line. "Ya poozer! Don't forget that I trained tha best o' the corps!"

"You didn't train me though, Wag. Don't forget that, I had to do it myself."

The two lanterns would fight and fight well, with Kilowag's experience balancing well against Kyle's power. Eventually though, the Ion power would be a little too much for one Lantern to handle on his own.

Grodd v. Iron Man w Arsenal

Arsenal would take a moment to recover from Batman's batarang, helped in some small respect by Kyle's field from what would have in any other respect been a knockout blow, and regain his composure to help Iron Man with his fight against Grodd. Grodd would attempt to take control of Iron Man, but would fail do to failsafes Tony installed for just this type of situation. Failing that, he would take control of Roy, and succeed. Roy would be controlled into attacking the Armored Avenger. Really not much at Roy's disposal in this environment could do anything to Iron Man, but it would distract Tony long enough for Grodd to get a couple of good shots off on Iron Man. Which would just aggravate Tony, a couple of repulsers later and Grodd would be floating unconscious in the water.

Zauriel and Martian Manhunter v. Arsenal, Iron Man and Supergirl

Zauriel and J'onn would be coordinating telepathically as they see Tony and Arsenal take on Grodd. The two of them would then attack Iron Man, seeing him as the bigger threat. Neither Zauriel's sonic scream nor his sword would be much use under water, but with his strength he would still be adequate to go to blows with Iron Man. J'onn would get intercepted on his way to assist Zauriel by Supergirl. Kryptonian against Martian, eventually even against the experience of J'onn and his mental assaults Supergirl's Amazonian training as a warrior would help her to take down the Martian. Zauriel would have gotten close enough that he could at least get off enough of a scream to disorient Iron Man long enough his armor would deactivate. Then he'd make quick work of Arsenal, just in time for Supergirl to show up after having taken down J'onn. Already worn down from his battle with Iron Man, Kara would make quick work of the angel, just as Kilowag got taken out of the equation eliminating the forcefields from his unconscious companions. Before any of them died however, Ion would restore fields, along with restraints for all of the opponents.
AS!!!! It's been stated a hundred times this season... do not edit your posts. Type it up in Word or something then copy and paste it when it's ready.

Multiple Man


The Odd Alliance
Vulcan (MU)
Domina (MU)
Magneto (Fatal Attractions) (MM)
Proctor (MR)
Blink (MR) (616)


Odd Alliance
Vulcan and Blink have worked together for quite some time now so no problems there. Now, with both Vulcan and Magneto as believers in mutant supremacy I see them getting along just fine, and with Blink being a mutant as well, that’ll likely be helpful as well. Domina would also be no problem as the last time we saw her she was bowing before Magneto pledging her service to him. Now, granted, this is post Fatal Attractions, but it wouldn’t take much for him to put her in her place like he did in the comics, so in the end it’ll be the same. Proctor is the x-factor of the bunch, but as a person like-minded to the others I don’t see much problem with him fitting in. The team will be aware of Multiple Man, Stryfe, and Nightcrawler (though not this version). Nate Grey and Mountjoy would be mysteries to them.

Annoying Silence
Now, Stryfe and X-Man will still be at odds. Yes, they’ve had one extra week together but I seriously don’t see them suddenly being buddy buddy and working together. Chances are, they’d still cost their team the match. However, for the sake of being a sport I’ll go as far as to say that after appearing again they’ll get the battling out of the way during Prep-time before finally calming down and agreeing not to kill one another. But I still don’t see them helping each other at all! So no team up there, and even that is a major stretch. Everyone else on the team has worked together so they’ll be familiar with themselves, and Nate would work well with them. Stryfe would be an issue, and honestly, I don’t even see Nightcrawler working with him either, as he also hates Apocalypse, being from the Age of Apocalypse, and Stryfe is just the same as him.

As for who would know who, Nightcrawler would recognize Blink, but that would likely be bad for them, as he’d think of the AoA Blink, who is far inferior to 616 as far as ruthlessness. This will bring them into the match severely unprepared for her. They’d know Magneto. Vulcan, Proctor, and Domina would be mysteries.

As for as planning goes, the Annoying Silence team will struggle in that only one of them is a decent strategist, Stryfe, but with Nate not listening to him and likely Multiple Man and Nightcrawler wouldn’t either. And so really only Stryfe and Mountjoy would be well prepared for the match.

Now, the Odd Alliance would be a bit odd being that three of them are new, but Proctor’s the type to study, so I don’t see him causing an issue here. Everyone else should fall in line fairly easily. Once this is done and everyone has time to study their opponents I see Magneto and Vulcan taking lead. I’m not sure who would be over the other, but chances are they’ll be take prominence. As a former X-Man (briefly as it was) I’m sure Vulcan has heard of Magneto, and thus, likely has a respect for him now, what with what’s happened with Vulcan and Xavier and such. Magneto will strategize.

Battle Time

The people appear in Atlantis. Now, no one really stated how Atlantis is originally so AS and I thought maybe there’d be a dome, but being that W had stated that Atlantis is just submerged and isn’t in a dome we’ll just have it underwater. But for my sake, I planned on having Blink get rid of the dome anyhow and submerge Atlantis, so my write up remains the same, just without that extra step.

Domina is at home in the water and lived there her whole life until just prior to her beginning to hunt the X-Men. Vulcan doesn’t need to breath. Now, the other three do need to breath but I can’t imagine it’d be difficult for Magneto to create breathing apparatuses for them, especially since he created Asteroid M and lives in space.

As for AS’s team, I don’t think any of them can breath underwater or go without air. I also don’t know for certain what they could bring to suddenly breathe underwater. I’m going to go on a limb and say that Multiple Man can use his government connections to somehow get a hold of something to help them breath, but that’s all I got. Maybe Stryfe has something lying around.

Now, there’s something that I think helps me out a lot and that’s that Multiple Man is useless in Atlantis. There’s enough resistance beneath water to keep any sort of real impact from creating a duplicate. It would take one heck of an impact and likely it’d take him out, so Madrox is just a normal guy with no extra skills. Also, Nightcrawler (AoA) is a great squashbuckler but underwater it’s useless. He is still effective thanks to his cruder use of teleportation.

The Battle Begins

Knowing Stryfe, Magneto expects him to separate the water enough to help his team become more effective, but when it comes to telekinesis Nate Grey is a stronger player, and so the Odd Alliance will learn a bit about Nate when he, instead, does the parting, holds it, and can battle just the same. While Stryfe has the power to mentally begin battles, remember his hated of Nate Grey and how they will not be working together. Instead, since Nate makes the first move by splitting the waters, Stryfe simply sits back with Mountjoy and watches as those who would give them crap take the opening beating, abiding their time, studying their foes.

With the waters parted Magneto wants the water to return, and knowing that he is mentally protected thanks to his helmet, he acts. Blink teleports him behind Nate but it is an expected move and Nightcrawler is right there to grab Blink and vanishes with her in a puff of smoke. Nate knocks Magneto back and they begin a magnetic/telekinetic battle, but this is all fine. Truly, Magneto was just the distraction, and now Domina reaches Nate, creating a field about him (using Static’s power) that makes his powers fire back on him, frying him out. He screams and loses all concentration. With Nate’s mind diminished, the waters come crashing down with intense force, sweeping everyone here and there. This causes great chaos and separates the teams so that the match can begin.

Stryfe, Mountjoy, & Multiple Man

With the weight of the water, Stryfe quickly climbs out of his metal armor so that he can do more than sink. Seeing now where they are at, he will quickly realize the uselessness of Multiple Man, and so not wanting to waste him, he searching the minds until he finds him. He is near, and there are several dupes as well with the impact of the water, and as he struggles to gain his footing, Stryfe pulls him telekinetically to him and Mountjoy, both protected in a bubble, breathing fine with their apparatuses. He then has Mountjoy absorb him… part one of their plan.

Nightcrawler vs. Proctor

Blink was blindsided by Nightcrawler’s assault. It was expected that they would eventually have to handle one another, but she wasn’t ready for it yet, and with Nightcrawler being used to AoA Blink, he’s going soft on her, but when the water crashes down it throws both of them for a loop. Blink is carried away from Nightcrawler on a current.

Proctor was swept as well, but maintained a grip on a certain statue until the tides ceased. In the process of holding he sees a puff of smoke inside of a window and knows that Nightcrawler and perhaps Blink are there. He uses his telekinesis to separate the water to create a dry spot around him and runs toward that building. He finds Nightcrawler inside, gathering his bearings and he pushes to extend his small bubble. It isn’t much but it’s enough. Nightcrawler swims for it and enters, now on dry land as well. He begins to thank the stranger but Proctor pulls the ebony blade and smiles. Seeing that this man only wants the fight, Nightcrawler draws his swords, perfectly willing to meet him. Proctor swings but Nightcrawler leaps over Proctor and slashes at his back, drawing blood, and then teleports to his side and digs the sword into Proctor’s leg, who cries out and falls to one knee, but as Nightcrawler appears again, Proctor unleashes a powerful energy blast and knocks Nightcrawler from the bubble. A glow of purple in the water appears again before Proctor as he slashes at Proctor’s throat. It was a shock and proctor grabs his neck and attempts to begin a healing while thrusting the ebony blade out. It is deflected by Nightrcrawler, though it shatters his sword, but before anything else can be done Nightcrawler runs Proctor through with his second rapier. Proctor falls over and Nightcrawler takes a deep breath as the water caves in on him, which was being held back by Proctor’s telekinesis.

He looks down on the dead Proctor, not feeling anything by it, the Age of Apocalypse version of Nightcrawler obviously not the 616 that we know, but before he can do much else he is suddenly pulled by another’s telekinesis and is soon surprised to find himself absorbed by Mountjoy as well. Stryfe is pleased as Mountjoy begins multiplying, creating Stryfe’s army.

Domina & Nate Grey

Nate attempts to use his powers to do anything helpful but it only intenses on himself, frying his own mind and body. He is then easy pickings for Domina to finish her initial assault. She swims to him with the skill of a shark and begins to whale on him with the strength of the Neo Anteus. Nate, who can’t seem to defend himself and isn’t really trained well outside of the use of his powers, cannot take that type of beating and soon floats unconscious. Domina then fries him with a blast of energy from her eyes (a type of energy blast attack that she can do with her native powers). This fries him and she is pleased with herself.

Domina & Magneto vs. Stryfe & Mountjoy

She turns and finds Magneto nearby, and nods. He is pleased with her. Domina then suddenly reels back holding her head and he knows that she is being mentally assaulted by Stryfe, but before he can act a sudden purple puff appears all around him and he screams as he becomes dismembered by five different Mountjoys. Magneto’s magnetic orbs are difficult to break through, but not for one who can teleport within them. Domina’s mind is being raped by Stryfe and she can’t fathom the thought of Junction’s teleportation power, and before long her eyes go blank, her brain fried, as she simply floats.

Vulcan & Blink vs. Stryfe & Mountjoy

Having seen Nightcrawler’s purple cloud from afar, Blink regains her wits, pulls some air from the apparatus, and teleports to him. Arriving, she finds herself in the center of a small army of Mountjoys. She attempts to teleport away but feels an invasion of her mind, stopping her. She begins to freak out as the Mountjoys laugh, Stryfe stopping her from escaping, but then with a loud boom, even underwater, Vulcan plows through the Mountjoys and collides with Stryfe, separating the four (or so).

Finding her mind free Blink teleports to safety, but after gathering her wits she returns and finds that Mountjoy is gathering his own. There are multiple of him and she doesn’t know which is which and so she begins teleporting to them and touching them, dissipating them. The dupes scream but nothing much happens. When Mountjoy begins to realize this he teleports to her as well, planning on ripping her head off, but she matches it. He teleports away, having seen what she was doing with his dupes, and other dupes begin attacking her. She matches their frequency so they can do nothing but dissipate as she touches them, and she followed the real Mountjoy with her eyes and soon she reaches him in a pink cloud and grabs him by the back of the hair. He attempts to pull her in quickly but she is quicker and is dissipated before he can complete or really get anywhere in the absorption.

Vulcan blasts Stryfe with all kinds of energy, frying the water around them and burning Stryfe’s skin. Stryfe, in return, unleashes a mindful of power that blows Vulcan back and rips his skin open, but that level of energy is like a toy to Vulcan, who returns it at Stryfe, ripping his own flesh off. Vulcan then presses on. Stryfe attempts to work in Vulcan’s mind, but having been warned by Magneto he neutralized Stryfe’s mind by alterning the chemical energies in his brain. It becomes an energy/telekinesis battle then, and since Vulcan can control both as telekinesis (or at least the blasts Stryfe does) is a form of energy. I envision Stryfe holding on for a while, but in the end Vulcan will get that big blast in that will leave Stryfe floating in the water.

So in the end, only DTL vets Blink and Vulcan are left standing… or swimming.

Winner – Odd Alliance

The first order of business is to survive Atlantis' rather hostile environment. Since no uber powers are allowed during prep-time, this can be a bit tricky. Not for Shanzar, who'll can naturally survive the space of his own universe, nor for Jamie and Pete who's armors will protect them. That leaves Kyle and Dick. But, if we assume home base prep-time, this becomes a non-issues. Dick is pretty much guaranteed to have something in the cave for both of them to survive the water in battle. And Kyle won't really need anything since, once the battle starts, his forcefield will automatically protect him.

But even without home base prep time, there have to be areas within Atlantis suitable for air breathers, given the number of visits made to the city. These places should be safe for the team to put together a plan, and whip up something using Atlantian tech for Dick to survive the water, assuming suitable equipment doesn't already exist (using Pete's knowledge and the scarab's abilities, it shouldn't be a problem).

The strategy could be rather straightforward and predictable. Shanzar against Mordru, Kyle and Fernus, Beetle and Kang, Batman and Wolf, Spidey vs Gentleman Ghost. Admittedly, those last two seem like they could be switched, but there's very good reason to pit Dick against the Ghost. There's not going to be any problem getting the team to work together. The only x-factor would be Shanzar. But he can't really make any trouble during prep-time, and he's not going to pass up a fight with Mordru.

For the most part, this is the strategy to take. The one change is for Jaime, Dick, and Pete to stick together and watch each other's backs against surprise attack (Kang can teleport right into the fight, and the Ghost can pass through walls and the ground).

On the other hand, Jailbait has some issues to overcome. The ocean is going to weaken Fernus, threatening to douse his flames. And it will also eliminate his pyrokinesis, so already he's a power down and weakened.

White Wolf is going to have problems maneuvering and fighting under the water.

I also can't see this team staying a team in the long run, or backing each other up when the chips are down. Mordru and Fernus are especially likely to just worry about themselves. The Ghost has been part of teams before, but he's always looked out for himself and satisfying his greed. I just hope there's no distracting treasures in Atlantis. ;)


Kyle can protect himself from Fernus' telepathy. So now Fernus' pyrokinesis has been removed because of the water, and his telepathy will be similarly ineffective. This still leaves all the remaining martian powers (probably at standard levels because of the water) against a very experience ring-wielder who has taken on all manner of powerful being.

Fernus is going to fight brutally and Kyle's going to need to counter that ferociousness. I expect any number of constructs as Fernus tries to overwhelm Kyle. Everything from various cages and prisons, to electric chairs (which may be extra effective in the ocean), a giant Aquaman complete with sea creatures, to a set of hand to toss Fernus around in a giant game of hot potato.

The trickiest thing to deal with will be Fernus' intangibility and invisibility. Luckily, GL's can also go invisible, and Kyle would be able to scan for disturbances in the water as Fernus moves through it. He'd also be able to scan in such a variety of ways that the ring would be able to detect Fernus (if Fernus can see while invisible, then he can be seen in whatever wavelength of light he's seeing in). Lanterns can also go intangible, in effect using Fenus' best tactic against him. There really doesn't seem to be a clear winner, and this one may not finish until help arrives.

Mordru versus Shanzar should be quite an epic battle. But, as always, Shanzar has his old standbys when fighting another mage: being highly resistant to magic other than his own, and hordes of demons which to call forth. The demons probably won't help all that much. Mordru, used to dealing in the dark arts, could probably cast the demons away, or even call forth his own army of underlings to fight them. Honestly, it's going to come down to Shanzar being able to shrug off the bulk of Mordru's attacks. And as Mordru becomes more frustrated, he'll become more careless, as is his way. Eventually, Shanzar, enticed by Mordru's power, will possess his opponent's body.

As mentioned, the best thing for the rest of the team to do is stick together so they can cover one anther. With Jamie's scanners and Pete's spidey-sense, they should be able to anticipate any long range or surprise attacks.

Fighting Kang and Wolf is pretty straightforward, relatively speaking. The question is, how to fight an apparition. Luckily, Bruce Wayne has taken on the Gentlemen Ghost and other spirits countless times. This means he's going to have Nth metal weapons, because that's the easiest way for a Batman to fight a ghost. Even if that Batman is Dick Grayson. Again, a visit to the cave provides Dick with all the Nth metal weapons he needs. But Batman carries at least basic Nth metal weapons with him, including Nth metal 'brass' knuckles. But it's not Dick who will be using these (although he'll keep a pair handy, just in case things go badly). No, Dick will be giving Pete some Nth metal to use against the Ghost while he focuses on his counterpart, the White Wolf.

And why does Pete get Nth metal? There's a couple of very good reasons. First, his Spidey sense helps prevent the Ghost from sneaking up on him. Second, his armor gives him additional mobility in the water (just in case he doesn't have an air filled room to fight in. Third, he can use his waldos to wield the Nth metal, extending his reach, and freeing up his hands for maneuvering (or holding even more Nth metal). Fourth, being able to stick to surfaces, even in the water, allows Pete to hold his ground in a fight, as well as launch himself through the water when needed.

So, how do these matchups play out? That's to come...
AS!!!! It's been stated a hundred times this season... do not edit your posts. Type it up in Word or something then copy and paste it when it's ready.
your mom what?

when i'm done, i'm goin to sss that post out and paste it below ;)
Multiple Man(Single Persona)


The Odd Alliance
Vulcan (MU)
Domina (MU)
Magneto (Fatal Attractions) (MM)
Proctor (MR)
Blink (MR)


Last Week(with the assisstance of Forge(all though not the exact same person he knew, X-Man instinctfully trusts him PERIOD)) X-Man and Stryfe learned that in this competition, they are apart of a team, Stryfe whos only goal was to ever get revenge on a family who was never there and a rebel that was and X-Man first to get revenge on apocolypse(something him and stryfe shared) then to just survive.

entering the blank slate of a room(informed again of the situation and of the team mates), MountJoy waits for an oppritunity, hits Multiple Man with his basilisk field, jumps into him and mass multiplies to a point that the room is completely consumed by his dupes, and jumps also into NightCrawler.

Stryfe and X-Man, both powerless in pre-battle are also powerless to stop MJ... so they strategize and b.s. throughout the night...


(JewishHobbit and I are in agreement(as in i was playing games at his house saturday and we both described the same atlantis(and he had already planned on my current strategy)) that marvels atlantis is majorly water covered w/some structures that would support air breathers)(i sure do wish that specified areas came with pics.... :doh: )

Each team materializes into a dome of thier own(these dooms obviously connected).
None of which matters.
Stryfe lifts the team, puts them all in a protective bubble, explods the room around them, letting in the water(at this depth the water being pushed in is a tidal wave through the halls, completely destroying and collapsing each complex as it fills up).

On the other side of action, at the bottom of the ocean, its too risky for blink to teleport anywhere(with very limited areas in which she could teleport(having the threat of teleporting into the sea around her, instantly killing her or anyone else)).

note: though my team doesn't know of the Odd Alliance too much, they are themselves are well connected...
Domina is a Neo, The supermutant race, already a devoted follower of magneto.
Vulcan is definitely not taking that kind of orders, hes a ruler, sick with his own power.(he will seperate from everyone else, directly into the sea)
proctor falls in line with magneto.
blink, with her perverted and easily mallable mind might as well had jumped into magneto's arms, know who he is already.

As he enters the water, hes is forcefully grabbed, dug and buried(covering the whole they put him in) by the two omnipotent telekines. And, at the center of the earth(though Vulcan does not die) there is no true manner of direction, so vulcan must find his way back to battle.

Much like before, as Nate Grey aided the Hulk against a fight with thanos, X-man fashoins a strong telekinetic armor around MountJoy(but this time completely encompassing his body, so he can teleport now w/o threat throught he waters.

Watching the buildings stop crumbling, Stryfe points out that the Odd Alliance must have sealed off a safe area.
X-Man and Stryfe quickly dive in to the minds of the Odd Alliance(except magneto, ofcourse), picking out Domina, slowwing her brains patterns, making her fall asleep.

Dropping to the floor, Magneto reacts instantly raising a magnetic bubble(realizing he will have to use a great deal of power just to maintain his construct from the Thousands Of Pounds Per Square Inch Pressure at the bottom of the Atlantic.), attracting the attention of the Annoying Silence.

Again, Stryfe sees the team and mentally taps into MountJoy, giving him a PRECISE location so to teleport into Magneto's bubble. Hitting Magneto with his basilisk field, grabbing Blink(and by command of X-Man and Stryfe), teleporting several times just to get back to the surface(ofcourse following NightCrawlers power-set), weakening and disorienting blink with each port. Eventually landing on Greenland, Leaving Blink completely exhuasted. easy pickins for MJ to just Multiply and beat her to unconciousness.

MountJoy did teleport away, but as such, upon juanting into magneto's bubble he left a dupe to multiply, slowing both Magneto's and Proctor reaction time. Proctor sees that his telepathy is completely pointless against the likes of X-Man OR Stryfes mental protection, but being too slow to react again, Magneto and himself are FILLED with POISONOUS BOLTS FROM HIS CROSSBOW.... Taking control of Magneto's mind and powers(after MJ takes his cap off), Stryfe directs them to the closest shore, where they die from the crazy amount of poison.

As a Super P.O.'d Vulcan returns(above the ocean(where the Annoying Silence also reside)), hes ready to take on the whole Silence..

Teleportation Retribution

Quite to the Point. Vulcan can let of some powerful attacks. Not including shutting off Mutants powers.. .

But he cant shut off the powers of an army of MJ/MM/NC's that is headed at him.
Releasing enormous amounts of power, Vulcan soon finds him self frantically(though not in a panic) firing at the suprising amount of targets, but all for naught...

MJ teleports vulcans limbs off, one. by. one. As he bleeds out in mid air.

And if domina were to wake up. she would be absolutely no match for just X-Man and Stryfe alone....

AS is the Winner

Heroes Of The New Age (Owner: Nightwing)

Martian Manhunter (DU) 1
Kilowog (DU)
Gorilla Grodd (DM)
Zauriel (DR)
Batman (DR)


The Ringers (Owner: Green Lantern)

Ion (Torchbearer) - Kyle Rayner (DU)
Supergirl - Kara Zor-El (DU)
Iron Man (Extremis) (MM)
Taskmaster (MR)
Arsenal (DR)


Ok so I know what you’re thinking, clear disadvantage for my guys with the lack of Marvels…but in this environment I doubt that is going to be too much of an issue.

There are 4 characters that require breathing apparatus and that’s 2 for each team…

For my team that would be Grodd and Batman. Batman has a utility belt full of gadget which are more than capable of being utilized in this situation and he would have at least 2 as he always had a boy wonder to provide for thus having a supply for Grodd.

The Ringers however wouldn’t be as lucky with their equipment. Both Arsenal and Taskmaster may have to rely on a force field from the Green Lantern thus putting them at a risk if the Lantern falls first.

The playing field is a tough one and as such mobility for none super humans will be limited.

So onwards to the Battles…

To Be Continued…

Battles to follow tonight...

The domed city of Atlantis. The Jailbait team have appeared in the throne room. The location is immediately recognised by all, although it’s unlikely they would be able to tell the difference between the Marvel Atlantis or the DC Atlantis. Either way, introductions are made where necessary (White Wolf). Hunter will have his own schemes, but will also have no trouble working with the others.

The team of Chaos & Order appears before them then as holograms.

Green Lantern
Blue Beetle

Mordru stood before the projection. “This Shanzar has the looks of magic on him. The Dark Lord will show him what magic really is.”
Fernus points out the Green Lantern. “He's mine,” the Martian says, his lips curling into a sinister smile.
Kang stepped forward. “I will take care of the Blue Beetle, as I did the last time.” The Conqueror was already tinkering with one of his blasters.
Hunter sat to the side, his mask laying beside him. He cast cursory glances to his teammates, paying them little heed and smoking a cigarette. Finally, dousing the cigarette, he called out to the others. “Leave the Spider-Man to me.”
“And then the pretender shall be mine to fell.” The Gentleman Ghost laughed wildly as he extended his cane. He let loose with a bolt of eldritch energy that made the holograms shimmer and finally disappear.


Fernus the Burning can tell everybody about the rest of the opposing team, since with the exception of Shanzar, he’s faced them all before. He’ll be going for Green Lantern because Fernus hates Oans and obviously, he wouldn’t pass up the chance to do in one of his old teammates.

White Wolf will know of Spider-Man, since he is a (hated) superhero celebrity. Hunter will also recognise his suit, as the Wolf is intimately familiar with its parent armour, Iron Man's (they fought during Priest’s Black Panther run). This all gives him a deadly edge over Spider-Man, who (along with his teammates) would know nothing about the White Wolf. And that's the way Hunter likes it.

My opponents will be largely familiar with my time. Green Lantern must’ve heard of Mordru, although I’m pretty sure they never met. Same goes for Batman (Dick Grayson). He will know of the Gentleman Ghost though. Spider-Man and Blue Beetle remember Kang. They’ll have no information on the White Wolf.


I’ll note this first, just to be on the safe side: the dome will break pretty quickly when the two teams start fighting. It won’t be much of a problem for my team if water comes spilling in. White Wolf and Kang have breathers. Mordru, Gentleman Ghost and Fernus don’t require oxygen. On the Fernus front: I’m pretty sure his flames aren’t easily extinguished. Otherwise, he could just create a telekinesis forcefield to keep the water at bay.

I’m just going to do this point by point, since I don’t feel like writing it all out:
* Shanzar won’t work well with his teammates and will go off to confront Mordru on his own. This will be an epic battle. Mordru will find that Shanzar is resistant to the more conventional spells in the Dark Lord’s arsenal, but he’s creative and powerful enough to switch up and hit him with a couple of supernatural whammies.
* Green Lantern will make sure to protect himself from telepathic assault. He can’t stand up to the pure raw power of Fernus though. Besides that, the Martian knows just about everything there is to know about Kyle. He’s smart, ruthless and has the power to make sure Kyle doesn’t get any chance to rest.

This leads to the conclusion that both uber battles will be hard fought and quite possibly end up in a stalemate. This calls for a little strategy. Mordru and Fernus will see an opportunity for a switcharoo, something Green Lantern would doubtlessly also recognise. The pairs switch.

* Mordru proceeds to take out this Green Lantern, much in the same way he handled Alan Scott before. The Dark Lord has taken on the entire Justice Society of America. His spells are too much for the Green Lantern to handle, although he’ll certainly put up a fight.
* I can see Shanzar taking out Fernus with his magic, although Fernus would be able to keep Shanzar at bay for quite some time. This leaves Shanzar to face off against Mordru once more.

Meanwhile, the mediums and regulars face each other. Both teams will be sticking close together.
* Blue Beetle’s at a disadvantage here. He’s got power, but he’s inexperienced. Kang has also faced him before, so he’s able to prepare. The same could be said of the Blue Beetle, but then again, he doesn’t have the smarts or the technology of Kang. Blue Beetle’s outmatched.
* Kang should be able to deactivate Spider-Man’s suit right off the bat. If he’s hindered in this, White Wolf can easily do the same. Now, Spider-Man’s completely in the dark as to who the White Wolf is and what he can do. This match can be much likened to Kraven vs. Spider-Man, except that the White Wolf has a lot more technology at his disposal. He’ll hold off Spider-Man for a while, but eventually be overpowered.
* Batman will have prepared for the Gentleman Ghost, but really, what is there that he can do? He’s severely limited in Atlantis, especially when the domed city starts to get destroyed. He has a breather and can still do his thing underwater, but fighting’s practically impossible. For Gentleman Ghost it’s just a matter of taking out the breather.

So we’ve got Spider-Man left on the opposing side, but he’s easy pickings for the Gentleman Ghost, especially after the water’s poured in. Also, Spidey’s should be breathing hard after his battle with the White Wolf.

In the ensuing battle with Shanzar, Gentleman Ghost is quickly removed from the battlefield. Shanzar should be able to magic him away pretty easily. That leaves Mordru and Kang and what better way to fight magic than through SCIENCE!? The combo-breaker of the Dark Lord and the Conqueror should be enough to take out Shanzar.
omgomgomg... i noticed while i was at work that i didn't detail out MJ/MM/NC's teleporting...
can i replace it with this?

Quite to the Point.

Vulcan can let of some powerful attacks, Not including shutting off Mutants powers(But he cant shut off the powers of an army of MJ/MM/NC's that is headed at him).
Releasing enormous amounts of power to combat the ever arriving and rising in number MJ.
Vulcan finds himself frantically firing at the suprising amount of targets, but all for naught.. everytime he blows away an MJ, another literally appears next to it.

eventually deciding to stop playing with his food, several MJ's teleport Vulcans limbs off, one. by. one. Bleeding out in mid air.

Heroes Of The New Age (Owner: Nightwing)

Martian Manhunter (DU) 1
Kilowog (DU)
Gorilla Grodd (DM)
Zauriel (DR)
Batman (DR)


The Ringers (Owner: Green Lantern)

Ion (Torchbearer) - Kyle Rayner (DU)
Supergirl - Kara Zor-El (DU)
Iron Man (Extremis) (MM)
Taskmaster (MR)
Arsenal (DR)


Ok so as soon as the battles begin the Ringers are going to try and have Kyle take out Kilowog…HOTNA will prepare for this and as such will use the old shape shifting technique…

Kyle will fly at ‘Kilowog’ who is in fact MM. This initially will take Kyle by surprise however he will quickly regain focus and the battle will ensue…

Gorilla Grodd vs. Iron Man

Iron Man is an unknown to Grodd and vice versa…The Ringers may have mentioned a bit about him but Iron Man would have to get close to Grodd to be able to take him out. The Gorilla has powerful muscles allowing him to move quite rapidly through the water. He can use the remains of the city to provide cover from any energy blasts that Iron Man may fire at him. The debris and sand thrown up from the blasts will provide sufficient cover for Grodd to find a place to hide. Whilst in cover Iron Man will instantly start to scan, however no matter how fast his technology is at scanning Grodd will already have put his plan into action. Grodd dives into the mind of Tony and puts the impression on him that his suit is suffocating him. Tony will prize the helmet off without knowing what he is doing and in turn drowning in the process. Grodd won’t give a second thought to what he has just done.

Batman vs. Arsenal

Arsenal has trained with Batman’s protégé and he feels confident he can take him, especially under water when Batman is restricted in his movements. Arsenal has a multitude of arrows ideal for this environment i.e. ice, electric etc which would still be usable under water…however with Batman being a better tactician and having a belt full of goodies he will waste no time disposing of Arsenal. Batman swims towards the ruined city with Arsenal in hot pursuit. Arsenal releases arrows with small motors like torpedoes at the Dark Knight but Batman manages to take cover behind a building. As he does he places a proximity charge on the wall and swims off. As Arsenal swims round the corner the charge explodes bringing a large chunk of stone down on the Titan. His leg is crushed beneath it and he is unable to participate.

Zauriel vs. Taskmaster

This battle will be over very quickly. Taskmaster works his ability on muscle ‘mimicking’ if you will but he can only copy what the human body can feasibly accomplish, therefore the Angels wings will be out of Taskmasters skill range. The Angel can flap his wings beneath the water to give him propulsion. This will Leave Taskmaster to just expect the attacks. Now the sonic scream will work under water but it will be more like sonar than if it were out of the water so the effect would be less. The flaming sword however will still burn even beneath the waves. This will help Zauriel as Taskmasters movements will be just as lethargic as Batman’s and Arsenal’s. Zauriel will however have a faster pace due to his wings and will get the upper hand within moments. He swoops in with his sword and slices the backs of Taskmasters legs and arms. He avoids any veins and arteries as he doesn’t want to kill him but he focuses on the muscle, which when severed prevent any basic motor skills from Taskmaster thus taking him out of the battle.

Kilowog vs. Super girl

Kilowog has been lying in wait as the initial attack from Kyle went to HOTNA’s intended target of MM. This left the Lantern to take on Super girl. The Kryptonian is no slouch in this battle however Kilowog has been described as being able to go rounds with Superman and he has a GL ring to boot. This gives him an edge, however Super girl isn’t liking the restrictions that the water is causing so she takes the battle, and Kilowog, to the surface. The two duke it out over the surface of the water. Kara blasts heat waves at Kilowog’s light constructs. But she is unable to penetrate them quicker than he can erect them. Kilowog moves in hard and fast at Kara the two collide sending a shockwave that is felt below the water level. Kilowog continues to hammer at Kara who for the most part is able to withstand the beating and get some hits in of her own but when it comes down to the skill and experience that Kilowog is bringing to the fight, not to mention to durability he out matches her and pummels her to unconsciousness (must to his disagreement).

Ion vs. Martian Manhunter, Gorilla Grodd and Kilowog

Whilst the regs and other Ubers have been fighting, Grodd has joined MM in his battle against Ion after making short work of Iron Man.

Grodd and MM decide the best tactic is telepathy. Ion has a great amount of will power and this proves a challenge to start with, however the shock wave from Kilowog and Kara causes an earthquake bringing structures down around them. Grodd is taken out by falling debris, whilst Kyle tries to create a shield to protect his self. MM phases through the buildings as they tumble and sees his opportunity whilst Kyle is distracted. He phases through Kyle’s light construct shield and sends mind blasts at Kyle. This catches him off guard and causes the outer layer of his shield to drop.

Kilowog arrives and hammers, literally with a giant hammer, at Kyle’s shield. This breaks his focus more and he is unable to concentrate on both the Manhunter and the Lantern veteran. He finally succumbs to J’onn’s mind assault and his light fades as does his consciousness.

The HOTNA rise to the surface once again as Champions…
This is my image screen for my write up by the way

My only rebuttal is to Grodd taking out Iron Man. The Extremis suit is Tony's most advanced suit, and previous suits had had telepathic shielding from fights against Mentallo and other Marvel telepaths. It would not make sense for Tony's more advanced armor to not include such an obvious failsafe in retrospect.
A few points to rebuttle here.

1 - Iron Man wouldnt know the DC characters and vice versa. The cross over comics are a different timeline and as such they arent the same people.

2 - Zauriels sword would work underwater.

3 - I personally dont think Kara could take J'onn. Even with amazonian training she wouldnt have the experience or the strength to match the Martian. This guy is pretty much Superman with extra powers.

4 - I wasnt aware that Iron Man had immunity to telepathy. Being that he has an advanced suit I can't see how it can block the mind attacks unless it actually became apart of Tony's brain...

Other than that...good battle

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