Multiple Man
The Odd Alliance
Vulcan (MU)
Domina (MU)
Magneto (Fatal Attractions) (MM)
Proctor (MR)
Blink (MR) (616)
Odd Alliance
Vulcan and Blink have worked together for quite some time now so no problems there. Now, with both Vulcan and Magneto as believers in mutant supremacy I see them getting along just fine, and with Blink being a mutant as well, thatll likely be helpful as well. Domina would also be no problem as the last time we saw her she was bowing before Magneto pledging her service to him. Now, granted, this is post Fatal Attractions, but it wouldnt take much for him to put her in her place like he did in the comics, so in the end itll be the same. Proctor is the x-factor of the bunch, but as a person like-minded to the others I dont see much problem with him fitting in. The team will be aware of Multiple Man, Stryfe, and Nightcrawler (though not this version). Nate Grey and Mountjoy would be mysteries to them.
Annoying Silence
Now, Stryfe and X-Man will still be at odds. Yes, theyve had one extra week together but I seriously dont see them suddenly being buddy buddy and working together. Chances are, theyd still cost their team the match. However, for the sake of being a sport Ill go as far as to say that after appearing again theyll get the battling out of the way during Prep-time before finally calming down and agreeing not to kill one another. But I still dont see them helping each other at all! So no team up there, and even that is a major stretch. Everyone else on the team has worked together so theyll be familiar with themselves, and Nate would work well with them. Stryfe would be an issue, and honestly, I dont even see Nightcrawler working with him either, as he also hates Apocalypse, being from the Age of Apocalypse, and Stryfe is just the same as him.
As for who would know who, Nightcrawler would recognize Blink, but that would likely be bad for them, as hed think of the AoA Blink, who is far inferior to 616 as far as ruthlessness. This will bring them into the match severely unprepared for her. Theyd know Magneto. Vulcan, Proctor, and Domina would be mysteries.
As for as planning goes, the Annoying Silence team will struggle in that only one of them is a decent strategist, Stryfe, but with Nate not listening to him and likely Multiple Man and Nightcrawler wouldnt either. And so really only Stryfe and Mountjoy would be well prepared for the match.
Now, the Odd Alliance would be a bit odd being that three of them are new, but Proctors the type to study, so I dont see him causing an issue here. Everyone else should fall in line fairly easily. Once this is done and everyone has time to study their opponents I see Magneto and Vulcan taking lead. Im not sure who would be over the other, but chances are theyll be take prominence. As a former X-Man (briefly as it was) Im sure Vulcan has heard of Magneto, and thus, likely has a respect for him now, what with whats happened with Vulcan and Xavier and such. Magneto will strategize.
Battle Time
The people appear in Atlantis. Now, no one really stated how Atlantis is originally so AS and I thought maybe thered be a dome, but being that W had stated that Atlantis is just submerged and isnt in a dome well just have it underwater. But for my sake, I planned on having Blink get rid of the dome anyhow and submerge Atlantis, so my write up remains the same, just without that extra step.
Domina is at home in the water and lived there her whole life until just prior to her beginning to hunt the X-Men. Vulcan doesnt need to breath. Now, the other three do need to breath but I cant imagine itd be difficult for Magneto to create breathing apparatuses for them, especially since he created Asteroid M and lives in space.
As for ASs team, I dont think any of them can breath underwater or go without air. I also dont know for certain what they could bring to suddenly breathe underwater. Im going to go on a limb and say that Multiple Man can use his government connections to somehow get a hold of something to help them breath, but thats all I got. Maybe Stryfe has something lying around.
Now, theres something that I think helps me out a lot and thats that Multiple Man is useless in Atlantis. Theres enough resistance beneath water to keep any sort of real impact from creating a duplicate. It would take one heck of an impact and likely itd take him out, so Madrox is just a normal guy with no extra skills. Also, Nightcrawler (AoA) is a great squashbuckler but underwater its useless. He is still effective thanks to his cruder use of teleportation.
The Battle Begins
Knowing Stryfe, Magneto expects him to separate the water enough to help his team become more effective, but when it comes to telekinesis Nate Grey is a stronger player, and so the Odd Alliance will learn a bit about Nate when he, instead, does the parting, holds it, and can battle just the same. While Stryfe has the power to mentally begin battles, remember his hated of Nate Grey and how they will not be working together. Instead, since Nate makes the first move by splitting the waters, Stryfe simply sits back with Mountjoy and watches as those who would give them crap take the opening beating, abiding their time, studying their foes.
With the waters parted Magneto wants the water to return, and knowing that he is mentally protected thanks to his helmet, he acts. Blink teleports him behind Nate but it is an expected move and Nightcrawler is right there to grab Blink and vanishes with her in a puff of smoke. Nate knocks Magneto back and they begin a magnetic/telekinetic battle, but this is all fine. Truly, Magneto was just the distraction, and now Domina reaches Nate, creating a field about him (using Statics power) that makes his powers fire back on him, frying him out. He screams and loses all concentration. With Nates mind diminished, the waters come crashing down with intense force, sweeping everyone here and there. This causes great chaos and separates the teams so that the match can begin.
Stryfe, Mountjoy, & Multiple Man
With the weight of the water, Stryfe quickly climbs out of his metal armor so that he can do more than sink. Seeing now where they are at, he will quickly realize the uselessness of Multiple Man, and so not wanting to waste him, he searching the minds until he finds him. He is near, and there are several dupes as well with the impact of the water, and as he struggles to gain his footing, Stryfe pulls him telekinetically to him and Mountjoy, both protected in a bubble, breathing fine with their apparatuses. He then has Mountjoy absorb him
part one of their plan.
Nightcrawler vs. Proctor
Blink was blindsided by Nightcrawlers assault. It was expected that they would eventually have to handle one another, but she wasnt ready for it yet, and with Nightcrawler being used to AoA Blink, hes going soft on her, but when the water crashes down it throws both of them for a loop. Blink is carried away from Nightcrawler on a current.
Proctor was swept as well, but maintained a grip on a certain statue until the tides ceased. In the process of holding he sees a puff of smoke inside of a window and knows that Nightcrawler and perhaps Blink are there. He uses his telekinesis to separate the water to create a dry spot around him and runs toward that building. He finds Nightcrawler inside, gathering his bearings and he pushes to extend his small bubble. It isnt much but its enough. Nightcrawler swims for it and enters, now on dry land as well. He begins to thank the stranger but Proctor pulls the ebony blade and smiles. Seeing that this man only wants the fight, Nightcrawler draws his swords, perfectly willing to meet him. Proctor swings but Nightcrawler leaps over Proctor and slashes at his back, drawing blood, and then teleports to his side and digs the sword into Proctors leg, who cries out and falls to one knee, but as Nightcrawler appears again, Proctor unleashes a powerful energy blast and knocks Nightcrawler from the bubble. A glow of purple in the water appears again before Proctor as he slashes at Proctors throat. It was a shock and proctor grabs his neck and attempts to begin a healing while thrusting the ebony blade out. It is deflected by Nightrcrawler, though it shatters his sword, but before anything else can be done Nightcrawler runs Proctor through with his second rapier. Proctor falls over and Nightcrawler takes a deep breath as the water caves in on him, which was being held back by Proctors telekinesis.
He looks down on the dead Proctor, not feeling anything by it, the Age of Apocalypse version of Nightcrawler obviously not the 616 that we know, but before he can do much else he is suddenly pulled by anothers telekinesis and is soon surprised to find himself absorbed by Mountjoy as well. Stryfe is pleased as Mountjoy begins multiplying, creating Stryfes army.
Domina & Nate Grey
Nate attempts to use his powers to do anything helpful but it only intenses on himself, frying his own mind and body. He is then easy pickings for Domina to finish her initial assault. She swims to him with the skill of a shark and begins to whale on him with the strength of the Neo Anteus. Nate, who cant seem to defend himself and isnt really trained well outside of the use of his powers, cannot take that type of beating and soon floats unconscious. Domina then fries him with a blast of energy from her eyes (a type of energy blast attack that she can do with her native powers). This fries him and she is pleased with herself.
Domina & Magneto vs. Stryfe & Mountjoy
She turns and finds Magneto nearby, and nods. He is pleased with her. Domina then suddenly reels back holding her head and he knows that she is being mentally assaulted by Stryfe, but before he can act a sudden purple puff appears all around him and he screams as he becomes dismembered by five different Mountjoys. Magnetos magnetic orbs are difficult to break through, but not for one who can teleport within them. Dominas mind is being raped by Stryfe and she cant fathom the thought of Junctions teleportation power, and before long her eyes go blank, her brain fried, as she simply floats.
Vulcan & Blink vs. Stryfe & Mountjoy
Having seen Nightcrawlers purple cloud from afar, Blink regains her wits, pulls some air from the apparatus, and teleports to him. Arriving, she finds herself in the center of a small army of Mountjoys. She attempts to teleport away but feels an invasion of her mind, stopping her. She begins to freak out as the Mountjoys laugh, Stryfe stopping her from escaping, but then with a loud boom, even underwater, Vulcan plows through the Mountjoys and collides with Stryfe, separating the four (or so).
Finding her mind free Blink teleports to safety, but after gathering her wits she returns and finds that Mountjoy is gathering his own. There are multiple of him and she doesnt know which is which and so she begins teleporting to them and touching them, dissipating them. The dupes scream but nothing much happens. When Mountjoy begins to realize this he teleports to her as well, planning on ripping her head off, but she matches it. He teleports away, having seen what she was doing with his dupes, and other dupes begin attacking her. She matches their frequency so they can do nothing but dissipate as she touches them, and she followed the real Mountjoy with her eyes and soon she reaches him in a pink cloud and grabs him by the back of the hair. He attempts to pull her in quickly but she is quicker and is dissipated before he can complete or really get anywhere in the absorption.
Vulcan blasts Stryfe with all kinds of energy, frying the water around them and burning Stryfes skin. Stryfe, in return, unleashes a mindful of power that blows Vulcan back and rips his skin open, but that level of energy is like a toy to Vulcan, who returns it at Stryfe, ripping his own flesh off. Vulcan then presses on. Stryfe attempts to work in Vulcans mind, but having been warned by Magneto he neutralized Stryfes mind by alterning the chemical energies in his brain. It becomes an energy/telekinesis battle then, and since Vulcan can control both as telekinesis (or at least the blasts Stryfe does) is a form of energy. I envision Stryfe holding on for a while, but in the end Vulcan will get that big blast in that will leave Stryfe floating in the water.
So in the end, only DTL vets Blink and Vulcan are left standing
or swimming.
Winner Odd Alliance