Elongated Man the movie.

Elongated Man

Apr 9, 2006
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Hey it can happen right? I sure hope so.

Anyway, here's my cast.

Barry Pepper for Ralph Dibny/Elongate Man.



Selma Blair for Sue Dibny.


I'm pretty sure 90% of people outside of comic book fans will think "Plastic Man rip-off"...
JackBauer said:
I'm pretty sure 90% of people outside of comic book fans will think "Plastic Man rip-off"...

Awesome, my first reply. :up:

That's true, Baur, which sucks cause I really would like to see this film happen. I think it'd be cool to see an ordinary man getting his powers from drinking a special soda he just so happend to buy and then became a hero with already being an ace detective. Plastic Man was supposed to be made by the Wachoski bros. and even had a script done which I thought was great, so maybe there's a chance both can be done! :)
I'd rather just have the Wachowski's Plastic man. You're right, the script was great!
Spider - Man said:
I'd rather just have the Wachowski's Plastic man. You're right, the script was great!

Yes it was, I wish they'd develop the same concept for an EL film. :up:
Plastic man all the way.

is there any chance that they will do something with that script?
it was so promising.
Found this old thread.
Now that he's appeared in Arrowverse's Flash, do you think it could redeem him and make the audience aware of him? Similar to Green Arrow in Smallville, which later on resulted in the very Arrowverse itself.

If there ever will be a live action film, what would you think of it?
How should the balance be between serious detective elements and the funnier stuff?

Do you have any suggestions for actors?
The TV guy is born 1985 so I think we should look for ones born 1985-90 if the film is set in production five years from now.
I throw in a suggestion for the role: Lucas Till

Now I want to get replies about why he's wrong.
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I have zero interest in this. Plastic Man is a better character in every way, and actually deserves a solo film.
Rorschach2012: If an Elongated Man film was to happen, and no Plastic Man, wouldn't you be just a little interested?
For sure, never was a fan of the purple suit or the Arrowverse suit

I like Elongated Man enough but he does not deserve his own film. Not interesting enough, Plastic Man is far superior
There must be atleast someone here who would like to see Ralph Dibny appear in DCU.
I like Elongated Man enough but he does not deserve his own film. Not interesting enough
What about having him showing up in anther hero's film. Or a team film, like Cyborg in JL?
You said you like him so I guess you wouldn't be against him in a smaller role.

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