In response to...
1. Kill Maya (now that Elle's gone, she's the hottest regular, but she's just a s***ty character), Mohinder (as semi-interesting as his story is, I'm pretty much done with him), all of the Ali Larters (she should of died with Niki, but the writers have such a hard-on for her, they couldnt let her go), possibly Ando (I like him, but as long as he's alive, Hiro will be kind of a p***y. We need badass Hiro. I suppose Ando or Hiro could always turn to the dark side as seen in the future), and maybe Sylar (what better way to prove himself a hero than sacrificing himself for the greater good). I'm pretty sure that Flint, Knox and Meredith are expendable, as well. A smaller cast will allow for more time to focus on certain characters, like Company Man did back in S1 (which was, for my money, the best episode of Heroes to date).
2. About plot twists, dont stop them, but just make the writers try harder. Lost has legitimately good plot twists, that are well thought out, and seem as though the writers have had them planned for a while. As for Heroes, I doubt that the writers had planned on Sylar being a Petrelli. I doubt they knew that Niki would end up being a triplet that were injected with abilities. Try harder, guys.
3. The blackhole power wasnt a big deal. Get over it, EW. But they have a good point about the change from season one to now. They're focusing a little too much on every single character being involved with the company. It's taken a big chunk out of who those characters were. For instance, Peter doesnt even seem like an actual character anymore (like he was in S1), as much as a walking assortment of abilities. I hope the writers are going somewhere with having his abilities taken away.
4. Agreed 100%. The show has become a bit too formulaic for my tastes. Enough with the future. It was cool season one. It was fresh. Now, its played out. Try something new with volume four and season four and on. Lost got a little tiring with the constant flashbacks, so they changed the format to flashforwards. Now, no one even knows what the format season five will be like, with half of the cast making it off the island, while the other half stays behind. As Heroes is, everyone can pretty much tell the basic arc of each season. Change it up.
5. I'm not sure if it would have an impact on the show itself, but an end date would be fine by me. I really dont want Heroes to get dragged into an eighth or ninth season (*cough*Smallville*cough*) and have it be a shell of the show it used to be.
Heroes can still be saved. It hasnt "jumped the shark," as many tend to say everytime a show has so much as a mediocre episode. It's a tired phrase, and I feel like punching someone in the face a majority of the time I hear it. Heroes is not living up to the potential that S1 had, but it isnt dead by any means. The writers just need to put a little thought into it, and not rely on the same plot points. The show itself would be better for it.