"It's not necrophilia until regimortis sets in."
"Didn't Cat Stevesons change his name to Muhammad el Allah? **** it, I'm changing my name to Jesus McGod." Granded, I didn't know what the hell Cat Stevens changed his name to at the time, but people thought it was funny anyways
Female bartender about one of my friends, "Why'd he get so mad at (some chick) for calling him a name? I call him names all the time and he doesn't get mad a me."
Me, "Yeah, because you're hot." Got a phone number that day
To a female friend concerned about her two year old son is touching himself while taking a bath, "The wireing's there, the power's just not turned on yet."
"How can a Pimps and Hoes party seem racist? Now, if was a Slaves and Masters party, I see how it could be seen as racist."
They may not sound too good in text, but they got big laughs in person