Evil's studio


Jul 27, 2001
Reaction score
after last months content i thought i'd post some of my newer pieces






some of the photography is great, while some of it is not worth posting. for isntance, the bench, way too grainy; i like the industrial ones, though like i said, many of the images you posted look the same as others, try to pick out your favorites and post them.
the_ultimate_evil said:
after last months content i thought i'd post some of my newer pieces


Who's this guy? He looks cool :up:
Red Ranger said:
some of the photography is great, while some of it is not worth posting. for isntance, the bench, way too grainy; i like the industrial ones, though like i said, many of the images you posted look the same as others, try to pick out your favorites and post them.

First thank you for the feedback. Now I would like to respond and possible defend my work a bit. I’m glad you liked some of my photography, but to say others are not worth posting I find extremely insulting, now I’m not saying I’m the next Ansel Adams, hell far from it. Essentially
what I took from this comment was why bother. Now you made a valid point the bench is a tad too grainy, I goal was to make it seem like the image was the product of an old camera but maybe I went a tad overboard.

I personally fail to see how many of my images look the same, yes they to certain ones do tend to have the same subject matter but that is due to the fact of them being part of the different series and briefs for college, which included railways, natural environment and beauty in nature. Possible that is my fault I should have said, or organised the images like have on my personal website. On the subject of my favourites, these are my favourites out of say a collection of 250+ of photos, I tend to take nearly 60 or 70 shot with my digi camera when I go out. The large post is mainly due to me not posting any new work in a good few months, so its really just a case of all at once lol.

Finally I hope you haven’t took this response in anyway insulting, because none of it was meant that way, every art teacher has told me if you ask for critique be prepared to debate it. So I hope this hasn’t soured you on me or my work and I hope we can continue this debate.

Silver Sable said:
Who's this guy? He looks cool :up:

Its based on the character minute man from the pc game freedom force, being a big fan of the game I thought I’d try and give the character a try but with my own design ideas
I'm not offended at all, I like your photography, wish there was more on this site, and will continue to check for some more you post. My comment about some looking the same are for only a few images, namely

http://homepage.ntlworld.com/n.irvine4/Colours of the heavens.jpg

http://homepage.ntlworld.com/n.irvine4/rolling flames.jpg



http://homepage.ntlworld.com/n.irvine4/empty platform.jpg

That's all really. For the platform duo, I would have just posted the image with the train, it suits the composition better.

It's find that you posted both though, if you like them that's all that matters, I am just telling you what would be easier to crit, since it is hard to give comments on any particular image when you post so many at once


thats my favorite, btw:up:
ahh fair enough, the first two were actully taken an hour apart but i see where your coming from, they work well together as a set of three i just set the camera up and took a bunch and picked the 3 i liked :O

the other two are actully two different platforms but i see where your coming from

that rust one seems to appeal to a lot of people lol
I'm liking the black & white photo's always find them a little more special than full color, a cetain feeling.
I like your work.
You have a great eye for photography (sorry for the cliche, but they just say exactly what I want to sometimes)
One of my favorites is the brick wall, and the spider in its web. Very good stuff.
Its based on the character minute man from the pc game freedom force, being a big fan of the game I thought I’d try and give the character a try but with my own design ideas[/QUOTE]

I like your design better :up:
cool. I like your variety of art.
all the way back from page 4

this is the flat work pencils i'm doing for a commision for a friend in college, he gave me 3 or 4 head shots of a model and asked me to transform her in to the filimation style sorceress, he's happy so far so all i have to do is re-draw the final lines and a bit of shading,

sorry for the lightness t was sketch with an 8H pencil.


Finally got this finished after 4 nights of work, i dont eman to sound boast full but the scans really dont make the image looks its best, i'm really proud of this piece( for the people who know me, know how big that is) if anyone can give me any advice on getting good quality scans on pencil tonage i'll gladly take it. :(

thanks for all the feedback on the orginal sketch thread, i just hope the finished piece is half as good as some of you hoped


orginal pencil tones


some photoshop tweeking for fun

once again feedback of any kind is welcome

only my own crit i know the head dress is too high, i ad toned the whole head dress once i realised :mad:
first up my captain america skin retooled for grens great new mesh witha lot of it re-skined


so after that i decided to give him a little playmate

the red skull comes in two flavours, skined for the vxmale_skull mesh


and for the people who like there skulls a bit more muscular

a hexx of rens master man mesh


so you can have him with an actual skull or with muscles and nazi animations

feedback of all kinds is most welcome
Do a Captain Cold!

Great stuff though, Photos took along time to load but they all seem in shape.

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