I picked the first option; I love the movie but would like to see an extended / alternate version.
I wouldn't want to see ALL of the alternate / extended scenes included.
I would want:
-Phoenix's extended destruction: Ratner says it "takes you out of the film". I think it's exactly the opposite. I think it flows with the movie a whole lot better.
-Storm's Tidal Wave: This is another one that the crew said didn't flow perfectly. I disagree. The way the film is edited as is, the tidal wave would fit perfectly.
The Brotherhood rushes the X-Men. Beast growls, Wolverine claws down the light post, Storm rises, Callisto begins to chase her. INSERT tidal wave sequence, continue on with fight as is, and then have Callisto ir tackle Storm. It works pretty well.
-Iceman & Colossus vs. Phat: Because it shows us another mutant that was introduced earlier, and it gives more to do for Iceman and Colossus.
-Alternate Wolverine speech to Iceman, Kitty, & Colossus: The alternate version is so much more in character for everyone involved. It also gives more of an arc to the younger X-Men, who have developed through 3 movies to this point now, and they are ready.
-Alternate Magneto speeches: I know they were shot, because they were in the trailers. The trailer versions of "They wish to cure us, but I say we are the cure" and "There's only one question you must answer; who will you stand with" are much better than the theatrical versions in my opinion.
-Leech on the machine: We need to see more of exactly what is going on with Leech.
-Alternate Xavier's School ending: It makes much more sense for Storm to run the school with Beast alongside her, and Iceman now becoming a teacher, showing his graduation from teacher to X-Men. It's MUCH better than the Beast going to the U.N. crap, and I actually like Halle's "Looks like the weather's changing again" line, giving some payoff to Xavier's earlier comments. The remarks from Beast and Iceman are okay too, giving a much happier tone to the ending.
-Alternate Rogue ending: Self explanatory, really. Rogue should never have taken the cure. Contemplated it? Absolutley. Gone through with it? No.
What I don't want:
-Extended fight sequence at Jean's house: The scene as is, is brilliant. It's epic, emotional, I feel for Jean and Xavier in that scene. The extended fight kind of takes you out of that. Storm's lightning punches, although brilliant in concept, come off rather cheesy. Wolverine as the lightning rod into Juggernaut's head is rather cheesy. The moment is supposed to be epic, powerful, emotional, and it is. Adding in those elements only detracts from that, in my opinion. I prefer the version we got.
-Alternate Jean power display in woods: Lame. That's it. She turns a cup into a nuclear reactor? That has nothing to do with the powers she actually displays in the film. Although not as visually pleasing, the cure dart taunting of Magneto is much more personal, and much more powerful, than turning a goofy cup into a nuke.
-Pyro telling Magneto about the cure: I think Magneto's introduction in the church is amazing. This scene, while not bad in itself, would only take away from Magneto's church intro.
-Wolverine going to Canada alternate ending: No reason for him to leave. He's found a home with the X-Men... why would he just pack up and leave? Many people also already feel this was a Wolverine trilogy. This would only further that conception, as it bookends the X-Men saga into Wolverine's journey with them. Now, I am ALL FOR Wolverine being a key player in any and every X-Men movie. Wolverine is the guy when it comes to the X-Men, I would expect no less. He is just as important as Cyclops, Storm, Jean, Xavier, or any of them, and should NOT be left out. I have no problem with him being the "main" guy. BUT, the X-Men is not Wolverine's adventures... the story shouldn't be about his time with the X-Men, and then they end when he leaves... it's a good scene in itself, and a nice callback to X-Men, but it's a very wrong direction to take, and glad it was cut.
-"Here's Juggy": Absolutley lame.