Facade (or Mastermind) in X-Men 3?


Sep 25, 2005
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The right guy is either Facade or Mastermind. I think that he is Facade because Jason, who has similar powers, was in X2.


Facade can fade into any background and essentially disappear by matching his appearance to that of whatever he's standing in front of, and can blend in so well he's virtually invisible to the eye. He needs to be standing next to something to do this. He also seems to have the ability to "melt" into a solid surface, like the ground. He is a Morlock.


good job, looks like one of them could be that character
My thoughts were exactly mastermind. BUT Jason in X2 was loosely based on him...

So I dunno if they would do it, but he does look creepy!
I was wondering who that guy might be but I doubt we will know for sure until the movie comes out.
well, mastermind could serve the plot nicely...
...I think he's just Nameless Morlock #4 :(
Mastermind is central to the Dark Phoenix saga. He is basically the one controlling Jean when she is the Black Queen.
I like the idea of Mastermind. A mutant with some psychic powers could certainly help Magneto in his quest.
prins777 said:
Mastermind is central to the Dark Phoenix saga. He is basically the one controlling Jean when she is the Black Queen.

Except they already reinterpreted Mastermind (aka Jason Wyngarde) as Jason Stryker in X2. They say this on the DVD documentary, although writer Zak Penn has since said initially the character was the similar, reality-warping mutant Proteus.
Mastermind would be a treat to have in the movie. Whoever this guy is, there's probably a reason he is standing beside Magneto instead of facing him down in the crowd.
I hope he's Facade...or Caliban...His wrinkledness reminded me of Skin, too..

I'd love to see more Morlock cameos..

I said it before and I say it again: the expression on his face screams Caliban to me.
Unless he's just some stoned bum who walked in on a Brotherhood meeting not having a clue where the F he is.
It could be Caliban. Magneto needs someone so sniff out other mutants to join his brotherhood or even find Jean. Mastermind is too much like JasonX but Mastermind does die from the cure and the Legacy virus! Facade would be something different to see. It is deff. one of those three if they give him a name.
OMG...Aaron Stanford is sooo Pyro in that shot, BTW..

Hard to tell who this guy is going to be. Why would he get a space on stage or whatever if he was of no importance. That's the only reason I would think mastermind. That and the character's involvement with the dark phoenix run. If magneto calls him by only his mutant name (if it's even mentioned) they could avoid the redundancy of having two illusionist mutants named jason. Also, if the illusions were dissimilar, varied slightly from one another, it could work. In any cas, he is one creepy looking dude.
Simon or Zak said they had originally planned to have Mastermind in X3, in a different role to the one he has in the comics, but it didn't happen in the end... Zak has also said the Jason role in X2 was originally scripted as the reality-altering mutant Proteus, son of Moira McTaggert.

This is the problem with inventing a main villain in X2... Jason Stryker is neither here nor there.. they should have gone with something definite and more solidly derived from the comicbooks - maybe Mesmero or used the reality-warping powers of Magneto's daughter Wanda or Moira's son Proteus. How ironic that Stryker would use Magneto's own daughter against mutants, or the son of Xavier's former lover.
Svenhorn83 said:

Facade can fade into any background and essentially disappear by matching his appearance to that of whatever he's standing in front of, and can blend in so well he's virtually invisible to the eye. He needs to be standing next to something to do this. He also seems to have the ability to "melt" into a solid surface, like the ground. He is a Morlock.
Is Facade another version of the morlock "Tommy"???? (u know, something like Marrow / Spyke.)
GNR4Life said:
Unless he's just some stoned bum who walked in on a Brotherhood meeting not having a clue where the F he is.

He heard they where offering free punch and pie:)
I think he's Facade. Whoever he is he'll probably just have a cameo. I doubt if he'll have a part in the Phoenix story, so probably he's not Mastermind.
Facade was a cartoon only character. If they were to use anyone like that, they'd use Tommy, who was actually a comic character. I'm thinking he has a better chance of being Caliban like others said.
Specter313 said:
Facade was a cartoon only character. If they were to use anyone like that, they'd use Tommy, who was actually a comic character. I'm thinking he has a better chance of being Caliban like others said.
Never knew that Facade is only a cartoon character. No wonder why I never heard of him before. I'm going with Caliban then.
Svenhorn83 said:

The right guy is either Facade or Mastermind. I think that he is Facade because Jason, who has similar powers, was in X2.


Facade can fade into any background and essentially disappear by matching his appearance to that of whatever he's standing in front of, and can blend in so well he's virtually invisible to the eye. He needs to be standing next to something to do this. He also seems to have the ability to "melt" into a solid surface, like the ground. He is a Morlock.


Great obsvervation Svenhorn. I think he could be Facade.:up:

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