Oh... my.
Just saw this video of a 'Smallville' fan recording his reaction to the finale... wowsers! Talk about freak-out city.
I wonder if their a member here?
I don't know whether that is legitimate or is a pisstake..
If it is legit, then I like that guy alot. It's always good to see, or in this case hear, a fan who is that passionate about something that he is almost weeping with joy at the end.
I had the same reaction to about the last 10 minutes of Smallville that I did during the Superman Returns plane scene & without question Superman The Movies helicopter scene in that I just watched with a grin.
It must be something about Superman showing himself/returning/saving the day at the last second.. if it's done right or you've built enough suspension for it, it is glorious.
This is the same guy who shouts out "America!" during the Air Force One scene, right?
Most fans had the same reaction until they realized Mr. Welling wasnt putting on a full suit. Fan-boy rage slowly crept in which caused shaking of fist, cursing, and a single tear.
Exactly.When I saw Clark take off with the suit I screamed 4 joy....the screams sloly began to die down when I realised I wouldnt see Welling clearly.Most fans had the same reaction until they realized Mr. Welling wasnt putting on a full suit. Fan-boy rage slowly crept in which caused shaking of fist, cursing, and a single tear.