Making lists seems to be getting popular...
Least Favourites:
Juggernaut: "Do you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut, *****!"
Pyro: "C'mon, Iceman. Make a move..."
Pyro: "Do you know who you're talking to?
Quill: "Do you?"
Kitty: "Who's hiding... ********?"
Pyro: You're in over your head, Bobby. Maybe you should just go back to school..."
Bobby: You never should've left.
Those are just a few, but I have a whole list for Logan stashed away somewhere...
Magneto: "I still don't know why
I'm here... Couldn't you just make them say yes?
Xavier: "Yes, I could but it's not my way. And I would expect you of all people would understand my feelings about the misuse of power."
Magneto: "Ah, yes... power corrupts, and all that.When are you going to stop lecturing me?"
Xavier: "When you start listening... and you're here because I need you here."
Magneto: "We're not going to have to meet every one of them in
person, are we?"
Xavier: "No... this one's special."
Storm: "What the hell was that?"
Logan: "Danger Room session..."
Storm: "You know what I mean."
Logan: "Oh, lighten up Storm."
Storm: "Look, you can't just change the rules when you feel like it, I'm trying to teach them something."
Logan: "Well, I taught them something."
Storm: "It was a defensive excercise."
Logan: "Yeah, the best defense is a good offense. Or was it the other way around?"
Storm: "This isn't a game, Logan."
Xavier: "The forecast was for sunny skies..."
Storm: "Oh... I'm sorry."
Xavier: "I don't have to be psychic to see that something's bothering you."
Xavier: "Yes, but we still have enemies out there... and I have to protect my students, you know that."
Storm: "Yes, but we can't be students forever."
Xavier: "Hahaha. Storm, I haven't thought of you as my student for years. In fact, I thought that perhaps you might take my place someday.
Storm: "But... Scott's-"
Xavier: "Scott's a changed man. He took Jean's death so hard. Yes, things are better out there. But you of all people know how fast the weather can change."
Beast: "Ororo! Charles!"
Storm: "I love what you've done with your hair."
Beast: "You too"
Storm: "Thanks!"
Beast: "Thank you for seeing me on such short notice..."
Xavier: "Henry, you are always welcome here. You're apart of this place."
Guard: "Keep it up. I'll spray you in the face, *****."
Mystique: "When I get out of here, I'm going to kill you myself."
Magneto: "What do they call you?"
Juggernaut: "Juggernaut."
Magneto: "I can't imagine why."
Juggernaut: "You can let me out of here, I need a pee."
Pyro: "Nice helmet."
Juggernaut: "Keeps my face pretty."
Magneto: "You saved me."
Mystique: "Eric..."
Magneto: "I'm sorry, my dear. You're not one of us anymore. It's such a shame... she was so beautiful."
Xavier: "Look at me, Jean. I can help you. Look at me!"
Jean: "Get out of my head..."
Magneto: "Perhaps you should listen to her, Charles."
Xavier: "You must trust me! You are a danger to everyone and yourself. But I can help you!"
Magneto: "I think you want to give her the cure."
Xavier: "Look what happened to Scott! You killed the man you love because you couldn't control your power!"
Jean: "
Stop! Stop it!"
Xavier: "Jean! Let me in!"
Magneto: "No, Jean! JEAN!"
Xavier: "Don't let it control you..."
Magneto: "CHARLES!"
Storm: "We live in an age of darkness. A world full of fear, hate and intolerance. But in every age, there are those who fight against it. Charles Xavier was born into a world divided. A world he tried to heal. A mission he never saw accomplished. It seems the destiny of great men to see their goals unfulfilled. Charles was more than a leader, more than a teacher... he was a friend. When we were afraid, he gave us strength. And when we were alone, he gave us a family. He may be gone, but his teachings live on through us... his students. Wherever we may go, we must carry on his vision, and that's a vision of a world united."
Magneto: "Charles Xavier did more for mutants that you'll ever know. My single greatest regret is that he had to die for our dream to live."
Magneto: "I know the smell of your adamantium from a mile away."
Logan: "I didn't come here to fight you."
Magneto: "Smart boy."
Magneto: "Charles always wanted to build bridges."
Magneto: "Traitors to their own cause... FINISH THEM!"
Magneto: "It's time to end this war..."
There's a few, for you. Magneto owns.