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Favorite film in the Raimi trilogy?

Favorite film in the Raimi trilogy?

  • Spider-Man

  • Spider-Man 2

  • Spider-Man 3

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Oct 9, 2010
Reaction score
If a thread/poll of this has already been created, please delete if need be, but I just finished watching the AMAZING Spider-Man 2 and wanted to know...which film is your favorite of Raimi's trilogy?

And let's keep it clean guys. Seriously, most of us know each other's views on any of the three films, so keep it clean for this thread :up:

Spider-Man 2 is still the best one, IMO. I loved the power loss/Spider-Man no more story. The way the burden of being Spider-Man was weighing heavily on Peter's life and having disastrous effects. He couldn't hold down a job. He was failing at college. He was getting alienated from MJ, his friendship with Harry was suffering. All of this made for great drama and I think it mad Tobey Maguire give his best performance of the trilogy.

I think the supporting cast in Spider-Man 2 were used really effectively, too. Aunt May, Jonah Jameson, MJ, Harry, they all had meaty roles in the story, and none of them were just there for the hell of it. But my favorite part of Spider-Man 2 is the villain of the piece, Doc Ock, played with great skill by Alfred Molina.

Granted Doc Ock was changed in certain aspects of his character, but he was nonetheless a compelling villain IMO. Some of my fav scenes with him include:

-The demonstration scene. When he strapped on the tentacles and willed them to life I got goose bumps. Loved the bit where he viciously swiped Spider-Man away when he tried to unplug the reactor. A little foreshadowing of the violence Octavius was capable of to make his dream succeed.

-The scene in his warehouse lair where he turns evil. The creepy music, the way the tentacles wavered around his head menacingly, how he slowly comes around to their influence with that lunatic smile "Yessssssssss"

-The cafe scene. He was really menacing in this scene:
Ock: "I want you to find your friend Spider-Man. Tell him to meet me at the West side tower at 3 O'Clock"
Peter: "But I don't know where he is"
Ock: *Removes his shades with a tentacle* "Find him. Or I'll peel the flesh off her bones"
Peter: "If you lay one finger on her...."
Ock: "You'll do what???"

-The scene where the train passengers stood up to him to protect Spidey, and he just grinned and swiped them all aside.

-All the fight scenes with him rocked. Every single one.

Spider-Man 2 is the jewel in Spidey's crown as far as the movies go.
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Tough choice between 1 and 2. I guess I'll go 1 for today because I love the origin story
Oh man this poll is close. Last night I checked it was 2 even and now it's 3 even.
SM2. No second thoughts.
For a long time I preferred 2, but having re-watched them recently I found myself actually liking the first one better. As a self contained film it's fairly well put together, doesn't contain (as much) arbitrary drama, and has the highest emotional stakes between Spidey and his antagonist out of the entire series.

'Nuff said.
Spider-Man. "Mighty-Morphin" Goblin and all.
I think the thing about Spider-man 2 that got to me upon seeing it again was how frustrating and repeated the drama felt between MJ and Peter. Doc Ock was great, the action was far better, but with the frustrating romance, the silly execution of the 'lost my powers' storyline, and the fact that Spider-man himself wasn't very fun, I'd have rank it down to a close second place after 'Spider-man'.

I think it goes with out saying that Spider-man 3 is my least favourite.
Although....it baffles me if you thought Spider-Man was more fun in the first film, lol.
I think the thing about Spider-man 2 that got to me upon seeing it again was how frustrating and repeated the drama felt between MJ and Peter.

I found it more appealing than watching MJ go from Flash, to using Harry, to kissing Spidey, to trying to get with Peter all in one movie.

Doc Ock was great, the action was far better, but with the frustrating romance, the silly execution of the 'lost my powers' storyline

What was so silly about the execution of the power loss story? It's taken straight from the comics where he loses his powers due to psychological stress;





They combined it with the Spider-Man No More story;





and the fact that Spider-man himself wasn't very fun

Considering his life was being messed up by being Spidey, it was understandable he was less than happy.
I think Spider-Man 2 is head and shoulders above both SM1 and SM3.
0 votes for Spider-Man 3, and unsurprisingly so; that movie is a piece of merda.
Spider-Man 3, the first vote

This thread was done before
I found it more appealing than watching MJ go from Flash, to using Harry, to kissing Spidey, to trying to get with Peter all in one movie.

I know what you mean, but at the end of the day it was still a rehash of the same development from the first film. It felt like they were spinning their tires so that they could stall until the end of the movie where they FINALLY get together.

Also lets not forget that she wasn't exactly the most idyllic character in the world in the second movie either. Remember that time when she left her fiance (a good man mind you) standing at the alter, and she doesn't even have the common courtesy to tell him to his face? She just runs off with a big smile on her face like it's the best day of her life, COMPLETELY unconcerned about the man who's heart she just destroyed.

What was so silly about the execution of the power loss story? It's taken straight from the comics where he loses his powers due to psychological stress;

They combined it with the Spider-Man No More story;

I'm familiar with both stories. But just because the 'lost my powers because of stress' story comes from the comics doesn't make it very good. It's also a comic that comes from the 60's. I love Stan Lee's and Steve Ditko's run for all their fun and whimsy, but that doesn't mean I necessarily want to see ALL of their stories translated to the big screen.

Considering his life was being messed up by being Spidey, it was understandable he was less than happy.

He's totally allowed to not be happy, but it's also part of how the character deals with his issues. In the comics he would talk flippantly to his enemies regardless of how his life as Peter was going. But if you watch the film again, he really doesn't have many FUN moments as Spidey. The first film AT least has him make a couple quips or scream a few 'Yahoo's' as he swings across the city. in the second film he's all work and no play.

Don't get me wrong. I really do enjoy the second movie, and I still have fun watching it, but I just feel that as a single unified film, the first one was the strongest of Raimi's three, if not his flashiest.
I know what you mean, but at the end of the day it was still a rehash of the same development from the first film. It felt like they were spinning their tires so that they could stall until the end of the movie where they FINALLY get together.

I don't know how it felt like a rehash for you. MJ was oblivious to Peter's feelings for her for most of the first movie. At the beginning of the movie they came off as casual acquaintances rather than friends. In Spider-Man 2 they had become best friends, and MJ and Peter were on the same page regarding their feelings for each other, they had just reached a stage where Peter had decided he can't be with her for her own safety, and she had technically moved on with someone else but she still wanted to be with Peter.

Two different scenarios.

Also lets not forget that she wasn't exactly the most idyllic character in the world in the second movie either. Remember that time when she left her fiance (a good man mind you) standing at the alter, and she doesn't even have the common courtesy to tell him to his face? She just runs off with a big smile on her face like it's the best day of her life, COMPLETELY unconcerned about the man who's heart she just destroyed.

Oh I'm not condoning her treatment of John Jameson at all. I generally loathe MJ as a character in all three movies (Spider-Man 3 being her worst outing). I think she's generally a selfish creature who uses men to fill some emotional void in herself.

However I felt she trampled over more men in Spider-Man 1 than she did in Spider-Man 2. I mean to think she basically goes through Flash, Harry, Spidey, and Peter in one movie is hilariously bad. She throws her feminine wiles around like ninja stars in that movie.

I'm familiar with both stories. But just because the 'lost my powers because of stress' story comes from the comics doesn't make it very good. It's also a comic that comes from the 60's. I love Stan Lee's and Steve Ditko's run for all their fun and whimsy, but that doesn't mean I necessarily want to see ALL of their stories translated to the big screen.

Ok, but you still haven't elaborated on what was so bad about this story other than saying you don't like it.

He's totally allowed to not be happy, but it's also part of how the character deals with his issues. In the comics he would talk flippantly to his enemies regardless of how his life as Peter was going. But if you watch the film again, he really doesn't have many FUN moments as Spidey. The first film AT least has him make a couple quips or scream a few 'Yahoo's' as he swings across the city. in the second film he's all work and no play.

"Here's your change"

Ock: "You're getting on my nerves"
Spidey: "I have a knack for that"

Train driver: "Any more bright ideas?"
Spidey: "I got a few yeah"

The whole scene in the elevator with Hal Sparks.

There was yahoos when he was delivering the pizzas, in the final swing, and when he went after the two car thieves on the way to MJ's play.

Don't get me wrong. I really do enjoy the second movie, and I still have fun watching it, but I just feel that as a single unified film, the first one was the strongest of Raimi's three, if not his flashiest.

Fair enough. I'm not questioning your preference. Just some of the points you raised regarding Spider-Man 2.
Spider-Man Pretty much flawless version of the origin.Goblin was the most menacing villain.

Spider-Man 3 Great action,story progressed naturally to a fitting conclution.Good humorous scenes.

Spider-Man 2 A better Peter film than Spidey,Ock was awesome.
I think that's probably why Spider-Man 2 is my favorite in that it's a much better Peter Parker story. One of the better reasons why the first half of The Amazing Spider-Man is my favorite. When a movie deals with the real guy and not the superhero, it becomes quite fantastic.
I guess,that's why I feel TDKR is the weakest of that franchise-because it's more of Bruce's movie than a Batman/Bruce blend.I like an even balance of hero/alter ego stuff.
The opposite for me. Probably why I think TDKR is the strongest of the trilogy as its main focus is on Bruce Wayne. If you wanted a balance, then maybe Batman Begins would've been a favorite.
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