Favorite Line from a Super-Hero Movie

Not a line as such, but the dialogue build up and reactionary cause behind Erik at the Argentinian bar in First Class, one of Fassbender's finest hours. Particularly when he counters with the fact his parent's name was taken from them.
It is my fave of all time. It is my definitive CBM, it is pure gold.
I have a list of comic book movies I place ahead of it, but there are times I think I need to rank it higher.
December this year will mark the 40th anniversary for this glorious movie, I should prepare for my Superman film marathon.
I have a list of comic book movies I place ahead of it, but there are times I think I need to rank it higher.
December this year will mark the 40th anniversary for this glorious movie, I should prepare for my Superman film marathon.

I was fortunate to see it on release and it just hold so much personal resonance for me. I will be having a 40th anniversary screening too.
Uncle Ben's dialogue prior to 'With Great....' in the car before Peter snaps and storms off is solid too, take that if you like.....

"What weighs 8 ounces, sits on a tree, and is dangerous?"
"A sparrow with a machine gun."
From Superman (1978)…..

'You will travel far, my little Kal-El. But we will never leave you... even in the face of our death. The richness of our lives shall be yours. All that I have, all that I've learned, everything I feel... all this, and more, I... I bequeath you, my son. You will carry me inside you, all the days of your life. You will make my strength your own, and see my life through your eyes, as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father, and the father the son. This is all I... all I can send you, Kal-El.'
I don't remember the lines, but the whole conversation between Spiderman and the kid in the hanging car in bridge in TASM1 exemplifies all what a superhero and a superhero film should be about.
I don't remember the lines, but the whole conversation between Spider-Man and the kid in the hanging car in bridge in TASM1 exemplifies all what a superhero and a superhero film should be about.
He was like a fire fighter, with a mask.
The Dark Knight Rises :

Jim Gordon: There's a point, far out there where the structures fail you, and the rules aren't weapons anymore. They're...shackles letting the bad guy get ahead. One day...you may face such a moment of crisis, and in that moment, I hope you have a friend like I did. To plunge their hands into the filth so that you can keep yours clean!
I've always loved the conversation between Alfred and Bruce following Rachel's death in TDK

Bruce: That bandit, in the forest, in Burma. Did you catch him?
Alfred: Yes, sir.
Bruce: How?
Alfred: We burned the forest down.
Avengers: "thats my secret Cap I'm always angry." Starts my favorite scene in a movie period. Also Cap: And Hulk.....Smash! Then the Hulk smiles which I did not expect.
'Whatever comes our way, whatever battle we have raging inside us, we always have a choice. It's the choices that make us who we are. And we can always choose to do what's right.'

Spider-Man 3
Always liked


"I'm distracting ya, ya big turd blossom !"


"Usually life takes more than it gives but today it's giving something, it's giving us a chance."

"To do what ?"

"To give a ****, for once and not run away."

"And possibly the best Superman line " Well, I certainly hope this little incident hasn't put you off flying, miss. Statistically speaking, of course, it's still the safest way to travel." just so perfectly tongue in cheek.
The Dark Knight is littered with great lines.
-If you're good at something never do it for free.
-You thought we could be decent men in an indecent time. Well you were wrong.
-If I say that a gang banger will get shot, or a truck load of soldiers will get blown up, nobody panics. But if I say that one little old mayor will die, then everyone loses their minds!

Batman '89
-Never rub another man's rhubarb
-I'm Batman (Such an iconic line)
-You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses would ya?

Superman 2
-Why do you say this to me when you know I will kill you for it?

X-Men Days of Future Past
-All those years wasted Charles. To have a precious few of them back. (Brings a tear to my eye every time)
Guess who:
“I did you a big favor. I have successfully privatized world peace. What more do you want?”

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