Favorite X-Man in X3

The Batman

The Dark Knight
Jul 20, 2002
Reaction score
Who's your favorite X-Man in X3?

Note: To be considered an X-Man, you have to have worn the x-outfit in this film or a previous one
Mutant extra #456 in scene 25.
The Batman said:
Who's your favorite X-Man in X3?

Note: To be considered an X-Man, you have to have worn the x-outfit in this film or a previous one
I will tell you my "real" opinion after having seen X3.

but for the moment , i'm excited especially about Angel , really intrigued about Colossus ,kitty too..i'm looking forward to what is up wolverine , and cyke obviously.;)
The one who walk over water in X1 :o
Rogue, followed closely by Gambit, then give two steps and you have Storm, two more steps, Cyclops.
wolverine, storm, angel, beast, colossus

in that order :D
Crap! I didn't realize you could vote for more than one person in this poll.

I would have voted for Jean but i dont consider her an X-men anymore so my number 2 girl Storm.
hmmm you mean to include x women?i don't want to vote for Jean just in case voting for her means i think she's a man lol
_BB_ said:
wolverine, storm, angel, beast, colossus

in that order :D
:eek: a wolverine fan.....i thoguht they were all extinct!
WorthyStevens4 said:
Crap! I didn't realize you could vote for more than one person in this poll.

in that case i vote for everyone!
xwolverine2 said:
:eek: a wolverine fan.....i thoguht they were all extinct!
Lol hey i am!

i'm serious! (but i do not like a lot what they have done in X2 ..he was often too cool in his behavior with other people imo...he tamed you :D lol ;)
xwolverine2 said:
:eek: a wolverine fan.....i thoguht they were all extinct!

oh we're out there, theres huge colonies of us ;)
Maze said:
Lol hey i am!

i'm serious! (but i do not like a lot what they have done in X2 ..he was often too cool in his behavior with other people imo...he tamed you :D lol ;)
Tame wolverine =:down :down
I voted for them all, the greatest aspect of Xmen has been the team coscience and I excited to see each and everyone...though Colossus does stand out more from a purely personal standpoint :)
Impossible to name a favourite being seeing the movie!!!

You might change your mind even if you thought you had a favourite beforehand.

This is a topic for after the film!

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