FF in May...oh my...(Spoilers!)

Fuzzy Dude Fan

Apr 17, 2003
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Taken from Newsarama.com


Written by Karl Kesel
Pencils & Cover by Lee Weeks
The Invisible Woman is dead! As Reed cradles his murdered wife, lost in grief, and Ben rampages after Sue's killer, Johnny defiantly decides to do whatever it takes¡ª no matter the cost or consequence¡ª to see his sister alive again. What he does will change the way the Fantastic Four look at him forever. "A Death in the Family"-- not a dream, not a hoax... and not to be missed. Includes bonus Fantastic Four issue #245!
64 PGS./Rated A ...$3.99
that's crazy....
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing.
Invisible Woman dies? What the heck?:confused:

I don't read that Fantastic Four series, so maybe that's why I don't know. But still, dang. So if she dies, will it be the Fantastic Three?
She won't die. At least not in a way that isn't resolved quickly.

Then again, JMS is writing FF, so who knows. But Kesel is writing this book. So it can't suck THAT hard.

I wonder what's happening in Fantastic Four while this one shot shows up.
Kesel's previous FF work has been quite crappy, actually. Still, I really don't think this will be what it looks like...
LetsHangBendis said:
She won't die. At least not in a way that isn't resolved quickly.

Then again, JMS is writing FF, so who knows. But Kesel is writing this book. So it can't suck THAT hard.

I wonder what's happening in Fantastic Four while this one shot shows up.
probably the child welfare storyline
i'll bet its doom pulling a norman osborn having the richards kids removed to aveng his being overthrown as king of latveria by the ff
Joe Quaseda had this to say in an interview on Newsarama:

NRAMA: Now let’s get to probably the subject of the week – the FF. First of all, can you tell us about the just-solicited Death in the Family one-shot, promising the death of Sue Richards?
In reads, and we quote, “Not a dream, not a hoax”...So this is truly “in continuity” and she really buys it?

JQ - Karl Kesel has created one of the best told in one FF stories in a very long time, and yes, unfortunately, there will be a death in the FF family and it is all in continuity. But here’s some Joe Fridays breaking news that the solicits don’t tell ya, and remember, you heard it here first: two of the FF die, not just one. Gone, goodbye, nevermore. By the way, let me state this clearly for the record. This story is not a Civil War tie-in!
NRAMA: While this question may sound sarcastic, it’s actually genuine. How can you have a title called Fantastic Four with 2 of them dead?
JQ - That is pretty weird, isn't it?
NRAMA: And “nevermore” is a strong word, you realize you’re either a.) setting expectations for a genuine, long-term death; b.) you¹re leaving yourself open to that statement dogging you for a while if “nevermore” turns out to be not-quite-nevermore JQ - No, no kidding really, these people actually die. I even went into Tom Brevoort’s office to double check on this; we’re talking some dead FF folk.

It's not going to be a member of the main FF...probably friends or family, maybe guys like Franklin or Val. Maybe even alternate versions...?

Quaseda showed the cover to FF #586:

I can't wait!
Darth Wolverine said:
Joe Quaseda had this to say in an interview on Newsarama:

It's not going to be a member of the main FF...probably friends or family, maybe guys like Franklin or Val. Maybe even alternate versions...?

Quaseda showed the cover to FF #586:

I can't wait!
vicious vic with THOR'S POWERS?
I bet it's both Johnny and Sue that die. I don't see how this will work, but the story's in continuity.
I do hope they explain Doom's return from his death in Latveria, after they had to kill the Thing in order to expel Doom from his body. This is a man who now has nothing: no body, no armor, no kingdom, no armies, etc. Of course, the cover dictates that he has his armor back...whatever..DOOM IS BACK !!! Quesada said, if that is the hammer of Thor, than what does that say about Doom ? Could it be Victor Von Doom has been reborn as a god ?
Awesome cover..... and could Reed's ego stand knowing that Doom is truly worthy to wield the Hammer of the Gods?
o dear. JMS screwing up another comic. Killing off two FF members? for good! Doom coming back, well thats a good thing
as i mentioned in another thread maybe alicia dies in the story the ff would consider that a death in the family
This is a wild speculation, but I don't know if this discounts the possibility of Sue resurrecting, but without her powers. After all, the wording of the solicits said "the Invisible Woman" is dead, not "Sue Richards." I know this sounds like splitting hairs; but way back during Byrne's Psycho-Man & Malice arc, the blurbs mentioned the last appearance of the Invisible Girl, when it fact meant that Sue was changing her identity to Invisible Woman. So perhaps Sue really will die; but given that Reed & company stormed heaven to resurrect Ben, I guess Johnny figures they can pull it off again. Only this time Sue will lose her powers.

And if this happens before Civil War, that would explain that montage with Reed, Sue, and She-Hulk standing over a graveyard. (If all of this is in Earth 616.)

I am curious as to the reference to FF 245, also by Byrne. Is there a clue in that old issue about what's to happen? Here's the cover from FFPlaza.com

marvelman418 said:
o dear. JMS screwing up another comic. Killing off two FF members? for good! Doom coming back, well thats a good thing

The story with the deaths of two FF members is by Karl Kesel, not JMS.

As for Ravin Ray, the only thing I can come up with about that issue is that Sue ended up fighting a mysteriously powerful young man that turned out to be Franklin, who accidentally got aged by a device of Reed's that was supposed to monitor his mutant energies. He had a child's comprehension but in an adult body. I can't figure out if it would have anything to do with a death in the FF family, unless by extension they are talking about Alicia and H.E.R.B.I.E, who also appear.
Um, yeah, Reed died too, remember? For good, never coming back, etc, etc, does that ring a bell?
Thanks Iron Maiden. I remember reading a borrowed copy way back but forgot the cover and issue number. Don't tell me this time around will involve another manifestation of Franklin's reality-alerting powers, in an attempt to bend time to prevent the death or resurrect Sue? I'm also speculating if it's only Sue's body that dies, but somehow her soul ain't there.
I hope Franklin and Valeria are not killed off.

I hate these "Death In The Family" type stories, as a fan, they're a real pain in the ass. Take the death of Reed that Obi-Ron just mentioned. All that meant to me was that i had to deal with two and a half years of crap before it was inevitably retconned.
NRAMA: While this question may sound sarcastic, it’s actually genuine. How can you have a title called Fantastic Four with 2 of them dead?
JQ - That is pretty weird, isn't it?

This makes me think its not what it seems. It will prolly end up being Willie Lumpkin and Wyatt Wingfoot or something
GoblinScrier said:
I do hope they explain Doom's return from his death in Latveria, after they had to kill the Thing in order to expel Doom from his body. This is a man who now has nothing: no body, no armor, no kingdom, no armies, etc. Of course, the cover dictates that he has his armor back...whatever..DOOM IS BACK !!! Quesada said, if that is the hammer of Thor, than what does that say about Doom ? Could it be Victor Von Doom has been reborn as a god ?
I doubt they'll use this, but there was a story in the 90's Deathlok series where it was revealed that Doom had a Doombot factory cranking out Doombots. I can't remember if it was under the ocean or in the U.S. But if JMS uses this knowledge, then Doom should have resources scattered throughout the globe, whether it be Doombots, laboratories, or spare armor. So he may not have "nothing" after all.
wouldn't that make doom a cyborg now a human mind in a robot/androids body?

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