Fla****self Bought/Thought for June 1st - (Spoilers!!!)


May 20, 2005
Reaction score
My reviews...but, I gotta admit my mind is thinking more about DC this week than Marvel. They're getting a lot of press with their new move of relaunching all their series in September (52 #1 issues), and from what I read in the USA Today article, their heroes will get younger, and new readers won't have to worry about all the continuity that might have kept them away from their product. (Seriously, I don't think that keeps readers away.) I'll be getting all the #1s, but depending on the quality of the writing will determine which I stick with.

Astonishing X-Men #39

My love for the current direction of the X-titles continues, as this was one of the first of my huge batch of comics that I wanted to read. Way's writing has gotten rather boring with Deadpool; but, he fits perfectly with the X-Men. The title is fun to read, and he continues to explore the interpersonal dynamic of these characters, even with this all-action issue. (I've never read a story that featured Armor that thrilled me or made me interested in her character; but, now I want more.) HUGE improvement to this book, and my only complaint is that the alternating stories kind of upset me. I'd like one storyline completely finished before the other person takes over the writing duties. Two months seem like a long time for the conclusion to Way's story. :yay::yay:

Official Index To The Marvel Universe: Avengers & Captain America #14

Well, since last issue wrapped up the Thor portion of this series, it's down to the writers to give the Cliff Notes version of the final two. In this issue, we get most of Captain America finished off (not sure if they are going beyond last year's Cap: Reborn), and all that should be left is the Avengers. For the ultimate fan, this books are awesome. Plus, I'm so happy to see a third installment was announced in this week's Previews. :yay:

Fear Itself: Book Three

Boy, was this a quick read! Being only 22 pages in length with very little dialogue, I don't think a whole lot of people will feel like they are getting their $3.99s worth. Still, just going on story alone, this issue shows you some stuff that's happening in the tie-ins (really brief scenes) and slightly advances the story. (Loki aids Thor in escaping, only to be discovered by Odin. Still, he is allowed to aid in Earth's efforts; although, it's more like Odin is damning him to his fate.

I enjoyed the issue...but, for $3.99, I wish we could (at least) get a nice, thick cover to make it all feel a bit more special. :yay:

Herc #4

A Fear Itself tie-in...and, I was rather bored with it. I'm not a big Hercules fan. It's a bit better without Amadeus Cho lingering around; but, this story feels a bit uninspired. :dry:

Fear Itself: The Deep #1

I'm three issues behind in my reading of Namor; but, I don't think this story has much to do with current events in that book. (I looked at the end of last weeks issue, and don't see anything that appears to link the books together.) Still, when you open this book and start reading, you'll get the sense that you missed out on something significant. (Maybe it was within the pages of Fear Itself.) It doesn't really matter, as I found myself completely enthralled with this Fear Itself tie-in. The Defenders are back; and, I find myself loving the new additions, along with the older members. People who haven't been following Namor might be confused who the young girl is (and, there isn't much in the way of explanation within these pages); but, she's been a welcome addition to Namor's cast. (Although, why does it always seem to be a girl that gets linked up with these older heroes? Amadeus Cho is at least original in that regard.)

Really good start to this mini. :yay::yay:

Marvel Previews #94

I will usually wait to see what's being solicited in my monthly Marvel Previews, instead of checking out the solicitation thread that comes out the week before on The Hype. For some reason, I enjoy thumbing through the book with a little bit of surprise, rather than having all the spoilers and just bagging my issue away. Here are some things that interested me in it:

*The picture of Hawkeye and Spider-Girl just peeves me off about Bendis making this relationship appear out of thin air. All the work other writers have done with Hawkeye and Mockingbird gets thrown out the window because of Bendis' whim.

*Ultimate Fallout (and The Death Of Spider-Man) just feels like Ultimatum all over again. They keep trying to create a spark for this once popular franchise...but, fail to realize that most people just don't care, regardless of these Ultimate events. (I like them, but would sooner just have different writers giving us great stories..and, that they don't all have to unite in some big event.)

*Wow...Didn't know Spider Island was going to be this heavily promoted with so many books. I do love that Tobin will be continuing with Spider-Girl, though. Not sure we need this Spidey-event while Fear Itself is still going on.

*The .1 comics have been pretty darn good; but, it's become a joke when a relaunched book is already having a "this-is-the-perfect-jumping-on-point" issue. Journey Into Mystery, Herc, and Iron Man 2.0 just started! If people have jumped on yet, I don't think a .1 issue is going to do it.

*My prayers are answered! Pak is going to be done with Hulk...so, maybe we'll get some storylines that don't involve multi-colored hulks...or Planet Hulk. This needs a breath of fresh air, that's for sure.

*Oh, man, am I psyched about Rucka on Punisher. Plus, it's the right price!

*Glad to see the Crossgen books aren't finished. Can't wait to see what's in store for Mystic.
Haha. Don't combine Flashpoint with Fear Itself. Thus, Flash Itself together is going to get editted by The Hype in my Title for this thread.
Put Flashpoint and Fear Itself together, get ****

So perfect
So uh... Fear Itself 3... that seems like a pretty permanent death...
So uh... Fear Itself 3... that seems like a pretty permanent death...

Pfffffffffffft, he obviously didn't ACTUALLY get stabbed through the chest.

He got TIME-stabbed through the chest!

Totally different!
OH great....who bought the farm....with puppies...puppies made of pure love...and...and...oh hell with it, who died? :dry:

Haha....I was playing around with the edit...and, I can put that sh-word in the middle of a certain F-word...and, you have to F-word showing. Oh, the simple joys of life.
really? REALLY?! REALLLY?! GAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrgh!!!! Nooooooo! *raeg face* What a waste. :(
Well, I have reviews but first I must urinate.

Okay... now with that out of the way, on to the review portion of this post. I was at the comicshop today with all the new comics, some that I was considering, and then also the backissues of Amazing Spider-Man and Venom that I was behind on. After rooting through them I finally made the conscious decision to drop Amazing Spider-Man. I'm still debating on Venom so I'm not calling that one quits yet but I passed on it two weeks in a row. I just find that, despite how much I enjoyed the first two issues, I'm just not exactly excited to pick it up again. I don't know why, but I'm just not missing it. Maybe it's because I know it'll be tied into Spider-Island and that turns me off on it... I don't know.

Anyhow, pretty good week of comics with a few disappointing issues in there. Off we go...

Starting with DC since they're the ones everyone's talking about right now...

Flashpoint #2 - I'm glad this is only a 5 issue mini because I can tell I'm going to get board. I liked the Thomas Wayne reveal of issue 1 which prompted me to buy issue 2, and while I enjoyed it, it didn't exactly blow me away. I just don't care about Flash as a focal point. I love him in events and team books, but as the focus I'm just underwhelmed. And you know the two characters I probably like least of the DC Universe? Wonder Woman and Aquaman... so that's not helping things either. But I do really enjoy Thomas Wayne as Batman. I think that's interesting and is likely enough (aided by Kuberts pencils) to keep me on this event.

I'll say this though... I've enjoyed these 2 issues more than the first 3 issues of Fear Itself... and that's sad as a Marvel fan.

Flashpoint: Batman #1 - I totally wasn't expecting to pick this up but I skimmed it and decided to give it a shot to support DC's $2.99 initiative... and as it turned out I really enjoyed it. I love the grumpy old man that Thomas Wayne is and the fight and ending against Killer Croc was pretty good. Joker is interesting and obviously inspired by Heath Ledger's portrayal but I'm okay with that in an alternate universe. I've not ready anything by Azzarello or Risso but this certainly has me curious to pick up their previous Batman collaboration on the Broken City arc of Batman. I have the first 4 issues but haven't read it until I get the last 2 issues. I may get them sooner now. (At least, I think that was drawn by Risso).

I'll likely be getting the last 2 issues of this title.

Flashpoint: Green Lantern #2 - Hey look, I totally wasn't going to get this either but figured what the heck, if I'm getting Batman I might as well get my other favorite DC tie-in. Unlike the main DC universe though, this title focuses on Abin Sur (obviously taking place prior to Flashpoint #1). It basically takes a lot of key notes of the main DC title in regards to Blackest Night and such things and plays them in this universe, but I liked it. I don't imagine that anyone not enjoying John's current run would enjoy this, but I found it very interesting. Again, I'll likely finish out the mini.

I had ZERO plans to buy any of these tie-ins but already I'm more interested in this than in Fear Itself and looking through lists of upcoming tie-in minis I see a few that's really catching my eye (The Flying Graysons/Deadman one specifically, as well as the Hal Jordan mini... maybe others). I might give some of these a try as well and hold back on some Marvel books that are underwhelming me.

Fear Itself #3 - Three issues into this event and it's full of stuff that was revealed prior to #1 hitting the stands. I seriously knew how all three of these issues were going to play out before I read them and it's getting really freaking old. I even tried my best to dodge spoilers save the list of who the Worthy would be and still, I'm bored. Add that to the fact that anyone not reading Thor (like me) would be (and I am) totally lost and unimpressed with anything having to do with Loki or Asgard and that takes out those scenes of this book. I knew Bucky was going to die in this issue (though I was holding my doubts) but low and behold, he bites it (though I think he might return before it's over). I do hope he returns because this death sucked and wasn't written well at all.

And all those Worthy.... so far it seems like they're just cannon fodder for tie-ins because none of them are doing squat in the main series. Hulk is powered up and is shown chasing Red She-Hulk for two issues with little plot. Thing is powered up and that's about it. Titania is powered up and directs Absorbing Man toward his hammer and then in this issue he's randomly shown powered up. Others are the same way. Three issues in and I don't give a crap about anything.

I know it's only 3 issues in but we're one issue away from being over the halfway mark and so far it's my least favorite event to date, ranking well below Siege, which was my previous least favorite. This is the first time EVER that I've considered dropping an event before it even hits the halfway mark. I'm SERIOUSLY considering it.

Moon Knight #2 - I was going to drop this due to price but since I loved this team on Daredevil and I did find the first issue to be good, and because I dropped ASM, I thought I'd give it a few more issues to impress me. As it turned out I enjoyed this issue as much as I enjoyed last issue. I do think the multiple personalities are wierd but they're growing on me, and as a reader with little experience in the character the supposed ignoring of continuity doesn't effect me. It was also nice to see Echo show up since she's kinda vanished off the face of the planet. I hope to see her stick around. I'm still debating on who that mystery person on the last panel is, who I assume is the new crime lord of L.A. My first thought was Owl but then I thought maybe Count Neferia but after more thought I'm putting my money on Graviton.

But yeah... unless money gets too tight I'll be sticking around for this book for at least the first 5 or 6 issues at least to give it a fair shake.

X-Titles to come...
X-Titles are HERE!

X-23 - I'm really enjoying this 4-some here. Wolverine and Gambit have always had interesting chemistry and you throw in Jubilee and X-23 and this is actually a pretty decent crew. I'm enjoying it immensely. The four are hunting down the trigger scent that makes X-23 go nuts and find that it's been modified to effect anyone it touches, but then as it turns out, it effects X-23 big time and, of course, she gets a dose and the issue ends with her and Jubilee going at it. X-23 made Jubilee promise to kill her if that happens but Jubilee is reluctant.

I said it last issue but I LOVE Takeda's art on this. He draws a great Laura, and I'm really liking Liu lately. After reading Dark Wolverine and then getting caught up on Daken and X-23 I like her style. Good stuff.

X-Factor #220 - This is definately my least favorite X-Men book and it follows suit today. As is always the case with this book it wasn't bad, but it didn't wow me either. It's such a wierd book in that I LOVE all the characters here but I'm just now that big on the title itself.

In this issue we get a lot of focus on Rahne and Shatterstar as they deal with this Demon thing that cleanses sins by killing it out of them basically. I was a little perplexed by the ending, however, as Feral shows up... though she's supposed to be dead if I'm not mistaken (died in the same arc Sabretooth did didn't she?). I'm curious how that'll play out next issue, so the issue does have that going for it at least.

X-Men #12 - Man, I am really enjoying this arc. I thought Gishler did a decent job on the first 11 issues but the Giant Sized and then this one reminds me of how good Yost can be. The Evolutionaries are a very interesting plot and I like seeing Scott so afraid and helpless. I love Cyclops but he's just been much too big for his britches of late and it's interesting seeing him as the target by someone bigger than he and having to depend on everyone else fighting for his life and making him run for it. This issue was just really really good. Best since the title began.

Uncanny X-Force #11 - YAY!!! Age of Apocalypse!!! I was a HUGE fan of the original and was so disappointed by the return of it a few years ago, but this is reading really good so far. I may be more excited about the characters (Nightcrawler, Sunfire, Sabretooth & Wildchild) than I am the plot but I don't care. It made me giddy so that gets points from me.

I personally love Wolverine's reactions to Sabretooth and Nightcrawler, and ultimately Jean. And I also love the tight continuity between Psylocke and Sabretooth dealing with their time in the Exiles. Remender rocks, just sayin'.

Best and Worst of the Week:

Best: X-Men #12, Moon Knight #2, Flashpoint: Batman #1 - Yeah, for the first time ever I'm giving out a triple Best. I narrowed it down to these three issues and couldn't decide between them. I got the same amount of pleasure reading them, they all had solid storytelling, they all make me curious for what comes next, and they all have fantastic arc. They're all solid comics and I honestly do not feel that one is better than the next. So hey... there you go. I wish every week could have legit ties for Best of the Week.

Worst: Fear Itself #3 - I think I said enough in the review. This event just sucks. It's all been spoiled so far prior to its release. Maybe issue 4 will begin new things but so far it's just been underwhelming. The only good thing about it is the art, that's it.
You know... I've agonized over what to do about Amazing Spider-Man for about 3 weeks give or take and I hated going back and forth. Now that I've actually made the decision to just let it go, I'm totally at peace about it and know I've made the right decision. I'm already behind 3 issues and have no desire to get caught up. I like Phil as the Hobgoblin but I'll just skim future issues to see what happens with that.

Now I'm just debating on whether or not to sell 648-660 and the .1 and FCBD issues. I'd likely keep the issues 652-653 for the Power Man stories (to be included in a future Immortal Iron Fist Vol. 3 bind) and 655-656 due to 655 being one of the best issues I've read in years. But I don't know... I'm still debating. I might just sell them all on ebay along with the first two issues of FF and Venom or something... we'll see.
JH, if you're going to get Flashpoint tie-ins you should get Secret Seven.
I won't lie. I haven't read it, yet. But it's written by Peter Milligan. It's drawn by George Perez. It features Shade, The Changing Man and Amethyst. I'll read it and get back to you for sure, but those three sentences right there alone are better than 3/4 of the books on the shelves right now.
Well, I don't know anything about Shade, I've never heard of Amethyst, and Milligan's only really caught my eye with the earlier issues of X-Statix (and later issues of X-Force that led into that)... so it may not be up my ally, but I'll listen to what you have to say and give it a glimpse through at the shop next week.
Well, I don't know anything about Shade, I've never heard of Amethyst, and Milligan's only really caught my eye with the earlier issues of X-Statix (and later issues of X-Force that led into that)... so it may not be up my ally, but I'll listen to what you have to say and give it a glimpse through at the shop next week.


I loved his X-Force too, though. Never got a chance to read X-Statix, probably going to pick up the Omnibus later this year.
I felt his X-Force was phenominal but his X-Statix, while still good, wasn't quite up to par with X-Force. It was still a fun read though.
You know... I've agonized over what to do about Amazing Spider-Man for about 3 weeks give or take and I hated going back and forth. Now that I've actually made the decision to just let it go, I'm totally at peace about it and know I've made the right decision. I'm already behind 3 issues and have no desire to get caught up. I like Phil as the Hobgoblin but I'll just skim future issues to see what happens with that.

Now I'm just debating on whether or not to sell 648-660 and the .1 and FCBD issues. I'd likely keep the issues 652-653 for the Power Man stories (to be included in a future Immortal Iron Fist Vol. 3 bind) and 655-656 due to 655 being one of the best issues I've read in years. But I don't know... I'm still debating. I might just sell them all on ebay along with the first two issues of FF and Venom or something... we'll see.

If it's a money issue, dropping ASM might be a wise idea, especially since Spider Island is going to have so many tie-ins. (Of course, it's NOTHING compared to the 56+ issues of Flashpoint that hit us in just a little over three months. THAT'S CRAZY!!!

BTW, did any of you get your special promotion pins for Flashpoint? I got all four of mine for the week.

Flashpoint #2

I wasn't exactly over the top with issue #1, although I enjoyed the ending quite a bit. We've all seen the alternate reality thing done far too much, after all. Gotta say, though....I LOVED this issue! (I'm quite shocked.) Johns can shine something up really nicely and make it just sparkle (see what he did with Superman's origin last year); and, he's done it again here. The proof of this is in how much better this issue is compared to the four tie-ins that were released. (Of course, I see that JH and I might already disagree on that.) The dialogue, art, and various scenes all play well. I loved how Europe has been thrashed by the war between Wonder Woman and Aquaman; and, their ruthlessness just runs off the page. The scene with Deathstroke grabbed me.

This is a good book to compare to Fear Itself #3. Whereas we have the same number of story pages for the same price, DC is nice enough to give readers that slightly thicker, glossy cover...AND, they throw in some bonus material handbook pages at the end. It also (easily) takes twice as long to read...if not three times as long. You just feel like you got your $3.99 worth. The quality is that much better.

Now, don't think this book...and the four tie-ins...are as thick as they feel. DC has their Super 8 promo comic in the middle; so, it's all a bit deceiving. (Plus, I'm not sure if they have more advertisements than Marvel; but, it felt like it to me.) :yay::yay:

World Of Flashpoint #1

I'll review these titles in the order I read them. This was the first, and it gave me a little hope for what I was going to be reading. It wasn't absolutely fantastic; but, I have always like the character, Traci 13. From the opening scene, the reader is drawn into the story, as Traci's mother and brothers are killed in the huge tidalwave the decimated Europe. Traci is able to escape with her father; but, (months?) later, the effects have taken their toll. Her father, along with leaders of various countries, have decided to destroy Aquaman and Wonder Woman's war by the only means they see possible: The destruction of millions with a satelite in space aimed at Earth.

Very good beginning, and a nice companion piece for Flashpoint. :yay:

Abin Sur: The Green Lantern #1

Well, ya gotta have a turkey in the bunch. For my second tie-in, this was HUGELY DISAPPOINTING! I'm guessing the time is pretty much linked up to the current events, as Abin Sur and the Green Lantern Corps are fighting the Black Lanterns; but, seeing as not a single Earthling is a member of the Corps, the whole concept seems flawed. (Sinestro is still a Green Lantern, too...so, I guess he never became a Yellow Lantern.) Abin Sur is all about protecting life; and, his character comes across as a bore; but, he's given the task of retrieving the White Lantern from Earth, even at the expense of destroying and killing all life on it. (Naturally, he's determine to save it.)

This could have been so much better. Many different stories from the past could have been integrated in the storyline; but, tossing in the Black Lanterns and the White Lantern just makes this issue fail on so many levels. Whereas World Of Flashpoint might draw new readers into discovering who Traci 13 is, this issue just made me groan that we STILL can't be over those two events. It just never ends, even in alternate realities!

I really didn't like this book. :dry::csad:

Batman: Knight Of Vengeance #1

Okay, I wasn't expecting a whole lot from the Green Lantern issue, if I must be honest. But, I was enjoying what I read in Flashpoint with Batman (Thomas Wayne); so, I had great hopes for this book. Oh, man...I'm sorely disappointed again. First, it's a quick read. Azzarello didn't have to do much dialogue, as the most Thomas Wayne says in this book is usually "mmrrrr." (Ok, I'm over exaggerating...he only says it four times. The fifth is by Killer Croc.) For 8 pages, this is the entire dialogue:

"...I want to do it myself." (DRIP DRIP DRIP) "Hell..." "Hell..." "Hell..." "Hellp uss..." ""Mmmrrrr!" (CLAANG) (WHAACK) (SPLAASH) (BAAM BAAM) "YEEEOOAAH" (THWAAK) (SPLAAASH) "This world is a bad place... That's why we play games. So let's play one..."

I was wrong...that's NINE PAGES of dialogue!!! And, most of it is sound effects. Just goes to show how Johns can take lemons and turn it into lemonade...and, Azzarello gave us uninspired crap.

What good can I say about it? It wasn't as bad as Green Lantern. :dry:

Secret Seven #1

Now, this might be the best of the bunch; BUT...I don't think most comic readers would feel the same way. Hardly anyone knows who The Changing Man is...myself included...and, that lack of familiarity and the slightly crazy writing could turn the average comic fan off. This probably would be catagorized as an "off beat" tale; but, it screams of the most originality of the four tie-ins. (All three of the previous tie-ins couldn't compare to the amount of originality in this single issue.) I'm not exactly sure of everything that happened, and a second reading might be called for; but, that's saying something. I couldn't imagine having to reread Green Lantern: Abin Sur again...if ever again. That one is bagged and shoved away under the DC F's, for Flashpoint.

This gets a very solid :yay:. I was tempted to give it two; but, I am still a little reserved until I see where this book is going to take us.

Sweet Tooth #22

Oh boy. Things aren't looking too good for Sweet Tooth and company. The man in the damn is OBVIOUSLY not who he claims to be; and, while they tend to trust him, we get a very clear indication at the end that he shouldn't be.

Loved this issue, but I do have one complaint. Lemire with his art makes it a point to strongly point out why the gunned down people should have been trusted more than the single man in the dam. A good book should never slam home a truth; but, instead give the reader a chance to discover that little piece of information for themselves. It was such a "LOOK AT THIS....WINK, WINK...MAKE SURE YOU DON'T MISS WHAT I'M TRYING TO TELL YOU" that it diminishes from the story.

Still, a very good issue, and I'm dying to see what happens next. :yay:

EDIT: Forgot about WALKING DEAD: Survivor's Guide #3

Not even a die-hard fan could give this book a huge recommendation. It's just a recap of events in the comics, as each character is given a handbook biography. What could have been a lot more interesting if the writer took some time with it (like, add stuff we didn't already know, like who they were before the zombie infection and things we wouldn't know), but it's more like a recap page you get at the beginning of every Marvel comic. Any fan could have written this, and it makes me appreciate the effort the writers at Marvel go through with their special handbooks and guides. (Just comparing this to the Official Index To The Marvel Universe that I reviewed above shows a HUGE difference in product. The people behind that Index obviously take pride in the material they are presenting to us. This is crap.) :csad:
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BTW, did any of you get your special promotion pins for Flashpoint? I got all four of mine for the week.

not only did I get the buttons but I also got a Flash ring
My immediate reaction to Fear Itself #3 was "There's a red She Hulk now? Sigh."

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