Forbidden kingdom and Dragon ball

V for Vendeta

Dec 18, 2007
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Is the movie The Forbidden kingdom with Jackie Chan and Jet li will affect the Dragonball movie?

Forbidden Kingdom Sipnosis

An American teenager who is obsessed with Hong Kong cinema and kung-fu classics makes an extraordinary discovery in a Chinatown pawnshop: the legendary stick weapon of the Chinese sage and warrior, the Monkey King. With the lost relic in hand, the teenager unexpectedly finds himself traveling back to ancient China to join a crew of warriors from martial arts lore on a dangerous quest to free the imprisoned Monkey King.

Dragonball Sipnosis (I know you know ;) )
A young boy named Goku seeks out upon his grandfather's dying request to find the great Master Roshi and gather all seven Dragon Balls (of which he has one) in order to prevent Piccolo from succeeding in his desire to use the Dragon Balls to take over the world.
Only if it premieres near or at the same date as DB.

The costume for the American kid looks way better than the one theyve got for Chatwin's gi.
No and I'm sick of hearing about it.
I'm looking forward to both of them, somehow I don't think these two flicks will clash.
Only if it premieres near or at the same date as DB.

The costume for the American kid looks way better than the one theyve got for Chatwin's gi.

Firstly we don`t know if that is chatwin`s gi. And secondly we are judging it from a lame mobile phone photo. I`ll reserve judgement until it has gone through post-production.

The films are based off the same legend but i doubt there will be a clash even if the films premiered in the same week. I mean really the films are not that similar in premise. I mean other than both featuring teenagers what similarities are there between those synopsises? Not much. We are only drawing a comparison coz we know they are based off the same myth. The average guy on the street won`t know that so they will not compare the films.

Basically Forbidden Kingdom takes the monkey king myth and runs in one direction while Dragonball takes the myth and runs in a completly different direction.
I don't think it even matters. Dragonball has an outstanding fan base who will support the movie. Nonetheless the movie will probably suck, but still DB will rock at the box office if only because it is a DB movie.
Forbidden Kingdom look like **** frankly, but maybe it'll end up ok... could go either way. i do love the idea of jet li taking on chan. But then there's goku vs piccolo. Oh don't make me choose.
Forbidden Kingdom comes out a little bit before Dragonball and they share similar themes. Jet Li even plays the Monkey King that Goku was based on. i don't think it'll effect the box office but don't be surprised if people ignorant to DBZ lore make some "they ripped off so and so" comments.
I don't think it even matters. Dragonball has an outstanding fan base who will support the movie. Nonetheless the movie will probably suck, but still DB will rock at the box office if only because it is a DB movie.
outstanding fanbase yes.. outstanding fan base who will SUPPORT the movie? hell no.. i still have yet to find one true DB fan who is going to pay to see this trash let alone any anime fan

this movie is going to do terrible at the box office
im a true DB fan and im going to pay to see this trash, so there ya go, your wrong. but seriously if crap like fantastic four can do well in the box office dragonball can do just as good if not better.
but seriously if crap like fantastic four can do well in the box office dragonball can do just as good if not better.

Fantastic Four had the benefit of millions of nerds drooling over the uber popular Jessica Alba. while DB has some pretty women....none of them have reached her fame.

plus, FF is an AMERICAN comic.....DBZ, according to Justin Chatwin, is a "kids cartoon".
yet millions of "kids" watch it. "kids" force parents to bring them to the movies to see it= more millions lol
true....but saying that any movie can achieve was the FF movies achieved isn't exactly something to brag about.
Forbidden Kingdom comes out a little bit before Dragonball and they share similar themes. Jet Li even plays the Monkey King that Goku was based on. i don't think it'll effect the box office but don't be surprised if people ignorant to DBZ lore make some "they ripped off so and so" comments.

Question is will Chow include the elements of the Monkey King in DB? He could easily avoid it if Goku has no tail and is without his Power Pole, people without an understanding of DB lore would be none the wiser.
Question is will Chow include the elements of the Monkey King in DB?
you mean Wong? Stephen Chow is just the producer, i doubt he'll have much input...though this movie needs it.

He could easily avoid it if Goku has no tail and is without his Power Pole, people without an understanding of DB lore would be none the wiser.
true, but if this movie were being done properly they wouldn't need to hide Goku's relation to the Monkey King. if they did it properly, people who don't know better would be saying that the Forbidden Kingdom ripped off of DB instead.
The whole movie was a bad idea. They're half assing it. I cannot believe that they are going to have it out in August. I just found that out today! August? That only 7 months away. They're not even done shooting! I hope someone someday will bring the DB franchise some justice, even if it has to be me.
you mean Wong? Stephen Chow is just the producer, i doubt he'll have much input...though this movie needs it.
Yeah that's what I meant my bad, I had just got up from bed when I posted :woot:

true, but if this movie were being done properly they wouldn't need to hide Goku's relation to the Monkey King. if they did it properly, people who don't know better would be saying that the Forbidden Kingdom ripped off of DB instead.

And that's the bit I'm afraid of. There is definitely some changes from the original taking place in this production. I hate to be the skeptic but I can easily see them completely ignoring the Monkey King side of things.
Forbidden kigdom yes is based of the monkey king but you have to remember that's it also has the legend of the drunken master(chan)... so its not entirely based on journe of the west its a combination of the two... I don't think it will be compared to DB or have an affect ... most people won't even kno the two are gonna be similar... or that DB is based of journey to the west
Forbidden kigdom yes is based of the monkey king but you have to remember that's it also has the legend of the drunken master(chan)... so its not entirely based on journe of the west its a combination of the two... I don't think it will be compared to DB or have an affect ... most people won't even kno the two are gonna be similar... or that DB is based of journey to the west

That is true!
There will be no effect whatsoever for 4 reasons:

1- Neither Jackie Chan nor Jet Li are involved in Dragonball
2- The plots of the two movies are very different.
3- Release dates are months appart.
4- Dragonball has way, way, way, way, way more fans than the Monkey King Legend, which will push the box office gross of this movie regardless of outside factors.
FK could have been a good film if they didn't cast that kid in it
outstanding fanbase yes.. outstanding fan base who will SUPPORT the movie? hell no.. i still have yet to find one true DB fan who is going to pay to see this trash let alone any anime fan

this movie is going to do terrible at the box office

im a true DB fan and ill pay to see this:huh:

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