

Hyped Up
Aug 18, 2011
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What types of gadgets would you like to see Batman with in future movies?
I would like to see more use of the shuriken-like batarangs. Definitely need some smoke bomb action, and of course the grapple launcher. I would also like to see Batman use some simple equipment like lock picks. Not sure if the nightvision lenses built into the cowl would work in a movie, but I would like it considered. I also loved in Dark Knight that they had the cowl booby trapped, would love to see a different take on that.
I'd love to see him use the smoke bombs as offensive weapon while attacking multiple people.
Not just weapons in the utility belt, like in TDK, detective equipment as well.

The mini computer linking to the Batcomputer on his gauntlet like in the Arkham games.
I would like to see more use of the shuriken-like batarangs. Definitely need some smoke bomb action, and of course the grapple launcher. I would also like to see Batman use some simple equipment like lock picks. Not sure if the nightvision lenses built into the cowl would work in a movie, but I would like it considered. I also loved in Dark Knight that they had the cowl booby trapped, would love to see a different take on that.

I think the nightvision lenses would work, I'd also like the lenses to be able to scan objects, pull up information and things like that. Nothing that's in your face but something that's only visible to Batman.

Both the shuriken batarangs and the larger detonating ones would be fantastic. I need to see that one scene where a criminal has a gun aimed to the darkness, and suddenly a batarang spins from the shadows landing right on the barrel of his gun, followed by an explosion that disables the gun. I would also like to see gauntlet-controlled Batarangs, that continuously glide through the air knocking thugs out while Batman controls them from afar.
Not just weapons in the utility belt, like in TDK, detective equipment as well.

The mini computer linking to the Batcomputer on his gauntlet like in the Ark ham games.

Yeah the mini computer would be awesome. I'd love it if he were able to hack things with it, like being able to shut down entire buildings and swoop in, scaring and taking everyone out using his stealth tactics. I also think his gloves should be able to stick to the side of buildings, like Ethan Hawke's in MI: Ghost Protocol.
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Also, Batman's cape needs to expand so he can glide through the air.

His cowl should be able to pick up radio frequencies for things like police scanners. The suit should have cybernetic enhancements to make Wayne stronger than he naturally is, which is already at a human's peak. The cybernetics should be low-key, and not obvious like Iron Man's. That way he seems more supernatural in the eyes of criminals. The fingertips on his gloves having istening devices like Terry's Batsuit in Batman Beyond did would be cool. You know the ones, where he held his fingers to surfaces and his cowl picked up the sounds on the other side of the surface.

Little objects like missiles he can take out and attach to his gauntlets(like he had in the Superman and Batman: Public enemies) would be cool too.

I also want to see more of Batman being able to manipulate bats using a sonic device. Filling a building up with bats, then raiding the place and swiftly taking out the alarmed criminals inside would be badass. Things like that really push the myth of him being a supernatural being forward, which is a good thing. As a matter of fact, depowering the electricity in a building to make it dark(followed by the backup generators illuminating everything with an eery red light), filling the place up with smoke bombs like fog, while also using the bats, would be the stuff of nightmares for any criminal involved.
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Smoke bombs.
Should Batman's cape be CGI? Snyder proved with 300 and MOS you can do far more visually with a cape if it's cgi. And since the cape would likely be black, or a very dark blue (if they choose to revere the comics to that extent) the CG shouldn't be too conspicuous.
I figure Batman should have different levels of gear depending on who he's taking on. For regular human foes, lighter gear for increased stealth, so he's limited to the Batclaw, regular bat arranges, and detective vision lenses. For heavier foes, like Croc, Poison Ivy, or Freeze, he has heavier, more specialized equipment, like flame throwers, a heavier gas mask for Ivy's pheromones, a mechanized brass knuckle that covers most of his arm and shoulder, and probably a kryptonite ring just in case.
Should Batman's cape be CGI? Snyder proved with 300 and MOS you can do far more visually with a cape if it's cgi. And since the cape would likely be black, or a very dark blue (if they choose to revere the comics to that extent) the CG shouldn't be too conspicuous.

Good idea, a cgi cape would work. Although, it doesn't need to be cgi in every shot.
Batman needs to swing from building to building with his grapple launcher. Think Arkham City. Batman needs a way to quickly get around Gotham and in the comics and animated series hes always swinging from a cable. It should be a lot like the way Spider Man swings from buildings, just with the grapple
If the cape has to be CGI in order to be draped around Batman like a cloak, then yeah lol
How would anyone feel if Batman took out a katana and did something like slice a criminal's gun in half? He does know how to use one, and it would be different. The blade could extend from and retract back into the handle when not in use,being able to fit on his utility belt.
The little portable thruster devices he uses to launch objects and people away in Under the Red Hood would be cool too. His suit having a magnetic or kinetic device that repels bullets and shrapnel would be a nice touch as well.

Batman should have secret openings all over the city that he could appear from. Gotham could have a large underground, full of twisting tunnels and old gothic structures. It should be dark, but have some kind of light that gives off an otherworldly glow. Bruce would prefer the tunnels, because he avoids traffic, the police, and criminals that he's sneaking up on. Of course there should be scenes where Batman is on the streets of Gotham as well, hunting down criminals and evading the cops.
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How would anyone feel if Batman took out a katana and did something like slice a criminal's gun in half? He does know how to use one, and it would be different. The blade could extend from and retract back into the handle when not in use,being able to fit on his utility belt.

I'd prefer he just use batarangs to knock the guns out of their hands.
I'd prefer he just use batarangs to knock the guns out of their hands.

I'm referring to situations where he's run out of batarangs. I also wouldn't mind if he just did it because he felt like it at times, and if he faces the Legion of Shadows again it would be cool imo to see him use his Katana skills against the other ninjas. I've never understood why he never uses blades if he's been trained in how to do so.
I'm referring to situations where he's run out of batarangs. I also wouldn't mind if he just did it because he felt like it at times, and if he faces the Legion of Shadows again it would be cool imo to see him use his Katana skills against the other ninjas. I've never understood why he never uses blades if he's been trained in how to do so.

Maybe...I'm reluctant to say yes because I feel the batarangs have barley been used in the Batman movies so far. I mean, how many time were they used in the Nolan films? once, twice. The same goes for the Burton and Schomacker movies and that just isn't right considering there suppose to be his main weapon.

Smoke Bomb
Cape used offensively and as a target
Grapple gun


"Detective Mode" lenses
Electro shock gun

The Dark Knight gadgets:

Glue Bomb*
EMP Gun*
*- Both as additions to the Electroshock gun
I'd like it if Batman had a weaker strain of the Scarecrow's fear toxin and used it on criminals at one point. Then again, maybe the appeal of Batman is he doesn't need fear toxin to put fear in criminals. Would still be fun to see, though,
Not a gadget as such, but perhaps a Matches Malone type disguise?
Those little things you light and they become like snakes
I'd like it if Batman had a weaker strain of the Scarecrow's fear toxin and used it on criminals at one point. Then again, maybe the appeal of Batman is he doesn't need fear toxin to put fear in criminals. Would still be fun to see, though,

I wouldn't mind it, he used similar in the animated adaptation The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1 (can't remember if he used it in the book too).
use the same gadgets as Arkham City, grapple, explosive gel, remote controlled batarangs, regular batarangs, batclaw, remote electrical charge, smoke pellets

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